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Revelation of Quran:

Surah Al- Burj 21-22

‫ح َّم ۡحفُ ۡو ٍظ‬ ٰ
ٍ ‫ ِف ۡى لَ ۡو‬ ‫بَ ۡل هُ َو قُ ۡرا ٌن َّم ِج ۡي ٌد‬
Nay; but this is a glorious Qur'an, inscribed on a well-guarded Tablet.
3: (That) We sent it down one night of blessing -- so that We could warn

4: On which all affairs are sorted out and decided

The word amr-in-,hakim as used in the Text has two meanings: (1) That the
Command is wholly based on wisdom: there is no likelihood of any error or
weakness in it; and (2) that it is a firm and stable decision: it lies in no one's power
to change it. 
1. Surah Al-Qadr
2. Revelation made gradually (step by step) and time to time
3. 1st Descent: The Al quran is descented from Lohe Mahfooz ( guarded tablet)
to the first sky ( heaven of this world) and this place is called Bayt ul Izzat or
Baytul Ma’moor.
4. Second Descent: From the first heaven to the Prophet Mohammed pbuh on
his heart through Angel Jibrail at the age of Forty.
 The accepted view this descent began on the night of power. (began from
Rabi-ul- Awwal through true dreams to the Ramadan)
 The battle of Badr took place on the same date after 11 years later.( not
 It is preserved in two places Luh Mahfooz and Baytul Izzat (Allah knows
the best)

5. Duration: 23 years
6. The First Verse of Surah Al- Alaq and then were the verses of Sura Al-
7. Long and Shortest Surah: Surah Baqarah & Surah Kusar
8. Total Verses: 6666 or 6236
9. Total Rukku= 558
10.Manazil= 7
12.Total Surah:114
13.Makki Surahas= 86
14.Madani Surahas=28
15.Prostrate (Sajdah) 14

Makkan and Madinan Verses:

The Holly Prophet did not make such classification during his life. It was done by
His followers or disciples for better understanding of verses.
Classification of Makkan and Madinan Surahs:
The classification of the Surah as Makkan and Madinan is based on the majority of
its verses but in some cases a Surah has been classed as Makkan because its initial
verses were revealed before migration although the subsequent verses were
revealed after migration.
 Those verses which revealed before Prophet’s arrival to Madinah are called
Makkan and those verses which revealed after arrival of Madinah are called
 Those verses which were revealed before Migration but not revealed on
earth of Makkah but have considerd Makkan for example Surah Al-A’raf is
a Makkan Surah but some verses are Madinan.
 As well as some verses which were revealed after migration but not
revealed at Madina have considered Madinan like verse no 4 of surah An-
Nisa as Madinan although it was revealed in Makkah.
Characteristics of Makkan and Madinan Verses:
 In Makkan surahs people have been generally addressed as “ Ya Iyu hannas”
(O Mankind) while in Madinan surahs they have been addressed as “ ya
iyuhal la zeenz Amanu” O you who believe.
 Every Surah containing a verse about “Sajdah” is a Makkan Surah. (Rule of
Hanafi School of thought) but not necessary according to the Shafai Maslak
like sajdah of Surah Hajj that is Madinan but it is also considered as
Makkan. ( Al- Itiqan) so it is an exceptional case.
 Every Surah in which a permission of Jihad is given is Madinan.
 Makkan Surahs and verses are generally short and concise while Madinan
verses and Surahs are long and detailed.
 Makkan surahs generally deals with worship, beliefs, Prophethood, day of
judgement and so on while Madinan surahs generally deals with social and
family laws.
The deference in characteristics of the Makkan and Madinan Surahs is the result of
different environment and addresses.

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