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Chronological CV

2 loại Modern – thể hiện cá tính, cảm giác trẻ trung – nếu ứng tuyển marketing thì ok

Classic – chú trọng vào thông tin, chuyên nghiệp

Must have:

a. Personal details: có them trang Linked In, địa chỉ nếu không muốn ghi hẳn thì có thể ghi: khu
vực, Hanoi, VN
b. Education: chính thống
- Required
+ University name
+ Degree specification: Bachelor’s degree of International Business Management
+ Year of enter – graduation
- Optional
+ Academic awards and achievements
+ Relevant courseworks: recommended cho những ng chưa có kinh nghiệm chưa làm. Nếu
muốn apply vào ngành chưa có kinh nghiệm thì note ra môn principal của marketing để
match – show môn học liên quan trực tiếp đến vị trí mong muốn ứng tuyển
- Good to have: Awarded by Staffordshire University
c. Work experience: ko nên trình bày dài dòng, mỗi kinh nghiệm cần ideally 3-4 bullet points, cần
những động từ mang dạng active và strong, in charge of project thì note rõ ra tên, cho đối tượng
nào, etc. để nhà tuyển dụng có thể tưởng tượng ra và có involve ntn
- Kinh nghiệm teaching assistant ko liên quan đến vị trí thì làm gì: transferable skills – note
key gains
+ Problem solving
+ Critical thinking/ analytical skill
+ Adaptability
+ Teamwork
+ Communication
+ Patience
d. Extra-curricular activities: state ra những kĩ năng nhất đinh và cần relevant với công việc, phù
hợp như thế nào cho nhà tuyển dụng biết được những gì cần có


a. Objective/ Personal statement: section quan trọng – objective cho luôn độ relevant và
motivation khi apply vị trí -> nên viết dài tầm 3 đến 5 dọng – mình mang lại gì cho nó và nó mang
lại kinh nghiệm gì cho mình
b. Highlighted skills & personal attributes: không có impression gì quá lớn trừ khi để quá thấp hoặc
quá cao, nếu thấy rất strong thì để 7,8 điểm – refer cho cái job sẽ cần có
Personal attribute có thể hiện gì
c. Certifications/ Awards
Bẳng điểm IELTS, Lớp ngoại khóa, các cuộc thi
d. Interests (ko quá quan trọng)
e. References (ko quá quan trọng)
f. CV photo – thị trường vn vẫn prefer có ảnh – make sure nó sáng, độ professionalism

CV chỉ nên từ 1 – 2 trang, cố gắng trong 1 trang, third person perspective

1. Essential:

Full Name: Vu Duc Tai

Personal & contact information:

- Email:
- Phone number: 0399153608
- D.O.B: 06/08/2002
- Address: Hoang Mai, Hanoi, Vietnam

Education background:

- University: British University Vietnam

- Major: Bachelor’s degree of International Business Management - Awarded by Staffordshire
- Year: 2020 – 2023

Work experience:

- Working as a Coach for the new education startup for 9 months

 Adaptability to cope with unprecedented the situations which do not follow in the right
 Patience


- Social
+ Volunteer group: Homeup Heroes 2019 and 2020
+ Copy writer in BUV Volunteer Club in British University Vietnam
+ Copy writer in Student Association Committee from September 2020 to May 2021
 Enhanced writing skills for both formal and informal style to attract readers with concise and
intriguing capture
- International camp:
+ Participated in a virtual cross-cultural entrepreneurship bootcamp across Asia: Global Startup
Hackathon Challenge – Reactor School 2021
 Practiced managing timeline when pitching new products as well as creating the prototype
in a hackathon challenge.
 Learned more about the way represent new product for the judges
 Got familiar with researching market to define the business landscape and customers’ pain
 Developed critical mindedness when brainstorming and defining unique value proposition of
the product

Objective/ personal statement:

A person wholeheartedly endeavors into everything that he participated in. He found himself to be a
dynamic and extrovert person by taking part in a plethora of extracurricular and academic activities. He
acknowledges the responsibility of his action and is not hesitate when struggling with hurdles. His
objectives when applying to the marketing internship are having a comprehensive view toward the
digital marketing aspect, matching his abilities with specific job traits, and contributing the best of
himself to the position he is taking.


- Extra classes:
+ Case Mastery – Tomorrow Marketer 2021
+ Data Analytics – Tomorrow Marketer 2021
+ Digital Marketing – Markus 2021
 Dive deeper to the different realms of business including analyzing trends, numbers, and
 Strength planning skills in digital marketing to arrange strategy effectively and efficiency.
 Enhanced strategic mindset by solving various case study for case competitions.
- Competitions
+ Participated in Hult Prize at BUV competition 2020
+ Top 11 teams in Z Marketer in BUV 2021
 Develop business minded and marketing minded when solving the case as a consultant for
the company.
- IELTS 11/2019: 6.5

Highlight skills:
Cover letter:

1. Hook the reader in by the connection with the company

+ Hook: common perception + contradiction and then showing the proactive instead of just tell -
> make it clear why the company stand out

2. Be purposeful about what you include

- Each sentence must have a reason to be there
- Second paragraph expand the hook – why in particular should be prioritize

3. Ending the letter

- Relevant work experience
- Core skill
- The word “asset” is recommended “my work experiences would make me an asset to EY’s”


- Network and ask targeted questions design to provide you with specific insight into that role and
- Applying for roles where a software product is involved
- Remember mention something relatable with the reader
- Use a simple template – concise and structure ways

Another vid

- Keep it brief
- Personalize it- do some research for the company, imagine you are having a conversation with
the employer – find the name if you can, if not then personalize the body ò the letter
- It is not about you it’s about them – don’t write what you want, write what you can contribute
to the company
- Check spelling and grammar
- Formal but friendly – use active sentences

What to include

1. State job you are applying for

2. Who you are & what have you done: a few sentences about work experience and educational
3. Some adjectives to describe yourself
4. Make a personalized statement
5. Tell them what you can do for them
6. A call to action
Dear hiring manager,

Within my school recommendations, a plethora of internship positions has been highlighted. I used to
believe that similar positions in different companies are going to be the same which make me confused
to come to the final decision. After proactively participating in 4 virtual workshops including BUV’s
Career Fair, having chances to spectate various professionals, and researching about your company’s
information, your internship position has evidently been districted from others.

The first and foremost impression that stands out is having opportunities to work with all the staff and
managers in a dynamic at the same time professional environment. My experience aligns well with the
qualifications in marketing, particularly my position as a digital marketer.

By thriving myself to extra classes specialized in marketing, data analytics, and solving business cases, I
have a more comprehensive view of the position and consolidate my background knowledge to
contribute to the applied position.

Recently, being a contestant in the marketing competition, I have strengthened my analyzing and
researching market skills which are highly impacted in this position. Accompanying me are two other
teammates, together, we have done deep research into the competitors, situation and critically design
the IMC plan for the marketing strategy.

Thank you for your precious time and thoughtful consideration. I believe the skills that resulted
throughout a long period endeavoring in both the academic study field at university and experiences
gained from extra classes/ competitions would make me an asset to the position in your company. I can
be reached via email ( or phone (0399153608).

Vu Duc Tai

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