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Finding intelligent ways to save members money!!
Section 17E of Local 308 by-laws state that each month $5.00 of each active member's
monthly dues will be placed in the Grievance Arbitration Fund to pay arbitration expenses.
When the amount in the Fund is not sufficient to pay arbitration expenses, then an AUTO-
MATIC ASSESSMENT will be triggered. Pennie McCoach and | have worked extremely hard
and smart to get rid of assessments during our four years as Vice-Presidents. Pennie and |

have used several fundamental union tools to have success such as: knowing and using our
contract language, arguing disparity in treatment, mitigating circumstances, untimeliness of
discipline, and CTA’s failure to prove just cause. Once a member has been discharged, Pennie
and | have been effective in Pre-Arbitration hearings with Vice-Presidents of CTA and Labor
Relations arguing cases to return members back to work. When all else fails, Pennie and |

have taken on the responsibility of doing the actual arbitrations ourselves instead of paying
attorneys. We tackle these critical responsibilities head on to make sure we reduce assess-
ment costs to each member. Proudly, Pennie and | are still winning grievances at an 86 %
rate, in addition to getting 85 discharged members their jobs back.

Pennie McCoach and | have been Co-Chair persons of the Grievance Department since
2018. Below is a 10-year history of Local 308 Assessments.

of January 3" 2022, the Grievance Arbitration Fund has $114,270.00. That means
we are continuing the trend of NO assessments any time soon.

$200.00 $189.15



$120.00 $113.28

$100.00 $98.75
$81.59 oe


Mark Weems
60.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 | 1 Vice-President
30.00 — ATU Local 308
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2016 2019 2020 2021 2022
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First, | would like to thank all the members that continue to come to work through
this trying time. We as a union have to continue to band together so our fight can be
greater. Itis always good sharing with my brothers and sisters.
Local 308 Brothers and Sisters, | would like to give you clarity on how the grievance
process works. You have thirty days to file a grievance from the time you were
harmed. Once that grievance is filed in the union office, CTA has thirty days to
respond per Article 16 of the contract. Once they respond there is a second step
meeting schedule with the union and Labor Relations.

if it’s not settled at that level then your grievance comes in front of the Executive
Board for a recommendation after the Executive Board makes their recommendation
then it comes to the Mass Membership for a final vote from the members. So, this
process can take up to six months or more.

But | am glad to say that myself and 1st. Vice-President Mark Weems have put in
every effort not to have the process lengthy. Though these steps correspondence is
sent to the address on the grievance, so if any of your information change through
this process please contact the Union Office and update your information.

I'm happy to announce that in the last 3 years, we have brought back 85 members
and that’s all due to your 1*. V.P. Mark Weems, myself and Attorney Anita Tanay
working together.

In Solidarity
Pennie McCoach
2". Vice-President
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| have served as a Trustee on the Boards of Trustees for the Pension and Retiree Health Care
Trust for the past 7 years. | must admit the first couple of years were tough. The other ATU
trustees and | had to deal with investment managers, consultants, experts in public pension
plans, actuaries, and a host of other employee benefit professionals, as well as CTA trustees,
many of whom have professional background in finance. At the beginning it seemed like they
were speaking a foreign language, which made it hard to speak with the knowledge and
authority that garners you a respected voice at that table. We rolled our sleeves up and began
focusing on becoming more educated in the Pension and Health Care plan documents, |
nvestment strategies, as well as all applicable laws that affect our plan. The past three years,
we have gained momentum and respect that has paid off in real ways for our pensioners and
our active employees.

Over the last three years, ATU trustees took the lead in ensuring that there would be no
increase in the monthly contributions that the 6,000 pensioners pay for their health care and
just this year, as a result of an initiative by the ATU trustees, the monthly contributions paid by
3400 ATU pensioners will be lowered by $850.00 per year, effective January 1, 2022.
In addition to saving money for the retirees, we have also worked to benefit the active
employees. Secretary-Treasurer Deborah Lane secured us a meeting with the Speaker of the
House of Representatives Chris Welch so we could present to him a Bill to save Local 308
active members 2% of their pay checks. Our presentation was a high-level history of the HC
Trust and a fact sheet that detailed the amazing job that the Trustees have done to responsibly
manage the Trust. We were able to convince the Speaker, and ultimately the entire General
Assembly and the Governor that the Retiree Health Care Trust is so well-funded and responsi-
bly managed that the minimum contributions that active members have to pay could be reduced
from 3% to 1%. The Bill passed in both the House of Representatives and the Senate without
any opposition. The Governor of Illinois then came into our building to sign the Bill into law. The
final hurdle was getting the Board of Trustees to approve the reduction from 3% to 1% and
because the respect and knowledge we have developed at the Board table the Trustees
unanimously approved it. On Jan. 1, 2022, 2% of your hard-earned money will go back into
your pocket!

Mark Weems
1®" Vice-President
ATU Local 308
Pension & Health Care Trustee
“As long as you are doing what's right, then you are never wrong!”
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(1) You go in for an interview on discipline day and receive a final written warning
and a suspension. How many days do you have to file the grievance?

(a) 45 days
(b) 15 days
(c) 30 days

(2) How many months does it take to reach the 100% progression wage rate?

(a) 45 months (b) 60 months (c) 50 months

(3) Does time worked as a CSA or an FTTF count towards the months used to reach 100%?

(a) Yes (b} No

(4) You move to a new position within the Authority; do you have the right
to go back to your former position?

(a) Yes, if you notify CTA within 60 days of moving to the new position,

Pe ' (b) Yes, if you notify CTA within 30 days of moving to the new position.
| Te (c) No.

(5) You move to a new position within the Authority; does CTA have the right to move you back to your
former position?

(a) Yes, within 30 days of the move to the new position.

(b) Yes, within 15 days of the move to the new position.
(c} No

Answer key:
1(c)-Article 16; 2(a) Article 3.3(D); 3(a) Article 3.61(E); 4{b) Article 12.25; 5(a) Article 12.25.

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