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- A-

______________________________ ANADOLU LİSESİ 2021-2022 EĞİTİM ÖĞRETİM YILI

Name Surname :______________________________ DATE : _______________
Class – Number :_____________________________ POINT : _______________

A - ) Read the text and write “True” or “False” (Metni okuyup, True(doğru) / False(yanlış) yazınız.) (5x3=15p.)
There is a Turkish saying which goes “There is no rose without a thorn” to emphasize that sometimes you have to take the
bitter with the sweet. This is the same for the cyber world. While enjoying the conveniences and advantages of cyber
tools, you may be under serious threats. Just like the criminals in everyday life, cyber world has created its own criminals
who are called hackers, cyber criminals and cybercrooks.
Some of the popular cybercrimes are phishing, identity theft, online harassment and invasion of privacy. There are
phishing websites which can mimic a legitimate website. The computer user is not suspicious of anything and if s/he has
entered bits of personal information, it is far too late. A phisher’s already gotten them. Thanks to a phishing filter, you can
eliminate it.
Identity theft is another major crime. Identity theft scams may come in the form of a spam e-mail, website or even an
online pop-up survey. Cybercrooks who may have gained access to your credit card or banking account information may
do shopping in your name and you may suddenly face a huge credit card dept.
If one receives threats via e-mail, instant message or a social network message, they are exposed to online harassment.
Cyber bullying is also part of this. If you notice something out of the ordinary, report it immediately before it gets out of
Invasion of privacy is also a very serious threat. This includes hacking into someone’s computer, reading their e-mails or
monitoring online activities. Be careful with the people you are sharing your moments with.
The good thing about the above cases is that they are all preventable by taking the steps timely and downloading or
buying anti-spyware or anti-virus programs.
1. There are advantages and disadvantages in cyber world. _____________
2. Cyber world has created its own criminals. _____________
3. You can’t eliminate phishing websites _____________
4. Identity theft scams may come only in the form of spam e-mail. _____________
5. Cybercrimes are all preventable. _____________

B - ) Fill in the blanks with the words below. (Boşlukları aşağıdaki kelimelerle doldurunuz) (5x2=10p.)
deprived / refugee / disadvantaged / racism / paralyzed
1. People donate items of furniture to the society who then distributes them to ____________________ families.
2. As a __________________, he can be deported only if he is a danger to national security or to the community.
3. In June, 2013, a stroke turned his active 58-year-old father speechless and _________________________.
4. My mother was _____________________ of an education while my uncles were sent to school.
5. Black people are imprisoned at five times the rate of white due to __________________________.

C - ) Match the problems with the suggestions below. (Problemlerle önerileri eşleştiriniz) (5x3=15p.)
Problems About Human Rights Suggestions For The Problems
1. behaving badly towards the elderly a. Every government should prevent the unfair distribution of income.
2. income inequality b. Every workplace must give the equal chance for women as well as men.
3. behaving badly towards animals c. Everybody should respect the elderly.
4. being abusive towards women d. Animals should have right to live as well as humans on earth.
5. gender difference e. Men shouldn’t use brute force against women.
1. ______ 2. _____ 3. ______ 4. _____ 5. ______

D - ) Fill in the blanks with ‘will’ or ‘be going to’. (“Will” veya “Be going to” ile doldurunuz) (5x3=15p.)
1. Julia : Are you coming to the cinema with us?
Clara :Yes, and I guess, I ______________________ take Linda with me.
2. Judy : My son doesn’t study hard for his exam.
Karen : So, he ________________________ pass the lesson.
3. Christopher : What are our vacation plans dad?
Father : We ________________________ spend two weeks in Marmaris.
4. Helen : It is too late to phone now, Tom.
Tom : Don’t worry. I suppose, I _______________________ phone him tomorrow.
5. Scarlett : It’s cloudy today.
Joseph : Yes. I think, it _________________________ rain.
- A-
E - ) What are your plans for the weekend? (Hafta sonu planlarınızı 7 cümle ile anlatınız) (7x2=14p.)
1. ____________________________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________________________________________
5. ____________________________________________________________________________
6. ____________________________________________________________________________
7. ____________________________________________________________________________
F - ) Listen to the text and complete it. (Metni dinleyerek tamamlayınız) (8x2=16p.)
Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome!
We are at the beginning of a _____________ academic year, which is why we are more enthusiastic. Our club has
accepted new members making us more _____________. Thank you for being part of this volunteer work.
This year, our top priorities are basic ______________ rights again. We are _____________ that we have received fewer
complaints about human rights abuses so far this year. This _____________________ has become a place where human
rights regulations are followed. However, this doesn’t mean that we don’t have much to do. We have a long way to go.
We would like to __________________ things even better. We intend to make the conditions better for the
______________ students in our campus. We should develop new curricula for them. We are thinking of launching
campaigns to support the __________________ groups.
G. Talk about following topics. (15p.)
1. Introduce yourself and your family members in details (Physical Appearance, Personality, Likes & Dislikes)
2. What is Universal Declaration of Human Rights?
3. How should we behave towards the elderly / the children / the animals?
4. What is your favourite cyber game? Can you talk about it?
5. What are your plans after high school?
Comprehension Vocabulary Pronounciation Accuracy Fluency Total
3p. 3p. 3p. 3p. 3p. 15p.

- B -
_____________________________ ANADOLU LİSESİ 2021-2022 EĞİTİM ÖĞRETİM YILI
Name Surname :______________________________ DATE : _______________
Class – Number :_____________________________ POINT : _______________

A - ) Read the text and write “True” or “False” (Metni okuyup, True(doğru) / False(yanlış) yazınız.) (5x3=15p.)
There is a Turkish saying which goes “There is no rose without a thorn” to emphasize that sometimes you have to take the
bitter with the sweet. This is the same for the cyber world. While enjoying the conveniences and advantages of cyber
tools, you may be under serious threats. Just like the criminals in everyday life, cyber world has created its own criminals
who are called hackers, cyber criminals and cybercrooks.
Some of the popular cybercrimes are phishing, identity theft, online harassment and invasion of privacy. There are
phishing websites which can mimic a legitimate website. The computer user is not suspicious of anything and if s/he has
entered bits of personal information, it is far too late. A phisher’s already gotten them. Thanks to a phishing filter, you can
eliminate it.
Identity theft is another major crime. Identity theft scams may come in the form of a spam e-mail, website or even an
online pop-up survey. Cybercrooks who may have gained access to your credit card or banking account information may
do shopping in your name and you may suddenly face a huge credit card dept.
If one receives threats via e-mail, instant message or a social network message, they are exposed to online harassment.
Cyber bullying is also part of this. If you notice something out of the ordinary, report it immediately before it gets out of
Invasion of privacy is also a very serious threat. This includes hacking into someone’s computer, reading their e-mails or
monitoring online activities. Be careful with the people you are sharing your moments with.
The good thing about the above cases is that they are all preventable by taking the steps timely and downloading or
buying anti-spyware or anti-virus programs.
1. There are only advantages in cyber world. _____________
2. Cyber world has created its own criminals. _____________
3. You can eliminate phishing websites _____________
4. Identity theft scams may come in different forms. _____________
5. Cybercrimes aren’t preventable. _____________

B - ) Fill in the blanks with the words below. (Boşlukları aşağıdaki kelimelerle doldurunuz) (5x2=10p.)
inequality / abused / deprived / racism / paralyzed
1. He has grossly misused his position and _____________________ his authority.
2. If you compare a violent society with a peaceful one, the single biggest difference is income __________________
3. Black people are imprisoned at five times the rate of white due to __________________________.
4. My mother was _____________________ of an education while my uncles were sent to school.
5. In June, 2013, a stroke turned his active 58-year-old father speechless and _________________________.

C- ) Match the problems with the suggestions below. (Problemlerle önerileri eşleştiriniz) (5x3=15p.)
Problems About Human Rights Suggestions For The Problems
1. gender difference a. Every government should prevent the unfair distribution of income.
2. behaving badly towards animals b. Every workplace must give the equal chance for women as well as men.
3. income inequality c. Everybody should respect the elderly.
4. being abusive towards women d. Animals should have right to live as well as humans on earth.
5. behaving badly towards the elderly e. Men shouldn’t use brute force against women.
1. ______ 2. _____ 3. ______ 4. _____ 5. ______

D - ) Fill in the blanks with ‘will’ or ‘be going to’. (“Will” veya “Be going to” ile doldurunuz) (5x3=15p.)
1. Karen : Are you enjoying your study?
Kevin : No, I’m not. I _______________________________ change my topic.
2. Nancy : What are you going to do on Friday night?
John: Well, I haven’t decided yet. I think, I _______________________________ visit my grannies.
3. Jenny : Why are you filling that bucket with water?
Sam : I ____________________________ wash my car.
4. Scarlett : It’s cloudy today.
Joseph : Yes. I think, it _______________________________ rain.
5. Helen : It is too late to phone now, Tom.
Tom : Don’t worry. I suppose, I ____________________________ phone him tomorrow.
- B -
E - ) What are your plans for the weekend? (Hafta sonu planlarınızı 7 cümle ile anlatınız) (7x2=14p.)
1. ____________________________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________________________________________
5. ____________________________________________________________________________
6. ____________________________________________________________________________
7. ____________________________________________________________________________
F - ) Listen to the text and complete it. (Metni dinleyerek tamamlayınız) (8x2=16p.)
Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome!
We are at the beginning of a _____________ academic year, which is why we are more enthusiastic. Our club has
accepted new members making us more _____________. Thank you for being part of this volunteer work.
This year, our top priorities are basic ______________ rights again. We are _____________ that we have received fewer
complaints about human rights abuses so far this year. This _____________________ has become a place where human
rights regulations are followed. However, this doesn’t mean that we don’t have much to do. We have a long way to go.
We would like to __________________ things even better. We intend to make the conditions better for the
______________ students in our campus. We should develop new curricula for them. We are thinking of launching
campaigns to support the __________________ groups.
G. Talk about following topics. (15p.)
1. Introduce yourself and your family members in details (Physical Appearance, Personality, Likes & Dislikes)
2. What is Universal Declaration of Human Rights?
3. How should we behave towards the elderly / the children / the animals?
4. What is your favourite cyber game? Can you talk about it?
5. What are your plans after high school?
Comprehension Vocabulary Pronounciation Accuracy Fluency Total
3p. 3p. 3p. 3p. 3p. 15p.

Tapescript 3.1
Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome!
We are at the beginning of a new academic year, which is why we are more enthusiastic. Our club has accepted
new members making us more powerful. Thank you for being part of this volunteer work.
This year, our top priorities are basic human rights again. We are happy that we have received fewer
complaints about human rights abuses so far this year. This university has become a place where human rights
regulations are followed. However, this doesn’t mean that we don’t have much to do. We have a long way to
go. We would like to make things even better. We intend to make the conditions better for the refugee students
in our campus. We should develop new curricula for them. We are thinking of launching campaigns to support
the disadvantaged groups.

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