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The heart disease (HD) has been considered as one of
the complex and life deadliest human diseases in the

In this disease,usually the heart is unable to push the
required amount of blood to other parts of the body to
fulfill the normal functionalities of the body, and due to
this, ultimately the heart failure occurs.

Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) is one of the major
causes of death all around the world therefore early
detection of CHD can help reduce these rates.

we developed a machine-learning-based diagnosis
system for heart disease prediction by using heart
disease dataset.

we present a brief overview of ML methodologies that
are used for the construction of inferential and
predictive data-driven models.

Predicting and diagnosing heart disease is the
biggest challenge in the medical industry and
relies on factors such as the physical
examination, symptoms and signs of the patient.

Factors that influence heart disease are body
cholesterol levels, smoking habit and obesity,
family history of illnesses, blood pressure, and
work environment.Machine learning algorithms
play an essential and precise role in the prediction
of heart disease.

Due to the increasing use of technology and
data collection, we can now predict heart
disease using machine learning algorithms.

Heart Disease Prediction using machine
learning by using the Logistic regression

Very few systems use the available clinical
data for prediction purposes and even if they
do ,they are restricted by the large number of
association rules that apply.

Diagnosis of the condition solely depends
upon the Doctors’s intuition and patient’s

The EHDPS predicts the likelihood of patients
getting heart disease.

It enables significant knowledge, eg,
relationships between medical factors related
to heart disease and patterns, to be

This project analyzes the heart disease
predictions using classification algorithms.

These hidden patterns can be used for health
diagnosis in medicinal data.

Data mining technology afford an effective
approach to latest and indefinite patterns in the

The information which is identified can be used
by the healthcare administrators to get better

Heart disease was the most important reason of
victims in the countries like India, United States.
Data mining techniques like Association Rule
Mining, Clustering, Classification algorithms
such as Decision tree, C4.5 algorithm.

The heart disease database is pre-processed to
make the mining process more efficient.

Heart disease can be predicted based on various
symptoms such as age, gender, heart rate, etc. and
reduces the death rate of heart patients.

Heart disease can be managed effectively with a
combination of lifestyle changes, medicine and, in
some cases, surgery. With the right treatment, the
symptoms of heart disease can be reduced and the
functioning of the heart improved.

The predicted results can be used to prevent and
thus reduce cost for surgical treatment and other

To predict accurately with few tests and
attributes the presence of heart disease.
Attributes considered form the primary basis for
tests and give accurate results more or less.

The term regression can be defined as the
measuring and analyzing the relation between
one or more independent variable and dependent

Regression can be defined by two categories;
they are linear regression and logistic regression.

Logistic regression is a generalized by linear

It is mainly used for estimating binary or multi-
class dependent variables and the response
variable is discrete, it cannot be modeled directly
by linear regression i.e.

Discrete variable changed into continuous value.

Logistic regression basically is used to classify the
low dimensional data having nonlinear boundaries.

It also provides the difference in the percentage of
dependent variable and provides the rank of
individual variable according to its importance.

Machine learning


Logistic Regression

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