BURN Test 2

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9610672022, 15:16 “ALLEN Batch Progress Monitoring System ®Q ALLEN Digital QUESTION PAPER OF BURN TEST ENTHUSE PHASE-1 & 2 & HEXONE(PHY-ZOO) / 05 JUN 2022 >APER NO: -BURN TEST (Pt Question No. - 1 An lectton ispleced in uniform electic field lines — UR SRE ep fae Bea at VensHt A ven aT (2). Itwallremain in rest (2) Iwill move alongelectric field lines (3) Itwill move opposite to electric field line (4) Itexecute parabolic path (Q) aefara i en 2) zeae st tena S aghast (3) Fea at cent & fara ata ee (4) serene ae Pattie eo Answer :3 Question No. - 2 ‘Asoap bubble ie charged then it radius STS Fage F oTafes eae aT (1). Increasesit positively charged (2). Increasesif negatively charged (@) Land2 both are conect (4) Land2 toth wrong () FRO saat 2) were are (3) 132eriae 4 132at oat Answer :3 Question No. - 3 htpsstudent allenbpms in/JAIPURYprint-paper!2022-2023JAI9980045\Paarth-Goyal7ié=ABzSqrolo%3d 9610812022, 15:16 ‘ALLEN Batch Progress Monitoring System Equal charges of magnitude Q each are kept at x = 1, 2, 4.....2 meter. Find intensity of electic field at origin caer we a Sm = 1, 2,4... Hee eR Ta Ra Peg We Pre aa a aT rir i © (ay 3kQ , 4 @) 3kQ , 3 Q) zka 3 a gkQ Answer : 2 Question No. - 4 A padicle of mass m and charge q is placed at rest in a uniform electric field E and then released. The kinetic energy attained by the particle after moving adistancey is mn ors at gare wae ase a eae era Paya Aor EH se onereen H eat a Bee ores ey aren Bi Beh ae a TMT BT a Te Sea Ae (1) ay? 2) ay 8) aby (4) Ey Answer :3 Question No. - 5 If elects field flux coming out of a closed eustace is zero, the elec field at the eurface will be- ai ee eps 8 Pala rg aee ys epee fae aaa ee ). zero (2) same at all places (2) dependent upon the location of points (4) Infinttes Ue Q) whi AA (3) tat tates fran (4) rt Answer :3 htpsstudent allenbpms in/JAIPURYprint-paper!2022-2023JAI9980045\Paarth-Goyal7ié=ABzSqrolo%3d 238 9610672022, 15:16 “ALLEN Batch Progress Monitoring System Question No. - 6 The electric field intenxity at a point in space ie equal in magnitude to- ret carve a forge fee at dar ar after ae HoT (1) The potential difference there (2). The electric charge there (8). The force, aunit charge would experience there (4) The force, an electron would experience there 0) aR fa 2) targa 3) zafag Wyss mere a aes 4 wget Tata sae Answer :3 Question No. - 7 Unit of electri field in (voltimetre) is equal to~ fren Sera see (rte) Gren Fr tee (1) 3x107°(NC) (2) Lae) (3) (1300) (N/C) 4) (Fm) Answer : 2 Question No. - 8 Assphere of radius R has a unifonn distribution of electic charge in its volume. Ata distance x from its centre for x < R, the electric field is directly proportional to~ R Pre Rote R carrer outer wore Peat Bigad Fes Ax Ge, set < RE, we Rr at aang Ha a ue QW @) x @ 2 Answer :3 Question No. - 9 htpsstudent allenbpms in/JAIPURYprint-paper!2022-2023JAI9980045\Paarth-Goyal7ié=ABzSqrolo%3d 9610812022, 15:16 ‘ALLEN Batch Progress Monitoring System The electric field inside a epherical shell of uniform surface charge density is ea yes sera ae Te efi sitet SF afiee Pr B e (1) Zero 2) Constant (8) Proportional to the distance from the centre (4) None of theabove Qo 2) Fea 3) Se aqhs wag (4) arte Answer :1 Question No. - 10 Annon-condueting solid sphere of radius Ric uniformly charged. The magnitude of the electric field due te the sphereat a distance r from its centre R fren sar ee Se TTR Trey TT serene Fe Gr Te Te Tite S aren Farge aa aT afta (1) Increases asr increases, fromr < R (2) Decreases as rincreases, from 0 E>E (@) E=E, oa Answer : 4 Question No. - 21 htpsstudent allenbpms in/JAIPURYprint-paper!2022-2023JAI9980045\Paarth-Goyal7ié=ABzSqrolo%3d 830 9610672022, 15:16 “ALLEN Batch Progress Monitoring System ‘What is the amount of charge possessed by 1 kg of electrons? Lig vagrttage aera (1) 1.76 x 10#e (2) 1.76 x 10°C (3) 1.76 x 107C (4) 1.76 x 10%C Answer: 1 Question No. - 22 3R The electric fieldat a distance “>~ from the centte of a charged conducting spherical shell of R radius Ris E. The elecrictield at distance 5 from the centre of the sphere is Rivateras cet tees E chain are tt ides 8 ix 4 wim Answer :1 Question No, - 23 A chaige of Qi located at centte of a cube of comer of cube is taken as the origin then flux coming aut from the faces of cubein the direction af x-axis will be er mPa Qe aR Rae ae Safe Bee TT er ferry ar fer ora ore at et are Q) Q/3«, 2) Qi6«, @) Q/4e, (4) zero Answer: Question No. - 24 htpsstudent allenbpms in/JAIPURYprint-paper!2022-2023JAI9980045\Paarth-Goyal7ié=ABzSqrolo%3d 989 9610672022, 15:16 “ALLEN Batch Progress Monitoring System Work done to rotate a dipole through an angle of 90° in an electric field, is : van fear at erin 8 aaa fara aa eT (1) -PE (2) -2PE (3) 2PE (4) PE Answer : 4 Question No, - 25 For a closed surface the flux associated i. If adding 75 nC toit, it becomes 46. Find outiinitial charge enclosed by surface wer mee es Ferg eee der § 81 ATE 75 uC one ged oh StsroMe A ae ap a IMT GES Facute aay a sess (a) 50uc 2 25yc (3) 125 yc (4) -50 pC ‘Answer :2 Question No. - 26 ‘An inculated sphere of radius Rhas a uniform volume charge density p. The electric field at a peintP inside the sphere at a distance r ixom the centgre is = Rh Fa p are aa BT Say arate Per en Epes Per Se ee Hh areT faa Pig a tga Sr am Ro Se tp ax (3) zero (4) ‘Answer : 2 Question No. - 27 htpsstudent allenbpms in/JAIPURYprint-paper!2022-2023JAI9980045\Paarth-Goyal7ié=ABzSqrolo%3d 9610812022, 15:16 ‘ALLEN Batch Progress Monitoring System Electtic flux through eurface 6, : “ats, B aeaPean Pre ae IDC) (1) isminimum (2) ismaximum (3) equal to 5, butless than sy (4). equal forall surfaces Qe 2) afer 8) Hwan feas, Feat (4) wherefore we Answer :4 Question No. - 28 An electtic dipole isplaced at the cenite of a sphere. Marie the correct options. vem aga fog Se re ee en Ea Peres a (1), The electric field is zero at every point of the sphere. (2). The flux of the electric fiald through the sphere is non-zero, (3). The electic field is2ero ona circle on the sphere. (4). The eletie field isnot zero anywhere on the sphere. (1) te were forge fag ay 2) Wea aren Faq aa op ET @ ten feaqee fap ay 4) Wes Petal fg we free Gags ae er Answer: 4 Question No. - 29 htpsstudent allenbpms in/JAIPURYprint-paper!2022-2023JAI9980045\Paarth-Goyal7ié=ABzSqrolo%3d 9610812022, 15:16 Electric field Iines associated with two isolated charges are as shown in the figure. Which of the following is comrect. ‘ALLEN Batch Progress Monitoring System Saree & are Aege wet Tem fra A eee et 1 wet ae Ae (a) (2) 3) 4 (a) (2) 8) (4) 48 positive ays negative 8 3 laa Allof theabove ay TER qn ETH 8 lagl= 3 laql Answer: 4 Question No. - 30 htpsstudent allenbpms in/JAIPURYprint-paper!2022-2023JAI9980045\Paarth-Goyal7ié=ABzSqrolo%3d 1299 9610672022, 15:16 “ALLEN Batch Progress Monitoring System Line charge density of the eystem ie i, then flux through a dosed Gaussian surface is Frama tata ota et @, thts ame 8 wey Fe eT Spherical Gaussian surface orc lca ease eee aR we aRV2 @ aR 8 Be 2aR aos Answer: 4 Question No. - 31 +2C and +6C two charges are repelling each other witha force of 12N. If each chargeis given 2C of charge, then the value of the force will be +20 A +6C FS Sara OH GAR LAN Tera aicehe area Fate ata eT ALC oer “Ste fen sii, a get aa aie (1) 125 (Attractive) (2) 4 (Repulsive) (3) 8N(Repulsive) (8) or0 (1) 125 (aarp (2) aN catrasfifay (3) SN (otcrettiay 4 7 Answer : 4 Question No. - 32 htpsstudent allenbpms in/JAIPURYprint-paper!2022-2023JAI9980045\Paarth-Goyal7ié=ABzSqrolo%3d 9610672022, 15:16 “ALLEN Batch Progress Monitoring System ‘A charge q, exerts some force on a second charge qz. If third charge q, is brought near, the force of q, exerted on qy ep aqnortag,, Ter ara g, Tee aaa eae oe AT g, A ATT AT ta ote g go aie g, wea (1) Decreases (2) Increases (3) Remainsunchanged Ce () Weare 2) wee (3) arafeatea ean = (4) 7am tafe g, atta, Sr oH ETH Fam ree te 9, Tg, Pret AE Answer :3 Question No. - 33 The ratio of flux through curiaces $, and S, is: 9) 75, eae aa eae a TTT eT, s, ) =) Qo ist (2) 3:1 Q) 3:1 @ 1:3 Answer : 4 Question No. - 34 Electric changes are distributed in a small volume. The flux of the electic field through a spherical surface of radius 10 em surrounding the total charge is25V-m. The flux over a concentric sphere of radius 20 em will be ‘Fee oan ey savas Pai Bogen eater asthe 10 cm Pre at esta ae “2 faa ga a WTR 25 Vom F120 cm fren Uw wes Ta eS aT (1) 25V-n (2) 50V-m 3) 100Vm (4) 200Vm Answer :1 htpsstudent allenbpms in/JAIPURYprint-paper!2022-2023JAI9980045\Paarth-Goyal7ié=ABzSqrolo%3d 14199 9610672022, 15:16 “ALLEN Batch Progress Monitoring System Question No. - 35 ‘An electric charge of 20C is situated at the origin of XY co-ordinate eystem. The potential difference between the points. (5a,0) and (-3a,4a) will be 20uC FU TAT KY Peeren wah H yer firs 1 fer Bl Pail (52,0) TF 4a) a ‘farce ern ay @) 8) 4) Answer : ~2a 2e%0 “Ble Question No. - 36 What is electric fluxlinked with closed surfeceS, ? aie eS, 8 saben Page eae aT a? (lj 7 ac ae 8 (4) 2er0 Answer : 2 Question No. - 37 htpsstudent allenbpms in/JAIPURYprint-paper!2022-2023JAI9980045\Paarth-Goyal7ié=ABzSqrolo%3d 1509 9610812022, 15:16 ‘ALLEN Batch Progress Monitoring System Point charges q, -q,20, Q are placed in orderat the comer A, B, C, D of square of side 2b if electic field nt mid pointof CD istero then’ a is ups fresh qm 2b PF aHHA, B,C, D RANA Hay TET -4, 20, TE va CDR a fre Pree A zor ara G FAT IT qi. (2) 2 @) a3 Answer : 4 Question No. - 38 The electric field due to a urifomiy charged sphere of radius Rasa function of the distance from its centre is represented graphically by RAN ee a oT RAS TOT IAT AAS TSS RATS HOS wT a POX ES ok ’ q Q AX oR ' 3) A Le 4 i nat htpsstudent allenbpms in/JAIPURYprint-paper!2022-2023JAI9980045\Paarth-Goyal7ié=ABzSqrolo%3d 1699 9610812022, 15:16 ‘ALLEN Batch Progress Monitoring System ‘Answer : 2 Question No. - 39 Four equal charges, each + qare placed atthe corners oj a square of side a, Then the eolulomb force experienced by one charge due to therest of three is SACRA STAR +g, ata ae Ths CST Tee Bee one e oaT ome a TOT TT area aataae & (1) (2V2 +1)Kq? / 2a? (2) ake? (3) 2v2Kq? / a? 4) 220 ‘Answer 1 Question No. - 40 Anhemigphere (Radius R) is placed in electric field E as chown in figure toial oulgoing flux ie “ome fae aah fan a ES Pargare ce 8) aye era E () aE (2) 2nRZE B) 4nRPE (4) Zero Answer :1 Question No. - 41 htpsstudent allenbpms in/JAIPURYprint-paper!2022-2023JAI9980045\Paarth-Goyal7ié=ABzSqrolo%3d 17138 9610812022, 15:16 ‘ALLEN Batch Progress Monitoring System Figure, chows track of three charged particles ix a uniform olectrostatic field which paiticle has the heighest charge to mass ratio? (all the charges ate projected with same velocity) frat, eran fag Ga 8 fea cts saat ott F ya a we feia fear Sat A aT BS RTH STAT TAT ATTA SPT (AAT SATE AT TAT STE ST HT TPT A) qt Q2 83 (4) Allave seme (aft aarti) Answer :3 Question No. - 42 ‘Two point charges of 9 ande are placed ata distance of '. At what distance another charge q be kept away from 9 chaiges on the line joining the charges so that the system remains in equiorium - Sag aa 90 site HERS TAT GE ee a ara tarT oe ATS fe 8 oe se a g ven A, Farr Fre ager wh aren He (v4 (2) 12 (3) Sra @) 1 Answer :3 Question No. - 43 htpsstudent allenbpms in/JAIPURYprint-paper!2022-2023JAI9980045\Paarth-Goyal7ié=ABzSqrolo%3d 18199 9610672022, 15:16 “ALLEN Batch Progress Monitoring System Three chargesqy = Lyte. qy = 2nc andq, ~ -3c and four surfaces S,, S, Sand S,are shown in figure. The flux emerging through surface S, in N-m"iCis, Ar oT, = Ine, gy — Zhe Wg, ~—Guc TAAL AES, S$, 7S, Perea’ eT W358, 8 wala wT NaZiC HE. 3, (1) 362 x 108 (2) -B6n x 108 8) 36210 (4) -S6x x 10° Answer : 2 Question No. - 44 Two objects are nubbedagainst each cther, thenature of elechic force, when they are placedat some distance is: Sago at ana Sere fer ae aoe ace fea age ae a ele eT aT: (1) Attractive (2) Repulsive (3) Both (1) and (2) (4) Either(1) or (2) (a) seni 2) weet (3) (1) 3 (2) aArwae (4) a1) a2) wee Answer :1 Question No. - 45 htpsstudent allenbpms in/JAIPURYprint-paper!2022-2023JAI9980045\Paarth-Goyal7ié=ABzSqrolo%3d 9610812022, 15:16 ‘ALLEN Batch Progress Monitoring System Force between A and Bis F. If 75% charge of Ais transferred to B then force between A and B AEBS ex wel FRIAR Aa 75% ore B Hearn ae ea A we Ba TOT PT : 4Q Q _ =F ig (2) 4F @) F (4) None Answer :3 Question No. - 46 Cyelical changes in activities of reproductive organs undergoing oestrus cycle ave observed in- Fe am Sse saa ott st faearetteran Fata ates Pree Se are 7 (1) Monkeys 2) Chimpanzees 8) Goriles (4) Cows (dy @) @) 4) 1H ‘Answer :4 Question No. - 47 htpsstudent allenbpms in/JAIPURYprint-paper!2022-2023JAI9980045\Paarth-Goyal7ié=ABzSqrolo%3d 20139 9610672022, 15:16 “ALLEN Batch Progress Monitoring System Formation of zygote is oveerved in these animals that gor a Prin aa eat tea ome (A) Exhibit intemal fertilization (B) Undergo extemal fertilization (© Arediploid (D)_ Exhibit great synchrony in laying gametes in water (A) arafee frirereeia (B wa Pte Tyee (© Bafra dae (D) er gree SF esr sae Choose the correct option + (1) Only (A)and (B) are correct (2) Only (C) and (D) areinconect {3} Only (C) is incorrect (4) Allfour statements are conect (1) Bae (A) w1 (B) HAE 2) Fae Cy aa (D) WAT (3) Feet (C) rae 4) wine Answer 4 Question No. - 48 In diploid animals, during embryogenesis, =,goie undergoes ...(A)... and ...(B)... . Choose the words which fill in the blanks correctly fpafra oa apenas dhe gear. (A)... ae. (B)... en Fea are a yf ar ore sath Pearce wars (1) A-Meiosis. B-Cell formation (2) A-Mitosis, B-Differentiation (3) A-Meiosis, B-Cell differentitation (4) A-Amitosis, B-Cell formation Q) Anseaet fers, Bafta (2) Asari fer, B-ziferan fatter (3) Acogaat fran, Barter fatter (4) A-ore, Baten frit ‘Answer : 2 htpsstudent allenbpms in/JAIPURYprint-paper!2022-2023JAI9980045\Paarth-Goyal7ié=ABzSqrolo%3d 2189 9610812022, 15:16 ‘ALLEN Batch Progress Monitoring System Question No. - 49 The structure which is related to acoxual reproduction ae doen Sh sets sa aaa & (1) Sperms 2) Ovary (8) Gemmules (4) Oviduet Q wr (2) sree (3) Fae (4) forratt afer Answer :3 Question No. - 50 Select the corsect match “at fires aa we sfre- (2) Gemmutes—sponge (2) Encystation—Yeast (2). Sporuiation— Hycra (4) Budding - Earthworm () FRee 2) terre (3) ararpra - aes (4 ARR Fye7 ‘Answer 1 Question No. - 51 htpsstudent allenbpms in/JAIPURYprint-paper!2022-2023JAI9980045\Paarth-Goyal7ié=ABzSqrolo%3d 239 9610812022, 15:16 ‘ALLEN Batch Progress Monitoring System Menstural eycle is the characteristic feature of which group of animals? ania fare age arg onfemisten rar (1) Non-primates (2) Birds (2). Primate mammals (4) Reptiles () acme (2) whet (3) Weert (4) weet Answer :3 Question No. - 52 Maximum life epan of crow is (1) 60years Q) 15 years (8) 20years (4) 25years (Qj) coat 2) 154 (3) 200% (4) 2554 ‘Answer : 2 Question No. - 53 htpsstudent allenbpms in/JAIPURYprint-paper!2022-2023JAI9980045\Paarth-Goyal7ié=ABzSqrolo%3d 239 9610672022, 15:16 “ALLEN Batch Progress Monitoring System Inmest aquatic organism, they releasea large number of gametes into the surrounding medium toenhance the chance of- cba ete ate ne eee Sa a fecal ep de Hae (1) Implantation (2) Embryogenesis (3) Syngamy (4) Pattutition Q) aero (2) riers QB) zeR dee aor a Answer :3 Question No. - 54 Event not occuring during embryogenesis sired ger pias Sch a tee (1) Gamete formation (2) Mitosis (8) Cell differentiation (4) Differential expression of genes (Q) yee fare 2) wEpr (3) Fifer fairer (4) ahs sree attire Answer: 1 Question No. - 55 htpsstudent allenbpms in/JAIPURYprint-paper!2022-2023JAI9980045\Paarth-Goyal7ié=ABzSqrolo%3d 24039 9610672022, 15:16 “ALLEN Batch Progress Monitoring System Developmentofinclvidual from female gamete without ferilisation ie termed a “ae rae fee Pattee & ster eee ST eT (1) Syrgamy (2) Embryogenesis (8) Oogamy (4) Panhenogenesis (1) fart (2) sitet (3) ant (4) aR Rese Answer : 4 Question No. - 56 “The evenis in semial reproduction are (0) Prefetilsation (ii) Fertilisation (ii) Post fertilisation i) Ferg (i) Fa (iy FreTTATE The sequential order of their occurence is~ er aernelt a saat a ae re (ly (2) 8) 4 Answer :3 Question No. - 57 htpsstudent allenbpms in/JAIPURYprint-paper!2022-2023JAI9980045\Paarth-Goyal7ié=ABzSqrolo%3d 9610812022, 15:16 ‘ALLEN Batch Progress Monitoring System Diss Br calbansoue whan acne Cain apr Sati she ehitrs a Prat en oa (1 Birds and reptiles (2) Birds and placental mammals {3| Mammals and reptiles (4) Allof these (1) Wadi ste ata a @) etic ormegraratct a @ wratei sieateia 4) arate Answer :1 Question No. - 58 Drones of apies are. frat er (1). Stetilemales 2) Fertilemales (8). Sterilefemales (4) Fertlefemakes (Fern eae 2) rar eae (3) Ferme ret & (4) sere rere? Answer : 2 Question No. - 59 Proper embryonic care and protection increace chance of eurvival of yong onesin prataad spits Serer gen feast Fehr sh sheath at ae Bae (Q). Allanimals that live on land Q) Allanimals that live in water (Q). Terestial oviparous animals (4) Terestiat viviparous animals (sera oat et Q) sateiad what 3) wears sat 4) wtp Answer : 4 htpsstudent allenbpms in/JAIPURYprint-paper!2022-2023JAI9980045\Paarth-Goyal7ié=ABzSqrolo%3d 26039 9610812022, 15:16 Question No. - 60 Which of the following options show bisexual animals only. fra 8 are oat ar ered dae fet sii Ft eee e () Q) Gi 4 a Qi 8) 4 Amoeba, sponge, leech Sponge. cockroach, amoeba Earth worm, sponge, leech Tape worm, earthworm, honey bee is sists stan thy, fon, nea Answer :3 Question No. - 61 Life begin in all coxually reproducing organisms a a aod after sre ae are that 8 sitar at esa are (1). Singlecelled zygote (2) Double celled zygote (8) Haploid zygote (4) Haploid gametes a Qi 8) 4 Answer: 1 Question No. - 62 htpsstudent allenbpms in/JAIPURYprint-paper!2022-2023JAI9980045\Paarth-Goyal7ié=ABzSqrolo%3d ‘ALLEN Batch Progress Monitoring System 27199 9610812022, 15:16 ‘ALLEN Batch Progress Monitoring System Offepring producedas a recult of acexual reproduction is sre arr & eforsreae arr dala ert (1), Identical to one anotherand exact copies of their parent. 2). Dissirilar to one anather and exact capies of their parent {2} Identicalto one another and not exact copies of their parent, (4). Morphologically and geneticaly dissimilar. (WR gR a ares ok ora erm at aaa viet 2) wet a frst ont athaataa afaepfeet (3) WHat aren i ort aren wt aaa gti ae a (4) srentfeert ote onegatfinet rr a Fat Answer :1 Question No. - 63 Asoxual reproduction differs trom coxual reproduction areas an fare ware Sire sere Gf aie e- (1) Inbeingmore complex (2) As gamete fusion is not seen in asexualreproduction (2) Asitisneveruniparental (4) Asitisa dower and more elaborate process than sexual reproduction () atest ata (2) orSPre so gen der ae den et (3) Tastuetige ad ae (4) Stray ser att ger #3 ether wen fers Pega tae ‘Answer :2 Question No. - 64 htpsstudent allenbpms in/JAIPURYprint-paper!2022-2023JAI9980045\Paarth-Goyal7ié=ABzSqrolo%3d 299 9610672022, 15:16 “ALLEN Batch Progress Monitoring System Mode of reproduction that enables creation af new variants leading to enchanced survival advantageis— abael s a Braet 2 eve a Pesta a A eer del Eon aeefeer erm siorrnd ag eat a 2) (3) @ a (2) 8 a Parthenogenesis Binary fission Budding Sexual reproduction aftr RR Answer: 4 Question No. - 65 {A vital process without which human species can not survive forlong i are sia weak afner & fear are wonfeat os ras oe Steam ae te aa t7 ay a Gi 4 a Qi cc 4 Fragmentation Sporuiation Budding Reproduction Answer : 4 Question No. - 66 htpsstudent allenbpms in/JAIPURYprint-paper!2022-2023JAI9980045\Paarth-Goyal7ié=ABzSqrolo%3d 20199 9610812022, 15:16 ‘ALLEN Batch Progress Monitoring System Single coll division is in itself a mode of reproduction in- ‘Pree Hoge afore Paar ae Hee oe at fara (1). Parot 2) Buttery (@). Paramoesium (4) Hydra (yam 2) amet cc 4) me Answer :3 Question No. - 67 ‘Which amonget the following has minimum life epar? faratirtan 3 a freee spam stam rath det 82 () Crow 2) Fruit fy (2), Crocodile (4) Toroise a ae (2) ema (2) ers (4) FET Answer : 2 Question No. - 68 ‘Which is not true for the biological proces called reproduction? Sr ee ae See afin fore are Tete (1) Process that helps in replacing dying and diseased individuals. 2) Itisa part of cycle of birth, growth and death of an organism (2) This process disables the continutity of species. (4) Inthisprocess, an organimsm givestise to young ones similar io ise. (0) aeatea st ys aah oatord $ vienery werent 1 Q) Asst os, aise daw ome (3) Fe aiaear sata & Frere a sree Tare? (4) eaatica so sia ant aan fer tos ar Answer :3 htpsstudent allenbpms in/JAIPURYprint-paper!2022-2023JAI9980045\Paarth-Goyal7ié=ABzSqrolo%3d 30139 9610812022, 15:16 Question No. - 69 ‘What is eccential requivement for extemal fertilzation? frend 8 are Fi S fore srarers ornare * () Q 8) 4 a 2) 8) (4) Presence of extemal medium and synchronisation in release of gametes by both the sexes. Release of large number of gametes inio the reproductive tract of female to enhance the chances ‘Synchronisation between the sexes only Release of limited number of gametes in the surrounding medium. are ear a safeata oie art feta gra eH ara fae Fr arrears ae ten gees a pe eon ree arr eh age oe area ate ahfter cen 8 par st eT Answer :1 Question No. - 70 Parthenogenesis includes arhtarsas Fanfic @- a 2) 8) (4) ay @ 8 (4) Gametogenesis, but no fertilization Gamerogenesis and fertizetion Gametogenesis, ferilzation and embryogenesis Only embryogenesis “sat rf iar ter a ares Freud Fs “are fre, fiver, ype ere bere gener ret Answer :1 Question No. - 71 htpsstudent allenbpms in/JAIPURYprint-paper!2022-2023JAI9980045\Paarth-Goyal7ié=ABzSqrolo%3d ‘ALLEN Batch Progress Monitoring System 9610812022, 15:16 ‘ALLEN Batch Progress Monitoring System Each testis of human contain arate port (1) 1-13 testicular lobules (2) 10-11 testicular lobules {3} 200 — 250 testicular lobules (4) 50-60 testicular lobules ()) 1-13 900 afereri sake (2) 10-11 gras safer (3) 200 250 sem aiferara safea (4) 50-60 pr afer stir Answer :3 Question No. - 72 Which of the following condition for sperm holds best for normal fertility? frend are feat al at ere oe emer Pees aT Normal Morphology Vigorous Motility ara sneer oh (l) 0% 40% (2) 40% Os (3) 80% 20% (4) 20% O% Answer : 1 Question No. - 73 Coclenterates reproduce by budding. Thi i an example of (1) Asexual reproduction (2) Sexual repecetuction (2) Parthenocarpy (4) Dimorphism (Q) sehr rR aT (2) Strasser aT (3) afrteraar (4) fevers ‘Answer 1 Question No. - 74 htpsstudent allenbpms in/JAIPURYprint-paper!2022-2023JAI9980045\Paarth-Goyal7ié=ABzSqrolo%3d 2299 9610812022, 15:16 ‘ALLEN Batch Progress Monitoring System ‘A duct thatleaves the testis and opens into opididymi ge afer sh or Praerar onfege A smec gece” are (ty 2) 8) @ (dy e) 3 a Rete testis Vas deferens Vaca efferentia Seminal vesicle Fa STH ert Answer :3 Question No. - 75 Phagocytic calls of testes pe sat sre ae ret renee @- a) (2) 3) 4 ( (2) (3) 4) Sertoli cells Leyalig cells Gem cels Both (2) and (3) afin steers (2)3 0) 3% Answer ‘1 Question No. - 76 Which ie not a post ferilisation event? fr a a Gi 4 a Qi cc 4 38 fresh ane et ae ate? Cel differentiation Embryogenesis ‘Syngamy Both (2) and (3) yp Fae ‘fei (2)3 0) 3% Answer :3 htpsstudent allenbpms in/JAIPURYprint-paper!2022-2023JAI9980045\Paarth-Goyal7ié=ABzSqrolo%3d a9 9610812022, 15:16 ‘ALLEN Batch Progress Monitoring System Question No. - 77 +). is the vital link that ensures continuity of species between organisms af one generation and the next. Here represents. 08) Sie wet fst ee tid aeet hs Fae rie a Prem I GPieaa a ee ‘weenie: a (2) 3) a) a (2) (3) (4) duvenile phase Zygote Both (1) and (2) Gemmules aaee area at et (a 2)ar ae at Answer : 2 Question No. - 78 Gamote formation, Gamete transfer, Syngamy. Embryogenesis How manv of them is/are pre-fertilisation event/s? ‘oatran 8 ay fers rem t? (Q) One (2) Two 3) Thee 4) Row ae Qa (3) a 4) 3% ‘Answer :2 Question No. - 79 htpsstudent allenbpms in/JAIPURYprint-paper!2022-2023JAI9980045\Paarth-Goyal7ié=ABzSqrolo%3d 3439 9610812022, 15:16 ‘ALLEN Batch Progress Monitoring System ‘The male sox accestory ducts include a aera aH afer A enfaer 2 (1). Rete testis 2) Vasa efferertia (8). Epiticymis (4) Allof theabove Q) Fee 2) anata (3) afer 4) strat ‘Answer: 4 Question No. - 80 The enlarged end of penie called glans penis is covered by a looce fold of ekin called ‘fore ar ova Gen am fered FS Heer &, Hl teh eras sean Aen z, were (Q) Foreskin 2) Rete testis (8). Fimbriae (4) Both (1) and (2) (| ae 2 yraeE (3) trait (4) 0) 2) HH ‘Answer 1 Question No. - 81 Each seminiferous tubules in human teetis lined by- warned aT Hee eles afer fat eet @- (1). Spermatogonia (2) Sertoli cells (8) Both (1) and (2) a (dy (2) ate siferemeit ger 8) aya @yert (4) aferstteensi ae Answer :3 htpsstudent allenbpms in/JAIPURYprint-paper!2022-2023JAI9980045\Paarth-Goyal7ié=ABzSqrolo%3d 3539 9610812022, 15:16 ‘ALLEN Batch Progress Monitoring System Question No. - 82 Cells of leydig occur in ‘eaten aiferert wet ot & (Q) Liver 2) Ovary (8) Testis (4) Spleen () aeea 2) sree (3) ge 4) atten Answer :3 Question No. - 83 ‘Which is unpaied gland in male reproductive syeton of human? AAC Sr aT Pre HS re aha wae @ (1) Bartholin gland (2) Seminal vesicle (2) Prostate gland (4) Cowpersglend () afer sia @) @) 4 Answer :3 Question No. - 84 htpsstudent allenbpms in/JAIPURYprint-paper!2022-2023JAI9980045\Paarth-Goyal7ié=ABzSqrolo%3d 36039 9610812022, 15:16 ‘ALLEN Batch Progress Monitoring System Common duct formed by union of vas deferens and duct from seminal vesicle is “aprrarer aera site apr at afer a Pera at as aE (1) Urethra 2) Tunica vasculosa 2) Ejaculatory duct (4) Spenmatic duct (1) Waar (2) coher aegett (3) Fae aferer (4) eritee fer Answer :3 Question No. - 85 \Vesa efferentia connect the “ap aifecrré (Vasa efferentia| atsdt & (2). Testeswith epicidymis (2) Kidney with cloaca (2) Testes with urogenital duct (4) None of these (1) pera caagron (2) Fawat sara AMT (cloaca) 7 (3) Fea re afar a (4) arse Haste Answer :1 Question No. - 86 “Temperature of serotum as compared to abdominal cavity is less by pn eat are Ser 1 eer Bae ae qj re Q) 5c @) sc (4) 10°C Answer :3 Question No. - 87 htpsstudent allenbpms in/JAIPURYprint-paper!2022-2023JAI9980045\Paarth-Goyal7ié=ABzSqrolo%3d a7139 9610812022, 15:16 ‘ALLEN Batch Progress Monitoring System Nutrition of developing sperms is provided by ‘Pareto apart a fever gre er vere fever sé Q)_ Epicicymis 2) Sertoli cells (8) Interstitial cells (4) Seminal glands QQ) afer (2) Tete sift (3) react afer 4) ersitedt grt ‘Answer :2 Question No. - 88 The length of adult human testes is about- cae eee he BY epeag TTT aie (1) 2t03cm (2) 4to5cm (3) 8t010cn (4) Lto2em ‘Answer : 2 Question No. - 89 ‘Sugar fructose is present in the secretion of waree waa fred ear a afer act (1), Seminal vesicle (2) Perineal gland (3) Cowper'sgland (4) Bartholin gland (war (2) titra fa (3) Fema 4) mieifer afi Answer :1 Question No. - go htpsstudent allenbpms in/JAIPURYprint-paper!2022-2023JAI9980045\Paarth-Goyal7ié=ABzSqrolo%3d sa39 9610672022, 15:16 “ALLEN Batch Progress Monitoring System Which of the following depicis the correct pathway of transport of sperms? Wart a aia a fre a a ae (ty @Q) 8) @ (dy e) 3 a Rete testis + Vas deferens > Efferent ductules -> Epididvmis Etferent ductules > Rate testis -+ Vas deferens > Epididymis Rete Testis -> Efferent ductules -> Epicidymis > Vas deferens Rete testis + Epididymis + Eiferent ductules —> Vas deferens 2 Ses > Tees ater + Tera > afte rater — gers + gre ata after Fm ae Trae = sata yeeros tera are sre > sifieg — ypraeard ares Tere Answer :3 htpsstudent allenbpms in/JAIPURYprint-paper!2022-2023JAI9980045\Paarth-Goyal7ié=ABzSqrolo%3d 39199

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