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Eldritch Elevations

From the Hand of Michael Mars Russell

Blessed are the Powers granted to us by the Basilisks and
Blessed are we by their use!
Whenever a creature critically succeeds at activating a Power, roll a d20 and consult the table below:
1. The Sacred Flames engulf you, 12. The Power bifurcates like the
burning away a curse or healing you Basilisks’ heads, doubling the number
1d4 HP. of targets affected and refunding the
2. Purifying Light radiates from the daily Power expended to use this.
Power, blinding the target if they are 13. A great rumbling shakes the land.
Evil or restoring sight if they are You have prevented the next Misery
Good. rolled from coming to pass, for now…
3. Power courses through you as 14. Cleansing waves wash away one of
symbols burn their way out of you. You the Arcane Catastrophes affecting
now have magical protection (-1d2 you.
damage)! 15. Two and two headed, this Power
4. The Power flows from you like a doubles the number of targets AND the
geyser, doubling the result of the result of the dice roll.
dice roll and reducing the DR of the 16. The Power is the Glory of the
next Power used by -2. Basilisks and to gaze upon it is to
5. The scroll burns away into ash know your worthlessness. All enemies
that burrows into your skin, allowing who witness this display must make a
you to use that Power without a scroll Morale Test with a penalty equal to
and succeed at using that Power your Presence. Those who fail lose
automatically once per day. 1d4 HP.
6. The Power reconstructs your body, 17. The Power is the Glory of the
restoring use to a broken, missing, or Basilisks and to gaze upon it is to
destroyed limb. know your worth. All allies who
7. Angels sing as the Power rains witness this display make a DR 12
down, deafening the target if they are Presence Test with a bonus equal to
Evil or restoring hearing if they are your Presence. Those who pass regain
Good. 1d4 HP.
8. As the Power fades away, it surges 18. For a moment you see beyond to the
forth again. This Power happens again Shimmering Fields and know there is
next turn automatically, but you hope. Regain 1d2 Omens.
select new targets. 19. SHE whispers in your ear,
9. Energy entwines with your form, revealing information you see as
acting as a shield that restores obvious in hindsight. -4 DR to your
itself every dawn. next Test.
10. A force guides the Power, 20. Power runs like a river through
preventing it from harming you or your this world and you are one with the
allies and maximizing any helpful current. You now critically succeed
effect on them. on Powers Tests with a 19+. If you roll
11. Hungering to be used, the Power this result again, you dissolve into pure Power
(leaving only your eyes) and are whisked away into
imbues itself into one of your weapons the Shimmering Fields.
after activating. Whenever that weapon
kills a creature or critically
succeeds at an attack, it may use this
Power with no Test.

Eldritch Elevations is an independent production by Michael Mars Russell and is not affiliated with Ockult Örtmästare Games
or Stockholm Kartell. It is published under the MÖRK BORG Third Party License. MÖRK BORG is copyright Ockult
Örtmästare Games and Stockholm Kartell.

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