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We are modeling web-based system for a taxi fleet. In this system, there are drivers
working for the company. Each company driver has their own taxi. In some special cases,
the company needs more taxis and drivers for rental, so, there are hired drivers. In that
kind of exceptional cases, taxis and drivers are hired from another fleet outsourced. For
both scenarios, there are some certain implementation details for taxis like brand,
ownership. The other attributes you want to design are totally up to you.

In a certain time, the company needs to display whether a taxi is occupied or not. We also
should consider passengers prefer the company as an individual or as a part of corporate
service. For both outsourced services and individuals, there is an invoicing process. Each
invoice includes the information of who hired this taxi (or which organization), for how
long, and how much money required each day. Notice that invoice process is related with
the brand of the taxi.

For each of the question given, you may take some notes and submit these notes with the
answer. If a part of this question is not clear enough for you, do not hesitate to make
assumptions and include them to the answer. All your assumptions are welcomed.

1) (35 pts.) Draw a UML Class Diagram includes at least

▪ 1 instance level relationship
▪ 1 class level relationship (1 parent class, 1 abstract class, 1

2) (15 pts.) Draw an Object Diagram for yourself as a passenger, hire a taxi with a
luxury brand. Object Diagram should include at least 6 objects and required
relationships between objects.

3) (25 pts.) Draw a Component Diagram that includes at least 6 components. Since
this product is going to be a web-based product and includes outsourcing, you may
consider outsourced service within the concept of SOA (Service-Oriented

4) (25 pts.) Draw a Package Diagram that includes at least 4 packages.


▪ If you have the EXACT same diagram with your friends in one question, you'll
get 0. It's safe to write down your assumptions with a couple of sentences.
▪ You should create a NEW .PDF file including 4 image files (one for each
solution). The format of image files is up to you. (It can be .png, .jpg, or many
more possibilities). They should be in order (from 1 to 4) If you want to leave
one question blank, you may continue with the answer to the next question.
You may get help from MSWord or an online tool to create the .PDF, that’s
your choice. Please do not waste your time using the .PDF file given for the
questions, you may create a new one.
▪ There will be one scenario and based on the given scenario, you are going to
draw UML Diagrams. Duration will be 80 minutes SHARP. Late submissions
are not going to be evaluated.
▪ During the exam, I'm not going to take any questions. Please do not hesitate to
make an assumption about the solution and draw the diagram based on that
assumption if you find some parts confusing or not clear enough.
▪ You can draw diagrams by hand or use an online tool. As long as it's readable
it's fine.

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