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Page 98 Sample Paper 11 Solution CBSE Science X

Sample Paper 11 Solutions

Class X (TERM – II) 2021-22
Science (086)
Time: 2 Hours Max. Marks: 40
General Instructions:
1. All questions are compulsory.
2. The question paper has three sections and 15 questions. All questions are compulsory.
3. Section–A has 7 questions of 2 marks each; Section–B has 6 questions of 3 marks each; and Section–C has 2 case
based questions of 4 marks each.
4. Internal choices have been provided in some questions. A student has to attempt only one of the alternatives in
such questions.

Section A (b) Mention two advantages of using mechanical

barriers during sexual act.
 Ans :
1. Write electronic dot structures of (a) Uterus.
(a) F2 (b)
(b) NH 3 (i) It prevents from STD’s.
 Ans : (ii) It prevents the entry of sperms in female
genital tract.

4. (a) In the given figure name the parts marked 1 to


2. Account for the following : (b) Differentiate between self-pollination and cross-
(a) Elements C, N, O and F are all placed in the pollination.
second period in the Periodic Table.  Ans :
(b) Elements of group 17 are monovalent.
(a) 1. Anther, 2. Filament, 3. Petal, 4. Sepal, 5.
 Ans : Stigma. 6. Pistil.
(a) C, N, O and F contain same number of shells, (b) Self-pollination is the transfer of pollen grains
i.e., two shells : K and L. from the anther of one flower to the stigma of
(b) Group 17 elements e.g., F, Cl, Br and I have the same flower or another flower of the same
seven valence electrons. By gaining one electron, plant.
they achieve inert configuration. Hence, they Cross-pollination is the transfer of pollen grains
are called monovalent. from the anther of one flower to the stigma of
another flower growing on another plant of the
same species.
3. (a) What is the site of implantation and development
of young one in human female ?
5. What is meant by pollination? List its two types.

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State any two agents which help in pollination.  o

 Ans :
An electric lamp is marked 220 V, 100 W. It is used
for 5 hours daily, calculate:
Pollination is the process of transfer of pollen grains (a) its resistance while glowing.
from the anther of stamen to the stigma of pistil of (b) energy consumed in kWh/day.
the flower.
 Ans :
Types of pollination :
(i) Self-pollination (a) Electric lamp is marked 220 V, 100 W.
(ii) Cross-pollination. Hence, Power of the lamp
Agents that help in pollination : Wind and animals. P = 100 W
 o Potential difference applied = 220 V
What is multiple fission? How does it occur in an Resistance of electric lamp while glowing
organism? Explain briefly. Name one organism 2
which exhibits this type of reproduction. R = V = 220 # 220 = 484 Ω
P 100
 Ans : (b) Time,
Division of single called organisms such as malarial t = 5 hours daily
parasite plasmodium into many daughter cells Energy consumed per day
simultaneously is termed multiple fission. During
E = P $ t
multiple fission, organism secretes a protective
covering, the cyst around the cell. Inside the cyst, = 100 W # 5 h = 500 Wh

nucleus divides several times to form a number
= 500 kWh = 0.5 kWh

of daughter nuclei. Each daughter nucleus gets 1000
surrounded with a bit of cytoplasm. Thus, a large
member of daughter individuals are formed. On the 7. Suggest some methods of safe disposal of wastes.
arrival of favourable conditions, the cyst ruptures  Ans :
and single-called daughter individuals one set free,
which grows into a complete organism. (a) The wastes should be classified into
biodegradable and non-biodegradable.
(b) Biodegradable wastes should be converted into
(c) Non-biodegrdable waste should be sent in the
factories for recycling.
(d) Plastics should be melt and mixed with asphalt
to make road surface.
(e) Garbage should be thrown away in the land fill
What is ten percent law ? Explain by an example.
 Ans :
According to the lindeman’s ten percent law, only
10% of energy entering a particular trophic level
 Fig : Multiple fission in plasmodium.
of a food chain is available for transfer to the next
higher trophic level.
This means that the energy available at each
6. Give reasons for the following : successive trophic level is 10% of the previous level.
(i) What do you understand by the term fuse in an For example,
electric circuit ?
(ii) Fuse wire is placed in series with the device. Grass $ Deer $ Lion
100 J 10 J 1J
 Ans :
(i) Fuse is the weakest link placed in series in an
electric circuit which melts when the circuit Section B
gets over loaded or short circuited.
(ii) It melts and stops the flow of any unduly high
electric current and breaks the circuit. 8. An element belongs to third period and second

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group of the Periodic Table. 10. Name the types of sex chromosomes present in
(a) State the number of valence electrons in it. (i) human male and
(b) Is it a metal or a non-metal ? (ii) human female.
(c) Name the element. What will be the sex of the child produced if a sperm
 Ans : carrying Y-chromosome fertilizes the egg ? Name an
insect in which similar type of sex determination
(a) The element has two valence electrons. takes place.
(b) Metal.
 Ans :
(c) The element is magnesium.
(a) X and Y are the sex chromosomes present in
9. The electronic configuration of these elements X, Y
(b) XX are sex chromosomes present in female.
and Z are given below :
(c) The sex of the child will be male if a sperm
X 2 carrying Y-chromosome fertilizes the egg.
(d) A similar type of sex determination takes place
Y 2, 6 in Drosophila (fruitfly).
Z 2, 8, 2
(i) Which element belongs to second period? 11. Derive an expression for equivalent resistance when
(ii) Which element belongs to second group? two resistors of resistance R1 and R2 are connected
(iii) Which element belongs to eighteenth group ? in parallel.
 Ans :  Ans :
(i) The element which has two electron shells in its Consider two resistance R1 and R2 connected in
atom should belong to second period. parallel as shown in Figure. When the current I
In this case, the element Y has two electron reaches point a , it splits into two parts I1 going
shells with electronic configuration 2, 6, 1 through R1 and I2 going through R2 .
therefore, element’s; belongs to second period.
(ii) The element which has 2 valence electron
(except electrons in first valence shell) should
belong to the second group. Here, the element
Z has 2 valence electrons in its atom, therefore,
element Z belongs to second group.
(iii) The element having 2 elections in its only shell
(K shell) or 8 electrons in its valence shell
should belong to eighteenth group of noble
gases. In this case, element X has only one shell
containing 2 electrons, so element X belongs
of eighteenth group of the periodic table. It is Since charge must be conserved, therefore, that
noble gas helium. current I that enters point a must be equal to the
 o current that leaves that point. Therefore, we have
Give reasons : I = I1 + I2 ...(1)
(i) Elements in a group have similar chemical Since the resistors are connected in parallel,
properties. therefore, the potential across each must be same,
(ii) Elements of Group I forms ions with a charge hence by Ohm’s law, we have
of + 1.
 Ans : I1 = V and I2 = V
R1 R2
(i) Elements. in a group have same number of Substituting in equation (i), we have
valence electrons and same valency, therefore
I = V + V ...(2)
have similar chemical properties. R1 R2
(ii) It is because elements of group 1 lose one Let R p be the equivalent resistance of the parallel
electron to acquire + 1 charge and becomes combination, then by Ohm’s law, we have
I = V ...(3)
Hence, from equations (2) and (3), we have

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V = V + V 13. Differentiate autotrophs hetrotrophs and

Rp R1 R2 decomposer and give one example of each.
or 1 = 1 + 1 ...(4)  Ans :
Rp R1 R2
Heterotrophs : The organisms which cannot make
their own food from the raw materials such as CO 2,
12. What would be the readings of ammeter and
H 2 O etc. using sunlight are called hetetrotrophs.
voltmeter in the given circuit ?
Heterotrophs depend on others organisms for
their food. All animals including human beings
are heterotrophs. Heterotrophs are also termed as
The differences between auto-trophs and
decomposers are :

Autotrophs Decomposers
1. Autotrophs Decomposers decompose
make their food the complex molecules
from CO 2, H 2 O present in the bodies
and minerals of the dead plants and
in the presence animals e.g., saprophytic
 Ans : of sunlight e.g., bacteria and fungi.
In the given circuit, all resistors are connected in green plants.
series so equivalent resistance, R is given by 2. Autotrophs Decomposers breakdown
R = R1 + R2 + R3 convert simple the complex organic
inorganic substances into simple
= 1+3+2 = 6Ω
substances into inorganic substances.
Also, voltage V = 3 Volt complex organic
So, I = V = 3 = 1 A
R 6 2
Reading of ammeter will be 0.5 A.
and V = IR = 0.5 # 1 = 0.5 V Section C
Reading of voltmeter will be 0.5 V. This section has 02 case-based questions (14 and 15). Each
 o case is followed by 03 sub-questions (a, b and c). Parts a
Explain two ways to induce current in a coil. When and b are compulsory. However, an internal choice has
is the induced current produced highest ? State the been provided in part c.
rule used to find direction of induced current.
 Ans : 14. Answer given questions on the basis of your
(i) By moving a magnet towards or away from a coil. understanding of the following paragraph and the
(ii) By varying current in one coil induced emf is related studies concepts.
produced in the coil. The reproductive parts of angiosperms are located
The induced current is highest when the direction in the flower. The different parts of a flower are
of motion of coil is perpendicular to the magnetic sepals, petals, stamens and carpels. Stamens and
field. carpels are the reproductive parts of a flower which
Fleming’s right-hand rule is used to find direction contain the germ-cells. The flower may be unisexual
of induced current. (papaya, watermelon) when it contains either
According to this rule, if we stretch the right-hand stamens or carpels or bisexual (hibiscus, mustard)
such that the thumb, first finger, the central finger when it contains both stamens and carpels. Stamen
and the thumb are mutually perpendicular to each is the male reproductive part and it produces
other. If the first finger points along the direction pollen grains that are yellowish in colour. Carpel is
of the field and the thumb indicates the direction present in the centre of a flower and is the female
of motion of the conductor, then the direction of reproductive part. It is made of three parts. The
induced current is given by the direction of the swollen bottom part is the ovary, middle elongated
central finger. part is the style and the terminal part which may
be sticky is the stigma. The ovary contains ovules

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and each ovule has an egg cell. The male germ- than that of pure metal, and (ii) an alloy does not
cell produced by pollen grain fuses with the female undergo oxidation (or burn) easily even at high
gamete present in the ovule. This fusion of the temperature, when it is red hot.
germ-cells or fertilization gives us the zygote which
is capable of growing into a new plant.

 Fig : An electric iron

For example, nichrome alloy is used for making the

(i) What are the different parts of a flower? heating elements of electrical appliances heaters
(ii) Name the reproductive parts of a flower. (geysers), and hair dryers, etc., because:
(iii) Which is the male reproductive part of a • Nichrome has very high resistivity (due to which
flower? the heating element made of nichrome has a high
 o resistance and produces a lot of heat on passing
Which is the female reproductive part of a flower? current)
 Ans : • Nichrome does not undergo oxidation (or burn)
(i) The different parts of a flower are sepals, petals, easily even at high temperature. Due to this
stamens and carpels. nichrome wire can be kept red-hot without
(ii) Stamens and carpels are the reproductive parts burning or breaking in air.
of a flower. Answer following questions.
(iii) Stamen is the male reproductive part of a (i) What is use of metals which have less resistance
flower. ?
 o (ii) What are applications of metals which have
Carpel is the female reproductive part of a flower. high resistance ?
(iii) Nichrome alloy is used for making the heating
elements of electrical appliances heaters
15. Read the following case based passage and answer (geysers), and hair dryers, etc. Why ?
the questions given after passage.  o
The resistivity of alloys are much more higher Name the alloys which have very high resistivity as
than those of the pure metals (from which they are compare to copper.
made). For example, the resistivity of manganin  Ans :
(which is an alloy of copper, manganese and nickel)
is about 25 times more than that of copper; and the (i) Conducting wires
resistivity of constantan (which is an alloy of copper (ii) Heating elements, resistors
and nickel) is about 30 times more than that of (iii)
copper metal. It is due to their high resistivities that (a) Nichrome has very high resistivity (due
manganin and constantan alloys are used to make to which the heating element made
resistance wires (or resistors) used in electronic of nichrome has a high resistance and
appliances to reduce the current in an electrical produces a lot of heat on passing current).
circuit. Another alloy having a high resistivity is (b) Nichrome does not undergo oxidation (or
nichrome. This is an alloy of nickel, chromium, burn) easily even at high temperature.
manganese and iron having a resistivity of about 60 Due to this nichrome wire can be kept red-
times more than that of copper. hot without burning or breaking in air.
The heating elements (or heating coils) of electrical  o
heating appliances such as electric iron and toaster, Manganin, constantan, nichrome
etc., are made of an alloy rather than a pure metal  ******
because (i) the resistivity of an alloy is much higher

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