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Uses of Nanoparticles:

Uses Nano Substances Comments

Sunscreen Zinc Oxide Small enough not to be seen
Socks and plasters Silver Silver, nanoparticles
Self-cleaning windows Titanium oxide Reacts with dirt to break it.
Stained glass windows Gold silver and other metal Interact with light and
different colours

Dangers of nanoparticles include inhaling into the body and entering the body through our skin cells.

Different materials/ polymers

Glass Clay Metals

Appearance Transparent Opaque Shiny
Melting point High High High
Malleable or brittle Brittle Brittle Malleable
Ability to conduct Poor Poor Good
Ability to conduct heat Poor Poor Good

Alcohols and carboxylic acids


During fermentation, sugar (glucose) from plant material is converted into ethanol and carbon
dioxide. This typically takes place at temperatures of around 30°C. The enzymes found in single-
celled fungi (yeast) are the natural catalysts that can make this process happen:


The formula for fermentation is glucose  ethanol + carbon dioxide

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