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junction of the Tambo and Urubamba.

Its width varies from

related to the air-engine. They differ from it, however, in

United Kingdom, it was only in the British colonies that

the campaign of 1866 with the rank of major-general, leading

his late Gothic cathedral, dating from the 15th century, lies

made in the 6th and 5th centuries B.C.. The first

country, at times sinking into great dead levels like the

not greater than .001 in. are stretched parallel to one

Col de Valsorey (Bourg St Pierre to Aosta), snow . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,214

while some inferior kinds are sent to France to be mixed with

Great Britain in each of the fifteen years 1891-1905, the

and to enforce observance of canonical consecration for all

quality, and both as a transport animal and as a mount is

won. On the death of Drusus, Agrippa, who had been recklessly

commissioners for executing the office of lord high admiral,

The natives, however, maintained themselves in the interior,

acid. A royal commission was appointed in February 1901,

did win and demanded that the Christian king should spare

assistants. An interesting account of this expedition,

enters, is placed about a third of the way along the upper

this attempt failed miserably. The most remarkable military

manners, shrewd and able in conversation on the business in

Second, Establishment of a free society, based

Robert E. Lee in West Virginia, which ended in the withdrawal

declamatory roles obtained for him the nickname of ``Tyrant.''

are ranged about a cloister court, surrounded by a covered

Afrikanische Bautypen (Dauchau bei Munchen, 1894); H.

Britain will find much to interest them in the history of Danish

four occasions looted and burnt; but the churches escaped

exploit was the reduction of Aornus,5 a stronghold perched

Spain in 1541 to construct an excellent map of California.

the 11th of May 1894; Berson, ascending alone from Strassfurt

adopted. This is, at the present day, the ordinary type,

the consequent expansions (and obstructions) are different;

one of the principal modern public schools. It was opened in

might be most effectually adopted for ``putting an end to the

Voss. Lat. 123, of 11th cent.; (4) Rome, Vatican Library,

powerful lens must be positive; and, according to (4), to the

(de Fors, de Fortz or des Forts1), (3) Baldwin de Betun or

harmonized combination of sensuous, formal and expressional

1866); L. Warren, Greek Federal Coinage (London, 1863); E.

question of altitudes throughout South America, the writer

labour the average quantity of all leading crops produced by

AMEDEO FERDINANDO MARIA DI SAVOIA, duke of Aosta (1845-1890),

1893 a bomb was exploded in the French Chamber of Deputies by

are well-known to many English readers in the translations

This act by tradition happened on the market-place, where

as two segments are cut off in the case of the active gamete,

in the Genera Plantarum for a sub-class of Cryptogamia, the

Paul Flatters, to study the question of railway communication

ignoring minor singularities, we find two intermediate summits,

other states followed, as each was able to give guarantees

preparations for the protection of trade and the fisheries.

grown out farthest from the dorsal edge of the mesentery, is

Law, expresses the opinion that, had it never existed, the

(1873), and ``Joseph, Overseer of Pharaoh's Granaries''

Africa, and the efforts made to supplement the insufficient and

The course of instruction at the Academy is four years,

earth the thermometer stood at 82 deg. F., and at the highest

with a mean annual rainfall of 20.4 ins. The vice-regal

known by the Arab name Setit. The Setit is joined (14 deg. 10'

numerous resemblances to those of the Bogomils, and still

equator gave rise, however, to much more serious discussions

Xerxes. In support of the former view it is alleged, among

however, did not hesitate to withstand when his unscrupulousness

he who devotes himself on principle to furthering the

Amsterdam from 1578 to 1767. Among the monuments are those

their papers, and even passages extracted from their works and

To the existence of this accent must be attributed a large

his productions is A Discourse of Wit (London, 1685), which

medieval period. It was translated into Latin by Genebrad

but is still used as the parish church. It now consists of the

educated classes in the historical romances of their country,

This measure was regarded at the time as a marked step in

Alexandria, which probably dates from the end of the 4th

young duke of Albany, to whom the succession fell. (G. F. B.)

known. The principal object within the temple is a cell

mud. Although it may be exceedingly fine-grained, there is

Davis Smith's and T. A. Deland's Northern Alabama, Historical

is of rare occurrence. On the whole, tin-plate is a very

much as possible by the use of suitable materials, good fitting and

and unusually equable temperature (mean for winter 50 deg. F.,

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