Reflection Lesson

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What aspects of my lesson were implemented differently as you planed and why it happened?

One part of learning activity, because the students had the minimum English level knowledge,
and I should be situated to my students’ conditions without let the goal objective.

If I will teach the lesson to the same group first, I focus on the part of lesson where they
showed less understanding through the evaluation measure unit.

Because their grade was under minimum learning level.

The activities and strategies where they demonstrated high learning level.

Because those activities and strategies were effective in their learning in this lesson part.

I surprised because some students had good knowledge of English language and others didn’t
have any idea of this but as they work with the ones that know they got the topic concepts and
they showed very motivated to learn.

To know if the students intended what I try to teach them I ask them to be used it in an oral
and writer way by test, dialogues, and quizzes.

I know that by the grade evaluation results.

The methods are effective by the evaluation grade and rubrics.

Activities are effective by the grade obtained and its use in daily life.

My instructional materials are effective in the way the students catch the commands and make
the activities.

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