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GERUND 1 (ING) bir fiile ing eki getirerek isim gibi kullanabiliriz.

GERUND 2 INFINITIVE 1: bir fiili gerund

Özne yerine tek başına.veya tamlama olarak da gelebilir EXPRESSIONS + GERUND şu ifadelerden sonra gerund gelir yaparak isim gibi kullandığımız gibi
Swimming is my favourite sport. It's no use/It's no good …. It is no use trying to understand him bir fiilin önüne to eki getirerek de isim
Cooking is my mother's favourite job. There is no point in…… There is no point in listening such news gibi kullanabiliriz. olumsuz yaparken
Being interested in books is a good quality. It's worth .../It's not worth ... It’s worth buying tickets in advance not to yazarız.
Giving severe punishments to children is unfair. A waste of time/money/energy ... It's a waste of money buying cigarettes To swim in avşar is dangerous.
Normalde gerund tekildir ama and ile iki gerund bağlanıyorsa çoğuldur. Or Without doing ... You can’t achieve it without listening to your To be a student at HEAL is enjoyable.
ile bağlanıyosa tekildir teacher Cümlenin başında özneye infinitive ile
Reading is very important. Reading and listening are very important. By doing ... She passed the university exam by studying very hard başlamak çok yaygın olmadığından
Reading or listening is very important. Have fun/have a good time doing He is having a good time visiting old cümle genelde it ile başlayarak
Gerundu olumsuz yapmak içi başına not getirilir:Not talking. cities yapabiliriz.anlamda değişme olmaz. It
Gerund be fiilinden sonra gelerek özneyi tanımlayabilir Sit/stand/lie + expression of place He sits in his armchair reading books is enjoyable to be a student at HEAL
Their favourite pastime is watching television go shopping go hiking go swimming We will go shopping today
FOR VE OF tan sonra zamir varsa
Bazı fiillerden sonra gerund gelir ve nesne işlevi görür PERFECT GERUND infinitive gelir (For bişeyi yapması To
admit dela involve recollect (remember) Olayı gerçekleştiren kişiyle yan cümledeki kişi aynıysa kısaltma yaparız bişeyi yaptığı)
anticipate deny keep recommend appreciate detest remember Ya gerund yada perfect gerund kullanılır It is easy for me to solve problems
avoid discuss mention resent can't help dislike mind The thief admitted that he stole the car..The thief admitted stealing the car.. It is kind of you to help me
resist can't stand enjoy miss risk complete postpone The thief admitted having stolen the car. Ancak use for varsa gerund alır
consider finish practise suggest contemplate imagine recall A knife is used for cutting something.
I appreciate being invited to the party. Davet edilmeyi takdir ediyorum Infinitive aynı gerund gibi nesne
örnek: I appreciate being with friends. I hate being laughed.gülünmekten nefret ederim. durumunda da kullanılır My ambition
He avoided looking at me while I was criticizing him. The man denied being involved in the robbery. is to pass the university exam.
I cant help feeling sorry for them
HEM GERUND HEM INFINITIVE OLABİLEN DURUMLAR Aşağıdakilerden sonra pronoun olsa
Pronoundan sonra gerund kullanılır da olmasa da infinitive gelir
I will never forgive him lying to me I prefer to go İstanbul.
I will never forgive his lying to me I perefer you to go to istanbul
I will never forgive john’s lying to me
I dislike your interrupting people.

Zarf + preposition+ gerund Too ve enough ile infinitive kullanılır

I hate washing the dishes
Örnek: I am interested in studying English. I hate to wash the dishes.
This problem is too easy to solve
She is capable of speaking a second language. I have enough money to buy a tshirt.
He is good at cooking. ANCAK advise, allow, encourage, forbid, permit ve recommend,
Past infinitive özellikle seem, appear,
kendinden sonra indirect object (him, them, etc.) varsa Infinitive; indirect
pretend gibi fiillerle; lucky, fortunate,
object yoksa, gerund alır.
happy, pleased,content, likely gibi
I advise driving more slowly on this slippery road.
sıfatlarla çok sık kullanılır.
I advise you to drive more slowly on this slippery road
I'm happy that I passed the exam.
HEM GERUND HEM INFINITIVE OLUR ANCAK ANLAM I'm happy to have passed the exam
DEĞİŞİR Sınavı geçmiş olduğum için mutluyum
Burada olay yaşanmış ama aşağıdaki
örnekte yaşanmamış
Yaptığı bişeyi unutuyo veya hatırlıyosa gerund.yapmayı hatırlıyo veya
She is fortunate that she will study
unutuyosa infinitive gelir. I forget to buy apple.I forgot buying apple
Watching tv means wasting your time. I didn’t mean to hurt you
She is fortunate to study abroad.
We stop to buy a cola. He stopped smoking
Yurt dışında çalışacağı için şanslı
I regret shouting at you. I regret to tell you that I will not come
INFINITIVE 2 Amaç bildiren bir yapı olarak In order
to do yerine sadece to do
kullanabiliriz. Olumsuz ifadelerde "In
order not to do" kullanılır.
I will go shopping because I want to
buy some vegetables.
I will go shopping to buy/in order to
buy some vegetables.

Birisi bişey yaparken falan derken

gerund kullanılır. I was her walking.

LET ten sonra bişey gelmez.

Let him go
HELP den sonra infinitive gelsede
olur gelmese de olur
She help me to do homework.
She helped me do homework
NEED filinden cümle aktifse sonra
infinitive gelir.pasifse infinitive yada
gerund gelebilir
I need to go now.
My shirt needs to be ironed
My shirt needs ironing.
PREFERdan sonra tek cümle varsa
gerund veya infinitive gelebilir.
I prefer drinking tea.I prefer to drink tea.
Ama iki cümle TO ile bağlanıyosa
gerund gelir. Than veya rather than ile
bağlanıyosa infnitive gelir
I prefer walking to running.
I prefer to walk home today rather
than take the bus.

Noun clauseda temel cümle ile noun

cümlesinin öznesi aynıysa kısaltma
yapılarak infinitive yazılır.
She can’t decide what she will do.
She can’t decide what to do.

Causative yapıda sadece get

somebody to do something yapısı
infinitive alır.
I get him to do my homework.

DARE den sonra infinitive gelir yada

yalın yazılır She dare to shout at her
teacher.I daren’t do a parachute jump.

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