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Anaesthesia and acute spinal cord

Philippa Veale BSc MBBS FRCA
Joanne Lamb MBBS FRCA

Spinal cord injury is a devastating event, often Table 1 Distribution of spinal cord injury (10%
resulting in long-term disability. The injury may of patients sustain injuries at more than one level) Key points
occur in isolation or in conjunction with other Level % Spinal cord injury should
be considered in every
injuries. A thorough understanding of the patho- Cervical spine 48 trauma patient
physiological processes involved aids manage- Thoracic spine 41
Lumbar spine 11 Assessment and initial
ment. This article aims to provide advice on management of the
understanding and managing some of the prob- injured patient is accord-
lems encountered by the anaesthetist. ing to ATLS principles
common, the spinal canal is relatively spacious at Prevention of further
Aetiology and incidence this level and cord injury is not inevitable. damage depends on pro-
However, the mid-thoracic region is much less tecting the unstable spine
There are approximately 1000 new cases of and maintaining spinal
mobile and the small circular vertebral canal
spinal cord injury per year in the UK, predomi- cord perfusion
leaves little space around the spinal cord making
nantly young males. Over 50% of spinal cord Sympathetic denervation
cord compression more likely. The same princi- may lead to neurogenic
injuries occur as a result of road traffic accidents,
ple of immobilisation should be adhered to for shock and loss of com-
the other major causes are sports injuries, assaults pensatory mechanisms
thoracic and lumbar spine injuries, although, in
and industrial accidents.
general, these injuries are more stable. Anaesthetic management
Instability allows actual or potential abnormal is complex and challeng-
Classification ing and depends on an
movement of one vertebral segment upon anoth- understanding of the
Level er, thereby compromising neural structures. pathophysiology involved
Spinal cord injury may occur at any level (Table Defining the stability of a vertebral column injury
1) but certain areas, particularly the lower cervi- is important, as it may influence the anaesthetic
cal spine and the thoracolumbar junction, are and surgical management. All spinal injuries
structurally more vulnerable. The level of the should be treated as potentially unstable until
injury determines the extent of the neurological proven otherwise.
deficit with higher cervical lesions having the
Neurological deficit
most serious consequences.
In general, a spinal cord injury can be described
Stability as being complete or incomplete. An incomplete
Anatomically, the vertebral column is described spinal cord injury is defined by partial preserva-
as being composed of anterior, middle and poste- tion of neurological function more than one level Philippa Veale BSc MBBS FRCA
rior columns. These columns include bony and below the level of spinal cord injury. Sacral spar- Specialist Registrar in Anaesthetics &
Academic Research Fellow,
ligamentous structures which are both important ing and preserved sensory or motor function are Department of Anaesthetics,
for maintaining stability. An isolated anterior or examples of incomplete lesions. There are sever- Queen’s Medical Centre, Derby
Road, Nottingham NG7 2UH
posterior column injury will be stable but injuries al recognised patterns of incomplete lesions (e.g.
involving more than one column are not. anterior cord syndrome, Brown-Sequard syn- Joanne Lamb MBBS FRCA
Consultant Anaesthetist, Queen’s
In the cervical spine, C1–C2 and C5–C7 cervi- drome, cauda equina syndrome). If a lesion is Medical Centre, Derby Road,
cal vertebrae are the most vulnerable to injury. complete there is absence of motor and sensory Nottingham NG7 2UH
Tel: 0115 9249924 ext 41195
These injuries are often unstable requiring immo- function below the level of the lesion. Complete Fax: 0115 9783891
bilisation to prevent further damage. Although transection occurs in approximately 50% of E-mail: jo.lamb@
injuries of the cervical vertebral column are more spinal cord injuries. (for correspondence)

DOI 10.1093/bjacepd/02.05.139 British Journal of Anaesthesia | CEPD Reviews | Volume 2 Number 5 2002
© The Board of Management and Trustees of the British Journal of Anaesthesia 2002 139
Anaesthesia and acute spinal cord injury

Table 2 Respiratory effects of spinal cord injury

Level of injury Effect Clinical signs
T1–T7 Variable degree of intercostal nerve paralysis Impaired chest wall movement
Poor cough
C5–C8 Complete intercostal nerve paralysis Ineffective or absent cough
Function of diaphragm intact Paradoxical respiratory pattern
Use of accessory muscles
C3–C5 Partial diaphragm paralysis As above but usually requiring assisted ventilation
C3 or above Denervation of diaphragm Respiratory failure

The level of the injury determines the extent of respiratory ischaemic leading to the onset within minutes of secondary injury
involvement (Table 2). Abdominal muscle paralysis contributes to which may become progressively worse over the ensuing hours.
the respiratory embarrassment and poor cough. Neurogenic cardio- The release of mediators of postischaemic injury is implicated in
vascular complications are seen in higher lesions (above T7) due to secondary damage as are hypotension, hypoxaemia and hyperther-
the effects of traumatic sympathectomy. Loss of sympathetic vaso- mia. After a period of ischaemia, apoptosis or programmed cell
constrictor tone to blood vessels results in vasodilatation. Cardiac death occurs. This peaks at 8 h and results in irrecoverable damage.
sympathetic supply (T1–T4) may also be affected; loss of chrono- Many interventions have been tried to reduce the severity of
tropic and inotropic effects and unopposed vagal reflexes may result secondary injury, mainly in experimental animal work. Steroids,
in severe sinus bradycardia. Profound bradycardia and even sinus free radical scavengers, barbiturates, hypothermia, hyperbaric
arrest may occur during intubation or suction of the airway. oxygen therapy and NMDA and opioid antagonists are some
examples. The results of these interventions are disappointing.
Pathophysiology Many spinal centres have a spinal injury protocol that includes
Spinal shock the early administration of high dose methylprednisolone. The
Spinal shock describes the initial phase after an insult to the spinal evidence for this intervention comes from the National Acute
cord and may be defined as a temporary interruption of the physi- Spinal Cord Injury Study (NASCIS) trials which demonstrated
ological function of the spinal cord following injury. It may, in part, an improvement in long-term neurological outcome following
be a vascular phenomenon. All reflex activity is lost and the cord high dose methylprednisolone. Unfortunately, there is no good
below the level of the lesion also becomes isolated from the high- evidence that this equates to an improvement in functional out-
er centres. This accounts for the characteristic picture of flaccid come and the risk of infection is increased.
paralysis. An accurate prognosis is not possible until the stage of Measures aimed at ensuring adequate oxygenation and perfu-
spinal shock has ended (up to 4 weeks). If there is evidence of neu- sion of the injured cord and avoidance of hypergylcaemia and
rological sparing, i.e. residual sensory, motor or reflex function hyperthermia are the mainstay of prevention of secondary injury.
below the level of the lesion, full recovery may follow. Initial assessment and management
Autonomic and reflex activity gradually returns to the injured
cord. Loss of descending inhibitory control leads eventually to spas-
ticity and autonomic hyperreflexia. Respiratory function improves The patient with an acute spinal cord injury typically presents to
as spasticity of chest and abdominal wall muscles reduces paradox- the accident and emergency department having already been
ical movement. immobilised on a spinal board. Use of pre-hospital spinal immo-
It is important not to confuse spinal shock with spinal neuro- bilisation in trauma patients is now routine but the positioning and
genic shock. The latter term describes the hypotension seen as a immobilisation of the patient should be scrutinised as part of the
result of traumatic sympathectomy. primary survey. The correct technique is placement of a hard cer-
vical collar of the appropriate size, sandbags either side of the head
Secondary injury and adhesive tape across the forehead onto each side of the trolley.
Trauma to the spinal cord results in an immediate physical injury Thoracic and lumbar spine injuries simply require the patient
(i.e. primary injury). A combination of small intramedullary ves- to be kept supine on a solid surface, avoiding any excessive
sel damage, haemorrhage into grey matter and local vasospasm movement. If the patient is to be moved, this should be by ‘log-
causes a critical fall in cord perfusion. The cord becomes rolling’, maintaining vertebral column alignment.

140 British Journal of Anaesthesia | CEPD Reviews | Volume 2 Number 5 2002

Anaesthesia and acute spinal cord injury

Spinal cord injury should be considered in all trauma victims. Direct laryngoscopy with in-line immobilisation is a safe and
An appropriately qualified person can rule out cervical spine acceptable method. It requires at least three trained personnel and
injury in the fully conscious patient. Full precautions must be involves four stages: preparation, manual in-line immobilisation,
strictly adhered to in any patient with midline tenderness, neuro- rapid sequence induction and intubation. Succinylcholine is the
logical symptoms or signs, a reduced level of consciousness, or a muscle relaxant of choice. The release of potassium associated with
painful ‘distracting’ injury. the use of succinylcholine in spinal cord injury has not been shown
to be a problem until 3 days post-injury at the earliest. Atropine must
Initial management be available immediately as should equipment for obtaining a sur-
The initial management of the trauma victim with a spinal cord gical airway. The hard collar is opened at the front to expose fully
injury is as for any seriously injured patient. The ATLS approach the mandible and allow maximum possible mouth opening. In order
is proven, standardised and effective and initial management to avoid displacement of the injured cervical spine by cricoid pres-
should be based upon its principles. sure, the back of the rigid collar is left in place. Otherwise, a biman-
ual technique should be employed. A small amount of movement of
Airway the neck may be inevitable, even with manual in-line immobilisa-
The airway must be examined for patency and, if required, manip- tion. This is unlikely to be significant enough to cause injury to the
ulated with a jaw thrust as opposed to a chin lift. This airway-posi- cord and must be allowed for in order to secure the airway.
tioning manoeuvre is associated with less displacement of the cer-
vical spine. A trauma mask with high flow oxygen should be Breathing
applied to the patient if the airway is patent. If not, a decision to intu- Adequate oxygenation is imperative in order to prevent secondary
bate the trachea should be made earlier rather than later, in order to hypoxic damage. Supplemental oxygen must be administered to all
maximise oxygen delivery and limit secondary hypoxic damage to patients. Ventilation must be assessed both clinically and with oxy-
the injured spinal cord. A difficult intubation should be anticipated gen saturation measurements and arterial blood gas analysis.
because of: (i) suboptimal positioning due to immobilisation of the Inadequate ventilation causing hypoxaemia or hypercapnia should
cervical spine; (ii) the requirement for a rapid sequence induction be rectified by tracheal intubation and ventilation. Hypoxaemia is
with cricoid pressure; (iii) the potential for pre-vertebral swelling found in about 50% of patients with high spinal cord injury, usual-
due to haematoma; and (iv) the potential for poor visibility at laryn- ly due to the neuromuscular deficit resulting from the injury.
goscopy due to debris or distorted anatomy in maxillofacial trauma. Associated injuries may also be the cause of inadequate ventilation
There is a great deal of debate in the literature regarding the safest or oxygenation. Chest injuries are common in polytrauma patients,
approach to intubation in the patient with a cervical spine injury and pulmonary aspiration and pulmonary oedema are common in head
the likelihood of causing further damage to the spinal cord. One injury and some patients may have been victims of near-drowning.
concern is that unstable bony fragments may be maintained in posi-
tion only by muscular spasm and that muscle relaxation may con- Circulation
tribute to the instability. The options for intubation are: (i) direct Maintenance of an adequate circulation is essential in spinal cord
laryngoscopy and intubation in the presence of manual in-line injury in order to minimize secondary ischaemic damage to the
immobilisation; (ii) blind nasal intubation if there is no compromise injured cord. Hypotension must be treated promptly with fluid
to the cribiform plate; (iii) blind oral intubation using the intubating boluses in the first instance. In the polytrauma patient who is hypo-
laryngeal mask airway (ILMA); (iv) awake fibre-optic intubation; tensive, hypovolaemia secondary to haemorrhage from concurrent
and (iv) surgical airway if intubation is not possible. injuries must be excluded according to ATLS principles. Remember
Awake fibre-optic intubation with adequate local anaesthesia and that the patient with a high spinal cord injury will not complain of
intubation under direct vision has the advantage of avoiding move- pain from a fractured pelvis or other injuries. Intra-abdominal bleed-
ment of the unstable cervical spine. It may be performed with the ing is more difficult to diagnose when the abdominal muscles are
patient immobilised and in halo traction and allows neurological flaccid. This must be ruled out by diagnostic peritoneal lavage,
assessment following intubation. However, this method requires abdominal ultrasound or computed tomography (CT).
skill and specialist equipment and is often impractical in the acute Damage to the spinal cord above T6 may result in spinal neuro-
situation, particularly if intubation is required urgently. The choice genic shock. Loss of sympathetic function leading to neurogenic
depends on the situation and experience of the individual. shock should be actively managed in order to preserve the perfusion

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Anaesthesia and acute spinal cord injury

of the injured cord. Bradycardia affecting cardiac output should be compression and oedema. Specialist spinal units will usually per-
treated with intravenous atropine or glycopyrrolate. form an early CT and often also MRI of the entire spine in any
Fluid resuscitation is complex in these patients. Judicious volume patient with a spinal injury. However, it is important to avoid send-
loading with crystalloid or colloid solutions guided by central ing unstable patients to distant radiology departments and into
venous pressure measurement is the first step. Loss of cardiac sym- inaccessible scanners.
pathetic innervation affects myocardial contractility. In the acute
phase, these patients have a limited capacity to respond to volume
Anaesthetic management
stress and are prone to develop pulmonary oedema if volume over- Indications for surgery
loaded. If hypotension persists despite fluid loading, low doses of Surgical intervention may be indicated in the early or intermediate
vasopressors are indicated to counteract the loss of vasoconstriction. phase of spinal cord injury. If the clinical picture at 48 h is of a com-
If vasoconstrictors are used, care must be taken to avoid a fall in car- plete injury, no type of surgery has been shown to improve neuro-
diac output resulting from a high systemic vascular resistance. Pul- logical function. Despite this, operative spinal fusion may be appro-
monary artery flotation catheter or trans-oesophageal Doppler may priate in order to confer stability thereby aiding rehabilitation and
be used to guide cardiovascular support in more complex cases. preventing further complications. Stabilisation procedures may be
Assessment of disability best delayed until the patient has recovered from other injuries or is
more cardiovascularly stable.
Full neurological examination is important and, whenever possi-
Early surgery may be indicated if the neurological deficit is
ble, must be carried out before anaesthesia for intubation. It must
incomplete or due to spinal shock and there is felt to be some poten-
be recorded and repeated at regular intervals. Any changes should
tial for recovery. The surgery is carried out in order to permit: (i)
be clearly documented and include: (i) sensory level; (ii) motor
urgent decompression of the spinal cord, followed by stabilisation;
level; and (iii) anal tone and reflex activity
(ii) restoration of vertebral column alignment if this has not been
The neurological level of injury is designated as the most distal
achieved by conservative means (halo traction); (iii) exploration for
uninvolved segment of the spinal cord. This differs from the bone
decompression and stabilisation if the neurological deficit is wors-
level of injury, which is the level of the spine at which bony dam-
ening; and (iv) exploration of open penetrating spinal wounds.
age is actually visualised. There is usually a correlation between the
The anaesthetic management of patients with high spinal cord
two levels but there can be some discrepancy, especially in cervi-
injury may be challenging and the potential hazards should not be
cal spine injuries. Ascending spinal cord oedema may result in
underestimated. Spinal surgery should be carried out in specialist
deteriorating signs. Improvement in the deficit may be predictive
centres but an anaesthetist in any hospital receiving trauma patients
of some neurological recovery.
may be called upon to manage a spinal injuries patient who requires
Radiology urgent surgery for other injuries.
A detailed discussion of imaging in spinal injury is beyond the
scope of this article. According to ATLS guidelines, all patients
Pre-operative assessment and planning
with multiple injuries or significant head injury require a lateral Early assessment at presentation to hospital has been outlined
cervical spine X-ray. If there is a suspicion of an injury in the tho- above. Before surgery, it is important to re-assess the patient care-
racic or lumbar spine, the relevant area should also be X-rayed. Of fully and plan accordingly.
patients with cervical spinal injury, 10% will have spinal injury at Airway
another level and this must be excluded.
If the patient has not been intubated, the airway must be assessed and
The lateral cervical spine X-ray must be adequate, i.e. extend-
a plan made for airway management. The patient may be in halo
ing as far as the cervicothoracic junction. All anaesthetists should
traction and surgeons should be involved if this is to be removed.
have a system for examining cervical spine films but an expert
opinion is often required. Plain radiography of the cervical spine Breathing
may also include an anteroposterior and an open mouth (odontoid In cervical and higher thoracic lesions, respiratory function may
peg) view. Upper thoracic spine injuries are difficult to visualize have become compromised. Absent or impaired cough leads to the
on plain radiography. retention of secretions. Increased work of breathing means patients
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is particularly useful for relying on diaphragmatic breathing may start to tire. Lung volumes
imaging the spinal cord and soft tissues and for identifying cord reach their lowest point at 3–4 days post-injury and spirometry is

142 British Journal of Anaesthesia | CEPD Reviews | Volume 2 Number 5 2002

Anaesthesia and acute spinal cord injury

useful to monitor pulmonary function. If the vital capacity has controlled ventilation technique is appropriate due to the prolonged
fallen to less than 1 litre, the patient is hypoxaemic or has a high nature of the surgery and the position required for surgical access.
respiratory rate, arrangements must be made for assisted ventila- Mild hypocapnia is of theoretical benefit in decompressing the
tion postoperatively. spinal cord.
At induction, the anaesthetic agents may be of individual pref-
Circulation erence but should be titrated slowly. The usual precautions are
In the patient with a cervical or high thoracic lesion and sympathet- taken if the patient has a potential full stomach but succinyl-
ic denervation, the systolic blood pressure will often have stabilised choline should be avoided if the patient is > 3 days post-injury.
at 90–100 mmHg. This should be adequate in the supine position Airway management has been discussed earlier and is not a par-
but loss of compensatory mechanisms may jeopardize cord perfu- ticular issue if the lesion is below C7 or there is no chance of neu-
sion during positioning for surgery or periods of intra-operative rological recovery. Atropine or glycopyrollate should be avail-
blood loss. Consequently, it is necessary to make plans for central able to treat any bradycardia.
venous catheterisation and the availability of infusion pumps and Large bore intravenous access is essential. A nasogastric tube
vasoactive drugs which may be needed to support the circulation. should be placed as high acute cord injury leads to gastric stasis and
ECG abnormalities, including signs of subendocardial ischaemia gastrointestinal ileus. Spinal injury patients are at particular risk of
and arrhythmias, are sometimes seen in high cord injuries. venous thrombo-embolism. Compression stockings should be
Major blood loss should be anticipated and blood cross-matched worn and calf compression devices used intra-operatively.
in advance. Most spinal decompression and stabilisation procedures involve
posterior surgery with the patient in the prone position. Halo trac-
General considerations
tion may be maintained during surgery. For unstable fractures, great
A more general anaesthetic assessment must not be overlooked and
care must be taken to maintain vertebral column alignment during
all management plans discussed with the patient. A spinal cord
positioning. For some injuries, access to the anterior spinal column
injury is a devastating event and these patients may be in a state of
may be indicated. If this is the case in a thoracic spine injury, a tho-
considerable psychological distress. Good communication and a
racotomy will be needed and, if possible, provision should be made
humane and sensitive approach are essential.
for one lung ventilation. These procedures may take many hours
Intra-operative management and the usual precautions must be taken to avoid peripheral nerve
Monitoring injuries and pressure sores. Major blood loss is not uncommon and
intra-operative blood cell salvage should be used if it is available.
In addition to standard monitoring, intra-arterial blood pressure
A balanced anaesthetic technique is appropriate but analgesic
measurement and central venous pressure monitoring are required.
requirements postoperatively depend on the nature of surgery and
As discussed above, a pulmonary artery flotation catheter or trans-
the extent of the neurological injury. The use of epidural analgesia
oesophageal Doppler may be helpful for optimal cardiovascular
may lead to difficulty with neurological assessment postoperatively
management. Urine output should be measured hourly. Thermo-
and great care should be taken with the use of systemic opioids in
regulation is impaired in spinal cord injury. Core temperature must
patients with respiratory compromise.
be monitored and patient and fluid warming devices used.
Spinal cord monitoring may be used in specialist centres, partic- Key references
ularly for the patient with an unstable vertebral column injury and Cobby TF, Hardman JG, Baxendale BR.Anaesthetic management of the severe-
no or partial neurological deficit. It is vital to preserve cord func- ly injured patient: spinal injury. Br J Hosp Med 1997; 58: 198–201
tion in these patients and cord monitoring during, or immediately Lam AM.Acute spinal cord injury:monitoring and anaesthetic implications.Can
J Anaesth 1991; 38: 60–7
after, positioning and during surgery facilitates this. The common-
Lu J,Ashwell KWS,Waite P.Advances in secondary spinal cord injury: role of
est method is the use of sensory evoked potentials.
apoptosis. Spine 2000; 25: 1859–66
Induction and maintenance Mcleod A, Calder I. Spinal cord injury and direct laryngoscopy – the legend
lives on. Br J Anaesth 2000; 84: 705–9
The main goal is to maintain adequate cord perfusion and oxy-
Short DJ, El Masry WS, Jones PW. High dose methylprednisolone in the man-
genation during surgery and anaesthesia to prevent any further agement of acute spinal cord injury – a systematic review from a clinical
damage. Autoregulation of blood flow is lost in the injured cord perspective. Spinal Cord 2000; 38: 273–86
and mean arterial blood pressure should be at least 60 mmHg. A See multiple choice questions 94–96.

British Journal of Anaesthesia | CEPD Reviews | Volume 2 Number 5 2002 143

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