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A valedictorian speech from Jack Dennis;

Tommy Douglas Collegiate

It is too bad about this pandemic, forcing us into quarantine, but it has helped us all
grow in ways we could never have imagined.

Fellow graduates, families, teachers, faculty and other guests, welcome to our virtual
graduation for Tommy Douglas Collegiate Class of 2020.

I’m Jack Dennis, your valedictorian.

Before I begin, I’d like to thank all the families, teachers and other faculty for your hard
work in helping us get to this point.

This may not be what us graduates were looking forward to, but it’s still graduation

Because of this pandemic, we’re like a forest. When a forest burns down, it grows back
stronger. Each of us are our own unique tree. I like to think of myself as an oak. Look,
the point is, we all had something taken away from us. We all need our own amounts of
time to heal and grow. That way we can be a forest again. Not sure if I said that right (I
came up with it on the spot), but I hope it made sense. Haha. Yeah, I wrote haha in my

I’m about to tell you a story. Sophia from Golden Girls style. Picture it, June 2016,
Vanscoy, Saskatchewan. I had a squeaky voice, bad haircut and bad fashion. I was faced
with a decision. Which high school do I go to in the fall? I could’ve gone with all my
friends to Delisle, or risk it all (which wasn’t a lot) and come to Tommy Douglas. At
Tommy I could be myself and make new friends. I could have a fresh start. I chose
Delisle. But then I found out it wasn’t my choice; it was my parents’. So, Tommy it was.
This was the best decision I ever made. Well, that my parents made for me. I love you
both so much. I found improv, musical, great teachers and amazing friends.

I learned valuable lessons, from “work hard” to “don’t be a simp.” The second one being
the more important of the two. Basically, this school taught more than the curriculum. It
taught us to grow and be the best version of ourselves.

I would like to take this time to quote from one of my favourite poems “Replay.”

“Shawty’s like a melody in my head that I can’t keep out, got me singing like nananana

It’s like my iPod stuck on replay, replay, ay ay ay.”

I’m kidding. The song I’d actually like to quote is called “That’s the Way It Is” by Daniel
Lanois. It is from the Red Dead Redemption soundtrack. I feel that song is perfect for
this time, because sometimes you just have to realize that that’s the way it is. It also says,
“What’s the point of a scar if we don’t learn how to heal?“

Wow! Those words hit you like a truck, don’t they? Everything happens for a reason; we
just need to accept it and push forward.

Graduation is supposed to be a time of happiness. It is too bad about this pandemic,

forcing us into quarantine, but it has helped us all grow in ways we could never have
imagined. We’ve learned how valuable our friends and family are. How important
teachers are. How much we will miss Tommy Douglas Collegiate.

“I wish there was a way to know you’re in the good old days, before you’ve actually left
them.” If you’ve seen The Office, you know that quote was said by Ed Helms’ character
on the show. That quote never meant much to me, but now I am experiencing it.

I will always miss the first day of a new semester, the stress of finals week, thinking oh
my God, do you think they like me?

High school may be over, but our lives are just beginning. We are all going to do great
things! I know that is very cliché, but hey, it’s true. We’ve all grown up into amazing
people. And I know we can be the class to help the world be a better place. Show
everyone love, respect, and kindness no matter what our differences are.

In the beginning I thanked families and teachers, but now I want to thank my peers, the
class of 2020. You made me who I am today, and I can’t thank you enough for that. I
hope the best for each and every one of you. Now may the wind be at your back and go
do great things. I’m Jack Dennis.

Thank you.

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