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Series: Subject File
File Number: 210
File Name: Military Intelligence Service
Conflict Period: World War II
Publication Number: N/A
Publication Title: U.S. Army, U.S. Forces, European Theater, Historical Division: Records, 1941-1946
Content Source: NARA
Content Partner: NARA
Source Publication Year: N/A
Fold3 Publication Year: 2011
Fold3 Job: 11-047
Nara Catalog Id: Pending
Nara Catalog Title: Pending
Language: English
Country: Europe
Date: 1941-1946
Medium Description: Records of the U.S. Army's European Theater of Operations (ETO), 1942-1946, are from NARA's Record
Group 498. They include essentially all administrative, strategic, and other documents relating to U.S.
operations in Europe during World War II. They were filed within folders, later microfilmed, and now presented
on Fold3 as digital images. The first series of folders are by subject, then by miscellaneous files, monographs,
staff section reports, geographical command reports, and miscellaneous reports.
Publication Browse Title: WWII European Theater Army Records
Record Group: 498
Short Description: These records cover operations of the European Theater during World War II, as collected, maintained, and
organized by the Army's historical division staff.
Roll: MP63-9_0028
Image Title: Page 27

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