Discussion Post

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Running head: DISCUSSION 1

Discussion post



Why the government perform the functions they do?

The US government through its institution of power is tasked establishing legal system,

providing public goods and services, economic security and good leadership. The legal system is

designed to help in maintaining law and order. The US’s constitution is considered the most

democratic given the freedom its citizens enjoy. However, with excessive freedom comes

disorder which would require a good justice system to maintain order. Public goods provided by

the government also play a key role in uniting the country. For instance, free quality education

creates a favorable environment for socialization among the young generation. All in all, the

primary functions of the government act as pillars to keep the government in check.

Think of any private entities that provide public goods?

Private entities are often structured towards acquiring profits which limits their ability to

offer a helping hand in society by providing public goods. In most instances government

institutions are best equipped to provide such goods and services considering their agenda of

achieving total utilitarianism through its key functions provision of leadership, national security,

economic security, public services and a good legal system. A church is a good example of a

private entity providing a public service because benefits of the services favor anyone willing to

enjoy regardless of their financial position. Churches are also considered private entities because

they act independently from the government. Even though some churches invest highly to target

a given set of believers, their service delivery does not discriminate someone based on their

financial status. They would rather discriminate based on one’s faith.

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