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The real estate broker is not required under the code of ethics and the RESA to

secure the following before engaging in practice.

A. Postal ID
B. Payment of professional tax
C. Professional Identification Card
D. Certificate of Registration with the PRC

The following act should not be done by the broker and is unethical.
A. Split commission with an unlicensed broker
B. Share commission as agreed
C. Agree to revise commission sharing
D. Accept the arrangement for reduction in commission as agreed

The owner requested the broker on how to reduce the capital gains tax to be paid.
It is unethical for the broker to recommend the following ____.
A. To undervalue the sale price
B. To pay the capital gains on time
C. To pay transfer tax to the city treasurer
D. To pay in manager�s check to the bank

If one participated in the undervaluation of the sale, the broker is deemed to have
violated his relation to the ____.
A. Client
B. Public
C. Government
D. Organization he belongs

As a real estate broker, one is not required to indicate the professional license
no. in the following documents ____.
A. Advertisements
B. Letterhead
C. Deed of absolute sale
D. Calling cards

The practitioner must display the following in their place for business as provided
in the Code of Ethics.
A. AIPO Receipt
B. Surety bond
C. Professional Identification Card
D. Certificate of registration

The statement that the practitioner should be imbued with a social conscience foe
he does not live by himself and his family alone can be said to reflect the
following idea ____.
A. Network with others
B. No man is an island
C. Better to live inside a subdivision
D. Join a professional organization

Acts of treating others irrespective of political beliefs, cultural background,

sect, religion or class is to have no ____.
A. Discrimination
B. Religion
C. Partisan politics
D. Foreign friends

As act that can be said to be unethical in dealing with a real property being sold
by the owner ____.
A. Avoid exaggeration
B. Conceal relevant information
C. Refrain from misrepresentation
D. Ascertain all material facts on the property

A real estate broker bought a lot in a residential subdivision, and it would be

unethical for him to construct on the property the following ____.
A. Residential house
B. His professional office
C. Piggery
D. Duplex residential apartment

The power to adopt the Code of Ethics and Responsibilities, under the RESA, shall
be under the ____.
A. Professional Regulation Commission
B. Accredited and Integrated Professional Organization
C. Professional Regulatory Commission
D. Professional Regulatory Board of Real Estate Service

The following person is not covered by the Code of Ethics and Responsibilities for
real estate service practice ____.
A. Real estate salespersons
B. Real estate brokers
C. Real estate appraisers
D. Real estate dealers

The code of ethics and responsibilities, as provided under the RESA, shall be
prescribed and issued by the ____.
A. National association of real estate service practitioners
B. Accredited and Integrated Professional Organization
C. Professional Regulatory Commission
D. Professional Regulatory Board of Real estate Service

Before the RESA, the code of ethics under the DTI was referred to as ____.
A. National Code of Ethics
B. National Code of Ethics for Real Estate Service
C. National Code of Ethics for the Realty Service Practice
D. National Code of Ethics and Responsibilities

Under the then code of ethics, the realty service is considered the following, and
not a ____.
A. Calling
B. Professional
C. Business
D. Occupation
As per the definition of real estate service practitioners under the RESA, the code
of ethics no longer cover the following _______.
A. Real estate salesman
B. Real estate consultants
C. Real estate brokerage partnerships
D. Real estate appraisers

Under the code of ethics, it does not include the relation of the real estate
service practitioners to the ____.
A. Public
B. Government
C. Developer
D. Client

Attendance in a continuing professional education is provided also in the code of

ethics under the following provision ____.
A. The spirit of camaraderie, cooperation and professional relationship of other
practitioners shall be promoted
B. Their dealings with each other shall be fair, honest and just
C. A high level of respect relationship with colleagues in the Realty Service
Practice shall be maintained
D. Adequate knowledge, competence and expertise in real estate development and
management shall be maintained

The statement �do unto others what you want others do to unto you� is referred to
as the ____.
A. Good manners and right conduct
B. Golden rule
C. Spirit of camaraderie
D. Respect for others

As to their relation with the government, the practitioners is not required to

secure the following ____.
A. License
B. Permits
C. Authority to pay surety bond
D. Required registration

The code of ethics provides that the real estate broker in a real estate
transaction should ____.
A. Always make sure the seller is at an advantage
B. Be in favor of the seller always
C. Have the seller and buyer conclude a fair deal
D. Be inclined to just think of the commission

In a court case, the real estate appraiser was called to testify and under the code
of ethics he must testify in a manner
A. To protect his interests
B. To protect the interest of the client
C. To protect both their interests
D. To testify in a truthful manner
A licensed real estate appraiser can undertake the appraisal of the factory and
plant under the following ____.
A. With assistance from one familiar with the appraisal of such
B. Is also a licensed real estate broker with experience
C. He or she has gained experience as assessor
D. The owner is not in a hurry

The real estate broker should not solicit a listing which is currently expired and
A. The broker knows the contact no. of the owner ____.
B. The broker already met the owner
C. Solicits the same from the owner
D. The owner offers to list the same to the new broker

Real estate broker X accepted a listing from another broker Y. the agency of the
broker Y who offers the listing should be respected until it has expired and ____.
A. Broker X is able to contact the owner
B. Come to the attention of broker X from a different source
C. Broker Y does not answer his text messages
D. Broker X solicits the listing from the owner

As to negotiations on a property listed exclusively with one broker, it should be

through the listing broker and not the owner, except ____.
A. With consent of the owner
B. The listing broker has consented
C. The listing broker is just new
D. The listing broker is not knowledgeable

When a client asks the real estate broker for his opinion on a transaction not
being handled properly by another broker, he should ____.
A. Criticize the manner of handling by the other broker
B. Simply say �No comment�
C. His opinion should be done with courtesy and professional respect
D. Point out the errors committed by the other broker

A newly passed broker was dealing with a broker already 10 years in the profession.
The more experienced real estate broker should ____.
A. Share his experiences on the transaction
B. Try to put one over the new broker
C. Use the advantage of his experience over the new broker
D. Keep quiet when asked for advice by the new broker

So that no controversy or misunderstanding arises between the two brokers dealing

on the sale of the lot, the code of ethics requires ____.
A. The two brokers assume the sharing will be 50-50
B. Discuss and clear the commission arrangement beforehand
C. Discuss the sharing only when the professional fee is received
D. The broker who transferred the title to the buyer should get more

Broker Y has a compliant against Broker P who belonged to the same real estate
service organization. Broker Y must therefore ____.
A. File the case in court
B. Exhaust remedies within their organization
C. File and administrative case with PRC
D. Tell other members openly about his complaint

If the owner wants to undervalue the sale price, the real estate broker is expected
to tell the owner ____.
A. To undervalue not lower than zonal value
B. To get a contact with the BIR
C. To have 2 deeds of sale
D. The true basis of capital gains tax

Funds which come into the hands of the real estate broker from the client should
be, under the Code of Ethics,
A. Placed in a separate bank account
B. Deposited in the broker�s account
C. Just put in the wallet of the broker
D. Returned after using the money

An accredited real estate salesperson must be under the supervision of the real
estate broker and should indicate ____.
A. Name and license number of the broker
B. Email address of the broker
C. The website of the broker
D. Name and field of specialization of the broker

As part of the obligation under the code of ethics, the broker must, as much as
possible, see to it that the agreements are ____.
A. Notarized
B. In writing
C. In triple copies
D. Not required to be in writing

In accepting an appointment or authority to act for and in behalf of a client or

customer, the broker should pledge himself with utmost fidelity and good faith to
protect and promote the interest of his client which means ____.
A. Loyalty to the client
B. Be loyal to the client at all costs
C. Be only working to the advantage of the client
D. Be unfair to the buyer in favor of the seller

A real estate broker uploaded an advertisement of a property in the internet. Which

one would be considered unethical ____.
A. �with nice view of the lake�
B. �property to appreciate in value within a year�
C. �located in a gated subdivision�
D. �with wifi connection�

Considered unethical for a real estate broker, with regards to his professional
fee, is to obtain the same from both parties unless ____.
A. The buyer was informed ahead of time
B. The owner did not know he will get a fee from the buyer
C. The owner and seller knows and both agreed
D. The parties were not informed by the broker

For one to put up a for sake sign on the lot of the owner, the real estate broker
must be ____.
A. Put a decent sign
B. Use only a tarpaulin signature
C. Make sure the sign is very visible
D. Be authorized by the owner

If the real estate broker already saw another sign for sale of another broker,
under the code of ethics, the broker must ____.
A. Remove the sign before putting his sign
B. No longer put his or her sign for sale
C. Put the sign at least 3 meters away
D. Cover the sign of the other broker

Mr. Yumul decided to sell his lot for P5,500,000.00 although the broker knew it can
be sold for P7,000,000.00 and the zonal value is P6,500,000.00. what price should
the broker offer to sell the house?
A. P5,500,000.00
B. P6,000,000.00
C. P6,500,000.00
D. P7,000,000.00

The following is considered unethical for the real estate broker to do when selling
a house and lot.
A. To have the house cleaned before bringing the buyer
B. To tell the buyer there are may buyers interested although there are only a few
interested buyers
C. To open the windows of the house before bringing the buyer
D. To pass through a better road instead of the road with squatters

If a broker is a member of an organization, the real estate broker should not

engage in the following ____.
A. Be an officer and serve if elected
B. Electioneering during the annual elections
C. Support the programs or the organization
D. Pay on time the dues of the organization

In case a real estate broker is also a real estate appraiser, he or she may not
appraise the property of his client if ____.
A. He will not be paid a professional fee
B. He will also sell the property after appraising it
C. He is a new real estate appraiser
D. The owner wants a predetermined price of the property

As to the following acts of a real estate broker, which one can be considered
within the bounds of the code of ethics?
A. Delay the submission of an offer of another buyer
B. Encouraging the seller to undervalue the sale price
C. Willingly share his experience with new brokers
D. Criticize publicly another broker for his manner of selling

As a real estate broker, it is ethical to do the following acts. Which one however,
is not ethical.
A. Share professional fees as agreed with the other broker
B. Engage the services of the salesperson of another broker without informing the
broker concerned
C. Publish a listing of another broker only with his consent
D. Not give rebates or split commission with an unlicensed real estate broker.

For violation of the code of ethics, the following penalty may be imposed by the
broker�s professional real estate organization.
A. Removal of license
B. Suspension of license
C. Removal from roster of registered real estate broker
D. Expulsion from the organization

Which of the following acts can be considered to be unethical for a real estate
A. The broker should cooperate with other brokers on property listed
B. The broker should share the commission on an agreed basis
C. The broker should seek no unfair advantage over his fellow brokers
D. The broker can use the services of the salesman of another broker provided he
pays the salesperson a commission

48. A 2 story house and lot was being rented out by the owner and listed it
through several brokers. A broker who also obtained the listing can place his for
rent sign if authorized by the owner and only if ____.
A. It does not exceed two signs for rent
B. It is placed not less than 2 meters away from the other sign
C. His sign is not more than 2 meters by 2 meters in size
D. There is no sign placed on the property

Several offers for the purchase of the property were submitted by the real estate
broker to the owner and then another offer to purchase was received by the real
estate broker. What should the real estate broker do?
A. Wait foe the owner to decide first before giving the latest offer
B. Tell the purchaser that his offer will have to wait till owner decides
C. The latest offer should be presented to the owner for his decision
D. The real estate broker should tell the buyer to revise his offer

In his brochures, advertisements, or announcements, the real estate broker should

present a true picture of the property and is not required to indicate the
following ____.
A. Rights of interest over the property
B. Liens or encumbrances on the property
C. Name and firm name
D. Field of specialization as a real estate broker

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