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Institute of Engineering & Technology Semester: VI (2020)

Subject Name: Artificial Intelligence

Subject Code:3161608
Faculty Name: Prayag Patel

Sr. CHAPTER NO - 1 : What is AI: Marks

TOPIC:1 The AI Problems, The Underlying Assumption
1 What is Intelligence? Discuss types of problems requiring Intelligence to solve it. Define AI. 05, 02,
(Oct-2012) 07, 07,
What is artificial intelligence? Define the different task domains of artificial intelligence. (Sep- 07, 03,
2013) 03
Enlist and discuss the major task domains of Artificial Intelligence. (Nov-2019)
Differentiate Natural & Artificial Intelligence. Explain types of problems which requires AI
techniques to be solved. (Nov-2017)
Explain AI Problems. Define and discuss different task domain of artificial intelligence. (Nov-
Define the term “Artificial Intelligence”. Explain how AI techniques improve real-world problem
solving. (Nov-2019)
What is Artificial Intelligence? List task of AI. [New](Dec-2021) [LJIET]
2 What are the Underlying Assumptions about AI? [LJIET] 04
3 List and Explain Application of AI. [LJIET] 07
TOPIC:2 What Is An AI Techniques, The Level Of The Model, Criteria For
Success, Some General References, One Final Word
1 Discuss: Turing Test (Oct-2016) (Oct-2016) (May-2018) 3.5,
Explain the “Turing test”. Discuss its significance as a criteria for success of an intelligent 3.5,
machine. (May-2017) 04, 07,
Explain the “Turing test”. Discuss its importance in intelligence machine. (Nov-2019) 07, 04
What is the significance of the “Turing Test” in AI? Explain how it is performed. (Nov-2019)
2 Explain AI Technique in details. [LJIET] 07
3 Explain “Intelligence Requires Knowledge”. [LJIET] 04
CHAPTER NO - 2 : Problems, State Space Search & Heuristic
Search Techniques:
TOPIC:1 Defining The Problems As A State Space Search, Production
Systems, Production Characteristics, Production System Characteristics,
And Issues In The Design Of Search Programs
1 Explain the State Space with the use of Water Jug Problem. (May-2012) 07, 07,
Explain state space representation using water jug problem. (Nov-2018) 07,
What is state space representation of a problem? Show the state space of the water jug 3.5,
problem. (April-2017) 03, 07,
Discuss State space of a problem (Oct-2016) 07, 07,
What is state space of a problem? (May-2018) 09, 07,
What do you mean by state space representation of a problem? Illustrate how you can 07, 07,
represent following water jug problem as a state space search: There are two jugs (without any 07, 07,
measuring marks on them) of 4 and 3 liters capacity, respectively. There is a tap of water to fill 07
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the jugs. The objective is to fill the 4-liter jug with exactly 2 liter of water. (May-2014)
Solve Water Jug Problem using production rule system. (Nov-2014)(Nov-2017)(Oct-2012)
Explain & Solve Water-Jug Problem. (Nov-2019)
Consider the Water Jug problem as stated here: “You are given two jugs, a 4- gallon one and a
3-gallon one. Neither has any measuring markers on it. There is a pump that can be used to fill
the jugs with water. How can you get exactly 2 gallons of water into the 4-gallon jug?”
Represent this as a problem in State Space Search and state its Production Rules. Show at least
one solution to this problem. (May-2017)
Explain & Solve Water-Jug Problem. (May-2018)
What is state space representation? Explain with an example. (May-2019)
For the Water Jug problem, describe state space representation, actions, start and end state.
Consider the Water Jug problem stated below:
Water Jug Problem: “You are given two jugs, a 4-gallon one and a 3-gallon one. Neither has
any measuring markers on it. There is a pump that can be used to fill the jugs with water. How
can you get exactly 2 gallons of water into the 4-gallon jug? ”
Explain how this problem can be solved using State Space Search. Also, give the Production
Rules to solve this problem and derive ONE feasible solution using the same. (Nov 2019)
2 Differentiate the DFS and BFS with merits and demerits. (May-2012) (Nov-2018) 07, 07,
Differentiate between Breadth First Search and Best First Search. (Nov-2019) 04, 07,
Explain & Compare DFS & BFS search algorithm. (Oct-2012) 07, 07,
Explain depth first search (DFS) and breadth first search (BFS) with suitable examples. Why is 07, 07,
‘depth limited search’ necessary in DFS? (May-2014) 07, 04
Explain Depth first search and Breadth first search with example. (Nov-2014)
Given an example of a problem for which breadth-first search would work better than depth-
first search. (May-2016)(May-2018)
Describe DFS and BFS. How can they be used for searching? Give one application for which
DFS or BFS can be applied for searching the solution. (May-2019)
Compare Breath first search and Depth first search method. [New](Dec-2021) [LJIET]
3 What is depth first search? Explain algorithm and its advantages. (Sep-2013) [LJIET] 07
4 Explain Depth first search algorithm. (Nov-2018) 04, 04
Describe Depth First Search. (May-2019)[LJIET]
5 Explain any problem solved using Depth First Search technique. (Nov-2017)(Nov- 07, 07
6 Describe Breadth First Search. Comment on the optimalality of this method. (May-2018) 04
7 What are the Problem Characteristics of Artificial Intelligence? (May-2012)(Nov-2018) 07, 07,
Discuss the AI Problem Characteristics in detail. (May-2013) 07, 07,
Define AI? Explain the characteristics of AI problem. (Nov-2014) 07, 07,
How problem characteristics help in the selection of AI technique? Explain these 07
characteristics with possible examples. (May-2015)
Discuss with examples: AI Problem Characteristic. (Nov-2017)
Discuss seven problem characteristics to decide appropriate A.I. technique to use for problem
solving. (May-2019) [LJIET]
8 Analyze (a) 8-puzzle, (b) Chess and (c) Tower of Hanoi problems with respect to the following 07
problem characteristics:(Oct-2016) [LJIET]
i. Is the problem decomposable?
ii. Can solution step be ignored?
iii. Is the good solution absolute or relative?
iv. Is the solution state or a path?

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v. What is the role of knowledge?

9 Discuss and Analyze Tower of Hanoi problem with respect to the seven problem 07
characteristics. (May-2018) [LJIET]
10 Solve 8 Puzzle problem by any AI Technique. (Oct-2012) 07, 07,
Explain the State Space with the use of 8 Puzzle Problem. (May-2013) (May-2016) (May- 07, 07,
2018) (Nov-2018) 07, 07,
Explain State Space Search using 8 Puzzle problem. (Nov-2017) (Nov-2019) 07, 07,
What is state space representation of a problem? Show the state space of the 8 puzzle problem. 07
Explain how a problem can be analyzed based on its characteristics. Analyze the game of “8-
Puzzle” based on these characteristics. (Nov-2019)[LJIET]
11 What is production system? Explain it with an example. Discuss the characteristics of a 05, 07
production system. (Sep-2013)(Nov-2018) [LJIET]
12 What is meant by “control strategy”? State the requirements of a good control strategy. (Nov- 03
13 Analyze following problems with respect to the 7 problem characteristics of AI. 07
i. 8-puzzle
ii. Traveling salesman(Dec-2015) [LJIET]
14 Discuss various issues in design of search program. (Nov-2017) [LJIET] 04
15 Explain what is meant by “Production System” with respect to AI. Discuss the components of 04
a Production System. (Nov-2019) [LJIET]
TOPIC:2 Additional Problems
1 In the Missionaries and Cannibals Problem, three missionaries and three cannibals must cross 07, 07,
a river using a boat which can carry at most two people, under the constraint that, Number of 05
cannibals should be lesser than the missionaries on either side. The boat cannot cross the river
by itself with no people on boat.
For the above mentioned problem, describe state space representation, actions, start and end
state. (May-2018) [New](Dec-2021)
Explain Missionaries and cannibals problem. [LJIET]
2 Explain Tower of Hanoi problem. [LJIET] 05
3 Solve Travelling Salesman Problem using any AI technique. (Nov-2014)(May-2016) [LJIET] 07, 07
4 Explain Monkey and Banana problem. [LJIET] 05
TOPIC:3 Generate-And-Test, Hill Climbing, Best-First Search, Problem
Reduction, Constraint Satisfaction, Means-Ends Analysis, A* and AO*
1 What is heuristic function? Discuss with an example. (May-2019) [LJIET] 04
2 What is a heuristic? What care should you take while designing a heuristic function? (Nov- 03
2019) [LJIET]
3 Explain Generate-and-test Algorithm. [LJIET] 04
4 Explain Simple Hill Climbing. [LJIET] 04
5 What is Hill Climbing? Explain Simple Hill Climbing and Steepest- Ascent Hill Climbing. 07, 07,
(May-2016) (May-2012) (Nov-2018) (Nov-2019) 07, 07,
What is hill climbing? Explain steepest-ascent hill climbing algorithm. (Sep-2013) 07, 07,
Explain Steepest ascent Hill climbing algorithm. (Oct-2012) 03, 07,
Discuss steepest ascent hill climbing. (Nov-2017) 07
Explain the algorithm for Steepest-Ascent Hill Climbing. Briefly describe the situations in
which hill climbing may fail to find a solution. (Nov-2019)
Discuss Steepest-Ascent Hill climbing algorithm and also state its limitations. [New] (Dec-

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2021) [LJIET]
6 What do you mean by the problem of plateau occurring in hill climbing? How can it be 02
solved? (May-2014) [LJIET]
7 What is local maximum, Plateau and Ridge? (May-2013)[LJIET] 07
8 Explain the method of Hill climbing. Also explain the problems associated with hill climbing 07
and possible solutions. (May-2015) [LJIET]
9 Discuss hill climbing search method. Also discuss limitations and ways to overcome these 07, 07,
limitations. (April-2017) (Dec-2015) 07, 03
Discuss limitations of Hill climbing search method. (Nov-2017)
Discuss limitation of hill-climbing method. (May-2019)[LJIET]
10 Explain the situations under which Hill Climbing may fail to find a solution. What can be done 07
to overcome these situations? (May-2017) [LJIET]
11 Explain simulated annealing algorithm. (May-2014) (May-2018) 07, 07,
Discuss simulated annealing search method. Which types of problems are suitable to solve 07, 07,
using this method? (Dec-2015) 04, 07,
Explain Simulated Annealing search with suitable example. (Nov-2017) 07
Discuss Simulated Annealing method of search. (Nov-2017)
Discuss Simulated Annealing search method. Compare it with hill climbing method. (May-
2018) (May-2019) [LJIET]
12 Discuss Hill climbing and Simulated Annealing. State the differences between these two 07
methods. (Oct-2016) [LJIET]
13 Discuss Simulated Annealing search method. How is it different than greedy method? (May- 07
2019) [LJIET]
14 Explain OR graphs. [LJIET] 05
15 Explain A* algorithm. (Oct-2012)(Nov-2017)(Nov-2018) 07, 07,
Explain A* algorithm in detail. (Sep-2013)(May-2016)(May-2018) 07, 07,
Discuss A* algorithm. Give one example where it is suitable to apply. (Dec-2015)(Nov-2019) 07, 07,
Discuss A* algorithm. Also give one example to explain it. (May-2019) [LJIET] 07, 07,
16 What do you mean by admissibility of an algorithm? Is A* algorithm an admissible one? 02, 03
When? (May-2014)(Nov-2018)[LJIET]
17 Discuss A* algorithm. Compare it with hill climbing search method. (May-2019) [LJIET] 07
18 Explain AND-OR graphs. (May-2014) [LJIET] 02
19 Explain Problem Reduction using “AND-OR” graph. (Nov-2019)[LJIET] 04
20 Consider the following initial and goal configuration for 8-puzzle problem. Draw the search 07
tree for initial three iterations of A* algorithm to reach from initial state to goal state. Assume
suitable heuristic function for the same. (May-2015) [LJIET]

21 Consider the following initial and goal configuration for 8-puzzle problem. Draw the search 07
tree. Apply A* algorithm to reach from initial state to goal state and show the solution.
Consider Manhattan distance as a heuristic function (i.e. sum of the distance that the tiles are
out of place.). (April-2017)[LJIET]

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22 Explain AO* algorithm.(Nov-2014) 07, 07,

Explain AO* algorithm with Example.(Oct-2016) 07
Discuss AO* algorithm. Give one example where AO* is suitable to apply(Dec-2015)
23 Explain the Best-First-Search Procedure with example.(May-2013) 07, 07,
Define “Heuristic Search”. Explain the steps in “Best First Search” and illustrate it using a 04, 07
suitable example.(May-2017)
Explain Best First Search method. (Nov-2017)
Discuss Best –First search method with example. [New](Dec-2021) [LJIET]
24 Differentiate Hill climbing and Best First search method. (Nov-2018) [LJIET] 03
25 What do you mean by constraint satisfaction problems? Explain constraint propagation 07
algorithm using suitable example. (May-2014) [LJIET]
26 Discuss with example: Constraint Satisfaction Problem. (May-2018) [LJIET] 03
27 Describe different heuristics for the Blocks world problem. (Nov-2017) [LJIET] 03
28 Describe heuristic function for the Travelling Salesman Problem. (May-2018) [LJIET] 03
29 Describe different heuristics for the following types of problems:(Dec-2015) [LJIET] 07
I. Blocks world
II. Tic Tac Toe
30 Describe heuristic function for 8 puzzle problem. [New](Dec-2021) [LJIET] 04
31 Explain mean-end analysis approach to solve AI problems. (Oct-2012)(Nov-218) [LJIET] 07, 07
1 Solve the following Cryptarithmetic Problem.(May-2012)[LJIET] 07
2 Solve the following Cryptarithmetic Problem. (May-2013)[LJIET] 07
3 Solve The following Crypt arithmetic problem: (Sep-2013) (May-2016)(May-2018) 07, 07,
CROSS 07, 07,
Solve the Crypt – arithmetic problem with the following constraints. Give
solution steps.(Oct-2016)(Nov-2019)[LJIET]
Constraints :- (i) Use decimal arithmetic
(ii) No two letters possess same digit.
4 Solve The following Crypt arithmetic problem: (Sep-2013) (May-2016) [LJIET] 07, 07

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5 Solve the following Crypt Arithmetic problem. (Nov-2014) [LJIET] 07
6 Solve following cryptarithmetic problem with appropriate strategy/steps:(Dec-2015) (May- 07, 07
2019) [LJIET]
+ T H A T
7 Solve following cryptarithmetic problem with appropriate strategy/steps: [LJIET] 07
8 Solve following cryptarithmetic problem with appropriate strategy/steps: [LJIET] 07
CHAPTER NO - 3: Logical Agents:
TOPIC:1 Knowledge–based agents, The Wumpus world, Logic,
Propositional logic, Propositional theorem proving Effective propositional
model checking, Agents based on propositional logic
1 Define knowledge base agent in AI. [New](Dec-2021) 03, 07
Explain knowledge base agent in Detail. [LJIET]
2 Explain The Wumpus world problem and give the solution of Wumpus world problem. 07
3 Define and explain Logic, Entailment and Models. [LJIET] 07
4 Explain Entailment in the Wumpus World problem. [LJIET] 07
5 What is Propositional logic? Explain type and Syntax of propositional logic. [LJIET] 07
6 Explain Semantics of propositional logic. [LJIET] 03
7 Explain Logical Equivalence, Validity and Satisfiability. [LJIET] 07
8 What is inference rule? How these inference rules and equivalences can be used in the 07
Wumpus world? [LJIET]
9 Define Soundness and completeness in propositional logic. [New](Dec-2021) [LJIET] 03
10 How to concert propositional logic into Conjunctive Normal Form(CNF) explain with 04
example. [LJIET]
11 Convert following compound proposition to the CNF (Conjunctive Normal Form). 03
¬ (A→B) V (C→A) [New](Dec-2021) [LJIET]
12 Show by means of a truth table that ¬(P ^ Q) ≡(¬𝑃 𝑉¬𝑄) [New](Dec-2021) [LJIET] 03
13 What is Horn Clauses & Definite clauses? [LJIET] 03
14 Explain forward chaining with example. [LJIET] 07
15 What is forward chaining? From the given rule prove that Q is true using forward chaining. 07
L∧M⇒ P
B∧L⇒ M
A∧P⇒ L
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A∧B⇒ L
16 Explain backward chaining with example. [LJIET] 07
17 What is backward chaining? From the given rule prove that Q is true using Backward 07
chaining. [LJIET]
L∧M⇒ P
B∧L⇒ M
A∧P⇒ L
A∧B⇒ L
18 Explain Agent based on Propositional Logic. [LJIET] 07
TOPIC:2 First Order Logic: Representation Revisited, Syntax and
Semantics of First Order logic, Using First Order logic
1 Explain Syntax of First Order Logic. [LJIET] 07
2 Explain Atomic Sentences and Complex Sentences. [LJIET] 04
3 Explain Quantifiers in First order logic. [LJIET] 04
CHAPTER NO - 4: Inference in First Order Logic:
TOPIC:1 Propositional Versus First Order Inference, Unification, Forward
Chaining, Backward Chaining, Resolution
1 What are the limitations of Propositional Logic? Explain how they can be overcome using 07
Predicate logic. (May-2017) [LJIET]
2 Explain Inference Rules for Quantifiers. [LJIET] 07
3 State the purpose of unification in predicate logic. [New](Dec-2021) [LJIET] 03
4 Explain forward and backward reasoning. (May-2012)(May-2016)(May-2018)(Nov- 07, 07,
2018)(Nov-2019) 07, 07,
Explain difference between forwards reasoning and backward reasoning. (April2017) (Nov- 07, 07,
2017) (May-2019) 07, 07,
Differentiate between Forward Reasoning and Backward Reasoning. (Nov-2019) 04, 07,
Explain forward and backward reasoning in detail with suitable examples of each. (May-2015) 07
Explain forward and backward reasoning with example. [New](Dec-2021) [LJIET]
5 Consider the following problem: 07
The law says that it is a crime for an American to sell weapons to hostile (Unfriend) nations.
The country Nono, an enemy (Opponent) of America, has some missiles, and all of its missiles
were sold to it by Colonel West, who is American. Prove that West is a criminal Using
Forward Chaining. [LJIET]
6 Consider the following problem: 07
The law says that it is a crime for an American to sell weapons to hostile (Unfriend) nations.
The country Nono, an enemy (Opponent) of America, has some missiles, and all of its missiles
were sold to it by Colonel West, who is American. Prove that West is a criminal Using
Backward Chaining. [LJIET]
7 Consider the following problem: 07
The law says that it is a crime for an American to sell weapons to hostile (Unfriend) nations.
The country Nono, an enemy (Opponent) of America, has some missiles, and all of its missiles
were sold to it by Colonel West, who is American. Prove that West is a criminal Using
Resolution. [LJIET]
8 Describe following facts into predicate logic. 07
1. Every child loves Santa.
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2. Everyone who loves Santa loves any reindeer.

3. Rudolph is a reindeer, and Rudolph has a red nose.
4. Anything which has a red nose is weird or is a clown.
5. No reindeer is a clown.
6. Scrooge does not love anything which is weird. (April2017)[LJIET]
9 Assume the following facts : 07
• John likes all kinds of food.
• Apples are food.
• Chicken is food.
• Anything anyone eats and isn’t killed by is food.
• Bill eats peanuts and is still alive.
• Sue eats everything Bill eats.
- Translate these sentences into formulas in Predicate logic
- Prove that John likes peanuts using backward chaining. (May-2013) [LJIET]
10 Consider the following sentences and Answer a,b,c given below: 09
1. Rama likes all kinds of vegetarian food.
2. Oranges are food.
3. Mutton is food.
4. Anything anyone eats and is not killed by is food.
5. Likex eats peanuts and is still alive.
6. Lovex eats everything Likex eats.
(a) Translate these sentences into formulas in Predicate Logic.
(b) Prove that Rama likes peanuts using Backward Chaining.
(c) Prove Rama likes peanuts using Resolution. (Oct-2012) [LJIET]
11 Consider the following facts. 07
1. The member of the St. Bridge club are Joe,Sally,Bill and Ellen.
2. Joe is married to Sally.
3. Bill is Ellen’s brother.
4. The spouse of every married person in the club is also in the club.
5. The last meeting of the club was at Joe’s house.
1) Translate the above sentences into formulas in predicate logic.
2) Prove that Ellen is not married. (Nov-2014) [LJIET]
12 Consider the following sentences: 07
• Prince is a mega star.
• Mega stars are rich.
• Rich people have fast cars.
• Fast cars consume a lot of petrol.
(1) Translate these sentences into formulas in predicate logic.
(2) Prove that Prince's car consumes a lot of petrol.(Sept-2013) [LJIET]
13 Represent following statements in Predicate Logic. 07
1. Raju only likes to see Hindi movies.
2. It is safe to assume a movie is American unless explicitly told otherwise.
3. The playhouse rarely shows foreign films.
4. People do not do things that will cause them to be in situations they do not like.
5. Rama does not go to the playhouse very often. (Nov-2017) [LJIET]
14 Translate these sentences into formulas in predicate logic. 07
1. John likes all kinds of food.
2. Apples are food.
3. Chicken is food.
4. Anything anyone eats and isn’t killed-by is food.
5. Bill eats peanuts and is still alive.
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6. Sue eats everything Bill eats. (May-2014) [LJIET]

15 Convert the formulas derived in Q-13 into clauses. Prove that John likes peanuts using 07
resolution. (May-2014) [LJIET]
16 Consider the following sentences: 07, 07,
1. Raj likes all kinds of food. 07
2. Apples are food.
3. Anything anyone eats and isn’t killed by is food.
4. Sachin eats peanuts and is still alive.
5. Vinod eats everything Sachin eats.
Now, attempt following:
i. Translate these sentences into formulas in predicate logic.
ii. Use resolution to answer the question, “What food does Vinod eat?” (Oct-2016)
(April2017)[New](Dec-2021) [LJIET]
17 Consider the following sentences: (May-2018)(May-2017) [LJIET] 07, 07
• Tennis is a game.
• Chess is a game.
• John and Steve are students.
• John plays Tennis.
• Steve plays everything that John plays.
• Students who play Tennis, do not play Chess.
(i) Translate the above sentences into formulas in Predicate logic.
(ii) Prove using resolution that “Steve does not play Chess”
18 Assume the following facts : 07
• Steve only likes easy courses.
• Science courses are hard.
• All the courses in the basketweaving department are easy.
• BK301 is a basketweaving course.
Use Resolution to answer the question, “What Course would Steve like?” (May-2012)
19 Consider the following axioms: 07, 07,
1. Anyone whom Mary loves is a football star. 07
2. Any student who does not pass does not play.
3. John is a student.
4. Any student who does not study does not pass.
5. Anyone who does not play is not a football star.
Prove using resolution process that “If John does not study, then Mary does not love John”.
(May-2015)(Dec-2015) (May-2016) [LJIET]
20 Consider following facts. 07
1. Every child loves Santa.
2. Every child loves every candy.
3. Anyone who loves some candy is not a nutrition fanatic.
4. Anyone who eats any pumpkin is a nutrition fanatic.
5. Anyone who buys any pumpkin either carves it or eats it.
6. John buys a pumpkin.
7. Lifesavers is a candy.
Use resolution and prove: If John is a child, then John carves some pumpkin.
21 Explain the algorithm of predicate logic resolution.(Sept-2013)(Nov-2014)(Nov-2018) 07, 07,
[LJIET] 07
22 Explain Resolution in predicate logic.(May-2018) [LJIET] 04, 07
Explain the algorithm of predicate logic resolution.(May-2019)[LJIET]
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23 Explain the steps of unification in predicate logic. Also discuss the steps of converting 07, 07
predicate logic wffs to clause form. (May-2015)
Explain the procedure to convert well formed formula to clause form with the help of example.
(Nov-2018) [LJIET]
24 Explain following terms in reference to predicate logic Resolution. 07
a. Unsuccessful attempt at resolution
b. Equality
c. Reduce
d. Trying several substitute. (May-2018) [LJIET]
25 Consider the following facts: 07
• Raghu likes all kinds of food.
• Mangoes are fruit.
• Cabbage is not fruit.
• All fruits are food.
Represent the above facts using Predicate Logic and use Resolution to prove that “Raghu likes
Mangoes”. (Nov-2019)[LJIET]
CHAPTER NO - 5: Uncertainty:
TOPIC:1 Acting under Uncertainty, Basic Probability Notation, The
Axioms of Probability, Inference Using Full Joint Distributions
1 Explain Uncertainty in Details. [LJIET] 04
2 Explain Probability in Details. [LJIET] 07
3 What is proposition? Also explain Syntax for propositions. [LJIET] 07
4 Write inference using Full Joint Distributions with example. [New](Dec-2021) [LJIET] 04
5 Write Syntax for joint probability distributions. [LJIET] 04
6 Explain Conditional probability in Details. [LJIET] 07
CHAPTER NO - 6: Probabilistic Reasoning:
TOPIC:1 Representing Knowledge in an Uncertain Domain, The Semantics
of Bayesian Networks, Efficient Representation of Conditional Distribution,
Exact Inference in Bayesian Networks, Approximate Inference in Bayesian
1 From a standard deck of playing cards, a single card is drawn. The probability that the card is 04
king is 4/52, then calculate posterior probability P(King|Face), which means the drawn face
card is a king card. [New](Dec-2021) [LJIET]
2 Explain probability and Bay’s theorem. (May-2013)(Nov-2017) 07, 07,
Discuss Bay’s theorem. (Nov-2017) [New](Dec-2021) 03, 04,
Explain Bay’s theorem. (Nov-2018) [LJIET] 04
3 Discuss Bayesian network and its application. (May-2019) [New](Dec-2021) [LJIET] 04, 04
4 Explain the Semantics of Bayesian Networks. [LJIET] 07
5 Explain Representation of the joint probability distribution. [LJIET] 07
6 Explain Conditional independence relations in Bayesian networks [LJIET] 07
7 Explain Efficient Representation of Conditional Distributions. [LJIET] 07
8 Explain Exact Inference in Bayesian Networks. [LJIET] 07
9 Explain Approximate Inference in Bayesian Networks. [LJIET] 07
10 Explain Clustering algorithm in detail. [LJIET] 07
CHAPTER NO - 7: Game Playing: Overview, and Example
TOPIC:1 Overview, MiniMax, Alpha-Beta Cut-off, Refinements, Iterative
deepening, The Blocks World
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1 Explain the Alpha-Beta Cutoffs Procedure in Game Playing.(May-2012) 07, 04
Discuss Alpha-Beta Cutoffs Procedure in Game Playing. (Nov-2018) [LJIET]
2 Explain alpha-beta cut off search with an example. State a case when to do alpha pruning. 07
(Nov-2017) [ LJIET]
3 Discuss alpha-beta pruning and its advantages over min-max method. (May-2019)[LJIET] 07
4 ‘Minimax is not good for game playing when the opponent is not playing optimally.’ 02
Justify using suitable example. (May-2014)[LJIET]
5 Explain Min max procedure for game playing with any example. (Oct-2012) 07, 07,
Explain Game Playing using the Minimax Procedure. (May-2017) (May-2018) 07,07,
Explain Min-Max search procedure with an example. (Dec-2015)(Nov-2017)(May-2019) 07 07,
Explain Min-Max Search with example. (Nov-2019) 07, 07,
Explain the Minimax Procedure with example. (May-2013) 03, 07
Discuss Min-Max search method. (Nov-2017)
Explain Min max procedure in game playing. (Nov-2018) [LJIET]
6 Explain the MiniMax search procedure for Game Playing using suitable example. What is the 07
significance of Alpha and Beta cut-offs? (Nov-2019) [LJIET]
7 Consider the game tree of Fig. 1 in which the static scores are from first player’s point of view. 07
Suppose the first player is maximizing player. Applying mini-max search, show the backed-up
values in the tree. What move will the MAX choose? If the nodes are expanded from left to
right, what nodes would not be visited using alpha-beta pruning.(May-2014) [LJIET]

8 We have two players: MIN who plays first and can make 4 moves, MAX who plays second 07, 07
and can make 2 moves. Suppose that after 1 turn, the values of the leaves are as in the figure
Compute (with the algorithm minimax) the value of the root of the tree, than say which is the
most convenient move for MIN. Then tell with the reason, which parts of the tree are not
generated if we perform an alpha-beta pruning. (April-2017) [New](Dec-2021) [LJIET].

9 Consider the following 2 player game tree in which static scores are given from the first 07
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player’s point of view:

Suppose the first player is the maximizing player. What move should be chosen? Why? Use
Mini-Max search to solve.Also explain limitations of Mini-Max search. How to overcome
them? (Oct-2016)[LJIET]
10 Consider the game tree given in Fig. 1, in which the evaluation function values are shown 03
below each leaf node for the max player. Assume that the root node corresponds to the
minimizing player. Assume that the search always visits children left-to-right. Compute the
backed-up values computed by the minimax algorithm by writing values at the appropriate
nodes in the tree given. (May-2018) [LJIET]

11 For the game tree given in Fig. 1(Question-8), which nodes will not be examined by the alpha- 04
beta pruning algorithm? Show the process of alpha-beta pruning to justify your answer. (May-
2018) [LJIET]
12 Discuss Iterative Deepening Search. Also give one example to explain. (Nov-2017) 07, 03,
Discuss Iterative deepening search method. (May-2019) 07, 07
Discuss Iterative Deepening search. [New](Dec-2021)
Explain Iterative deepening. [LJIET]
13 Explain Depth First Iterative deepening with Example. [LJIET] 07
14 Explain Iterative deepening-A* with Example. [LJIET] 07
15 What is “iterative deepening”? How is it useful in time constrained search? (Nov-2019) 03
TOPIC:2 Components of A Planning System, Goal Stack Planning,
Nonlinear Planning Using Constraint Posting, Hierarchical Planning,
Reactive Systems, Other Planning Techniques
1 Explain Goal Stack planning using suitable example.(May-2014) 07, 07,
Explain goal stack planning in detail.(May-2015) 04
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Discuss Goal Stack planning. (Nov-2018) [LJIET]

2 Explain components of planning system. [LJIET] 07
3 Discuss Nonlinear Planning using Constraint Posting with example. (May-2018) (May-2019) 07, 07
4 Explain Hierarchical planning in detail. [LJIET] 07
CHAPTER NO - 8: Statistical Learning Methods:
TOPIC:1 Statistical Learning, Learning with Complete Data Learning with
Hidden Variables: EM Algorithm
1 Write a note on Statistical Learning. [LJIET] 07
2 Explain Learning with Complete data. [LJIET] 07
How is learning done with hidden variables? Explain Unsupervised clustering with hidden 07
variables. [LJIET]
4 Explain EM Algorithm. [LJIET] 07
5 How statistical learning method differs from reinforcement learning method? [LJIET] 07
6 What are the methods of statistical learning? [New](Dec-2021) [LJIET] 04
7 Explain EM Algorithm with example. [New](Dec-2021) [LJIET] 04
CHAPTER NO - 9: Introduction to Prolog:
TOPIC:1 Introduction To Prolog: Syntax and Numeric Function Basic List
Manipulation Functions In Prolog
1 Demonstrate the use of ‘cut’ and ‘fail’ predicates in Prolog with the help of a suitable example. 07, 07,
(Nov-2019) 04, 07,
Demonstrate the use of cut and fail predicates in Prolog with example. (May-2012) 07, 07,
Explain cut and fail predicate in prolog. (Nov-2017) 07,
What is use of cut and fail predicates in Prolog with example. (Nov-2017) 04,07,
Explain cut and fail predicate in prolog with example. (Nov-2014)(Dec-2015)(Oct-2016) 04, 03,
Discuss cut and fail in prolog. (Nov-2017) (May-2019) 03
Discuss cut in prolog. (May-2018)
Discuss Fail predicate in prolog. (Nov-2018)
Discuss Fail in prolog. (May-2019) [LJIET]
2 Explain CUT, FAIL & REPEAT predicates in PROLOG. (Nov-2018) [LJIET] 07
3 Demonstrate the use of Repeat Predicate in Prolog with example. (May-2013)(Dec-2015) 07, 07
4 What is red cut and green cut in Prolog? (May-2013) [LJIET] 07
5 Discuss how the following list function can be implemented in Prolog. 07
1. Append 2. Reverse (Nov-2018) [LJIET]
6 Explain following terms with reference to Prolog programming language: 07, 07,
Caluses, Predicates, Domains, Goals, Cut, Fail, Inference engine. (May-2015) (May-2018) 03
Explain following terms with reference to Prolog programming language: Clauses, Predicates,
Domains. (Nov-2018) [LJIET]
7 Explain different types of Predicates with reference to Prolog programming language. 07
8 List and state input predicates in turbo prolog. [New](Dec-2021) [LJIET] 03
9 Discuss recursion in prolog. [New](Dec-2021) [LJIET] 03
10 Explain how list is used in Prolog. Discuss how following list functions can be implemented in 07, 07
Prolog. (1) Checking membership of an item in a given list (2) Concatenating two lists (3)
Deleting an item in a given list. (May-2014)(Oct-2016)[LJIET]
11 Justify using an example that Prolog uses Backward chaining to prove or answer any given 04
goal. (Nov-2018) [LJIET]
12 Write a Prolog program to solve Tower of Hanoi problem. (Oct-2012)(May-2013)(Nov- 07, 07,

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2017)(Nov-2018)(Nov-2019) 07, 07,

Explain & write solution of Tower of Hanoi with PROLOG. (May-2018) [LJIET] 07,07
13 Write a Prolog program to count vowels in a list of characters. (Oct-2012)(Nov-2018)[LJIET] 07, 07
14 Write a PROLOG program to count total occurrence of a character in a given list of 07
15 Write a Prolog program to find sum of elements of a list. (Oct-2012)(Nov-2014)(May-2016) 07, 07,
Write a prolog program to find sum of all the numbers of a list. (May-2018) (Nov-2019) 07,
[LJIET] 07,07
16 Write a Prolog program to find factorial of a given number. (Oct-2012)(Dec-2015)(Oct- 07, 07,
2016)(Nov-2017) [LJIET] 07, 04
17 Write following prolog programs: 07
(i) To find the sum of first n natural numbers.
(ii) To append List2 to List1 and bind the result to List3. (April-2017) [LJIET]
18 Write a prolog program 07
(i) Find the sum of first N natural numbers
(ii) ii. Find the length of the given list. [New](Dec-2021) [LJIET]
19 Write following prolog programs: 07, 07
(i) To find the factorial of a positive integer number.
(ii) To find the nth element of a given list. (April-2017) [New](Dec-2021) [LJIET]
20 Write a Prolog program to reverse a given list. (Sept-2013)(Nov-2017)[LJIET] 07, 07
21 Write a program to find maximum number from a list. (Nov-2014)(May-2016)(May-2018) 07, 07,
[LJIET] 07
22 Write a Prolog program for finding a set, which is result of the intersection of the two given 07
Hint: Goal: intersect([1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 4], A)
A = [2, 3]
Goal: intersect([d, f, g], [a, b, c ], X)
X = [] (May-2015)[LJIET]
23 Write a Prolog program to merge two sequentially ordered (ascending) lists into one ordered 07
Hint: Goal: merge([1, 3, 5, 7], [0, 2, 4, 6], L)
L = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
Goal: merge ([a, c], [b, d], [a, b, c, d])
Yes (May-2015) [LJIET]
24 Write a Prolog program that verifies whether an input list is a palindrome. 07
Hint: Goal: palindrome([r,a,c,e,c,a,r])
Output: Yes
Goal: palindrome([a,b,c])
Output: No (May-2017)[LJIET]
25 Write a Prolog program to find: the last element and the nth element (where ‘n’ indicates 07
position), of an input integer list.
Hint: Goal: last_element([1, 2, 3, 8, 9], X)
Output: X = 9
Goal: nth_element([1, 2, 3, 8, 9], 4, X) (Here, n = 4)
Output: X = 8 (May-2017)[LJIET]
26 Write a PROLOG program to find GCD of two numbers. (May-2018) [LJIET] 04
27 Write a PROLOG program Checking for Password. 07
1. Give an opportunity to user to re-enter the password ‘n’ no. of times, on entering wrong
password using Repeat predicate.
2. Give an opportunity to user to re-enter the password three (03) times, on entering wrong
password. (May-2018) [LJIET]
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28 Write a Prolog program to 07

i. Merge two lists. ii. To check whether the number is +ve or –ve. (May-2019) [LJIET]
29 Write a prolog program to check whether or not given number is positive. (May-2019) 03
30 Write Prolog programs to perform the following: 07
i) Find the last element of a list
ii) Merge two sorted integer lists L1 and L2 to generate a final sorted list L3.
(For example, if L1= [1,3] and L2=[2,5,8], then L3=[1,2,3,5,8]). (Nov-2019)[LJIET]

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