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7.01 Are You Awake?

Through the first half of the 1800s, religious activity peaked, called the "Second Great Awakening." The movement was
more widespread and had greater long-term effects on American society than the First Great Awakening.

Imagine you find some old papers and other items in your grandparents’ attic. A magazine editor welcomes you to submit
a paper describing what you’ve found. Choose one artifact to write about for Part 2. The artifacts are on page 3 and
included below.

To complete this assignment, you will:

Part 1: Pick an artifact out of the 3 options (p. 3 or below)
Part 2: Write about the artifact following the outline provided
Part 3: Answer the questions that follow based on what you’ve read in 7.01
Part 4: Have someone you trust review this after you’ve proofed it for errors

Part 1: Chosen artifact: ______________

Part 2: Tell the magazine editor about the artifact using this guide.
An amazing historical artifact was discovered in an attic! It is a _________________________((what was it-
song, document, picture). The __________________ (name of artifact) was created by _________________in
the year_______________. This artifact was made because _________________________ (purpose of the
artifact). People who would have read or studied this item at the time it was created were
______________________ who thought ____________________________.
It is worth studying today because:_________________________________________________________.
One reason the 2nd Great Awakening occurred was because ______________________________ .

Part 3: Questions/Information from lesson (focus on page 2 and Ruth’s letters)

1. What took place during the Second Great Awakening?

2. People participated in this event through three main ways:


3. Some important people involved in Second Great Awakening included


4. Many participants were women because

5. Social Reform Defined

a. Social reform is

b. The Second Great Awakening is an example of social reform because

6. ____ is an example of a social reform directly related to (or a result of) the Second Great
Awakening because:

7. This module is on the Era of Reform. What were some of the reforms going on? List 3 reforms from
page 2.

Part 4: Read your article aloud to a parent or other trusted adult. Ask them for feedback on whether your
article makes sense and flows well. Make sure the artifact or its title appears in your article frame. Check your
work for grammar, spelling, and detail.

Artifacts found in the attic (pick one):


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