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OCTOBER, 2016.

This project work written by Esosuakpo Emuhowo Joshua with matriculation
number DSPZ/SBS/14/56842 of the department of Office Technology and
Management, Delta State Polytechnic, Ozoro in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the award National Diploma (ND) in Office Technology and

_____________________ _____________________
Mrs. Amiaya A. O. DATE
(Project Supervisor)

_____________________ _____________________
(Head of Department)

This project was written by Esosuakpo Emuhowo Joshua, with matriculation
number DSPZ/SBS/14/56842 of the department of Office Technology and
Management, Delta State Polytechnic, Ozoro in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the award of National Diploma (ND) in Office Technology
and Management.

_____________________ _____________________
Mrs. Amiaya A. O. DATE
(Project Supervisor)

_____________________ _____________________
(Head of Department)

_____________________ _____________________
(Dean, School of Business Studies)

_____________________ _____________________

This project is dedicated to God Almighty for seeing me through this


I wish to express my profound gratitude to my project supervisor Mrs.
Amiaya A. O., My Head of Department, Dr. R.A Esene for taking time to read
through the manuscript and make necessary correction and recommendation
for the success of this work.

I am highly indebted to my loving parent Mr. and Mrs. GODWIN ESOSUAKPO

for their love, encouragement, prayers, financial support and effort in making
my dream of attending a higher institution a reality.

I wish to thank my living mother for her motherly care and advise toward
me, may God Almighty bless you and give you long life to see the fruit of
your labour in Jesus name Amen.

I must not forget my brothers and sister may God bless you all and grant
you your heart desire.

I salute the principal officers of the Delta State Polytechnic Ozoro led by Dr.
J.S Oboreh for creating an atmosphere conducive for teaching, learning,
researching and for general dispension of knowledge in the polytechnic.

Finally, to the entire lecturer of the department of office technology and

management may God bless you all Amen.

This study is to find the relevance of record keeping to secretarial profession
in an organization, the aim of this study is to find out the effect of record
keeping in an office. This study was carried out in Isoko North Local
Government Area of Delta State. A questionnaire was designed for data
collection. The data collection from the field of study was carefully organized
and analyzed statistically using simple percentage. The major finding of the
study are that poor record management causes aggression to the workers
concerned, that lack of qualified or trained staff can affect record
management in an organization, that equipment should be well arranged in
such a way that retrieval of document becomes easy, that lack of space, fund
and storage facilities can also cause problem in record management.

Table of Contents

Title - - - - - - - - - - - i

Approval - - - - - - - - - - ii

Certification - - - - - - - - - iii

Dedication - - - - - - - - - - iv

Acknowledgment - - - - - - - - - v

Abstract - - - - - - - - - - vi

Table of Content - - - - - - - - - vii


Background to the Study - - - - - - - 1

Statement of Problem - - - - - - - - 3

Purpose of Study - - - - - - - - - 3

Significant of the study - - - - - - - - 4

Research Questions - - - - - - - - 4

Scope of the Study - - - - - - - - 5

Limitations of the Study - - - - - - - 5

Definition of Terms - - - - - - - - 6


Introduction - - - - - - - - - 8

The Need for Record Management - - - - - - 11

File Classification - - - - - - - - - 13

The System in Record Management - - - - - 15

Different Ways to Deal with Inactive Management - - - 17

Equipment’s for Keeping Record (filling) - - - - - 17

Problems Associated with Record Management - - - 20

Summary of Related Literature - - - - - - 22


Introduction - - - - - - - - - 24

Research Design - - - - - - - - - 24

Population of the Study - - - - - - - 24

Area of study - - - - - - - - - 25

Sampling Techniques/Sample Size - - - - - - 25

Data Collection - - - - - - - - - 25

Instrumentation - - - - - - - - - 25

Validity of Research Instrument - - - - - - 26

Reliability of Research Instrument - - - - - - 27

Method of Data Analysis - - - - - - - 27


Introduction - - - - - - - - - 28

Data Presentation - - - - - - - - 28

Discussion of Findings - - - - - - - - 32


Introduction - - - - - - - - - 34

Summary and Findings - - - - - - - - 34

Conclusion - - - - - - - - - - 35

Recommendations - - - - - - - - 35

References - - - - - - - - - - 37

Appendix - - - - - - - - - - 38

Questionnaire - - - - - - - - - 39


1.1 Background to the Study

Information is every organization most basis and common in any other

business asset, hence in the field of record keeping, record in an organization

is of paramount interest. No effective discussion of an office activity can take

place without record. The essence of efficient record management is as old

as man. It has been in existence for quite a long period of time which is as a

result of man’s desire for keeping documents and for keeping proper of daily

activities so as to avoid forgetfulness in ancient time, primitive methods

where adopted in recording keeping. But in today model world, because of

new invention in different business record management has become very

important it is note the most reliable source of reference improper record

management is adopted in world bring about growth and expansion of


Hence is life wire of most business as the planning of the documents used for

construction of safes receipts for good bought and so on are kept for future

reference. Taking a critical look at a typical office. The relevance of record

keeping management to a professional secretary in an organization that want

to grow will need records for will depends on record management. There is
hardly an organization that has no desire for storing documents, the major

problem could be lack of finance and equipment such as filling cabinets desk,

fire resisting etc. so as to have efficient a d standard system of keeping

record having been able to buy the necessary equipment lack of space can

also hampered the efficiency of record management for examples many

organization and ministries operate in a rented flat and ware house


Notwithstanding, the above problem, some organization do not know the

importance of records management of instance of one goes to organization

to get documented information what he or she hears is that the record

bearing the information is missing, thereby causing delay in getting the

information in this concerning the relevant of record management in office

technology and organization.

1.2 Statement of Problem

Many in times, we hear of missing records from the office where they are

kept the purpose of this study is to make people aware of the relevance of

record management to a professional secretary in an organization, the

problem also to develop people attitude toward proper record management.

The relevance of record management of professional secretary in an

organization it will help to check the importance of technology and

management in an organization.

1.3 Purpose of Study

The main important of this study is to examine the effect of the relevance of

record management to professional secretary in an organization specifically

the study will;

i. Identify the important of professional secretary and management in an


ii. Determine the problems that are associated with the record management.

iii. Identify reason why workers fail to records.

1.4 Significant of the Study

The successful complement of this research work is expected to help Nigeria

companies as well as organization to maintain appropriate record office

technology and management in their various organization.

1.5 Research Questions

In the course of this study, the following question were raised.

1. What are the relevance of the record management to a professional

secretary in an organization?

2. What are the qualities of good record management to an organization?

3. What are the problem associated with record management and technology

in an organization?

4. What are the types of record known to you?

1.6 Scope of the Study

This study on the course of the relevance of record management to a

professional secretary and management in an organization was carried out in

Delta State in particular, the study was conducted in isoko north local

government area.

1.7 Limitations of the Study

Some of the problem encountered during this research work includes;

a. Unavailability to literature material, text books. Most of the text books

available locally did not discuss detail the advantages of record.

b. The quality of responses from people who do not actually know the

relevance of record management of Office Technology and Management in

an organization.

c. Non-cooperation from business organization. Most of the manager and

their secretaries are not willing to discuss or allow research into their office

for official reason this has ready created problem during the curse of this


d. Finance, time period, transportation were also a major problem to the

research study.

1.8 Operational Definition of Terms

Some operational terms used in the course of writing this project. The items

are explained below to ease the readers understanding of the work.

 Relevance: This means importance

 Record: These are written document of anything that is presented for

future reference.

 Office: It is a place where clerical work is habitually performs as the work

of that room.

 Technology: It is an invention of new items

 Management: It is the application of skills in the manipulation and

retrenchment or control of materials and human resources in the condition

of business and preneurial operational.

 Organization: Is a set up recognize partly by law or otherwise to carry

but specific function in line with organization goals.

 Poor Record Management: This is an ability to perform to an


 Performance: Manner of performing of function and execution of duties.

 Organization Behaviour: Is a set of rules and regulation, principles and

theory which are said own by an institution or establishment to guide the

conduct of employee.

 Administrative: People in charge of a firm or organization.

 Unqualified Personnel: This is an unskilled staff who need more training in

order to carry out his or her work effectively.

 Document: These are paper work could be inform of letters, invoice,

memo etc. which are record in filled for future reference.

 Shelves: This consists of fixed morale frame of wooden or mental value.


Review of Related Literature

2.1 Introduction

In this chapter, the researchers some of the literature relevant to this topic

under study which is one of the relevance of a good and a professional

secretary in an organization.

This was arranged under the following subheadings.

i. The meaning of a food professional secretary in an organization.

ii. The need of a good and professional secretary in an organization.

iii. The role of and system used for suitable if a good professional secretary in

an organization.

iv. Problem associated with a professional secretary in an organization.

v. The classification of filling in an organization.

The process of processing information it can be said to be any document

future reference people always depend on records for business purpose

government or social activities. Also record management is the storing of

records by the right personnel in the most appropriate and safe place essay

retrieved when the need arises.

According to pitman English and shorthand dictionary in Okagbare (2007)

define “record as something written down to preserve the memory of

anything e.g. public documents formal written report or statement of fact or

information is the highest achievement up till now”.

For instance, when we talk about staff record in an organization they keep

personnel data of the employee such as

i. Full name and home address.

ii. Age of employees

iii. Sex

iv. Experience

v. Educational background and qualification obtained.

vi. Salaries of commencement of job with the company.

vii. Marital status

viii. Next of kin

ix. Copies of annual confidential report

x. Record of sickness and leaves etc.

Those record are usually confidential and should be treated as such by

personal manager in every organization.

According to Okoji and Adegbengo (2010) “records means information

keeping of the original application instruction period training, attendance

introduction period conduct promoting, accident etc, of an employee or any

person or thing” he further said the consequence need to make good security

or especially personal record so that they are not available for general


For example when staff are employed record being go accumulate

immediately. The original application from medical report usually starts the

collection subsequently training record rating proficiently, test, absence,

record etc. are added the personal fits of staff are confidential and should

never be left where other staff can read them.

According to Iso (2001) Record is the field of management that is responsible

for the efficient systematic control of the creation, receipt maintenance use

and disposition of record.

According to the united state department of Defuse standard (DOD),

“Records management is the planning controlling organization training

promoting and other management”.

2.2 The Need for Record Management

According to Okagbare (2008) it was stated that if record are kept properly,

be it or general it serves an information bank for which an organization and

staff can recall stored information when needed. Record management is the

key success, for example, No business enterprise can function effectively

without keeping proper record daily undertaking i.e record of income and

No employee can work effectively with keeping record of his or her

employee because the need must arise especially in matter like promotion

transfer or service upgrading or disciplinary action. According to Okagbare

(2008) management should put into consideration the following so as to have

an effective record management.

i. Mode of description: That is hoe the record will be asking for.

ii. Protection to what degree: The conditions necessary to give adequate

protection against theft fire dust and moist.

iii. Storage Period how long: is it necessary for legal and administrative

reasons to retain the records.

Also according to Okoji and Adebganjo (2010) a good record management

should have the following characteristics.

iv. Simplicity: The system should be easy to follow and simple to operate all

the members of staff and not only filling clerk.

v. Security: The security of the fills and document a very important especially

record like personal record staff and book account.

vi. An Appropriate: Classification system should be selected bearing in mind

the requirement of the business record management can equally be

looked as complete cycle of records including all the activities dealing with

creation and maintenance, use and disposition of records.

Record maintenance on the other hand deals with allocation of space file

filling. Record used is also concerned with making record immediately

available when it is called for following us the records that ate to be return to

the files.

Disposition of record involves transferring records stays, the period schedule

and overseeing actual filling which involves classification, arranging an

storage material according to a systematic plan for quick reference and for

preservation and most important is retrieving an item immediately when it is

requested for.

2.3 Filling Classification

Classification may be either direct or indirect. Direct filling means that the

document can be stored or retrieved without reference to an index while

indirect filling needs reference to an index before a document in file can be


According to Esene (2006), there are basically five (5) method of classifying

correspondence of filling namely;

i. Alphanumerical filing

ii. Numerical filling

iii. Geographical filling

iv. Subject filling

v. Chronological filling

Alphanumerical Classification

This method is the most popular and widely used, files are arranged

according to letters alphabets in the warm of the correspondent. A typical

example of alphanumerical classification is the telephone directory.

Numerical Classification

This type of classification is very suitable for organization that handled large

or bulk lick hospital law officers, accounting of files etc. here each file is given

a serial number index card are required to contain the names of the

correspondent and his file number order.

Geographical Classification

This is mostly common in an organization that has their customers over

geographical areas. This is done firstly according to country, state, local

government, town and streets.

Subject Classification

Files are arranged according to subject and it is usually in an alphabetical


Chronological Classification

This is where document are filled according to their dates in numerical order.

It is not often used as a basic system but it is the normal method of filling

papers write in files. In this system, paper are filled according to date they

were received in the office and not the data they are written.

2.4 The System in Record Management

According to Ahukannah (2002), he said that there are two ways adopted in

record management these are;

i. Centralized system

ii. Decentralized system

The choice of location depends on the type of records, the physical distance

involved who is to use the records and in that way. Records that are general

of interest to one department should be kept and available within the

department is decentralized where many department need access to the

same records. It should be placed centrally as centralized system.

Both the centralized and the decentralized filling system have their own

disadvantages and disadvantages.

According to Obiangele (2011) stated that following advantages and

disadvantages of centralized filling systems.

1. All files are located and kept in one place accommodation and equipment

are economical used in the central arrangement of filling cabinets.

2. More effective supervision of documents and files.

3. Files are more complete of documents and files together and their copies

are required for department.

Disadvantages of Centralization Filling System

1. It is unsuitable for confidential matter because of its openness.

2. Retrieved of document may be deleted.

3. Document may easily get missed or loss.

2.5 Different Way to Deal with Active Record

Ahuhannah (2002) in his new suggested that the following ways should be

used tread actives files.

1. Destruction of the document by business.

2. Microfilm the document using micro filling equipment.

3. Transfer the in-active files to the shelves

4. Destroy the document by shedding.

2.6 Equipment for Keeping Record Filling

According to Ovbiagete (2011) before considering in details, terms must be

defined they are;

a. Horizontal Filling

The paper, folder or containers as filed on top of another on shelves or in a

shelve drawers.

b. Vertical Filling

The paper folder are stacked on edge one behind and another usually in

drawers of box type containers compared with the horizontal filling, this

method offers the advantage that any item may be with draw without the


c. Lateral Filing

The method is strictly vertical in that, the papers are stacked on edge. The

term lateral is used on mean that they are arranged side by side usually on

shelves or rack. These are some factors to be considered when choosing the

type of equipment to be used for filling of document, these factors are;

i. Cost

ii. The space availability

iii. The type of record to accommodate

iv. The likely expansion over the fear of which the document is valid.

Storage Equipment’s

According to Okagbare (2012) these are the different types of storage


i. Disk: Both executive and clerks may be need close at hand at relating to

may need to help close at hand papers relating to matter which are except

in connection with a specific job and it enables paper to be cleared quickly

into the permanent files as soon as the no longer immediate use.

ii. Drawer: The drawer is for general use in office vertical filling cabinets of

drawers. The quarter size to take folders containing paper to 10 × 8

inches and foolscap 13 × 8 inches or international A4. The number of

drawer size.

iii. Fire Resisting Equipment: Document are of importance are usually

stored in steel cabinets of cupboards line the some equipment project

against fire is of particular and importance. The office manager should

consider the erection of particular and importance. The office manager

should consider the erection of fire-proof room inside which record can be
filled in ordinary standard equipment. Other storage equipment includes

shelves, revolving filling equipment, and lateral filling equipment, micro-

filling. This is a method where the original records can be photographed

on micro film. The reduction size permitted saving of up to 98 percent of

the storage space which would have been occupied by the original papers.

The information held in the micro film not to be printed out on paper but

may be output in the form of paper image.

2.7 Problem Associated With Record Management

According to Okagbare (2005), there are many problem associated with

record management in the organization they are;

Non-Availability of Space

Where there is no available space for paper records there will be no space

those equipment should be kept. This make everywhere untidy also it can

wear the filling clerk who take control of filling and retrieving of document

unqualified personnel. Whether clerk handling the records do not received

adequate training for the job sometimes they do not have interest in the job

because they are not trained for that. This makes them to show non-challant

attitude to work, thereby creating delay in filling, and retrieval of documents

much efforts should be made in providing qualified and capable staff for the

job, more especially in this area of work i.e. record management.

Lack of Finance

Lack of fund is one of the greater problem facing record management

organization required a heavy sum of money for storage facilities need

reasonable amount of money to purchase them in a situation where the

duties effectively which in turn effect the productivity of the organization as a



According to Egboh (2009) motivation is a complex combination of

individual’s needs, derives, desire to do strength of desire and goal towards

which desire or action is directed. It is the result of the derive to satisfy an

integral urge if the record manager is not motivated he or she will not be

able to keep record appropriately in the same vein the researcher define

motivation as an inspiration that pushes someone to do something ordinary

that will not want to do. The filling clerk ought to be motivated order to

carry out her work effectively, where this is lacked, dissatisfaction come

which makes a worker to develop a poor attitude towards work that may lead

to under production.

Adequate motivation help worker feel that they are part of the organization

which enhance employees it generate greater loyalty towards the film and

provide a position for public relations image of organization.

Lack of Storage Facilities

This is one of the greatest problems in record management without storage

facilities, document will not be safe. It will be scattered and also be missing,

so there is a great need of storage equipment in record management.

2.8 Summary of Related Literature

From different review, it was find out that expert lack more emphasis on the

importance of good professional secretary in an organization many are times

we hear if missing record from office where they are kept.

The purpose of this study is to make people aware of the relevance of record

keeping in office technology and management in an organization, the

problem is also to develop people’s attitude towards proper record


Availability of space is very important for efficient record management to take

place where are unqualified personnel to handle record filling and filling and

refined of document with adequate money for the work, office will in turn

effect the productive of the organization worker motivation is high in need to

enhance productivity storage facilities are also need for safe keeping


Finally, there is need for personal adequate finance motivation and storage

facilities to achieve organization goals and objectives.



3.1 Introduction

This chapter of work comprises of research design, instrument of data

collection, population of study, sample size sampling method techniques,

validity/ reliability of the instrument and method of data analysis.

3.2 Research Design

The design of the study was not a survey according to Esene (2007) is of the

opinion the survey research involves the assessment of public opinions,

belief, attitude, motivation and behavior by using questionnaire and sampling

method to collection from the respondent.

3.3 Population of Study

The population of this study comprised of 50 members of staff from the Isoko

North Local Government councils in Delta State which include 30 junior staff

and senior staff.

3.4 Area of Study

This research work was conducted in Isoko North Local Government Council

in Delta State on the topic, relevance of record keeping to a secretarial

profession in an organization.

3.5 Sample and Sampling Techniques

The whole population which comprise of respondent ranging from 30 junior

staff and a senior staff and also used, using survey method or technique.

3.6 Data Collection

The questionnaire was administered to the respondent through personal

contact and with the help of senior staff and junior staff in the various offices

that was visited in Isoko north local government council.

The completed questionnaire was achieved almost immediately.

3.7 Instrumentation

The instrumentation that was used for data collection for this study is a well

structure questionnaire. Part of the questionnaire calls for personals data

while part B calls for questionnaire regarding the topic under study.

An opened-ended question was used which was given opportunity to the

respondents to bring their views regarding the subject however, a close

question was used which present the information with only two choice of the

answers and these was “Yes” and “No” in which the respondents was

required to tick of the options that they feel appropriate.

3.8 Validity of Research Instrument

Validity is the extent to which all instrument measure what it is supposed to

measure and performs as it designed to perform. It rare if nearly impossible

that an instrument is 100% valid. So validity is generally measured in degree

it is a process, which involves collecting and analyzing data to access the

accuracy of an instrument. The questionnaire which is the research makes it

possible for the respondent to also elicit responses in office technology and


3.9 Reliability of Research Instrument

The research instrument after a face validation was subjected to a retest

reliability test to evaluate the stability of the questionnaire item. Both the first

and second administration of the test analyzed.

3.10 Method of Data Analysis

The data that was collected with the questionnaire was carried, fully

assembled and organized. The data was analyzed using the following


No of questionnaire 100
No of Respondent 1


Data Presentation and Analysis

4.1 Introduction

This chapter presents the analysis of data collection for the study.

4.2 Data Presentation

The table below presents the summary of the generated from the field. The

research questions were divided into three parts namely.

Question One

What are the importance of record management in an organization?

Table: 1
1. Do you think that record management is 45 90 5 10
the key to success in business
2. Do you think that record keeping is 43 86 7 14
relevant to management?

3. Can employee work effectively without 50 100 0 0

fund record management?

4. Does record management help to file 50 100 0 0

document with ease?
5. Can record of management help in quick 45 90 5 10
retrieval of document?

6. Can the non-chalant attitude developed 42 84 8 16
by those keeping record lead to poor
record management?

Source: field survey, 2016

From the above table, it was discovered that 45 respondents are representing

90% of the total number were of the opinion that management is the key to

successes in business organization while 5 respondents of 10% were of

contrary opinion. 43 respondents representing 50% said that record keeping

is relevant to management in an organization.

A total of 50 respondent representing 100% were of the opinion that record

management help to file document with ease. Also respondent 100%

supported that record management helps in quick retrieval of document. 45

respondents representing 90% said that non- chalant attitude of keeping

record can lead to poor record management while 10% of the respondents

did not agree. 42 respondents constituting 84% support the office attributed

to poor record management while 8 respondents representing 16% disagree.

Research Question Two

How does poor record management affect an organization?

Table: 2
1. Can poor record management hinder 50 100 0 0

quick reference to information?
2. Can poor record management affect 43 86 7 14
the productivity of organization?
3. Can poor record management cause 40 80 10 20
aggression to the work concerned?
Source: field survey, 2016.

From the table, 50 respondents 100% were of the opinion that poor record

management can hinder quick reference to information while non disagree.

43 respondents representing 86% are of the opinion that poor record

keeping can affect productivity of an organization while 7 respondents

representing 14% were of the contrary opinion.

It was also gathered that 40 respondents 80% were of the views that poor

record keeping can cause aggression to the work concerned while 10

respondents representing 20% were of the contrary opinion.

Table: 3


1. Do you think that record management 45 90 5 10
is the key to success in an organization?
2. Do you think that record keeping is 43 86 7 14
relevant to management in an
3. Does your organization motivate the 0 0 50 100
clerks to make them carry out their
work effectively?
4. Do you think that lack of fund can have 50 100 0 0
adverse effect on record management?
5. Can lack of storage facilities create 48 96 2 4
problems in record management?
Source: field survey, 2016.

On the view of the staff in table 3 above as regards with record problem

associated with record management in an organization 48 respondents

representing 70% maintained that lack of qualified or trained staff can affect

record management in an organization while 2 respondent representing 4%

had contrary opinion. 45 respondents representing 90% maintained that

nonchalant attitude of workers create problems in record management while

were not in support of the idea. The whole respondents is 50 representing

100% said that the organization do not motivate the clerk in order to make

them carry out their work effectively.

Also, 50 respondents representing 100% were of the opinion that non-

availability of space create problem in record management.

A total of 50 respondents representing 100% said that lack of fund can have

adverse effect on record management.

It was agreed by 40% were of different opinion.

4.3 Discussion of Findings

The purpose if the study was to assess the relevance of record management

in an organization from the study. It was found that record keeping can help

in quick retrieval of document in the organization. This can be seen from the

data analysis in which over 90% of respondent were agreed. The result of

the study also showed that which over 90% of respondent were agreed. The

result of the study also showed that record management help in file

document with ease.

From the finding, it was equally discovered that unavailability of storage

material or equipment contributes to lots of organization records and vital

information. The study also shows that record are vital importance to

achieving organizational goals and objectives and also good record keeping

by organization enhances the good image and reputation of the organization,

thereby ensuring quick and easy access to organization information.

Finally, poor record management affects the production of the organization.

More so, for organization to achieve their goals and objectives, proper record

keeping should be strictly adhered to.



5.1 Introduction

The study revealed the impact of effectively record management on the

success of public organization, in the course of the study a questionnaire was

designed which was used to gather information from the respondents about

record keeping in their organization. The study also reveals meaning of

record management and the need for record management in an organization.

5.2 Summary and Findings

Arising from the analysis of data collected, the following were made

1. That non-availability of space in some organization contributed to poor

record management

2. The poor management hinders quick reference to information

3. The poor record management affect the productivity of the organization

4. The lack of qualified staff can affect record management in an


5. The non-motivation workers also create problem.

6. That lack of space, find and storage facilities can also cause of record


5.3 Conclusion

The study reveals that there are few equipment for storing of record in most

offices and most of these equipment’s in such a way that retrieval of

document is difficult. However, every organization change to the way

document are managed and kept.

5.4 Recommendations

Based on the result of the study the following recommendations were made

that enough funds should be raised for the purpose of storage equipment in

office for effective management.

1. That sufficient space should be provided for record management.

2. That organization should purchase modern equipment for adequate record


3. The organization should employ qualified and trained personnel to carry

out their duties effectively and without difficulties especially in the area of

record management.

4. That equipment should be well arranged in such a way that retrieval of

document become easy.

5. That good record management should be encouraged as it brings success

to business organization.


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Tertiary Institution, Agbor: Central Bank Limited.


Department of Office Technology

And Management,
School Of Business Studies,
Delta State Polytechnic,

23rd August, 2016.

Dear Sir/Madam


I am final year student of National Diploma (ND) of Delta State Polytechnic,
Ozoro from the department of Office Technology and Management. As part
of the requirement for the award of National Diploma (ND), I am currently
carrying out a research study titled “relevance of record keeping to a
professional secretary in an organization”.
I shall therefore be very grateful if you can please give your unbiased opinion
on the questionnaire. I assure you the information provided in this question
will strictly be used for the academic purpose and will be treated as very
Thank you in anticipation of good purpose.

Yours Faithfully

Esosuakpo Emuhowo Joshua


Personal Data
Sex: Male [ ], Female [ ]
Age: 18 – 22 [ ], 22- 25 [ ], 25 – 35 [ ]
Qualification: NCE [ ]; OND [ ]; HND and above [ ]

Yes [ ]
No [ ]

Instruction: please tick [  ] in the correct option were appropriate

1. Will the use modern office equipment facilitate record keeping and
management? YES [ ], NO [ ].
2. Does modern office equipment assist ensuring the safety of records? YES
[ ], NO [ ].
3. Do secretaries need adequate skill and knowledge in the used of modern
office equipment for effective record? YES [ ], NO [ ].
4. Are good record keeping /management a key factor for business organization
success? YES [ ], NO [ ].
5. Does the following attribute the good qualities of nay record system.
Accessibility, Simplicity, Correctness, Completeness and Originality? YES [ ],
NO [ ].
6. Does the modern office equipment compel one to change his or her system
of record keeping? YES [ ], NO [ ].
7. Can modern office equipment increase the security and effectiveness of office
records? YES [ ], NO [ ].


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