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Hello Student, and welcome to Aristaeus!

Over the next eight years, you’ll learn the intricacies

of magic from our large cast of faculty and tutors! Meet new friends in your chosen college,
master the deeper knowledge of your magical major, and graduate into the ranks of thousands
of the world’s greatest mages!

-<| Rundown Of Aristaeus |>-

The students of Aristaeus are spread across eight years of attendance, split across four skill
levels: Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, and Senior.

Freshmen students (years 1 and 2) are, as the name suggests, “fresh” to Aristaeus life. First
year students pick one of five colleges, which will determine their friendships, general classes,
and maybe even major! The five colleges are listed further down.

Sophomore students (years 3 and 4) are getting used to the deeper art of casting, and are able
to choose a major to focus on! Aristaeus offers dozens of areas of magic to focus on, from the
eight core schools such as abjuration or illusion, to more modern traditions like dunamancy or
hydromancy. The currently available majors are listed further down.

Junior students (years 5 and 6) are getting into the thick of their major, and can pick a handful of
extracurriculars to populate their day as general studies end. Most students pick one or two
extracurriculars, but if you think you have the capacity then there’s no limit! The currently
available extracurriculars are listed further down.

Senior students (years 7 and 8) are reaching the end of their education at Aristaeus. General
studies have ended, leaving more time to study and practice their chosen major; important, as
the higher levels of casting can often prove to be more difficult than students anticipate!

-<| Student Schedule |>-

Aristaeus Schedule

-<| Colleges Of Aristaeus |>-

The College Of Lorehold focuses on the knowledge and historical side of magic. After
graduation, most students from Lorehold find careers as archaeologists, archivists, or someone
who travels beyond the Mists on behalf of the Kubota Archive!

The College Of Prismari focuses on the elements and expressing yourself with them. After
graduation, most students from Prismari find careers as artists, chefs, or someone who helps
others find their truest selves!
The College Of Quandrix focuses on the fundamental and technical side of magic. After
graduation, most students from Quandrix find careers as mathematicians, architects, or
someone who designs and creates the magic items used everyday!

The College Of Silverquill focuses on the linguistic side of magic. After graduation, most
students from Silverquill find careers as scribes, translators, or someone who writes the very
books you learned from!

The College Of Witherbloom focuses on the natural side of magic. After graduation, most
students from Witherbloom find careers as botanists, medics, or someone who watches and
tames the fantastical creatures of the world!

-<| General Study Classes |>-

General study classes are required by all students to pass in order to graduate.

-1st Year: A Fundamental Understanding Of Magic-

All mages started from scratch, no matter how powerful they may be. In this class, students will
review the basics of magic, from its deep-rooted history to the importance of components.

-1st Year: Basic Magical Auras-

A magical aura can be defined as an area of magical effect originating from a person, place, or
object. This class will cover the basics of such effects, as well as instructing students in the
creation of their own basic auras.

-2nd Year: Magical Physiologies-

The world is full of unique creatures, from common stirges and abyssal chickens to more
dangerous specimens, such as the alcetons of the Greyscale Mountains. This class will offer a
view into the biology of such creatures, as students come to understand that they aren’t the only
things affected by magic.

-3rd Year: Scrivening & Symbology-

In this class, students will study the world of runes; the most direct translation from the Weave
society can offer. Students will learn to identify and differentiate the eight schools of runes, as
well as learning to scribe some basic runes themselves. Fluency in Giant may also be achieved.

-4th Year: Advanced Arcane History-

In their first year, students learned about the basics of arcane history; most notably, information
on The Upheaval, The Unweaving, and The Expansion. In this class, they will dive deeper into
the intricacies of magical history, from studying ancient relics to the ways of the dragons.
Leaving campus regularly should be expected.
-5th Year: Arcane Herbology-
Much like Magical Physiologies, this class will take students into a deep dive of natural magic;
more specifically, the fantastical flora of Azari. Topics covered will include common alchemical
herbs, how to identify a living plant from a mundane one, and how to cultivate their own basic
magical herbs. Many of today’s renowned druids and hedge mages got their start from this
class, and visits to Aristaeus’ Apothecary in the Conjuration Ward will be common.

-6th Year: Advanced Applied Magic-

In a student’s last year of General Studies classes, they’ll finally learn to put all the knowledge
they’ve collected to use: in day-to-day society. They’ll learn how to heat houses with evocation,
practice with the quickest form of transportation known to society, and craft some of the most
commonly used magitech items, like lamplighters. Completing this class with a high grade will
almost guarantee their spot in the world as a reliable mage, even if they don’t achieve a major.

-<| College Specific Classes |>-

The following classes are available only to the students in their respective colleges. All classes
a student has access to must be passed in order to graduate.

-< Lorehold >-

-1st Year: Introduction To Archaeomancy-

In this class, Lorehold students will take a deeper dive into the societies of pre-Upheaval,
reading about their day-to-day life and attempting to translate their eras-old glyphs. The
highlight of every student’s year is the annual trip to Ahkma, the Kubota-sanctioned ruin in the
H’rethi Desert!

-2nd Year: Basic Arcane Artifacts-

This class offers Lorehold students a unique look into the artifacts of the past, from simple
wands and foci to weapons rumored to’ve been wielded by the heroes of the Upheaval. Field
trips to the Kubota Archives are common.

-3rd Year: Historical Figures In Magic-

The world of magical history is full of important figures, from Rose Hidari and Tomas Kallstrom,
to the very founder of our school, Sir Axium Aristaeus. Lorehold students will deep dive into their
lives to understand their prominence in shaping Azari’s history and how different today might be
without them.

-4th Year: The Arcane History Of Artistry-

For eras, artisans across Azari have employed magical devices and aides into their craft, from
integrating hisakur to strengthen their material to employing runes to help shape their projects.
This class will take a deeper dive into such practices and how they originated, as well as
offering Lorehold students a look into how they may use their degree after graduation.
-5th Year: Principles Of Bladesinging-
Bladesinging is an ancient method of casting created and perfected by the elves of Greyscale,
that combines the fast pace of casting with the fluid motions of swordfighting. This class will dive
into the rich history of bladesong, as students converse with experts on the topic and theorize
on how bladesinging may’ve turned the tide of the world’s early history. Students wishing to
learn a bladesong may do so in the extracurricular.

-6th Year: Arcane Macroeconomics-

In their final year of general studiess, Lorehold students will learn how magic affects modern life
and the economy. Investigations on the cost of mass artifice and Kubota taxation, among other
topics, will conclude the set of General Studies classes available to Lorehold students.

-< Prismari >-

-1st Year: History Of Art & Magic-

In their first year of general studies, Prismari students will study the relationship between art and
the arcane, diving into topics such as the origin of fire dancing, navigating the elemental planes
and their inhabitants, and analyzing some of the world’s oldest recorded art pieces.

-2nd Year: Electro-Choreography-

-<| Majors |>-

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