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"Internet-based broiler chicken coop

temperature monitoring system for a real

form of sustainable livestock development in
the 4.0 industrial revolution era"

03_Amoi Lisjelli Sipayung_Farm

Sustainable development goals and

revolution industrial 4.0
According to Wikipedia, Sustainable development is
development that meets the needs of the present by
taking into account the needs of future generations.
The main principle in sustainable development is the
defense of the quality of life for all humans at present
and in the future in a sustainable manner.
Meanwhile, according to Wikipedia, the Industrial
Revolution 4.0 is a comprehensive transformation of
all aspects of production in the industry through the
merging of digital technology and the internet with
conventional industry.
Broiler chickens
Broiler chickens or also known as broilers are
superior breeds resulting from crosses from chicken
nations that have high productivity, especially in
producing chicken meat.

In broiler farming, one thing that must be

considered is the temperature in the cage. The
temperature in the cage will affect the health and
tranquility of the chickens. If the temperature in the
cage is too high or too low, it will affect the
production and growth of chickens in the cage and
disease will attack the chickens more easily.
Temperature and humidity

According to Riyadi (2018), temperature and humidity

are inseparable. Humidity is the amount of water
contained in the air, usually expressed as a
percentage. This humidity is related or influenced by
air temperature, and jointly between temperatures. A
condition with very hot air temperature from the body
on a large scale, because of the evaporation system.
Another effect is the faster the heart rate due to the
more active blood circulation to meet the oxygen
demand, and the body is always trying to achieve a
balance between body heat and the surrounding
what will happen if the
temperature is too high or
If the temperature is too cold, the chicken brain responds by
increasing its metabolism to produce body heat.
The behavior that appears can be a chicken sitting still and curling up.
Temperatures that are too cold can also trigger pneumonia in chickens,
which also results in decreased appetite.
If the temperature is too hot, the chicken will look painting
(opening the mouth) as an attempt by the body to release
excess heat
In conditions where the temperature is too hot, the consumption of feed
decreases than usual, while the consumption of drinking water increases
sharply, causing diarrhea in chickens.

Inhibited body weight due to nutritional intake is not met and the body's
metabolism is disturbed. If the painting is not able to lower the bdy temperature,
then the chicken can xperience sudden death.
How do smallholders farmers
handle it?
In smallholder farms, this will usually be overcome by facilitating air
circulation in the cage, namely by providing a fan in the chicken coop. But
this also can not guarantee the temperature in the cage is stable. This is
because the environment changes over time, such as in the rainy season or
in the summer, of course, the need for fans in the broiler chicken coop will
not be the same. And also to find out the temperature of the cage in
people's farms, usually they are still estimating or not sure the
temperature in the cage.

To handle the temperature in the cage as well, the breeder still has to look
directly into the cage and adjust the need for the temperature in the cage.
This will be difficult if the farmer can not check the cage to find out the
temperature in the cage.
"Internet of things" is the solution for the problem.

"Internet-based broiler chicken coop temperature monitoring

system for a real form of sustainable livestock development in
the 4.0 industrial revolution era"
Therefore, there are things we can do to overcome these rights. This is by taking
advantage of current advances, namely the so-called Internet of things (IoT).
According to Efendi (2018, 20) Internet of Things or also known by the
abbreviation IoT, is a concept that aims to expand the benefits of continuously
connected internet connectivity that makes it possible to connect machines,
equipment, and other physical objects with network sensors and actuators to
acquire data and manage their own performance, thus enabling machines to
collaborate and even act on newly acquired information independently. IOT has
been widely applied in various fields, and this time we will discuss the application
of the Internet of Things (IOT) in the livestock sector.
The description of the steps for implementing
the Internet of Things that must be done is
more or less as follows:

1. Seeing the state of the cage, To enter the heating device.

2. Then install a tool in the cage that can predict the temperature and humidity in the cage
(temperature sensor).
3. Then install a device that can be connected to the internet to find out the temperature in
the cage.
4. After that download an application that can control the power on and off of the device.
5. After all the tools are installed, the next step is to test the tools.
6. By logging into the application and then connecting to the connected device in the cage.
Then see the temperature in the cage through the application.
7. Usually the normal temperature for broiler chicken coops is 26-29 degrees Celsius
(optimally 27 degrees Celsius). If you have passed that, then you can turn off the heating in
the cage, but if the temperature is below the optimal temperature, then the heating device
can be turned on so that the temperature of the cage can rise again.
8. And so on, monitoring can be done for temperature and humidity in the chicken coop.
The benefits that can be received with the application
of the Internet of Things, to regulate the temperature in
the cage are:
1. The temperature in the cage is more regular and neutral with this IOT.
2. Can check the temperature in the cage even when not in the cage or far
from the cage.
3. Can reduce human resources to check the temperature in the cage and
the humidity.
4. Can do other activities, instead of time to the cage.
5. Maintain the health of chickens, so that they grow with high weights.
6. Benefits are made to regulate the temperature in the cage to reduce
sudden chicken deaths.
7. The benefit of temperature regulation in the cage is for the growth of
chickens in the cage smoothly because the consumption is smooth or not
8. The benefit of temperature regulation is to reduce costs for feed, because
costs will be sufficient as usual.

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