COL106 Major: Stack Sort Reweight To Match BFS

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COL106 Major

Saksham Dhull

25 / 30
4 Reweight to match BFS 3 / 3
1 Stack sort 3 / 4
✓ - 0 pts Correct
   - 0 pts Correct
   - 3 pts No Weight Labeling
   - 4 pts Not attempted
   - 2.5 pts Cross edges are not weighted
   - 4 pts Incorrect operations: the result stack does
   - 3 pts Question 3/4 not attempted
not contain numbers in any order (neither ascending,
   - 2 pts partially correct
nor descending).
   - 1.5 pts Wrong or No complexity calculation
   - 1 pts The final order is descending in the result
5 Asymptotic analysis 2 / 3
stack (max at the top).
   - 0 pts Correct
   - 1 pts Condition for empty stacks not mentioned.
   - 3 pts Not attempted
   - 4 pts Incorrect approach or not explained correctly
   - 2 pts You should have proved using a c,n0
   - 2 pts Popping of max element not described
argument. n0 and c values have not been calculated
in your answer.
✓ - 1 pts Condition for tracking max/min element not
   - 1.5 pts You have not shown that your choice of n0
is the smallest value of n for which the derivative of n
QUESTION 2 - (log n/c)^{1/delta} is positive.
   - 1 pts not mentioned value of c or incorrect value.
2 Dijkstra up to 5 3 / 3
✓ - 1 pts not mentioned condition on delta or
✓ - 0 pts Correct
incorrect condition.
   - 3 pts Not attempted/ Wrong Algorithm used
   - 1 pts proof statement is not laid correctly/generic.
   - 1 pts Wrong Fixed Edges
   - 2.5 pts The proof must be generic, you should not
   - 1.5 pts Wrong set vertices
just prove it for one value of c and n0, that works
   - 0.5 pts Not considered 'A' in 5 vertices
while disproving something.
QUESTION 3    - 3 pts Incorrect solution
3 BFS 3 / 3
✓ - 0 pts Correct
6 General heap deletion 4 / 4
   - 3 pts Not attemped/ incorrect
✓ - 0 pts Correct
   - 1 pts Tree is not directed
   - 4 pts Not attempted or completely incorrect
   - 2.5 pts Not a tree
   - 1.5 pts No marking of cross edges/wrong cross
   - 1.5 pts Not bringing the key from the last node of
lowest level for replacement
   - 1 pts for two wrong cross edges
   - 1.5 pts Solution violates shape property of heap
   - 0.5 pts for one wrong cross edge
   - 1 pts Complexity in not \theta(log n) or no
explaination of complexity
   - 0.5 pts Picked key greater than Parent and smaller
than both child
   - 0.5 pts Picked key smaller than parent
   - 0.5 pts Picked key greater than any or both child
   - 1 pts Did not explain how to maintain heap
property after removal of root


7 AVL trees 3 / 3
✓ + 3 pts Correct
   - 3 pts Not attempted
   - 1 pts Incorrect argument for the height of the tree
   - 2 pts Incorrect argument for the height of the tree
   - 3 pts Incorrect


8 Radix sort 0 / 3
   - 0 pts Correct
✓ - 3 pts Incorrect / Not attempted
   - 1 pts Not mentioned the time complexity of digit
   - 1 pts Correct sort algo mentioned but no
   - 2 pts Only Digit conversion
   - 0.5 pts Incomplete explaination
   - 2 pts Radix sort without base n conversion


9 Tree traversals 4 / 4
✓ - 0 pts Correct
   - 4 pts Not attempted
   - 4 pts Incorrect tree and inorder
   - 1.5 pts Slightly incorrect inorder
   - 1.5 pts Slightly incorrect tree
   - 2 pts Inorder wrong/ not written

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