Postponing Death

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Peer Tutoring Experience

A :“My First question, what is the main idea of paragraph 2 ?”

B :” Harvest Moon Festival is A Chinese Celebration.”

A :“Yes, You’re right. Next, when Yinlan’s family gathered at her house for dinner?”

B : “At harvest moon festival in August or September.”

A : : Yes, You’re right. Number 3, why Yinlan and her family still celebrated Harvest
Moon Festival although Yinlan no longer lived in China?”

C : “Why did Yinlan and her family still celebrate Harvest Moon Festival
although Yinlan no longer live in China? “ (The researcher corrected the

B : “Because Harvest Moon is Chinese Celebration, so although Yinlan does not in

China, their family still celebrated that.

A : “Why did Yinlan and her family still celebrate Harvest Moon Festival although
Yinlan no longer live in China? “ (DR repeated the question because OA answered

B : “Because Harvest Moon is Chinese Celebration, so Yinlan want to celebrate it. “

A : “Why did Yinlan and her family still celebrate Harvest Moon Festival although
Yinlan no longer live in China? “ (DR repeated again the question because OA
answered incorrectly, so DR gave feedback to OA)

A : “The correct answer is because Yinlan and her family are Chinese people.
Excusme miss, mereka bangga jadi orang cina In English apa ya miss ?

C : “They are proud of being Chinese people. “

A : “They are proud of being Chinese people, so they still celebrated Harvest Moon
although they did not live in China anymore. “
B : “Ok! I see“

A : “Good job, B. next, did Yinlan dead was rarely and unique?

C: “Was Yinlan dead rarely and unique? “ (The researcher corrected the

B : “Yes, she was. “

A : “Excellent. Last question, what is the meaning of “weak” in line 13? “

B : “Not strong. “

A : “Weak in line 13 means …“

B : “Oya, weak artinya pale or sick ya“

A : “Good job.”
Postponing Death

             Yinlan looked at the people sitting around the table and smiled contentedly.
Everyone in her family was there—her children, her grandchildren, and her new
great-grandson, just one month old. Her whole family had come to celebrate the
Harvest Moon Festival.

The Harvest Moon Festival is a Chinese celebration. Although Yinlan no

longer lived in China—she lived in San Francisco—she and her family still celebrated
the Harvest Moon Festival just as Yinlan had in China. At the time of the full moon in
August or September, her family gathered at her house for dinner. After dinner they
ate moon cakes, a special round cookie. Then, if the sky was clear, they always
walked outside to admire the full moon.

         Tonight there was not a cloud in the sky, and the full moon shone brightly.
Yinlan suggested that they all go outside. Her grandson helped her up from her chair.
As Yinlan and her grandson walked toward the door, she held on to his arm and
leaned against him for support. Yinlan was 86 years old. She had not been well the
past few months, and her family noticed that she seemed weak.

        Two days after the Harvest Moon Festival, Yinlan died peacefully in her sleep.
Her family was sad but at the same time grateful. They felt happy that they had been
able to celebrate the Harvest Moon Festival with her one last time. Everyone said it
was remarkable that Yinlan had died just two days after the holiday.

        Actually, the timing of Yinlan’s death was not remarkable at all. Recently,
sociologists studied the death rate among elderly Chinese women in California. They
discovered that the death rate drops 35 percent before the Harvest Moon Festival and
then rises 35 percent: Each year there are fewer deaths than usual the week before the
festival and more deaths than usual the week after. Sociologists believe that these
changes in the death rate show the mind’s power over the body. The Harvest Moon
Festival, when families gather, is important to elderly Chinese women. Apparently
some women are able to postpone their deaths so that they can celebrate the festival
one last time.

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