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Pesto Crusted Salmon Serves 2 Half tabsp olive oil 2 salmon fillets (approx 100g) Pesto to cover the tops of the fish Preheat the oven to 180/350/gas mark 4 Grease a baking tray with the olive oil and place the salmon fillets on it, spreading the pesto on top of them. Bake for 18mins or until the flesh flakes easily when pressed Oriental Salad with walnuts Serves 2 40z bean sprouts half a red pepper,deseeded and diced 1 oz mushrooms sliced 3 spring onions cut into lengths 2.0z baby corn 30z washed watercress 3 oz walnuts, roughly chopped 25 mi extra virgin olive oil 1 tsp clear honey 1 dsp cider vinegar 1 tsp light soya sauce or tamarind 1 clove garlic crushed 1 thin slice of fresh ginger,peeled & finely chopped Place all the ingredients into a bowl. Make the dressing & mix well,then serve. Pork Medallions with Watercress salsa verde Serves 2 -plenty salsa which can be used the next day 2 lean trimmed pork medallions For the salsa 1 clove garlic crushed 4 anchovy fillets drained 1 tbsp capers,rinsed to remove the vinegar & drained 2 tbsp fresh flat leaf parsley 1 tbsp fresh basil leaves ‘A good handful of watercress roughly chopped Fresh ground black pepper 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil 1 tbsp lemon juice Preheat the grill to a moderate heat & grill the medallions for 45 mins (or until properly cooked)turning halfway. Meanwhile make the salsa verde. Place the salsa ingredients in a mini food processor,and blitz until the sauce is well combined. Serve a dollop of the salsa on top of each medallion ‘Stuffed Peppers Serves 2 1 tsp olive oil (for greasing) 2 large red peppers 1 tbsp coconut oil or olive oil 1 medium onion, finely chopped 2 cloves garlic,crushed 150g mushrooms, cleaned with a brush or wiped with kitchen towel & sliced. 1 tsp marigold reduced salt veg bouillon powder 2.3 tbsp water 100g (402) brown basmati rice 1 tbsp pine nuts handful of fresh basil,chopped low-sodium salt or sea salt freshly ground black pepper Preheat the oven to 200/400/gas 6 & lightly grease a baking tray with the tsp oi Cut the tops off the peppers(reserving the lid) remove the seeds and pith & slice off the bulbous bit inside the pepper that sits below the stalk and contains most of the seeds. Heat the remaining oil in a sauté pan & gently fry the onion & garlic for 2 mins. Add the chopped mushrooms & bouillon powder & fry for a further 2 to 3 mins. In a large bowl,combine the mixture with the cooked rice,pine nuts & basil, season with a little salt & pepper. Stuff the peppers with the mixture and place the tops back on. Place on a baking tray & bake for 35 mins.Serve immediately. Roasted chickpea & lemon Tabouleh Serves 2 140g quinoa rinsed & drained 390m! water 1 tsp reduced salt veg bouillon powder 1x 410g can chickpeas,rinsed & drained 2 tsp olive oil 4 tsp ground cumin 1 clove garlic,crushed finely grated zest of half a lemon & juice of the whole lemon 1 tbsp sesame seeds 2 tsp fresh flat leaf parsley leaves chopped Freshly ground black pepper. Preheat the oven to 200/400F/gas 6 Cook the quinoa by putting it in a pan with the water & bouillon powder & bring to the boil. Cover & simmer for 13 mins or until the water is absorbed & the quinoa grains are soft & flufty. Meanwhile,toss the chickpeas in a tbsp of the oil & the cumin,garlic,lemon zest & juice & sesame seeds. Tip the chickpeas in a roasting tin & cook for 30 mins shaking half way through (the sesame seeds should turn golden but not burn) Mix the chickpeas into the cooked quinoa with the parsley black pepper & the remaining tbsp oll Mixed bean salad with Mustard Vinaigrette Serves 85g (302) green beans trimmed and halved 2254 (80z ) can red kidney beans,drained 225g (80z) can butter beans, drained 225g (80z) can flageolet beans,drained 60g (20z) button mushrooms sliced 2 tsp extra virgin olive oil 1 tsp whole grain mustard 1 tsp clear honey 2 tsp cider vinegar 1 tbsp fresh parsley,chopped Steam the green beans for 4-5 mins. Drain & refresh under cold running water. Place the canned beans,green beans and mushrooms in a large bow! and mix together. Put the olive oil, mustard honey, vinegar and parsley in a screw-top glass jar, shake well and pour the dressing over the salad. Toss lightly and serve. Keep in fridge for upto 2 days. Spicy turkey burgers Marinating required for an hour Serves 2 (making 2 burgers each) 250g turkey mince 4 egg yolk beaten 4 spring onions finely chopped 4 mild red chill deseeded & with the white pith removed 2 cloves of garlic crushed half tsp ground cumin half tsp ground coriander (use something else if you don't like itt) freshly ground black pepper Mix the turkey mince with the rest of the ingredients and leave to sit in the fridge to marinate for at least an hour. Shape into burgers and grill under a medium heat for 10 mins,then turn and grill for a further 7 mins. Red pepper & cucumber Serves 2 1. medium red onion,diced 4 cherry tomatoes, cut into small chunks half a red pepper diced 1 tbsp olive oil 1 dsp fresh fiat leaf parsley leaves.finely chopped 2 inch chunk of cucumber, cut lengthways into quarters,then sliced horizontally into triangles 2 tsp red chilli-deseeded & finely chopped 2 tsp lemon juice & fresh ground black pepper Spicy Mexican bean dip Serves 2 Quarter onion finely chopped 2 cloves garlic,crushed half tbsp olive oil quarter tsp chilli powder 1 tsp lemon juice 150g kidney beans,cooked & drained 75g cottage cheese 1 tbsp yoghurt sea salt freshly ground black pepper Saute the onion & garlic gently in the oil in a pan for around 2 mins ‘Add the chilli powder and cook for a further 3 mins Cool & blend with the rest of the ingredients for a fairly smooth,creamy dip. Mediterranean Tomato Risotto with Tuna Serves 2 150 g (just over 50z ) brown basmati rice 2 tsp Marigold Reduced Salt Vegetable Bouillon powder dissolved in 210 ml (7floz) water 2 tsp sun dried tomato paste 2 handfuls of cherry tomatoes, halved or 2 tbsp canned chopped tomatoes 2 tsp dried black olives,pitted and chopped 4 spring onions, finely sliced on the diagnol 1x 185 g tuna in spring water,drained or 50g (20z) marinated drained anchovies. 1 tbsp fresh basil leaves or chives,roughly tom or chopped Freshly ground black pepper. Bring the rice to the boil with the bouillon liquid, then cover and simmer for around 15-20 mins until the water is absorbed and the rice is al dente. Stir in the sun dried tomato paste,cherry tomatoes or canned tomatoes. olives & onions and continue to cook,stirring until the cherry tomatoes start to soften and break down. Stir in the fish,sprinkle with herbs and season with black pepper. Serve immediately Autumn Barley Soup Serves 4 25g pot barley, washed and drained 1 litre veg stock 2 large carrots scrubbed and diced 1 turnip peeled and diced 2 leeks washed and sliced 2 celery sticks, trimmed and diced 1 small onion finely chopped 4 bouquet gami 2 tbs freshly chopped parsley Salt & ground black pepper Put the barley and stock into a saucepan. Simmer for 45 mins until tender. ‘Add the veg to the pan with the bouquet garni & season to taste with salt and pepper. Bring to the boil and simmer for about 20 mins or until the veg are tender. Discard the bouquet garni Add the parsley,stir well and serve immediately. Venison sausage & mixed pepper casserole Serves 2 3 peppers (mixed colours) deseeded & sliced 1 red onion sliced 3 tbsp tomato puree 1 tsp veg bouillon powder 4 venison sausages freshly ground black pepper. Preheat the oven to 190/375F/gas 5 Place the chopped peppers & onion into a shallow casserole dish & stir in the tomato puree & bouillon powder. Bake for 10 mins, then stir & place the sausages on top. Return to the oven for a further 30-40 mins or until the sausages are cooked,turning halfway through Season generously with black pepper. Chilli Con Carni Serves 4 450g (1Lb) lean organic beef mince Chicken Curry Serves 2- 2chicken breasts approx 4 Mediterranean Frittata Frittatas are quick, nutritious and can be eaten hot or cold They are like an omelette but you throw everything into the pan together and finish off under the grill. They are also very versatile with no end of different fillings Each recipe serves 2 Mediterranean Frittata Ready in 15mins 1 tbsp olive oil 1onion sliced Half a red pepper diced Half a green pepper diced 2medium toms sliced 4eggs 2 tbsp natural live yoghurt 2 thsp water 1 tsp dried mixed herbs Freshly ground black pepper 8 black olives pitted Heat the oil for a very short time in an omelette pan. ‘Add the onion & diced peppers, then add the tomatoes & cook for 2-3 mins. Break the eggs into a bowl & add the yoghurt, water, herbs and black pepper to taste. Mix the ingredients together well. Pour the mixture over the vegetables in the pan. Stir gently to help the mixture get under the veg Scatter the olives evenly over the top Cook the frittata very gently until the bottom is firm and lightly browned be careful not to burn. To cook the top put the pan under a medium grill for 4-5 mins

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