Speaking:: Sure If I Can Come. I Hope That You Can Make It To My Place This Evening

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One evening while sipping coffee when Mark Twain  The situation you are in; (at a friend’s party,
peeped out of his window, the sight terrified him. He at an official reception, etc.)
deserted his coffee and he dashed towards the house
 The mood you are in; (angry, happy, nervous)
across the rood forced spin the door, surprising the
owner of it said, “Sir, I am Mark Twain. I and my wife  The mood of the people you are talking to;
live in the house opposite to yours. We have learnt that (you will probably be careful when talking to
you’ve shifted here last week. Since then we both think a friend who is in a bad mood)
of inviting you to our place for a cup of coffee, but I am
extremely sorry as we could not do so neither drop in  What you are talking about; (you will be more
to ask for any help that we can give. I sincerely careful in your choice of words if you want to
apologise for the and certainly will be pleased if you complain to a friend about his/her behaviour
drop in to our place for a coffee coming Sunday. than you would if you were inviting him for
Anyway I have right now come to tell you that the first dinner)
floor of your house is on fire. It is important to choose appropriate ways of saying
things according to the situation you are in. In many
situations it will be appropriate to use normal or neutral
Speaking is a natural mode of expression. We language. In other situations, it is necessary to use
speak more than we write. We spend our time speaking language items that are appropriate to special
to one another. The language and manner of our situations.
speech depend up on the audience and the speaking
situations. Sometimes we converse with someone, we  We use tentative language when we are unsure
make an oral presentation, sometimes we instruct of our facts or of how we feel in order to be tactful
someone, sometimes we attend, sometimes we brief a and diplomatic.
team and even sometimes we speak to ourselves. The Example: It’s very kind of you to invite me, but I’m not
matter and the manner both change from one speech sure if I can come.
activity to another speech activity.
I hope that you can make it to my place this evening.
When we communicate through speaking we are
judged by the audience in terms of how well we  Direct language is the opposite of tentative
communicate. We enjoy listening to a person who language; it gives the impression that the speaker
impresses us, who gives us something new, who relates is very sure. But it can sound rude and
us things and ideas properly, who imports knowledge inappropriate in many situations, like inviting a
to us, who knows how to choose words, who knows superior to a party.
what we want to listen to or what we want to learn Example: No. You are mistaken. The statistics cannot
from him or her, who knows how to bind us to himself be this high.
or herself emotionally by his or her expression and
style. It is the personality or the identity of the person  We use polite language when we want to sound
that gets manifested through our speech. particularly polite without being tentative.
Example: I’m sorry, but I feel there is a mistake
somewhere. According to my calculations, the
Aids to Effective Speech: statistics should not be so high.

(i) Speech Styles: Some of these are the formal,  Formal language creates the impression of social
informal, polite, blunt, tentative and direct styles. distance between people. It is used mostly in
These styles are context bases and it is important for official situations; e.g. business meetings and
speakers to strike the right attitude and choose the official receptions.
right language. As with many other languages, in Example: I’d be delighted if you could make it to the
English too, you have different ways of expressing party. We’ll all look forward to it.
the same content and message. The style you
choose will depend upon some or all of the  Informal language is usually used between
following: friends, it is generally inappropriate to use it with
anyone else.
 The relationship you have with the people
you are taking to (whether they are close Example: Cut it out, will you? I’ve had enough of this.
friends, strangers, people in authority and so The best style to be used while conversing is a mixture
on) of all these styles depending upon the situation and not
the dominance of any one tone.
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(ii) Audience: One has to successfully judge the historian of expressions make a speaker
audience their level of knowledge, aptitude and so his times has effective.
on. remarked for
Looking at the Audience or making
his speaking
In making a speech or even in our day-to-day an Eye-Contact: The effective
ability that
conversation the audience has a great role to speaker looks straight into the eyes
he appeared
determine the material to be used and the of the members of the audience to
2 feet taller
approach to be followed. We have to look into find out the reactions of the
when he
following factors that decide the nature of listeners. It also shows the speaker’s
stood to
audience for the speech. confidence in himself or herself and
speak among
his or her interest in the listeners. In
1. Number of members. people.
an oral presentation an effective
2. Nature of purpose.
speaker keeps on changing his or her
3. Age
eye-contact with the member of the
4. Sex
audience, becomes alert while
5. Academic background.
listening to the presentation.
6. Present knowledge in the subject
Drooping head and a slouched and
of the talk.
fidgety stance hint at sloppiness.
7. Interest
The quizzical gaze and the lifting of
8. State of mind.
eyebrows also influence the
9. Physical state.
audience. Furtive glance show
10. Expectations
Speak to 11. Cultural background-religious
the and regional. Hand Movements: The hand
people. 12. Social background-community, movements indicate both
caste and class. psychological states of one’s being
13. Biases and prejudices. highly emotional and animated or
relaxed and carefree. An efficient
(iii) Body Language: The audience gets as much speaker gives an indication about his
information from our body language as from our
other relaxed state or animated
verbal means. We keep on making body pictures
state depending, upon the subject
of what we feel or thing at the time of speaking.
matter of the speech in an oral
When our visuals match our verbals we make an
presentation. The free use of
authentic presentation of what we speak. Body
gestures through hands reflects a
language is highly individualized. Our first
positive attitude towards the
impressions are bases of non-verbal
listeners. The efficient speaker
communication. Body language is helpful when a
shows his or her neutral thinking or
problem is complex; it also speeds up the
evaluation by stroking or rubbing of
problem-solving in an oral presentation. Some of
the chin or forehead. Sagging hands
the significant means of body language are as
display nervousness effecting low
Smile: The smile is a very powerful Standing Posture: The comfortable
gesture. If it is used appropriately it posture for standing is to stand erect
may hide the inner nervousness and with the hands out of pockets and
make the audience response with a the feet slightly apart. One should
smile. When we smile we relax our not stand behind a desk.
vocal cords which, in effect, make
An upright posture indicates
our voice much interesting.
confidence. Walk among the
However, not only smiling but other
audience generates caution among
facial expressions showing anger,
Napoleon interest, happiness, disgust,
Bonaparte, contempt, surprise, fear and love
(iv) Attention: The attention of the audience during a
the 5 feet can be effective in communicating
presentation generally goes through an attention
tall French information. It is very difficult for
curve. It starts on a high, drops a little first and
emperor is many to communicate false
more steeply later. It rises again towards the end
known in information through contrary facial
and further up for the last few minutes. Some of
history for expressions. Positive expressions
the ways the audience can be kept interested are
his speeches. like interest, happiness, surprise etc.
the following;
A French too communicated by facial
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I. Look into points where the attention curve (iii)The end: The way a presentation
drops and consider ways of varying the ends is again very important,
texture, (If your presentation has been largely Primarily, this is what the audience
oral, bring in an audio visual slide or have an will remember the presentation as.
interactive session that will ensure
participation.) (vi) Language: Other than style language should have at
least two more qualities:
II. Divide speech into parts a sections keep each
section short. Word Order: There should be a logical and systematic
order of words in our speech. We should an order
III. Involve audience into your speech; decide of words so that our speech is both relevant and
what you want from them. good, largely this use can be studied in two heads
relevance; important words come first or at the
(v) Prepare in Advance:
beginning. Decoration to enrich what we write by
Researching the subject: It is important to be clear using words – this can be done by a fitting use of
about the objectives of the presentation to the synonyms and antonyms.
audience you are presenting to.
 Use similar words with different
Selecting the content: Once the information has been antonyms.
gathered, it is necessary to filter out the non-
 Use synonyms combined by
essential points. One has to then group the ideas
‘and’ or ‘to’
under separate headings; classify the information
depending on the available time and keep the  Use opposite words together.
matter strictly to the point.
Signposting: We should have several signposts in our
Planning for the talk: speech. Signposts mean certain marks in our
speech that we refer to again and again. We
To get the message effectively normally have such marks when.
across, one has to carefully draw out
 We introduce an example or a
a presentation layout. A well-
typical explanation
planned presentation is always a
well-received one. The important  We refer to a quotation,
factors to be considered at this reference or a part or section of
should so
stage are the following: our speech.
interest and (1) The beginning: During a  It can be between different parts
curiosity of presentation one is always sure of of speech or between your
the reader the first few minutes of the present and previous speech. It
that it takes audience’s attention. One therefore may also be used to relate your
him to the has to be very careful about the speech with some other speech.
middle, beginning. Make an impression that
 Signposts are useful to a large
which will hold the attention of the people.
extent. They enrich and bring
should be One can start with a quotation, a
variety in our speech.
so web that question, a dialogue or even an
it lads him anecdote, a fable or a parable. A  By using signpost we avoid
to the end joke, an unusual definition or a repetition of words thoughts and
startling statements or statistics too examples. We rather use
can be an effective beginning. signposts to refer to an example
quoted earlier.
(ii)The middle: After making
impressive beginnings one has to be  We not merely speak less but
able to deliver the contents also make the impression of our
effectively. The contents should be more grouted in the listener.
well structured, be logically
 We keep the audience interest in
connected and effectively lead
our speech by signposts.
towards a specific goal. To sustain
the interest of the audience, it is  Signposts help the audience
important to include examples and recall what is said earlier thus
personal experiences, which will catching their attention and
make the material authentic and holding their involvement in the
interesting. speech.
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 It may also be also be used as an audience’s level of understanding. Dress appropriately.

advanced skill of rotating or Choose language wisely. Make use of aids.
moving the audience in past,
present and future at the will of
speaker. A talk is not a written text being read out; it
must sound like conversation. The style of speech is
Referred below are some examples of signposts.
different from the style of writing. In writing, long
- My purpose of speech is ……… sentences can be used since the reader can refer back
to the earlier part of the sentence. But in speaking,
- My lecture is divided into ………
sentences must be short to enable the listener to grasp
- You will note that ……….. them at once. Vocabulary should consist of simple
words, which can be easily understood.
- As I have said earlier ……….
- In addition to ………
One has to carefully judge the audience their
- We may again look at ……..
level of understanding, knowledge, social, background,
- Let us return to ………… interest and altitudes and so on finding out as much as
you can about the audience is what is going to make
- We can relate this to ………
your speech successful.
- We come again to ……….
- To sum up my main points ……….
The first impression that we make is often
crucial. So is it in presentation, we shall note how -

Presentation Skills: - We reach the audience

Presentation is an audio-visual form of - Always check in the dress code

communication with an aim to deliver the message to - Dress formally – neat and tidy
the audience. The most important aid to prepare for a
presentation is to decide what to say. Find out the Any untoward act can remove the audience’s
required information and give it a proper shape. The interest in your speech. Remember they’ve come to
speech prepared must have a logical and smooth flow hear you not to see you. Do not reverse the case.
of words.
Following points should be heeded to while preparing Language:
for presentation.
Words: The speaker should use positive words. He
 Divide your speech into points. or she should avoid words like “but”, “try”
Points into sub points. It is easier “may be” “perhaps” etc. use words that are
to remember points than long clear and not [prejudiced with the feelings
sentences & paragraphs. of religion and superiority.
 Prepare notes – take jottings brief Expression: The speaker should lay stress on those
words / sentences/ thoughts words that effectively highlight the key
 Arrange notes into logical order expressions of the theme. The choice of
expression shows how authentic, sincere
 Include examples, illustrations, and enthusiastic the speaker is a about his
statistics & other similar matter to or her subject matter of the speech.
make it effective.
Pace of the voice: The speaker should so arrange the
 Question audience frequently. Do matter of the speech that during delivery a
not stress on them answering it. fact passage should be followed by a slow
 Organise speech well. passage. However, the text itself should
determine the appropriate pace. The
 fit your speech in the time variation in the pace of the speech makes
available the speech interesting to the listeners. The
 Conclude towards the end. listeners lose interest when the average
speed of speaking is too fast for the listeners
To bring in variety and make our speech to understand if the average speed is slow
effective one has to choose the RIGHTS – a style that the listeners may get bored.
suits the personality of the speaker and is suitable to
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Pitch of the Voice: The speaker can make his or her  Learn in advance to use on OHP.
speech or an oral presentation effective by
 Rehearse thoroughly, so that you get used to
starting deep down the notes. According to
placing and removing the slides without any
the nature of the text he or she should
awkward movement.
modulate his or her voice between high and
low. The speech becomes more meaningful  Take care to see that you use colours that are
when the speaker makes use of tonal bright and aid clarity.
variations. For effective speaking a speaker
 Organise the information you have to give
needs practice in increasing the range of his
under heads and subheads. Remember that
or her voice. None likes a monotonous tone.
the organization you give will help organize
Power of the voice: The speaker should vary the power the matter in the participant’s mind.
of his or her voice. For thought provoking
Power point presentations: They are today the most
passages he or she should drop the power
common form of presentations. Power Point operates
as it has a surprisingly greater influence on
through slides which have to be prepared vary carefully
the listeners than raising power.
as they can make or mar a presentation. Power Point
Pausing: An efficient speaker does not rush through the creates a lot of interest and brings in variety and life
speech while making an oral presentation. into a presentation.
He or she makes pauses to give the audience
Body language: As we communicate more through our
adequate time to collect and digest the
body we should cultivate the language of our body too.
contents of the speech.
 Body movements: need to be monitored. They
should rather show our confidence and
Aids to Effective Presentation: preparation.

Audio-visual Aid: Audio-visual aid supplements our  Gestures, expressions & eye contact: Assertive
message making our speech vivid and interesting. An attitude with right postures of gestures is
effective speaker with right use of these instruments required eye contact helps in forming a
can make a presentation effective arresting the rapport with the audience.
attention of the audience. Use of these aids leads to a  Space: Depending upon the situation make
better effect on the audience. It helps them remember use of the space between you and audience.
the contents better and assimilate the matter more Preferably commute this space or decrease it
effectively. Sometimes visual aids save presentation by standing close to audience. Public space
time and also make the presenter’s work easier. Some denotes lot of distance. Social space brings in
of the commonly used visual aids are: familiarity.
 Flip charts Language: This section has been dealt with detail in
 Overhead projectors writing (chapter) while in presentation special
attention should be paid to the following.
 Slides
 Words: Choice of words is demanded in all
 Power Point presentations spoken exercises. Avoid vague words. Prefer
Flip charts: These are the blank or prepared sheets of using active voice. Use second person pronoun
charts that are put up during a presentation as visual in speech rather than I and always instead of
aids. They can be used to generate ideas or quickly III person pronoun.
record the responses that can be later organised and  Brevity: Use simple & clear language as it can
ordered. be understood by all. Ease of language and
Overhead projectors (OHP): Like the flip chart, the understanding can be maintained by
OHP, can be used in two ways. It can either be prepared observing brevity.
in an advance or written during the presentation as an  Organise: Your speech well. Divide it into
alternative to using the flip chart, like writing in the flip parts. It should have an opening elaborate the
chart, the transparency sheet too has to be carefully definition you laid at the onset of your speech
prepared. Some of the factors to be kept in mind while and always conclude with what you began.
making an OHP presentation are:
 Use transparencies to show only the
important points.
 Do not crowd the transparency sheet with too
many points on a single sheet.
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Group Discussion the conditions of information exchange when solving a

common task.
The term group dissuasion is used to refer to
an oral communication situation in which a small Group formation: A process in course of which an
number of members discuss problem or an issue to accidental aggregation of individuals turns into a
arrive at a consensus. The purpose of Group Discussion separate isolated group with a certain structure and
is to elicit views of all participants through intense characteristic.
interaction and evolve a consensus. Group conformity: A person’s tendency to change his
Group Orientation: ‘‘Group” is a social unit behaviour under the infolded of other people so that it
differentiated from the whole on basis of certain would correspond to the opinion of one’s associate or
characteristics. A group can be studied as a group.

 Conventional or large Group Norms: Standards of behaviour in a given

community and governing human relationships.
 Organised and non organised
 Official and unofficial
Objectives of GD:
 The basic parameters of group traditionally
studied by social psychology are Group discussions have several objectives which
can be arranged in order of their need and relevance
 Composition (member) as:
 Structure (of communication)  Studying group behaviour.
 Groups processes (interpersonal relations)  Coordination & cooperation in a group
 The dynamics of group norms (standards of  Leadership qualities in an individual
 Present a platform of group learning
 Values – the level of group development.
 Creating on opportunity to discuss a problem.
Group Cohesion: A quality characterizing the strength,
unity and stability of personal interactions and  Share findings of group members, analyse
relationships in a group. classify and establish those findings.

Group compatibility: A socio-psychological group  Bearing group dynamics.

characteristics that manifests itself in the ability of
group members to coordinate their actions and
optimize their relationship in various types of joint Process of Group Discussion
(i) Participants: For a successful GD there should be an
Group Consensus: Unity of views characterizing people appropriate number of participants.
making up a group. The nature and effectiveness of
discussion also depends upon the
Group Dynamics: This is used to convey different
number of participants. For a large
group the significance of the discussion
i. Denotes a trend investigating small groups may be lost if all members do not
along the principles of psychology. participate. Contrary to it a small group
may lack in diversity of opinions.
ii. Describe the process occurring in a group as
Therefore an optimum number of
it grows & change.
participants for a group is between 5 to
iii. Describe the cause-and-effect relationship 10. (Largely an average 7 or 8
explaining these processes. members).
iv. Study social attitudes and inter personal (ii) Time: A discussion too long will be wayward
relations in a group. and one short may end in advance.
Ideal time limit for a GD is 30 minutes.
v. Study inter group and inter group conflicts,
Participants should divide this time
leadership etc.
among them and not merely discuss but
vi Investigates correlation between also conclude.
individuals and group motivation.
(iii) Topic: Sometimes the topic to be discussed is
Group Decision-making: The choice of a solution from made known to the participants
among a range of alternatives made by a group under beforehand so that they can ponder
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and formulate the views before the  Display your cooperation.

discussion starts. And sometimes the
 Don’t be rigid always seek to modify your view
topic is announced after the
by incorporating other people’s views into
participants have assembled. In this
case, a few minutes are allowed for
thinking and preparation. The  Use soft, polite and courteous language even
participants generally sit in a circle in case of disagreement.
round a table so that each participant is
 Try to convince others or rather convert them
able to observe the expression and
to your views instead of opposing them.
make eye contact with the others.
(iii) Controlling: It is a quality that largely displays
(iv) Process: Unlike a meeting, the group discussion
leadership skills in an individual.
is not structured. There is no
chairperson, no secretary and no  Ensure that everyone is given an opportunity
detailed agenda. Only the problem or to speak & express himself.
issue is stated and any member can
 Check that the members are on right track. If
initiate the discussion and deal with any
they deviate from the topic bring them.
aspect. Similarly, a member can give a
preview of what points are likely to  Use the allotted time for discussion wisely.
arise, provide an internal summary of
 Look at the topic from various angles and all
the views expressed up to a point of
possible perspectives.
time and summarise the discussion
towards the end. However, it is the duty (iv) Summing up: When you know that the time of
of each member to ensure that the discussion is almost up, it is necessary to give an
discussion to the emergence of a appropriate conclusion.
solution, a common viewpoint or a
 Quickly recap the important points.
course of action. Obviously, display of
anger, emotion and excitement has no  Emphasise the point where there are
place in a group discussion. differences.
 Frame a group conclusion.

Trek:  Get approval from all members over the final

decision taken by the Group.
(i) Initiating: Always initiate with the right note.
 Without summing up no GD can be concluded
 Ensure that you present a proper fitting as successful.
definition of the topic given.
 Never be wayward. Always present a
definition or an opinion. Never attempt to do  Analyse the topic word by word.
so.  Make brief remarks rather than
 It may also be sometimes referred to as speeches.
“breaking the ice.”  Be open minded and conciliatory rather
 Initially talk about the topic briefly rather than than rigid.
in detail.  Back your arguments with evidence and
 Divide the topic into some subtopics. It is authority.
better to do so as discussion on parts is easier.  Be group-centred rather than self-
(ii) Group behaviour: is what is tested in a G.D. centred.
Therefore,  Avoid personal attacks.
 Always cherish the right approach.  Maintain eye contact with group
 Coordination and cooperation of a member is members.
largely tested in a GD.  Present a group conclusion towards the
 Give all the participants a chance to speak. end not your individual views.

 Ensure that everyone not merely gives his  Look at the topic from all possible angles
views but they are also incorporated with and viewpoints.
yours when a final outlook is being accepted.
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Debates: team, in which they are allowed additional time to

respond to the opposing team's arguments and sum up
Debate (American English) or debating (British their own case, but may not introduce new arguments.
English) is a formal method of interactive and position Therefore, the speaking order and timings of each
representational argument. Debate is a broader form of debate is generally:
argument than logical argument, which only examine
the consistency from axiom, and factual argument, 1. Prime Minister 7 Minutes
which only examine what is or isn't the case. Though 2. Minister of the Crown (or Member of the
logical consistency, factual accuracy as well as some Government) 8 Minutes
emotional appeal to audience are important elements
3. Leader of the opposition 8 Minutes
of the art of persuasion, in debating, one side often
prevail over the other side by presenting superior 4. Member of the Opposition 8 Minutes
"context" and/or framework of the issue.
5. Leader of Opposition Rebuttal 4 Minutes
British Parliamentary style:
6. Prime Minister Rebuttal 5 Minutes
This style of debate is a common form of
academic debate. It has gained support in the United
Kingdom, Ireland, Canada, Europe, Africa, and United Ideas for Debate topics
States, and has also been adopted as the official style
of the World Universities Debating Championship and  Television is better
than books.
European Universities Debating Championship.
Speeches are usually between five and seven minutes  Cats make better
in duration. The debate consists of four teams of two pets than dogs.
speakers, called factions, with two factions on either
side of the case.  Animals should not
be kept in cages.
Because of the style's origins in British
parliamentary procedure, the two sides are called the  Computers should
Government (more commonly called "Proposition" in replace teachers.
the United Kingdom) and Opposition. The speakers are  Beauty is only skin
similarly titled: deep.
Australasia style Debate:  The Olympics are a
Australasia style debates consist of two teams waste of money.
who debate over an issue, more commonly called a
topic or proposition. The issue, by convention, is
presented in the form of an affirmative statement
beginning with "That", for example, "That cats are
better than dogs," or "This House", for example, "This
House would establish a world government." The
subject of topics varies from region to region. Most
topics however, are usually region specific to facilitate
interest by both the participants and their audiences.
American Parliamentarian Debate
This style consists of two teams, with the
following speakers:

Government Opposition
1. Prime Minister 1. Leader of the
2. Minister of the
Crown (or 2. Member of the
Member of the Opposition

American Parliamentary style debating

includes an additional speech from the Leader of each
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Meetings:  Discuss the issues one by one

A meeting is a formal gathering of a group of  Extract views of all members participating

people at a predestined time & places. It can be both  Check digressions
formal as well as informal.
 End up by concluding the decision
It is most commonly used form of discussion in an
 Ratify the decision by all the members
organisation. Management needs are largely obtained
through meetings with a view to work effectively.  Remains himself cool and check over-
Meetings are generally held for
(iii) Conclude: Always conclude a meeting with its
following purposes.
summary confirming the conclusions of the meeting.
o Information gathering
 Convenor/Chairman should thank the
o Information giving members/participants.
o Problem solving  Convenor should thank even chairman
Almost all
meetings are o Decision Making  Before thanks he should ask everyone present
result if any other or question is to be discussed (of
o Future planning
oriented. called AOB) in the meeting.
o Formulating policies.
(iv) Minutes: While in a meeting it should be ensured
o Financial matters that someone is taking down notes. Minutes present
the record of business transacted in a meeting.
However, the nature of minutes prepared depends
upon the nature of meeting. Their chief characteristics
Good Meetings are:
 Be sure of facts and information to be exchanged.  Are written objectively.
 Express yourself by reasons for your point of view.  Are accurate in regard to facts.
 Clarity of thoughts and confidence while delivering  Language used is impersonal.
the same is required.
 Are concise accounts of main points of
 Distribute the Agenda of a meeting in advance. discussion, decisions arrived at and
 Achieve the purpose of meeting through recommendations made.
negotiating and arriving at a consensus. Actual writing of minutes takes place only after the
 In case of disagreement go for voting and in case of end of meeting. They include the following details and
deadlock defer meetings. are normally written in the format of a letter.

 As far as possible maximum information regarding  Name of organisation.

the meeting must be circulated in advance to the  Day & date, venue, time, meeting name (if any
members called for. given) or number
 Appoint a convener (normally the chairperson  Names of convenor and chairperson
himself is the convenor).
 List of members called for with details of
presence & absence.
Trek:  Record of transactions item wise.
(i) Welcome: It is convenor’s role to welcome the  Subsequent approval & notification from all
gathering: members.
 Exchange greetings 
 Reaffirm of or read out agenda
 Initiate meetings (with permission to start a
meeting from Chairperson).
(ii) Control: Convenor is responsible to execute the
entire meeting. He has to exercise his power, ability and
wise to conclude every meeting favourably.
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Interview There are many types of interview like

Information gathering interview, appraisal interview,
An interview is a conversation between two or exit interview, job interview, college/university
more people (the interviewer and the interviewee) interview, persuasive interview, counselling interview
where questions are asked by the interviewer to obtain and many more. In this article, we are going to learn
information from the interviewee. There are many about College/university entrance and Job interview.
types of interview like
 Information gathering interview,
First of all, prepare your mind in advance that you
 Appraisal interview, are going to have an interview next morning. Relax
yourself and do not get nervous, tense or tired at any
 Exit interview,
cost. Before going for an interview, pre-planned few
 Job interview, things:
 College/university (admission)interview,  Learn about the company, organization or
educational institution and do some research
 Persuasive interview, in advance.
 Counselling interview and many more.
 Why should you perform an advance
Job Interview is one of the best known and the  Simply to develop good answers and to prove
most widely experienced type of interview, where an yourself unique.
interviewer is taken by Human Resource Manager/
 What you have to Research?
Educational Expertise. To reduce your chances being
rejected, here are some basic professional skills, which  You can gather information about
will lead you towards the path of success in your organizational structure; type of their clients/
interview. students; departments and its branches; past
and present achievements etc. Simply search
yellow pages or ask your friend or family
Effective Interview Skills member/relative who are familiar about
organization or you can collect information
Talents and Skills are the only tools, which through newspapers and websites.
could lead an individual towards the door of success in
this challenging time. To qualify for a professional  Prepare answers to typical questions. Practice
degree or a job, one should have strong past your answer and never rote learn it.
educational background along with integrated multi- A few sampling questions that can be practised in
dimensional skills. It’s of no use acquiring higher degree advance.
without building character, confidence, and expressive
personality.  What do you feel about our organization?
 What are your weaknesses?
An interviewer always attempt to decide that  Why do you want to become a part of our
why they should select you? What are the qualities, organization?
which you have and other do not have? How can you  Tell me about yourself and about your
benefit their organization? If you can show your trust, hobbies.
your confidence, your commitment, and appropriate
skills, then you could win a successful future. Interview  Who is your role model and why?
is a form of oral communication. It’s one to one, or one  If you are lucky to know the name of a person,
to group interaction, where an applicant proves who will interview you, then memorizes
themselves as a unique person to be the part of an his/her name properly.
organization. Remember that interview is always pre-
planned and structured. It’s a formal presentation  Decide what to wear. Remember to Dress
between an interviewer and an interviewee. Only those simply but elegantly. Dress should be well
pass it with flying colours, who are original and show ironed without crease. Wear comfortable
their interest with confidence and who present shoes. You can even check what management
themselves appealing. wears and dress similarly without over kill. Do
not Dress casual or wear Athletic Shoes. Do
not spray lots of cologne or wear lots of
P a g e | 65

jewellery. Do not wear wrinkled attire or Questions are focused on education of

flashing tie. applicant and its activities during studies.
Logically this part is more vehement on
 Prepare your file having your portfolio,
graduates than on other applicants with
educational degree copies and extra copies of
wide job experiences.
your resume. Find proper address in advance,
that where are you going in the morning. Work experience
Work experience questions are focused to
Traditional Interview Questions
present career experience and practices.
Few of the traditional interview Questions should show range of
questions, which an organization knowledge, practical job experience and
might ask are: sometimes even communication, which
After are importing for doing this job.
 Tell me about yourself (in two
minutes). Reasons to change a job
With a
pleasing  Why do you feel that you will be Questions in this part of job interview are
smile, say successful in ...? focused to check loyalty of applicant.
thanks and Recruiter wants to find reasons why
ask about  Why did you decide to interview applicant left previous job position.
the next with our organization?
Career future and motivation
step in the  Are you willing to relocate?
process. Potential employer is interested in
 Tell me about your scholastic ambitions of applicant for job, his/her
record. ideas about future career progress.
 Tell me about your extra- Employers need to look for the most
curricular activities and interests. suitable applicant for job, not merely one
who fulfils all requirements.
 What are your strengths and
weaknesses? Applicant's success, non-success, weak and strong
 Why should we hire you?
It is recommended to choose weak point,
 Why did you choose to become a which isn't really weak point but
teacher, nurse, ... ? advantage. Only really naive or truthful
applicant for job says the entire true.
 Where do you see yourself in 5
years? 10 years? Logical Task
 Why do you want to leave your Logical task it could not be always part of
current job? job interview. Recruiters prepare logical
task sometimes. Purpose of logical task
Typical Job Interview could not be only test logical thinking, but
the way resolution of task and stress
Job interview is beginning when applicant for immunity (mostly applicant for job do not
job is coming to potential employer. expect logical task and its reactions show
Job Interview Introduction us about applicant for job many more
than a lot of question before).
After brief introduction the most
importing part of job interview is set of Applicant’s interest, hobby
question. Interview questions should Recruiters want to know, what spare-time
show qualities, strong and weak points activities of applicant for job are. Interest
and other characteristics of applicant for and hobby can help the applicant
job. acquiring a particular a job. So far as
Interview structure applicant for job presents hobby, which is
in harmony with presupposition for doing
Interview is divides into following groups work position and for team work.
of question. Sequence of question isn't
always same. Applicant’s questions
Education and languages When applicant has answered all the
questions or towards the end of the
interview, he may have/be given an
P a g e | 66

occasion to put forth one of his own

question. The question he asks should be
related to company, to fill information,
which applicant for job found about firm
or about work position before coming to

Job Interview Communication Tips

Success at an interview is not just about answering
the questions correctly. You must also include all the
following elements in order to give a good impression
and build rapport:
 A good handshake
 Check your pronunciations.
 Get the interviewer to do a lot of the talking.
 Have your brake through questions ready.
 Good eye contact with your interviewer.
 Smile. Look as if you are enjoying the
 Confident posture.
 Mirror your interviewer's body language.
 Keep all your answers positive.
 Show enthusiasm.
 Listen carefully to the interviewer's question.
 Get the interviewer to see you in the job by
responding to questions with examples that
create pictures in the interviewer's mind.
 Stop selling when you’ve made the sale.
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Telephonic Conversation  Do not use slang.

Telephone these days is the most widely used  Do not ramble while talking.
means of oral communication. We seldom realise that  Do not exploit the condition that caller on the
a telephonic talk also needs to be planned. Planning a other side cannot see you and you can
telephonic talk not only saves time and money: but simultaneously execute some other talk or
brings the much needed clarity in the process of task.
information exchange following are the invited
 Answer calls promptly, quickly and in time.
qualities for a good telephonic conversation.
 Avoid talking on Bad lines and cross
Concise: Avoid lengthy talks and discussions on phone
as our memory doesn’t allow us to remember
 Talk only purposeful or relevant matter.
 Exchange appropriate & needed information.
 Do take down notes if the talks involve a
message to be transferred to a third person.
 Summarise all talks towards the end of
 Always exchange greetings while starting and
when ending a telephonic discussion.
Clarity of language: This also is a barrier to all
telephonic discussion. If the language is not clear no
communication can take place.
 Always be courteous while talking on phone.
 Use largely formal language and completely
avoid the use of slang and colloquial words.
 Speak legibly with proper intonation and
 Do not rush up with words instead talk
patiently and politely.
 Avoid distractions whatsoever they be. These
distractions lift us from what we our talking.
 There should not be ambiguous and confusing
expressions in our conversation.
 A pen and writing pad to take down notes
whenever needed.
 Always take notes of messages to be
transferred to someone else.
 Always note down telephone numbers,
addresses, reference and similar parts of
information being exchanged.
 Voice modulation: We should ensure that our
voice reaches clearly and lucidly to the other
end and should modulate our voice as needed.
 Before initiating a conversation we should at
first confirm the identity of the person we
intend to talk with.
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Summary Conclusion of the Speech or an Oral Presentation

 Effective speaking forms the crux of The conclusion of the speech leaves the final
communicative skills; it is striking the impression on the minds of the listeners. A well-
right attitude and the right language at conceived conclusion not only signals the end of the
the right place. speech but also reinforces the central idea in the mind
of the listeners. A goods speech may lose all its impact
 Developing a positive attitude to if the conclusion is loose. A strong ending leaves the
speaking increases the confidence level. audience brooding and cogitation over the speech they
 Researching the subject, selecting the have just heard. The techniques to draw an ending of
content, planning for the talk is vital the speech are:
before a presentation.  By giving verbal clues like “Let
 Remember to divide your presentation me end by saying”, “Before I
into short sections. This will ensure Conclude”, “One Last Point”, “
audience attention. In conclusion”, “To sum up”, “To
conclude” etc.
 An effective presenter should prefer
‘social space’; avoid ‘public space’ and  By our manner of delivery
use body language, eye contact and decreasing the pitch of the tone
intonation effectively. to lower notes.

 Good visual aids can immensely improve  By slowing down the articulation
the quality of the presentation. of words and phrases.

 Effective group behaviour is largely  By going back to the story or

responsible for a good group discussion. incident with which the speaker
started his or her speech.
 Participation leads to effective group
discussion.  By making a summary of the
 It is important to network one’s ideas,
build up the argument and give the  By quoting an eminent
discussion a definite direction. personality.

 Good listening forms an important part The speech should not end with the
of group discussion. expressions like “I think that’s all I had to say”. In fact
the conclusion should make it clear to the audience
 An effective chairperson of a meeting has what they should do next. The conclusion should
to be firm but sensitive to individual generate the last though in the mind of the listeners
speakers and listeners. regarding the issues taken up in the speech.

Role of Audience in Speaking:

The ending of an effective speech or an oral
presentation depends upon how well the audience has
participated in it. For audience participation there
should be separate question answer sessions duly
planned. The speaker invites questions from the
audience. The questions should be expected after the
audience is given some time to think. The speaker, after
getting the question, should first repeat it and then
answer it as concisely as possible. The speaker should
give chance to all groups to ask questions for
clarification. The efficient speaker usually remains
prepared with answers to the anticipated questions on
his or her talk.
Questioning keeps the audience involved in
the talk. This removes the barriers of understanding
and leads the audience to group the meaning of the
speakers words better.
P a g e | 69

12) Discuss the importance of role-play in teaching

speaking skills.
13) What is ‘attention curve’?
1) What are different kinds of visual aids? How do
they help in speaking effectively? 14) Discuss a few features of an effective meeting.

2) What is the importance of stress and intonation in 15) A successful telephone conversationalist takes care
speaking? of a few aspects consistently. Discuss.

3) What are the effective skills of speaking? 16) What are the essentials of a goods leader?

4) What role does a proper planning and organizing of 17) Discuss the trek of Group Discussion?
the subject matter have in effective speaking? 18) What role does Body language has in a Group
5) What are visual aids? Reflect on different kinds of Discussion?
visual aids. 19) What preparations are necessary for an effective
6) The non-verbal language of the speaker is as meeting?
important as the verbal language”. Explain. 20) What are the skills required for conducting a
7) How does the knowledge about the audience meeting effectively.
effect speaking? 21) What is Agenda? How do the agenda of a meeting
8) What are the different factors one has to be indicate the prospects of a meeting?
sensitive to, to become an effective speaker? 22) Compare the trek of a meeting with that of a group
9) During a presentation, how does a speaker ensure Discussion.
audience involvement? 23) Discuss the skills useful for a telephonic
10) What preparations are necessary before giving a conversation.
presentation? 24) Discuss the utility of negotiation in a Group
11) What are the factors crucial to an effective group Discussion.

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