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Fourth Quarter
Module 1 - Week 1

Philippine Folk Dance
 Describes the nature and background of the Philippine Folk Dance.
 Executes the skills involved in the dance.
Transcending time, containing pieces of every single known culture, showing the beauty of movement, and te

What I Know

Look at the picture carefully and arrange the letters in each item to decipher the
word/s that refers to the type of dance shows on the picture.

What’s In

Look at each picture. Arrange the following fundamental dance position of arms and
feet in order (1 to 5 position). Write your answer on the space provided.
st th

What’s New

Identify the classification of Philippine Folk Dance shows in the picture. Write your
answer on the space provided.

Asian Influenced Dance Spanish Influenced Dance Muslim Dance

Lesser-Known Group Dance Cordillera Dance Countryside Dance

What is It
In the Philippines, dance is as diverse as the culture intermingling in the archipelago.
It encompasses all the dance forms that have been used by the Filipinos through the
centuries to express themselves. This dazzling diversity of dances in different forms
and dynamics grew out of the times, situations, and experiences of the people and the
exposure to the varied cultures and traditions introduced by the waves of colonial rule
that have reached the Philippine shores.
The mountain regions of Northern Luzon house dances
that continues to be an expression of community life that
animates the various rituals and ceremonies. Cordillera is
a name given by the Spanish Conquistadors when they
first saw the mountain ranges. Meaning "knotted rope",
the Spanish term refers to the jumbled rolls and dips of
this long-range traversing the northern part of Luzon
Island. Some of the dances of Cordillera groups are
Dongadong, Talip, Tarektek, Turayen, Ragragsakan and
Another ethnic dance found in southern Philippines also
known as Muslim dance. Like their brothers from central
and northern Philippines, Filipinos in the South are avid
lovers of dance. The dances, particularly of the
Maguindanao, the Maranao, and the Tausug, are largely
ceremonial and are often accompanied by percussion
instruments such as gongs and drums. Some of the
dances of Muslim groups are Kakulangan, Pag-Apir, Asik,
Janggay, Pindulas, and Pangaliyag.
Western Influenced dances reached their zenith in popularity around the turn of the
century, particularly among urban Filipinos. They are so named in honor of the
legendary Maria Clara, who remains a symbol of the virtues and nobility of the
Filipina woman.

Typical attire for these dances is the formal Maria Clara dress and barong tagalog, an
embroidered long-sleeve shirt made of pineapple fiber. Some of the dances introduce
are Rigodon, Virginia, Lanceros, Pandango, Habanera, Jota, Valse, Mazurka, Polka,
Paseo, and Escotis.

Countryside dance perhaps the best known and closest to the Filipino heart are the
dances from the rural Christian lowlands: a country blessed with so much beauty. To
the Filipinos, these dances illustrate the fiesta spirit and demonstrate a love of life.
They express a joy in work, a love for music, and pleasure in the simplicities of life.
Typical attire in the Rural Suite includes the colorful balintawak and patadyong skirts
for the women, and camisa de chino and colored trousers for the men. Some of the
dances are Sayaw sa Bati, Binasuan, Bulaklakan, Maglalatik and Sayaw sa Bangko.
Lesser-known groups are ethnic groups living in the
different locations in the country that are untouched
and never been influenced by the Westerners. They
danced to appease the gods, to curry favor from powerful
spirits, to celebrate a hunt or harvest, to mimic the
exotic life forms around them. They danced their
stories and their shamanic rituals, their rites of passage
and their remembered legends and history. Some of the
dances are Dugso, Kadal Taju, and Pagdiwata.
Some of the regional and national folk dances of the
country have been greatly influenced by our
neighboring countries like Thailand, Indonesia,
Malaysia, China, Cambodia, Burma, and Japan. These are
manifested in the use of colorful and intricately
designed costumes, accessories and props like fans, and
headdresses; and the use of musical instruments like
gongs and kulintang. The effect of acculturation, may
have modified the indigenous dances. This is evident in
the use of chopsticks which was borrowed from the
Chinese now used as implements in the dances
Binislakan and Sakuting; the use of colorful fans,
beautiful costumes,
and headdresses among the Japanese and Chinese influenced are now used for the
dance Sua-Ku-Sua; the use of janggay and flamboyant headdresses inspired by
Indonesian, Thai, and Malay culture which are now used for the dance Pangalay.

What I Can Do

Skill Development:
Analyze and interpret the dance warm-up adapted from “Dance Warm-up and
Exercise” by Dr. Larry A. Gabao. Your teacher will provide any time signature music
and a video that will serve as your basis for this performance. Perform the dance
warm-up accurately and enthusiastically.

What I Have Learned

 Complete the following statement.

 Write your answer on the space provided.

I discovered that . . . . .
I still need to . . . . .
I am really excited for . . . . .


Multiple Choice: Read and analyze the following questions carefully. Write the letter
of your chosen answer on blank space provided


1. Which of the following is a great exercise and a fun recreational activity for
people of all ages?
A. Culture C. Dancing
B. Ritual D. Running

2. Which of the following is developed by a group of people that reflects the

traditional life of the people in a certain region?
A. culture C. dancing
B. ritual D. running

3. What is the typical attire worn in countryside dances?

A. Barong Tagalog and Maria Clara
B. Camiso de Chino and Colorful Balintawak
C. Sando and Skirt
D. Coat and Gown

4. Which of the following is an example of Asian-influenced dance?

A. Tarektek C. Binasuan
B. Jota Cabangan D. Sua-ku-Sua

5. Which of the following is another ethnic group found in southern Philippines

that are also avid lovers of dance?
A. Cordillera Group C. Lesser-Known People
B. Muslim Group D. Rural

End of MAPEH8-Q4-Week1

Fourth Quarter
Module 2 - Week 2

Lesson Fundamental Dance Steps in

1 Time Signature

 Relates and understands the nature and scope of recreational activities.

Many people enjoy learning basic steps in folk dance in order to participate in either a social or religious trad

What I Know

Read each word carefully. Identify the fundamental dance steps in

time signature. Check the box (✔) provided before the number.

contraganza waltz

cross-waltz heel and toe change step

heel and toe polka mazurka

redoba haplik

change step kuradang

What’s In

LOOP-A-WORD: Encircle all the common dance terms used in Philippine folk

What’s New

Watch the video clip using the link below.

 Are you familiar with the

 What did you notice in the music,
costumes, movements, and the
way they perform the dances?
 What are the fundamental dance
steps in time signature executed
in the dances?

What is It

What I Can Do

Skill Development:

Analyze and interpret the dance step combination in time signature adapted
from “Rhythmic Activities and Dance” by Dr. Aquilino Santos. Your teacher will
provide any time signature music and a video that will serve as your basis for
this performance. Perform the dance step combination time signature
accurately and

What I Have Learned
Complete the following statement.

I discovered that . . . . .
I still need to . . . . .
I am really excited for . . . . .


Multiple Choice: Read and analyze the following questions carefully. Encircle the
letter of your chosen answer.


1. Which of the following is an 8-measure dance step?

A. Change step C. Heel and toe polka
B. Haplik D. Step point

2. Which of the following dance steps has a step pattern of “step-close-step”?

A. Change step C. Heel and toe polka
B. Haplik D. Step point

3. Which dance steps can be executed both in 24 and 34 time signature?

A. Habanera C. Bleking step
B. Hop Polka D. Contraganza

4. What movement or step is described as “springing from one foot landing on the
same foot in place or in any direction”?
A. Cut C Leap
B. Step D. Hop

5. Which dance step is described as “turning the palms of the hands up and down
alternately, hands at waist level in front, elbows close to waist”?
A. Hayon-hayon C. Kumintang
B. Bilao D. Masiwak

End of MAPEH8-Q4-Week2

Fourth Quarter
Module 3 - Week 3

Lesson Fundamental Dance Steps in 3

1 Signature

 Executes the skills involved in the dance.

Folk dancing varies throughout the world. There are a few fundamental steps that can be found in almost ev

What I Know

Read each word carefully. Encircle all the fundamental dance steps in 34 time

What’s In
Complete the table by providing the necessary information in each column.
Write your answer inside the table.
Fundamental Dance Steps in 24 Time Step Pattern and
Signature Counting
1. Hop Polka
2. Changing Step
3. Haplik
4. Step Hop
5. Heel and Toe Change Step

What’s New

Watch the video clip using the link

below. Are you familiar with the
dance? What did you notice in the
music, costume, movements, and
the way they perform the dance?
What are the fundamental dance
steps in 34 time signature
executed in the dance?

What is It

What I Can Do

Skill Development: Analyze and interpret the dance step combination in 34 time
signature adapted from “Rhythmic Activities and Dance” by Dr. Aquilino Santos. Your
teacher will provide any 34 time signature music and a video that will serve as your
basis for this performance. Perform the dance step combination 34 time signature
accurately and enthusiastically.

What I Have Learned

Complete the following statement.

I discovered . . . . .
I still need to work on . . . . .
I am really excited for . . . . .


Multiple Choice: Read and analyze the following questions carefully. Encircle the
letter of your chosen answer.


1. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of recreation?

A. It has no simple form C. It has by-products
B. It is too costly D. It gives satisfaction

2. Which activity is worthwhile, socially acceptable and that it provides

immediate satisfaction to the individual?
A. Games and sports C. Working
B. Recreation D. Physical activity

3. Which is not an example of outdoor activity?

A. Basketball C. Field Trip
B. Hiking D. Boardgames

4. What agency caters to the public demand for leisure and for the agencies’ own
A. Public or government C. Private agency
B. Voluntary agency D. Commercial agency

5. Which is an example of indoor activity?

A. Fieldtrip C. Basketball
B. Board games D. Hiking

End of MAPEH8-Q4-Week3

Fourth Quarter
Module 4 - Week 4

Sua Ku Sua (Nature and Background)
 Describes the nature and background of the dance.

Philippines folk dances speak so much about the heartbeat of the people for they talk about the customs, ide

What I Know

Look at each picture below. Arrange the scrambled letters to reveal the title of the
Philippine folk dance indicated in the picture. Write your answer inside the box.

What’s New

Complete the table by providing the necessary information in each column. Write your
answer inside the table.

Fundamental Dance Steps in Step Pattern and

Time Signature Counting
1. Redoba
2. Waltz
3. Mazurka
4. Sway Balance with a Hop
5. Engañ o with a Brush

What’s In

Watch the video clip using the link below.

 Are you familiar with the dance?

What did you notice in the
music, costume, implements,
and movements?
 Is this dance influenced by the
other countries?
 What do you think is the
storyline behind the dance?

Link of Sua Ku Sua Video:

What is It

Aside from being known as fierce warriors,

the Tausug of Jolo, Sulu are also remarkable
as seafarers and farmers. In Sulu, extensive
orchards are planted with coconut and
Pomelo and the field with stables like rice and
root crops. Pomelo fruit serve as an
important source of income of the people of
Sulu. Their dependence on Pomelo fruits for
their livelihood inspired them to create Sua-
Ku- Sua dance.

The movements of the dance compare sua’s gentle leaves, slender branches,
attractive fruits, and fragrant flowers to a lady. During the performance, the couples
sing while flapping two white fans which represent the leaves rustling in the wind.
The performers, especially women, dance with faces thickly covered with finely
ground rice powder. Their eyebrows and sideburns are enhanced with soot for
aesthetic purposes.

Dance Properties
A. Costume
 Female
 Top (Barawasi): Traditional loose
blouse, long sleeves with deep,
plunging key hole neckline; extra
panels attached to the right and
left chest decorated with many
tiny brass buttons.
 Material - Printed or plain Chinese silk or cotton.
 Pants (Sawal or Kantiu): Loose Chinese pants with a 10 inch soft white
band (coco curdo) attached to a wide waist. To tuck the pants in, the
white band is overlapped in front , one side on top of the other and rolled
out to form a tight belt.
 Material - Chinese silk or any silky material preferably in navy blue,
sunshine yellow, grass green, red, or orange colors.
 Shoulder Band (Siyag): A separate wrap- around malong of rich material
strung over the right shoulder crossing the chest and hanging on the left

There are three choices for headpiece:

 gold or brass filigree called tusuk
 paper bills pasted on slender sticks
 pasteboard cut-outs in the front tip 8- 10 inches high, similar to
Chinese crowns covered with gold foil
 Accessories: Gold or imitation gold earrings, necklace, bracelets, and
 Suggested Footwear: Dancers are barefoot.

 Male
 Top (Bajo): Short waist collarless shirt; open front with the right panel
overlapping the left, studded with many tiny brass buttons and is not
intended to close the front but used as an additional shirt decoration.
The shirt is allowed to drop on the right side.
Material - Printed or plain Chinese silk or cotton.
 Pants (Sawal or Kantiu): Similar to the pants of females but in darker
colors and bolder design.
 Accessories: Money belt, Sarok hat, Pis siyabit (rectangular hand-woven
scarf tied on the head or hung loosely over one shoulder) , Kris (wavy
knife) or barong (leaf- knife).
 Suggested Footwear: Dancers are barefoot

B. Music
 and ; composed of three parts - A, B, and C. Gabbang bamboo xylophone
are shaped - like a small boat. Bamboo slats are thinned and cut to graduated
sizes to produce three octaves of pentatonic scale.

C. Count

 One, two to a measure in time signature; 1, 2, 3, 4 to a measure in time


What I Can Do

Activity 1:

Create a tri-fold
brochure that will exhibit
the nature and
background of Sua Ku
Sua. You may include
pictures that will support
your brochure. Your
output will be evaluated
based on the rubrics.

Activity 2:
During the performance of Sua-Ku-Sua, the couples sing while flapping two white fans
which represent the leaves rustling in the wind. In preparation for the next module
activity, create an improvised fan using recycled materials. Design your improvised
fans that will show the culture and arts of Tausug.

What I Have Learned

The dependence of the Tausug on the Pomelo tree and its fruits have created a bond between th


Multiple Choice: Read and analyze the following questions carefully. Write the letter
of your correct answer in the blank space provided before the number


1. Which is the traditional loose long sleeves blouse with deep plunging
key hole neckline worn by the ladies in Sua Ku Sua dance?
A. siyag C. barawasi
B. sawal D. bajo

2. Which dance imitates the Pomelo Tree; its gentle leaves, attractive fruits, its
fragrance, and slender body to that of a lady?
A. Binislakan C. Pangalay
B. Sakuting D. Sua ku Sua

3. What time signature is used in the music of Sua Ku Sua dance?
4 and 4 C. 24 and 34
A. 2 4

B. 3 and 4 D. 24 and 38
4 4

4. What is the traditional pants worn by male dancer in Sua Ku Sua similar to
the pants of females but in darker colors and bolder designs?
A. siyag C. barawasi
B. sawal D. bajo

5. What are implements used in the Sua Ku Sua dance?

A. fans C. glass
B. sticks D. leaves

End of MAPEH8-Q4-Week4


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