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Fox Android Alarm Manager

Sahil Rana1, Ritvik Sharma1, Mayank Vij1, Dr Hari Singh Dhillon2,

1Final Year B.Tech Students, 2Assistant Professor
Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering(ECE),
DAV Institute of Engineering and Technology, (India)

Social media in excess can be harmful, so we created an app which will help to monitor the usage of
applications and if the data usage exceeds the time set by the person then it will alert the fox android alarm
app and will shut down the social media app. The entire coding is in java language.

Social media are interactive technologies that allow to create or share and exchange information, ideas,
career interests, and many more things with the help of virtual communities and networks. Trending
Social networking Sites are Facebook, Whatsapp, Instagram and Linkedin, Ms Teams etc.
Some common features of social media are:
1. It’s user-friendly.
2. Some of the important features of Social media include Photos, Videos and Text etc.
3. Web designing plays an important part of Social media as the layout of a page decides whether
an app looks creative or not.
4. Social media helps to establish links with different people belonging to different ethnicity[1]

Survey Results
A survey was conducted on 25/05/2021 and consisted of 12 question. A total of 300 responses were
1. Out of 300 responses 51.5% were females and 48.5% were males.
2. 33.4% of respondents have account on three social media sites.
3. About 226 i.e. 77.1% of people use whatsapp.
4. Most people have been using these sites for three to five years.

Work Done
We created fox alarm reminder because the pandemic created a lot of health related issues. The
main reason was that everything went online from education sector to corporate sector. So there was
needed to restrict the use of these applications hence we created a reminder app.

1. No need of internet.
2. No forced login.
3. User –friendly
Previous Work Done
In the survey conducted by YUMEI ZHENG, DAWEI WEI, JUNLONG LI, TAO ZHU, (Member,
IEEE),AND HUANSHENG NING, (Senior Member, IEEE) , there were five hundred and thirteen
participants who were questioned regarding internet usage and physical health. Among these people
73.7% reported that they have dry eyes while 64% said that they have declining eyes. Hence they
predicted that higher the frequency of internet usage, higher will be issues related to physical illness.[2]
Another application called alert me was made by Gokul R Nadh, Farzana Mymoon Jaffer, Amala Raju,
Janet Thomas, Arsha P5 Dept. of CSE, Amal Jyothi College of Engineering in which the application
would send automatic notification messages to user that their friends have birthdays coming up. This
application would take data from facebook and whatsapp.[3]


Our main objective of conducting this survey is to check people’s dependency on social media, on
what social media platform are they most active? How many times in a day do they check their
social media? And how much time do they spend on social media? so to answer all these questions
we collected data from people, but we focused more on people who belong to the age groups of 18-
24 and 30-45 because people who belong from these groups are the most active people right now,
they interact with many people part of the reason being is their profession. Some people are college
going students and some are who have jobs, so they must go out meet new people making new

Research Objective

1. Identify trends in social media.

2. To identify pros and cons of using Social networking Sites.
3. We also identified the use of social media during Pandemic.


We were a group of three students and were given time of four months to conduct the survey. We created
Google form to conduct the survey. This survey was done to watch trends regarding social media related to
people belonging to different age groups. We put the link of survey on whatsapp and other social media
platforms. About 42.3% of the total responses (300) were given by the people who belong to the age group
of 19-24, 30% of responses were given by people from the age group of 30-50, 12.6% of responses were
given by people between age group of 25-30, 7.2% of the responses were given by people whose age
group is 13-18 and 7.8% of the responses were given by people who are aged above50.


Set Timer

Is it

Set Timer




1. Firstly open the application and set timer.

2. Then if the time matches, then the application will notify the user.
3. Otherwise it will wait and then notify the user.
4. If time doesn’t matches the timer then there will be no notification.
5. If we want to cancel the alarm then click on cancel button.


1. We conducted this survey we got about 300 responses and out of these respondents,
51.5% were females and 48.5% were males.
2. It might be possible that gender number can vary depending upon how many people filled
the survey and on which gender is the survey more focused.
3. About 42.3% of the total responses were given by the people who belong to the age group of 19-
24, 30% of responses were given by people from the age group of 30-50, 12.6% of responses were
given by people between age group of 25-30, 7.2% of the responses were given by people whose
age group is 13-18 and 7.8% of the responses were given by people who are aged above50.

4. Out of 300 responses about 77.1% of users use WhatsApp, thus becomes the most used social
platform, followed by YouTube around 66.2% and then Instagram at 46.4%. These three platforms
are the most used ones out of all of them. It is also found from the survey that Facebook is mostly
used by the people who belong in age group of30-50.
5. It is observed from the survey that around 35.2% of the total people are active on their social media
between 5-9 pm, 18.1% of the people are mostly active between 1-4 pm whereas 15.4% of the
people are active at around mid-night on their social media. It is observed that majority of people
like to use social media at night.

6. According to data, 42% of the people have been using social media for last 3-5 years, while 23.5%
of all people have been using social media for last 1-2 years and 22.2% people have been using
social media for more than 5 year
7. It is observed that around 26.6% of the people usually check their social media before and after
they get out of their bed whereas 39.9% of the people sometimes check their social media and the
rest 33.4% do not check social media in this case. In our opinion using social media just after you
woke up or using it when you are going to sleep might affect you. Instead avoid using it at these

8. It is observed from the survey that 69.6% of the total people use social media to connect with
their family and friends while 55.3% use social media to watch news broadcasts to stay updated
and the rest of people use social media for buying and selling things and some use it to make new
friends or for dating.
9. From the survey we found that 16% of the people consider themselves addicted to social media
whereas 53.9% of people think otherwise and the rest 30% of the people consider themselves
slightly addicted. It is observed that around 46% of the people have noticed their excessive usage
of social media.

10. Around 25.3% of the people think that privacy policies are effective on social media platforms
whereas 30.2% think otherwise and around 44.4% of the people are neutral. It is good that 30.2%
of the people are aware so they won’t risk their personal data too much on social media but
25.3% of people are totally unaware of this and they might put their data at risk. Since these
platforms cannot ensure people’s privacy.
11. It is found from the survey that 67.7% of the people use Social Media as their source of
information to stay informed about Covid-19 while 66.3% of the people use Television as their
source of information whereas 39.2% of the people use newspapers to get information about
Covid-19 and a few amounts of people use various sources.


Nowadays Social media are an integral part of our life. It helps to keep us in close contact with our
family and friends even from remote location and moreover we can do business meetings online. Due to
covid-19 everything including businesses is being run online. We can‘t only exchange our ideas but also
do online shopping. However the only problem with social media is that it can become addictive. People
who cannot use social media in day use it at night but they must also keep themselves in check because if
they are up at midnight using it will eventually result in their deprivation of sleep which is not good for
their health, according to our survey a good amount of people consider themselves addicted and they use
social media at night as well to so they must check themselves otherwise their condition will become
worse. This increase in usage of social media we observed, we don’t think that the people are at blame
for their situation but the circumstance is at blame as well because currently a pandemic “Covid-19” is
spreading like a wildfire throughout the world so countries impose lockdown to limit its spread.
This lockdown forced people to use social media more because they didn’t have much to do at home so
this situation of people being addicted is quite obvious however we can’t just solve it by blaming the
pandemic but rather we must act on it there are a lot of activities that we can do at our home like
meditating, exercising, cleaning dishes, washing clothes or just watch a movie these different activities
can really help people to move their attention towards their environment and will help them get over their
addiction. In the end we would like to say that our life became more convenient because of social media
and it is a very useful tool for us. It probably can be one of the most powerful creations of human being
because it has so much potential it can help us to improve our life even further. However, we must be
aware of how we use it.


[1]: From Wikipedia:

[2]: Internet Use and Its Impact on Individual

Physical Health

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