Jyothi Swaroop Project On The Fundamental Rights

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•By Jyothi Swaroop H.J.

•9th Standard,
•Vinay Chikkatti School, Gadag

•The six rights, contained in part III of the Constitution of

India are called Fundamental Rights

•These rights are available against the State


Right to
equality Art. 14
Right to to 18 Right to
constitutional Freedom Art.
Remedies Art. 19 to 22
32 to 35

Fundamental Rights

Cultural and Right to

educational Right against
freedom of
rights Art. 29 Exploitation
Religion Art.
to 30 Art.23 &24
25 to 28

Supreme Court of India and High Courts of states are

the guardians of the Fundamental Rights


Some Fundamental Rights are available on to the citizens of

India ( Rights under Articles 15, 16, 19, 29 and 30 are available
to only the citizens of India)
Rest of the fundamental rights are available to every person in

It includes
• Equality before Law, Equal protection of Laws
• Prohibition of discrimination
• Equality of Opportunity in Matter of Public Employment
• Abolition of Untouchability
• Abolition of Titles


It includes
• Freedom of Speech and Expression
• Freedom to assemble peacefully and without arms
• Freedom to form association or union
• Freedom of movement throughout India
• Freedom to reside and settle in any part of India
• Freedom to practice any profession or to carry on any trade,
occupation or business

It includes
• Prohibition of traffic in Human Beings and Forced Labour
• Prohibition of Employment of Children in Factories


Every person has right to Profess, Practice and

Propagate the religion of his choice

It includes-

• Right to conserve the Distinct Languge, Script and Culture

• Right to Establish Educational Institutions of their Choice


Dr. B.R. Ambedkar has described the right to Constitutional Remedies as “the Heart and Soul of

the Constitution”

If the Fundamental Rights are violated, we can directly approach Either the High Courts or the

Supreme Court seeking their protection

Such Right is called the Right to Constitutional remedies under Article 32

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