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Hello Guys,

It’s been a helluva run. I’ll never forget the times we have had but y’all have caused way more problems
than I ever thought you could have. You pulled me in and took me on a ride at a time I was curious and
eager to find myself by any means. You were there around my friends and sometimes when I was alone.
You made me feel something when I was numb. Yet all of this was short lived leaving me craving more.
It never was a true means to an end, just a revolving door. Even though I didn’t count on y’all as
frequent as other people do you were around enough to cause detrimental issues in my life. All the
times you gave me you took even more from me. This is something I can never let happen again. My
time is not your time. I can never risk that again in my life. It’ll never be worth it. I am grateful for the
growth that the experiences I have had from you, the good and the bad. Yet the bad outweighs all the
good times. You took too much from me this last go around. I can’t have that happen again. So my old
friends I bid you goodbye and good riddance. .

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