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We understand our obligation to

improve the lives of those in our

community, and we will give high-
quality support and resources to
everyone who needs it. Our
partnerships with people and
community partners foster lasting
relationships that help to keep the
community secure.

Any Town
Budget Considerations

Chris L Grill
Module 7 Project
Dr. Erik Fritsvold
Any Town PD Budget Considerations


It has never been more important for the lines of communication to be open between

the police department and the community it serves. While that has always been the policy at

Any Town Police Department (ATPD), recent developments around the country and in our

community have provided us with an opportunity to make a formal commitment to strengthen

and demonstrate our connection with you. The ATPD's mission is to build relationships within

our diverse community to meet the challenges of reducing crime, help our citizens feel safe,

and render the highest ethical standards demanded of professional law enforcement. For the

department to accomplish the mission's goals, there must be thoughtful consideration in

developing the strategic plan for the fiscal year.

Part of that strategic plan is developing a sound budget that reflects the department's

goals and the direction the department is heading in the future. A budget is a fiscal process by

which officials select objectives and design ways to achieve those objectives. (Hy, 2011) The

current budget considered for this upcoming year is 10.5 million dollars for the department.

ATPD is committed to presenting a responsible budget consideration that will reflect the

department's vision and continue the partnership with the community.


Recent trends have shown that violent crime is rising, especially in gang shootings,

armed robberies, and burglaries. After a highly publicized use of force incident with ATPD

officers, the public's trust has diminished in the department. Gang involvement has become

prevalent within the community, especially in our schools. The department's response times to
Any Town PD Budget Considerations

emergency calls have increased, resulting in additional victimization. There are concerns with

the department's staffing level and how the staff is being used. There is a lack of community

policing methods used by the department and a need for intelligence-led policing to assist in

solving crimes.


The ATPD is dedicated to providing a safe environment for the community members.

The department believes it can address the community's concerns through a series of

incremental changes. The department will take the following actions:

• Reduce the overall crime rate by at least 5%

• Research and invest in less lethal force options for the department

• Develop a plan to have officers work with the school to educate the youth about gangs

and deter future involvement

• Assess the current deployment of staff for areas of improvement

• Form initiatives that promote community outreach and build trust and legitimacy

• Utilizing intelligent-led policing techniques to assist in the reduction of crime

• Increase sworn personnel by hiring 20 new officers


Law enforcement nationwide faces several challenges that make it difficult to operate in

the current environment, all of which depend on adequate staffing. Having well-trained,

educated, and motivated staff will help overcome those challenges and successfully achieve the
Any Town PD Budget Considerations

department's goals and objectives. For a police department to meet their staffing needs, they

may spend up to or exceeding 80% of their budget. (King, 2021)

Current staffing levels at ATPD are 76 sworn officers and a professional support staff of

19 persons. All members of ATPD operate professionally and provide the best service to the

community. To provide the caliber of service that Any Town expects, ATPD believes it is

necessary to hire additional officers to ATPD. With the Mayor's support, ATPD will hire 20 new

officers to assist in reaching our goals. Some of the new officers will replace the natural

attrition that will occur throughout the year. The department will be implementing new

positions to assist in building community relations and provide the community members with a

safer environment.

To combat the violent crime and rise in gang-related shootings, armed robberies, and

burglaries, ATPD will form a problem-oriented policing unit (POP). The POP unit will implement

traditional policing methods and a problem-solving and community engagement approach to

achieve success. The POP unit will handle community nuisance issues, as well as proactively

investigate gang-related crimes, including but not limited to armed robberies and burglaries.

Active and successful crime prevention programs not only reduce crimes and save lives but also

reduce the workload for patrol officers and detectives and provide opportunities for positive

interaction with the public. (Arrington, n.d.) ATPD believes that programs like the POP unit will

assist the department in reaching the goal of lowering the crime rate by 5%. Further

consideration about the staffing of ATPD will be addressed in the community considerations

section. The following table will provide the breakdown of the staffing at ATPD.
Any Town PD Budget Considerations

Figure 1 : Personnel Structure and Cost

Sworn Employees Cost

1 Chief $175,000

1 Captain $150,000

2 Lieutenants $250,000 ($125,000 x 2)

14 Sergeants $1,400,000 ($100,000 x 14)

10 Detectives $800,000 ($80,000 x 10)

48 Police officers $3,600,000 ($75,000 x 48)

Additional New Police Officers

20 New Police Officers $1,500,000 ($75,000 x 20)

Professional Support Staff

10 Dispatchers $600,000 ($60,000 x 10)

3 Auto Mechanics $210,000 ($70,000 x 3)

1 Crime Analyst $75,000

1 Property Room Clerk $50,000

4 Administrative Clerks $200,000 ($50,000 x 4)

Total Personnel Cost $9,010,000

Any Town PD Budget Considerations

Capital Expenses

To be prepared for the future, the city of Any Town needs to have a capital

improvement plan, which will foresee the replacement of equipment, the addition of

equipment and supplies, and the maintenance of buildings and property. Having a well-

thought-out plan for capital purchases and ensuring the necessary funding is present, the

capital budget will allow the community to make long-term plans regarding purchasing

expensive items. (Orrick, 2004) For the department to be fiscally responsible to the

community, the department must provide the necessary justification for the capital purchase to

improve further the trust and legitimacy between the community and the police. The following

figure will detail the capital expenditure of ATPD.

Figure 2 : Capital Expenditures

Capital Expense Item Cost

Patrol Vehicles $114,000 ($38,000 x 3)

Body Cameras and Storage $76,000 ($1,000 x 76)

Smart Street Lights $500,000

Taser Replacement $36,000 ($500 x 72)

K-9 Unit $32,000 ($8,000 x 4)

Facial Recognition Technology $45,000 ($1,000 x 45)

Crime Mapping $300,000

Less Lethal Bean Bag Shotgun/Ammo $4,800 ($300 x 16)

Less Lethal 40MM Launcher/Ammo $6,400 ($400 x 16)

OC Spray $3,040 ($40 x 76)

Total $1,117,240
Any Town PD Budget Considerations

The ATPD determined the capital expenditures based on the department's needs and

the community's needs. The department currently has sixteen patrol vehicles, and seven of

those are older and in need of replacement. ATPD will begin to cycle three patrol vehicles each

year to start an approximate five to six-year life cycle of the patrol vehicles. Having a well-

maintained and operable fleet of patrol vehicles will allow officers to complete their tasks

efficiently, safely and help ensure they can respond to each call.

In an effort to build on the trust and transparency of ATPD with the community, each

officer in the department will be assigned a body-worn camera. Body-worn cameras improve

community relations, but they also provide advancements in a reduction of citizens' complaints

against officers, an increased feeling of support for officers, and documentation of evidence in

criminal matters. (White, 2021) Body-worn cameras will be beneficial for both the department

and the community.

The ATPD believes that to increase the tools for the officers, there is a need for more

diverse less-lethal use of force options. Advances in less-lethal technology offer the promise of

more effective control over resistive suspects with fewer serious injuries. (Bulman, 2010) The

department will train and supply each officer in a patrol function with a taser. The four

administrative positions, Chief, Captain, and two Lieutenants, will be trained in the use of the

taser but will not be supplied with one for day-to-day operations. All officers in ATPD will be

provided OC spray and receive the necessary training for deployment. Each patrol vehicle of

ATPD will be outfitted with a less-lethal shotgun that fires bean bag rounds and a 40MM

launcher with foam-tipped projectiles. All officers will receive the necessary training to deploy
Any Town PD Budget Considerations

these use of force options. The ATPD will also develop with the community standards in mind a

policy that governs the use of less-lethal force by ATPD officers.

An area of the department that ATPD believes can both effectively help with crime and

assist with community relations is the department’s K-9 Unit. Police K-9s can serve in several

forms: narcotics enforcement, search and rescue, tracking fleeing criminals, and being a

department ambassador to the public. (Wyllie, 2019) The department recognizes the value in

our K-9 program and will be increasing the unit to four K-9s and handlers. Having four K-9s will

allow patrol and the community to have greater access to the use of a K-9 if needed.

Technology has come to the forefront of policing. When used by criminals, the

capabilities of that technology can make it difficult to apprehend criminals, but officers can use

it to detect crimes in their community. Utilizing predictive policing methods, like crime

mapping, assists in pinpointing hot spots to help law enforcement anticipate the approximate

time of day and area of town where the police might predict the next crime. (Lecates, n.d.)

Another area of technology that ATPD believes will be beneficial to the community and the

department is the deployment of smart streetlights. The smart streetlights have the capability

of recording the area near the streetlight but also detect gunshots. These capabilities will assist

responding officers with quicker notification of a possible crime and the potential evidentiary

value in the recording. Coupling that technology with the deployment of facial recognition

cameras in the community, ATPD can more quickly identify and locate dangerous criminals

resulting in fewer of them on the street. These technologies must be used following strict

policy that will be developed with the communities feedback and concerns.
Any Town PD Budget Considerations

Operational Expenses

Operational expenses are considered a short-term budget item that is generally

repeated every year. The operating budget funds the day-to-day supplies, services, and

equipment necessary for the department to function. (Orrick, 2004) Certain items in the

operational budget, like uniform allowance, are contractual issues between the city of Any

Town and the Police Officer’s Association. Other items in the budget, like vest replacement,

ammunition, safety equipment, and office supplies, are necessary for ATPD to function

effectively. The following figure will detail the operational expenses for ATPD’s proposed


Figure 3 : Operational Expenses

Operational Expense Item Cost

Vest Replacement $76,000 ($1,000 x 76)

Uniform Allowance $228,000 ($3,000 x 76)

Ammunition $50,000

Safety Equipment $20,000

Office Supplies $5,000

Total $379,000

Training Expense

For the department to continue to increase the level of service provided to the

community, ATPD must provide a higher level of training that will allow the officers to better
Any Town PD Budget Considerations

engage with community members. Public interaction is a crucial concept that ATPD revolves

around. With that interaction comes a need for accountability and responsibility, not only to

the citizens but also to the department, our fellow officers, and ourselves. The department will

provide officers with more training in areas like force options, leadership, intelligence-led

policing, community policing theory, and gang identification. The following figure provides the

proposed budget for training.

Figure 4 : Training Expenses

Training Expense $90,000

Grant Funding

To offset some of the cost of the technology on the department’s budget, the ATPD has

applied for grant funding through the National Institute of Justice (NIJ). The ATPD received

funding from the NIJ in the amount of $100,000. The specific grant that the department

applied for and received is the Mapping and Analysis Public Safety Program. The NIJ will assist

in developing the crime mapping software for ATPD and provide training on the use of the


Community Considerations

The ATPD believes in having strong community involvement and working with the

community to develop problem-solving techniques. To achieve success in those areas, ATPD

Any Town PD Budget Considerations

must continue to promote transparency, equality, legitimacy, and accountability throughout

the department. To address the concerns raised by community members, the department will

take the following actions. ATPD will be placing school resource officers inside the two high

schools to deter crime and gang violence while building relationships and trust with the

students. To address the community concerns with response times, the department will re-

evaluate sectors based on call volume and the new crime mapping technology to develop a

strategy to deploy our resources better. The department is exploring adjusting scheduling for

patrol from a traditional 8-hour shift to either a 10-hour shift or a 12-hour shift. These new

shifts may allow the department to provide better coverage throughout the city and reduce

response times. Through further training and having access to more diverse tools, the officers

will be able to more efficiently handle situations through de-escalation and less-lethal options

reducing the injuries to the suspect.

Performance Measurement

The ATPD will utilize line-item budgeting to help measure and track the performance

and funding of the department. Line-item budgeting provides a detailed and straightforward

budget breakdown but is simple for all parties to understand. ATPD can track monthly

expenditures to see if specific programs or divisions are operating within the allowed budget

considerations. A key benefit to line-item budgeting is that a person without a financial

background can track and follow the budget, providing more transparency from ATPD. Since

the ATPD budgets for one year at a time, a line-item budget is an excellent strategy to provide

Any Town PD Budget Considerations


The ATPD is committed to providing the best possible service to the community, and it is

essential to continue with a vision that will take us into the future. Police service commitments

constantly change, and we must maintain a level of service that permits the department to

provide and sustain crime prevention, crime-solving, and crime reduction through problem-

solving techniques that increase the feeling of being safe. For the department to offer a total

quality of service, we must incorporate a commitment to community policing by creating a

vision and strategies that accomplish established goals and objectives while remaining flexible

with the community's needs. The following figure will provide a total proposed budget for


Figure 5 : Total Budget Considerations

Expense Item Cost

Personnel Costs $9,010,000

Capital Expenses $1,117,240

Operating Expenses $379,000

Training Expenses $90,000

NIJ Grant - $100,000

Total $10,496,240
Any Town PD Budget Considerations

Works Cited
Arrington, S. C. (n.d.). Crime Prevention in the 21st Century. Retrieved from IACP Police Chief:

Bulman, P. (2010). Police Use of Force: The Impact of Less-Lethal Weapons and tactics.
Retrieved from U.S. Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs:

Hy, R. J. (2011, September 01). An Overview of Budgeting Formats. Retrieved from Tyalor &
Francis Online:

King, C. (2021). Chief. (B. Goldberg, Interviewer)

Lecates, R. (n.d.). Intelligence-Led Policing: Changing the Face of Crime. Retrieved from IACP
Police Chief:

Orrick, W. D. (2004). Best Practices Guide for Budgeting in Small Agencies. Retrieved from The

White, D. M. (2021). In View: A Response to President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing in
Relation to BWCs. Retrieved from Body Worn Camera Training and Technical Assistance:

Wyllie, D. (2019, April 12th). A K-9 Unit Has Benefits for Police Departments and Communities
Alike. Retrieved from Policemag:

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