Neural Networks SIMP-18EC752

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Neural Networks SIMP-18EC752

A single neuron in the brain is an incredibly complex machine that even today we don't
understand. A single 'neuron' in a neural network is an incredibly simple mathematical function
that captures a minuscule fraction of the complexity of a biological neuron.

-Andrew Ng

1. Explain the structure of biological neurons and elaborate on how the artificial neural model is
derived from it.
2. Explain different types of neural signed functions
3. How do you solve non-lineraly separable problems like the XOR problem
4. State and prove perceptron convergence theorem
5. State and prove perceptron learning algorithm
6. Derive gradient descent algorithm and explain how it can be used to find Weiner solution
7. Derive an expression for mean-square error\
8. Calculate the output of the neural network for input [1 1 1]

9. Explain the back propagation-training algorithm with the help of one layer feed-forward
10. Explain any four practical considerations in implementing the backpropagation algorithm
11. Explain the operations details of self-organizing feature maps
12. Explain the two applications of SOFM
13. Explain Oja’s rule and its operational summary
14. Explain the neural network architecture that can implement unsupervised vector
quantization learning
15. Explain maximal eigenvector filtering using Hebbian learning
16. Explain the CNG algorithm and its operational summary
17. Explain empirical risk minimization in detail
18. Explain the construction of SVM
19. Explain the architecture of radial basis function networks
20. Explain generalized radial basis function networks
21. Explain the concept of the Boltzmann machine
22. Explain the operational details of Brain-State-In-A-Box neural network
23. Explain the architecture and the working principle of the Hopfield network
24. Explain the architecture and operation of bidirectional associate memory

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