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Major Activities


From the very beginning JCYCN has been working with a rights based approach. Its major activities are the following:

Advocacy and Lobbying:

JCYCN supports the empowerment of women, youth and children to bring positive changes in the level of policy making. The organization coordinates and
participates in diverse campaigns, public awareness programs and training programs concerning key issues that affect women, child and youth rights.

• The voting rights of the people

• Making the constitution on time
• Sustainable peace
• Promoting ‘Children as a Zone of Peace’ movement
• Child friendly schools
• Making a youth policy in the best interest of youngsters
• Raising the voice against human rights violation
• Publishing and broadcasting press releases
• Advocacy on different health issues
• Making a national campaign for a habitable Nepal
• Raising the voice for youth and children at risk
• The ‘Brain Drain’ ie. migrating juveniles
• Conflict affected women, youth and children
• HIV/ AIDS victims
• Women and children trafficking
• Illegal Labor and sexual abuse
• Victims of different political and social movements
• Victims of natural disasters
• Conflict victims
• People that have vanished
• Making a policy for the protection of these people’s rights.
• Build participatory policy and implementation etc…

In addition, JCYCN regularly organizes seminars and rallies on various issues related to children and youth including, Child Rights Day, Youth Rights Day,
Human Rights Day, Environment Day, Earthquake Day, Woman’s Day. We have also presented memorandum letters to the Prime Minister, the President,
high level policy makers and political parties. These letters are designed to pressure the country’s national institutions from the grass roots level, in regards
to the secure and sustainable development of women, youth and child rights.

Network Building:
JCYCN believes that an individual person or organization cannot create large changes in a society, but when many like-minded organizations, both
national and international, cooperate with each other much more is possible. Therefore, JCYCN prioritizes network building with shareholders, women,
youth and child clubs on both the national and international level.
Our network organizations are:
* Youth for Human Rights international,
* Asian Resource Foundation (ARF-Thailand)
* Youth and Sports Ministry
* Youth Coordination Center Thailand (YCCI)
* Development et Civilizations Lebret-Irfed (DCIL) France
* Association of Rural Education and development Service (AREDS)
* Eco-Social Development Organization (ESDO)
* Isis Women’s International Cross Cultural Exchange (Isis-WICCE)
* Association of Youth Organization Nepal (AYON)
* Concern Universal Bangladesh
* Human Rights Education Radio Listener Electronic Committee (HRELIC-Nepal)
* Youth Action Nepal
* Youth Coordination Center
* Youth For Hunger rights International
* Youth Pressure Group for Constitution Making.
* Election Monitoring Group
* Anti- Alcohol Network
* CWIN Youth Forum
* Volunteer Aid Nepal
* Kuleswor Abash School
* Child clubs
* Youth clubs
* VDC’s child rights forum
JCYCN also coordinates with international organizations and welcomes them in the JCYCN office to share ideas and experiences. There have already
been over 90 foreign visitors from 20 different countries.

Participation in different programs (National and International):

JCYCN has been actively participating in many national and international programs concerning different issues. We participated in the following programs:
• IUAES program (International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Science) in Calcutta, India (2004)
• Conference on the Culture of Peace and Youth Assembly (Youth Camp) in Dhaka, Bangladesh (2001)
• Interfaith conference on Culture of Peace in Bangladesh (2001)
• Youth for Peace workshop and International Inter-faith Peace Forum in the Thammasat University of Bangkok, Thailand (2003)
• Documenting the Violation of Women’s Human Rights during the Armed Conflict: A Tool for Advocacy and Sustainable Peace Building Program in Isis
Women’s International Cross Cultural Exchange (Isis-WICCE) in Kampala, Uganda (2004-2005)
• Peace, Human Right and Conflict Resolution workshop in Calcutta University and Bardawan University of Calcutta, India (2006)
• South Asian Youth for Peace training Workshop in Godhavari, Lalitpur (2007), organized by Asian Resource Foundation Thailand, Youth Coordination
Center International Thailand and JCYCN
• South and West Asian Youth for Peace training Workshop in Kathmandu, Nepal (2008), organized by Asian Resource Foundation Thailand and Nepal,
Youth Coordination Center International Thailand, and JCYCN
• School of Peace and Conflict Transformation in ARF and Poyap University of Bangkok, Thailand (2006)
• International Youth Encounter Workshop in Karur, India (2009), organized by Development et Civilisations Lebret – Irfed (DCLI) and AREDS
• Conference on Democracy, Development and Peace in Asia program, organized by LDC Watch/L’Observatoire PMA, SAAPE (South Asian Alliance for
Peace Poverty Eradication). (2008)
• Community Managed Disaster Risk Reduction(CMDRR) in Bangladesh organized by concern Universal.
• Climate change issues in Bangkok and many more…
• Also more than 50 programs on the national and local level of Nepal.

JCYCN received national and international credit for these programs. The organization also gained more knowledge on social and rights based issues.
Furthermore, as a result of our participation in these programs, we now have regular communication, coordination and cooperation with many national and
international organizations. From these opportunities our relationship is growing and we have been successful in organizing some locally based programs.
Some of these programs include the following,

• Strongly believing in the democratic environment, JCYCN extended its solidarity in the popular mass movement in 2006. During this period the
organization participated in the movement as a human rights (with the special focus on children and youths) observer.
• JCYCN regularly participates and is committed to contemporary issues regarding women, youth and child rights. Also, on many occasions our
organization has participated in National Youth Assembly, National Children Conference, Human Rights Day, Youth Rights Day, HIV/AIDS day,
Environment Day, International Women Rights Day.

Library and Publication

JCYCN publishes an e-newsletter with a special focus on youth. This publication regularly produces more than 1,000 copies, which are then distributed to
national and international organizations, youth and reputable people concerned with such issues. It covers socio-economic and psychosocial issues, as
well as issues concerning the educational status of women, youth and children in Nepal. In addition, we collect books in Kathmandu and distribute them
throughout rural villages, child clubs and schools.
JCYCN’s original library collected approximately 2,500 books concerning human rights, children rights and women rights and other related issues. As a
result, Children from the Child club come to the library every Saturday to read these books.

JCYCN organizes creative and competitive programs such as, poem recitations and speech, art and folk song competitions for children and youth to give
them a sense of the positive social changes they making in their society.
These programs were organized with the coordination and cooperation of child clubs, schools, youth clubs and other local organizations.

Educational Support:
JCYCN provides three systems of educational support for children affected by armed conflict between 2005 and 2008. Firstly, a program is run in
collaboration with LOMEF/ARF (Lorraine Robinsons & Maevecoughlan Education Fund, Asian Resource Foundation) that supports approximately 150
children. Secondly, JCYCN initiated health checks for the children in this program. Finally, through JCYCN a group of doctors from Germany Doctor
support the education of 50 children in the Rasuwa district.

Human Rights Monitoring and Humanitarian Support:

Nepal has experienced many critical and unstable periods, and from these times of unrest JCYCN has continued to monitor the Human Rights Violence
Cases, the Constitutional Assembly Election, the Second Peoples Movement, the rescued injured people and given humanitarian support to the victims of
natural disasters.

JCYCN always has 10 youth volunteers ready to monitor the Human Rights Violence Cases during times of critical unrest in the nation. Furthermore, we
have extended this work in Rasuwa, Sindhupalchok, Nawalparasi, Rolpa, Salyan, Lalitpur, Bhaktapur and Kathmandu. JCYCN also provides humanitarian
support for approximately 100 families of flood victims in the Nawalparasi district with the support of Asian Resource Foundation Thailand. In the event of
natural disasters and other disturbances we request that national and international organizations and friends support the victims and organize blood donor

Organizing and participating in programs concerning climate change:

Nepal is a country rich with natural beauty, and it is often hard to see how climate change is effecting the environment and slowly destroying its unique
beauty. Since our head office is situated in the Terai area we have largely focused on helping the people in this region. For instance, every summer this
community endures forest fires and during the monsoon season they are disrupted by floods. In response to this, JCYCN has provided humanitarian
support for the victims and organized awareness programs such as, planting trees and teaching women how to make paper shopping bags as an
alternative to plastic ones. Finally, our organization is committed to giving support to regions affected by natural disasters and will continue to provide
humanitarian support in these areas in the future.

Organizing and participating in programs concerning capacity building:

With the cooperation of the Ministry of Sport and Youth, we launched a peace building and conflict transformation program for 200 youths in the district of
Nawalparasi. The research for this training program was carried out by the President, Vice President and other members of JCYCN. The purpose of this
training was to make the children aware of important social issues and arouse their interest in finding creative solutions. In addition, we also invited
representatives from every child club in Nepal to attend the training program, and as a result they were able to share their new knowledge with their clubs.
We acknowledge the importance of these kinds of programs to empower the next generation.

Empower Youth and child Clubs:

In addition to JCYCN and its advisers there are about 20 Jagriti child clubs in Nepal with more than 1,500 members. Apart from these 20 child clubs we are
also in contact with 30 other child clubs through our contact and network team. We have at present 50 child clubs with 5,000 members in our network.
JCYCN also has 55 youth organizations in its network and we are working at present with 5 village development committees. Overall, in Nepal there are
about 10,000 child clubs with 250,000 members. The people who established child clubs are now expanding in every area of Nepal and forming other
related clubs such as mother’s groups, community village groups, and sports groups, This helps to reduce criminality in the communities, which in turn
makes positive moves towards awareness of peace establishment, disaster and climate change and at the same time provides training. With the support of
the Youth and Sports Ministry, JCYCN supports, trains and appoints about 200 youths with community based youth leadership training for peace formation
and conflict transformation.

Media Communication and JCYCN:

JCYCN frequently organizes various programs, social campaigns and child related seminars with the coordination of radio, television and different local
media and social youth clubs. These modes of communication aids JCYCN in posting programs and campaigns successfully. JCYCN understands the role
and importance of this these forms of communication and continues to work with issues concerning youth in coordination with the media.



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