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Laboratory Guide

Task Sheet


No. Range 10V Range 50V Range 250V

1. 0.4 4 20

2. 2.6 16 80

3. 4.6 26 130

4. 8.2 42 210

5. 8.8 48 240

When I interviewed Mr. Angel Burila, an expert in repairing refrigerators and air
conditioning I asked him two questions. First was “What are the most common reasons
why the refrigerator breaks down?” and second “What can you advise to prevent damage to
the refrigerator?”.

In first question, according to Mr. Burila the common reasons why today’s refrigeration
new models are easy to break because its tubes are so thin which can cause refrigerant
leakage and in the inverter the board is the first to break.

In second question, he said that monthly maintenance should be done in cleaning the
refrigerator to keep it clean and always check if its parts are working.

In my interview with Mr. Angelo Burila about refrigeration and air conditioning has given
me new knowledge and information. New knowledge on new model refrigerators how
durable it is. And new information on keeping refrigerators clean and working.

For me as a 21st century learner taking a course to become a teacher I need to learn new
knowledge and information that I can use to be resilient. I need to learn new existing
technologies because at the same time new knowledge and information is emerging. So, to
keep myself well I have to learn something new, something new that keeps me working.

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