Management Programme: Term-End Examination June, 2009 Ms-8: Quantitative Analysis For Managerial Applications

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\s Term-End Examination
@ June, 2009

Time: 3 hours Maximum Mnrks : 100


Note : (i) SectionA has six questions,eachcarrying75 marks.

Attempt any four questions
from this section.
(ii) SectionB is compulsoryand carries40 marks.
Attempt both questions.
(iii) Statisticaltablesmay be suppliedon request.


L. An analysis of the hourly wages paid to workers

in two firms A and B belonging to the same
industry gives the following results :

Firm A Firm B
Number of wage-earners 586 648

Average hourly wage Rs.52.5 Rs.47.5

Variance of the
100 121,
distribution of wage
(") Which firm, A or B pays out the larger
amount as hourly wages ?

(b) In which firm A or B, is there greater

variability in individual wages ?

2. Bag A contains2 white and 3 red balls and bag B

contains4 white and 5 red balls. One ball is d.rawn
at random from one of the bags and is found to
be red. Find the probability that it was drawn
from bag A.

3. What do you understand by probability

sampling ? Describestratified and cluster sampling
designs. IzVhatis the difference between a cluster
and a strata ?

A course in Quantitative Applications is taught

to L2 students by conventional classroom
procedure. A second group of 'I.,0students was
given the samecourse by programmed materials.
The same examination was given to each Soup
at the end of the course. The 12 classroom
sfudents scored 85 marks on an average with the
standard deviation 4, while 10 students using
programmed material scored SL marks on an
average with a standard deviation of 5. Test
whether the two methods of learning areequally
effective ? Use 0.10 level of significance.
5. The information given below relates to the
advertisement and sales of a company
(in lakhs of Rupee) :

Expendifure (X)
Mean 20 100
Deviation 3 1.2

Correlation coefficient between X & Y = 0.8

(a) Find the two regression equations.

(b) What should be the advertisement

expenditure if the company wants to attain
sales target of Rs 120 lakhs ?

Write short notes on any three of the following :

(a) Marginal Revenue

(b) Exponential Smoothing

(c) Less than type Ogive

(d) Probability densify tunction (pdf)

(u) Significance level


7. In a random sample of 500 people of a ctty, it was

found that 160 preferred seafood. Find a 95%
confidenceinterval for the actual proportion of
people who preferred seafood.

8. Solve the following system of linear equations

using matrices :


x-Zy*z-- -4



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