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1.5 ANCC

The Omaha System as a Structured Instrument for

Bridging Nursing Informatics With Public Health
Nursing Education
A Feasibility Study
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Debra L. Eardley, DNP, RN, APHN-BC, Kelly A. Krumwiede, PhD, MA, PHN, RN, Selda Secginli, PhD,
Linda Garner, PhD, RN, APHN-BC, CHES, Conni DeBlieck, DNP, MSN, RN, Gulhan Cosansu, PhD, Nursen O. Nahcivan, PhD

Advancements in healthcare systems include adoption of KEY WORDS: Case study, Electronic health record, Nursing
health information technology to ensure healthcare quality. education, Nursing informatics, Standardized terminology
Educators are challenged to determine strategies to inte-

grate health information technology into nursing curricula
for building a nursing workforce competent with electronic n recent years, healthcare systems have faced unprece-
health records, standardized terminology, evidence-based dented changes with information management due to
practice, and evaluation. Nursing informatics, a growing spe- widespread adoption of health information technology
cialty field, comprises health information technology relative (HIT): electronic health records (EHRs), standardized
to the profession of nursing. It is essential to integrate nursing terminology, and evidence-based practice (EBP).1–4 To
informatics across nursing curricula to effectively position address these technological advancements, nurse scholars
competent graduates in technology-laden healthcare environ-
have been working to build a nursing workforce competent
ments. Nurse scholars developed and evaluated a nursing in-
with HIT to deliver high-quality healthcare.3–6
formatics case study assignment used in undergraduate level
public health nursing courses. The assignment included In 2001, a seminal publication by the Institute of Medicine
an unfolding scenario followed by electronic health record (IOM) discussed the importance of healthcare reform and
charting using standardized terminology to guide the nursing healthcare quality, provision of care that is safe, effective,
process. The assignment was delivered either online or in efficient, timely, patient centered, and equitable.1 In a
class. Seventy-two undergraduate students completed the as- follow-up study, the IOM called for educational reform,
signment and a posttest. Fifty-one students completed a satis- advising that healthcare professionals be competent in five
faction survey. Results indicated that students who completed key areas: patient-centered care, interdisciplinary teams,
the assignment online demonstrated a higher level of content EBP, quality improvement, and informatics.2 In response,
mastery than those who completed the assignment in class. the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN)
Content mastery was based on posttest results, which evalu-
adopted the IOM recommendations.5
ated students' electronic health record charting for the nursing
In 2008, AACN integrated the IOM recommendations
assessment, evidence-based interventions, and evaluations.
This innovative approach may be valuable to educators in re- into the Essentials of Baccalaureate Education and added a new
sponse to the National Academy of Sciences recommenda- Essential related to prevention and population health.5 To
tions for healthcare education reform. address the revised Essentials, the Quad Council of Public
Health Nursing Organizations published revised competen-
cies to align with the 2001 IOM report.7 Consequently, a
Author Affiliations: Metropolitan State University, St Paul, MN (Dr Eardley); Minnesota State Uni-
rapidly growing HIT specialty field, nursing informatics
versity, Mankato, MN (Dr Krumwiede); Florence Nightingale Nursing Faculty, Istanbul University, (NI), central to the profession of nursing, has become an in-
Turkey (Drs Secginli, Cosansu, and Nahcivan); Southeast Missouri State University, Cape
Girardeau (Dr Garner); and New Mexico State University, Las Cruces (Dr DeBlieck).
tegral part of today's nursing education.4,8–12
The authors have disclosed that they have no significant relationships with, or financial interest Nursing informatics curricula approach HIT with the ob-
in, any commercial companies pertaining to this article. jective of teaching students about EHR, standardized terminol-
Corresponding author: Debra L. Eardley, DNP, RN, APHN-BC, College of Nursing & Health ogy, and EBP.4 Usually, NI is offered once in undergraduate
Sciences, Metropolitan State University, 700 E Seventh St, St Paul, MN 55106 (debra. and graduate programs, not including NI certification and
Copyright © 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. degree programs. However, the current body of knowledge
DOI: 10.1097/CIN.0000000000000425 suggests integrating NI across nursing curricula to further

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strengthen student competencies in HIT within the many fields resulting in higher quality healthcare.4,6,13,19,22–24 Used
of nursing practice, such as acute care, midwifery, and pop- around the world in practice, education, and research, the
ulation health, including public health nursing (PHN).4,8,9,11–13 Omaha System offers high utility, that is, a holistic frame-
A timely approach is required to address this training need; it is work, interface capability, interoperability, EBP, and an
essential for building a competent nursing workforce ready to evaluation component.4,6,19,22,23 In practice, the Omaha
adopt HIT in all healthcare environments, but especially to System is used interprofessionally. Although extensively
effectively address prevention and population health. Filling researched for use in practice, additional research is needed
this knowledge gap is critical, especially for the PHN workforce. to demonstrate the feasibility of the Omaha System as a
Nursing educators from the fields of PHN and NI explored structured instrument for education that reinforces critical
innovative teaching strategies that weave HIT across nursing thinking in practice.4,13,14,19,25–28 As an innovative ap-
curricula, particularly in the PHN curriculum.4,10,13,14 One proach, nurse scholars designed a case study assignment that
effective teaching method used in nursing education is case incorporated the use of HIT into an unfolding case scenario,
studies. Case studies provide a platform for students to learn and used the Omaha System to guide EHR charting and the
about and apply theoretical nursing concepts to real-world sit- PHN process of assessment, EBP, and evaluation.
uations, which stimulate critical thinking in a safe learning The Omaha System framework is holistic and compre-
environment.4,13,15–19 The literature emphasizes the multiple hensive and consists of three hierarchical components. The
benefits of using case studies that frame real-life situations for components are designed for a holistic assessment (Problem
complex problem analysis in a systematic manner as part of Classification Scheme), referred to as Problem/s; interven-
nursing education.20 While designing case studies is not tions (Intervention Scheme), referred to as Intervention/s;
unique in nursing education, there is limited knowledge and an evaluation component (Problem Rating Scale for
about how to incorporate HIT into case studies to teach stu- Outcomes), referred to as the KBS outcome rating scale.4,19,26
dents EHR charting, standardized terminology, and EBP, as In the Omaha System's holistic framework, the Problem Clas-
well as throughout nursing curricula.3,4,11–13,19 Nurse scholars sification Scheme consists of four domains: (1) environmental,
support the incorporation of HIT into case studies as a unique (2) psychosocial, (3) physiological, and (4) health-related
and innovative approach for building competencies with behaviors. It comprises 42 Problem/s with a descriptive list
EHR charting and standardized terminology mapped to of corresponding signs and symptoms. The Intervention Scheme
EBP as it relates to the nursing process.3,4,8,9,13,19 In alignment describes the nursing intervention/s in a hierarchy of four
with the advancements of HIT, and prevention and popula- levels.19,26 The first level is the “Problem,” followed by “cat-
tion health, there is a need for an effective approach for teach- egories” or nursing actions, “targets” or specific tasks associ-
ing HIT as it relates to PHN. ated with the categories, and “client-specific information”
Nurse scholars assert that the integration of standardized used to customize the intervention. There are four categories
terminology in education is a critical element and a prerequi- that describe the nursing action: (1) teaching, guidance,
site for teaching EHR charting, EBP, and outcomes reporting and counseling; (2) treatments and procedures; (3) case man-
for quality improvement.6,8,9,11,21 Standardized terminology agement; and (4) surveillance. Linked to the category is a target,
not only makes evident what nurses do in practice, it also which further specifies the foci of care. The client-specific
streamlines the nursing process for EHR charting, EBP, and information field, referred to as the care description field,
data management. allows the nurse to customize the intervention or care plan.19,26
Standardized terminologies are common classification systems All four levels make up one intervention, and there are 12 600
that are embedded in the EHR for documentation and data possible combinations of problems, categories, and targets in
management, for example to describe health problems, iden- the Omaha System.19
tify interventions, and develop a care plan, and may include an For example, when working with immigrant populations,
evaluation component.3,4,6,11,19,22–25 There are 12 standardized it is standard practice for the PHN to complete a tuberculosis
terminologies recognized and endorsed by the American (TB) risk screening. In the case of a client with positive TB
Nurses Association.24 Examples include the Clinical Care Clas- results, the EHR charting, guided by the Omaha System
sification, used primarily in home healthcare; the North taxonomy, is as follows. Within the EHR, the PHN would
American Nursing Diagnosis Association–International, com- select the problem “Communicable/infectious condition.”
monly used in acute care; and the Omaha System, primarily used Next, the PHN would identify corresponding signs/symptoms
for population health.24 Of the 12 terminologies, the Omaha for “Communicable/infectious condition,” which would be
System provides a holistic framework, has been mapped to “infection” and “positive screening/culture/laboratory
EBP, and includes an evaluation component.4,13,19,22–25 results.” For the intervention, the PHN would select
In population health, the Omaha System is the most widely “surveillance,” which would be linked to the action task of
used, and it is known for streamlining the nursing process, “screening procedures.”27,28

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The Problem Rating Scale for Outcomes evaluates the study. The electronic invitation was sent on two e-mail discus-
client's level of knowledge, behavior, and status related to sion lists, the Omaha System network and the Association of
the problem using a 5-point Likert-type ordinal scale (level Community Health Nurse Educators. The electronic invitation
1 is lowest, and level 5 is highest). Commonly known as the sought to recruit nurse educators interested in using and/or
KBS outcomes rating scale, it can be used at baseline, inter- learning about the Omaha System as a structured instrument
mittently, and after the service event to gather meaningful for PHN education. Thus, a partnership was formed with four
data for outcomes evaluation. nursing schools who agreed to pilot the NI case study assign-
For example, the PHN would evaluate the client's baseline ment in undergraduate nursing programs. Nurse educator par-
knowledge of TB (eg, what does the client know about TB), ticipation was voluntary, regardless of expertise and level of
behavior (eg, what the client is doing to address TB), and the experience with the Omaha System.
status of his/her baseline signs/symptoms of active TB at the Nursing students were introduced to the case study assign-
initial assessment. Collecting data for the client's knowledge, be- ment in either a classroom or an online learning environment.
havior, and status is essential to the measurement of outcomes. The emphasis for this study was not to compare learning out-
The Omaha System is widely recognized for its ability to pro- comes between different delivery methods, but to evaluate the
vide an evaluation component as part of a service event.19 effectiveness of the Omaha System standardized terminology
as an instrument for teaching EHR charting and the nursing
PURPOSE process in PHN education. Students were assured of anonym-
To address the gap in the literature and respond to IOM's ity and that the decision of whether to participate would not
call for healthcare education reform, nurse scholars con- affect course grades. Educators explained that the case study
ducted a feasibility study to investigate the benefits of bridg- assignment would take approximately 30 to 60 minutes to
ing NI with PHN education to teach EHR charting, EBP, complete. Students were 18 years or older and had not been
and evaluation involving a case scenario of latent TB bacte- formally introduced to the Omaha System in class before
rial infection and directly observed therapy. the case study assignment. Participants had to complete the
posttest to be entered into the analyses. Basic demographic
RESEARCH QUESTION characteristics included location and university, sex, and edu-
Is a PHN case study mapped to the Omaha System an ef- cational level (Table 1).
fective instrument for teaching EHR charting, EBP, and The university's institutional review board approved this
evaluation involving a case scenario of latent TB bacterial study. Each participant gave informed consent, and identity
infection and directly observed therapy? was kept confidential. In 2013, two nurse scholars (with
expertise in NI and PHN) developed an NI case study as-
METHODS signment involving latent TB bacterial infection and di-
Sample and Design rectly observed therapy.27,28 The latent TB bacterial
This study used a descriptive case study design with a conve- infection case scenario was selected because it is an impor-
nience sample of 72 nursing students enrolled in community/ tant and current public health problem both in the United
PHN courses during the spring term of 2015. All nursing stu- States and Turkey.29
dents were undergraduates in three nursing schools in the Mid-
western United States and in Istanbul, Turkey. In November NURSING INFORMATICS CASE STUDY ASSIGNMENT
2014, an invitation was extended to nurse educators (nationally The NI case study assignment was designed at the novice level
and internationally) to participate in this collaborative multisite and consisted of four components. The first two components

Table 1. Student Characteristics

Location of All (N = 72), Min-Max Sex (Female/ Educational Type of Course Semester
University university n (%) Age, y Male), % Level Teaching Teaching Course
State Western (Turkey) 17 (24) 20–22 100/0 BSN PHN 4
State Midwestern 21 (29) 27–61 94/6 BSN PHN 4
(United States)
State Midwestern 16 (22) 18–27 92/8 BSN PHN 4
(United States)
State Midwestern 18 (25) 18–45 81/19 BSN PHN 4
(United States)
Abbreviation: PHN, public health nursing.

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included narrated slide show tutorials. The last two compo- areas of concern. The Intervention Scheme is the compo-
nents included a posttest and a satisfaction survey. The first nent used to describe health-related care plans and services
tutorial, NI PHN case study part 1, consisted of 10 slides for individuals, families, and communities. The scheme is a
containing ground level information about the EHR and taxonomy of nursing interventions and consists of four cate-
standardized terminology, the Omaha System, used for a gories: teaching, guidance, and counseling; treatments and
holistic assessment, EBP, and evaluation.3,4,19,26 In addition, procedures; case management; and surveillance.25 The
part 1 included a graphic demonstrating how the Omaha Problem Rating Scale for Outcomes is an evaluation compo-
System, streamlined the nursing process, and a concept map nent to measure client progress throughout a service event. It
of the Omaha System framework.27 The second tutorial, NI consists of three 5-point Likert-type scales to measure the en-
PHN case study part 2, included a description of the role of tire range of severity for the concepts of knowledge, behav-
the PHN working with a communicable/infectious disease ior, and status. Levels of knowledge range from level 1, no
(latent TB bacterial infection) and directly observed therapy knowledge, to level 5, superior knowledge. Levels of behav-
definitions. This was followed by a case scenario, designed ior range from level 1, not appropriate, to level 5, consis-
by the first author, of a female adult known as Hermina, who tently appropriate. Levels of status range from level 1,
faced a new diagnosis of latent TB bacterial infection with extreme signs/symptoms, to level 5, no signs/symptoms.
apprehension. The case scenario focused on the PHN role The posttest included seven multiple-choice questions for
working with a client newly diagnosed with a communicable which participants needed to correctly identify elements of
disease and requiring directly observed therapy. The sce- the PHN process within the EHR using Omaha System
nario was guided by the work of PHN consultants from the components. The Problem Classification Scheme posttest
Minnesota Department of Health Disease Prevention & questions focused on the communicable/infectious condition
Control group,27,28 and it was evaluated by an expert panel and the medication regimen, with a corresponding checklist
to ensure the reliability of Omaha System components.27 of signs and symptoms for each of these two problems. The
The expert panel members included four nurse scholars with posttest questions for the Intervention Scheme, which were
expertise in the Omaha System, PHN, and NI. mapped to evidence-based guidelines, included surveillance,
After the contents of the case scenario were explained, and teaching, guidance, and counseling. Finally, the Problem
participants were provided a clinical summary to help them Rating Scale for Outcomes focused on baseline levels of KBS
complete Omaha System charting within the EHR for the regarding the new diagnosis of latent TB bacterial infection
assessment, EBP, and evaluation.19,26 The case study con- and directly observed therapy.
cluded with a sample of screenshots of a widely used EHR The satisfaction survey comprised four items that assessed
(Nightingale Notes; Champ Software, Mankato, MN) that participant satisfaction with the case study assignment. One
embeds the Omaha System to further demonstrate the item asked about the overall measure of satisfaction, with five
PHN process and an autogenerated service/care plan. As- response options ranging from 1 (very dissatisfied) to 5 (very
signment data for the case study were collected online and satisfied). Three open-ended satisfaction questions asked what
in a classroom environment using paper and pencil. The participants liked most about the case study, what they liked least,
case study tutorials were translated from the original English and what recommendations they had for future application.
version into Turkish by the Turkish authors.29 To ensure that the translation from the English to Turkish
version could be understood, the case study assignment was
pilot-tested with eight Turkish participants using paper and
DATA COLLECTION TOOL pencil in the classroom.29 This trial determined that students
A self-administered posttest and a satisfaction survey were could easily complete the case study assignment and they did
used to evaluate content mastery and participant satisfac- not request any clarification.
tion. The posttest (two sections) and satisfaction survey were
developed by the first author based on a review of the litera- DATA COLLECTION TOOL
ture14,19,26 and were reviewed by the other authors. The case study assignment was presented online at three schools
The first section of the posttest was based on Omaha Sys- and in class at the fourth school. Participants completed the
tem components: the Problem Classification Scheme, the In- assignment either independently or as a group. Participants
tervention Scheme, and the Problem Rating Scale for who completed the case study in class, as a group, received
Outcomes. The Problem Classification Scheme is the assess- the posttest in pencil-and-paper format immediately after
ment component, and it provides structure and terms for a completion of the case study assignment. The remaining
standardized assessment of individuals, families, and com- participants uploaded their posttest via an online assignment
munities. As previously discussed, the Problem Classification folder. After participants completed the posttest and satisfac-
Scheme consists of four domains and 42 client problems or tion survey, the correct posttest answers were provided.

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DATA ANALYSES infectious condition,” and 75% (n = 54) correctly assessed
Data were analyzed using IBM SPSS Statistics v.16 (IBM, the infection as the sign/symptom of the problem. In the
Armonk, NY) and Microsoft Excel (Microsoft, Redmond, online group, 80.4% (n = 41) answered correctly; in the
WA). Descriptive statistics were used to analyze posttest re- classroom group, 61.9% (n = 13) provided the correct answer.
sults pertaining to the Omaha System Problems, including However, this difference between the two groups was not sig-
signs/symptoms, Interventions, and Problem Rating Scale nificant (χ2 = 2.711, P = .10).
for Outcomes (baseline evaluation) and one item of the satis- In addition, 95.8% of all the participants (n = 69), 100%
faction survey responses. The analysis was conducted on the of the online group (n = 51), and 85.7% of the classroom
entire sample and for two subgroups categorized by the data group (n = 18) correctly assessed positive screening/culture/
collection process (online and classroom). The differences in laboratory results as signs and symptoms experienced by
the answers of the two subgroups were tested for significance Hermina. A greater proportion of the online group (100%)
using χ2 test for the Omaha System variables. Statistical sig- correctly assessed the Problem's signs/symptoms as compared
nificance was determined by a P < .05. to the classroom group (85.7%) (Fisher's P = .022) (Figure 1).
For the qualitative analysis, the authors worked indepen- The second question pertained to the Omaha System
dently to code, categorize, and identify themes in the narrative Problem “medication regimen.” Participants were asked to
comments from the open-ended questions. These themes select all of the applicable “signs/symptoms” for Hermina
were reviewed for similarities and differences in classifying in relation to her medication regimen; only 33.3% of all par-
the data. Agreement on final categorizations was achieved ticipants (n = 24) selected “other—is adverse to taking med-
through discussion and consensus among the authors. ications, e.g. pills.” A greater proportion of the online group
(43.1%) gave the correct assessment, compared with 9.5% of
the classroom group (χ2 = 7.563, P = .006) (Figure 1).
The total of 72 participants were divided between the online
group, 70.8% (n = 51), and the classroom group, 29.2% Omaha System Interventions
(n = 21). The posttest results are reported using the Omaha Two questions addressed the Intervention component. As
System components, Problem Classification Scheme (assess- part of the case scenario, participants were provided contex-
ment), Intervention Scheme (EBP), and Problem Rating tual information about the interventions (at the first visit, the
Scale for Outcomes (evaluation). PHN reviewed the new diagnosis of latent TB bacterial in-
fection and the medication regimen with Hermina and
Omaha System Problems weighed her). Participants were asked to identify the Omaha
The first two questions pertained to the Omaha System System Intervention that reflected EBP (ie, Centers for Dis-
Problem Classification Scheme and corresponding signs ease Control and Prevention latent TB bacterial infection
and symptoms. Participants were asked to select all of the guidelines) as it related to the case scenario; of the total
“signs/symptoms” applicable to the patient, Hermina, which sample, 87.5% (n = 63) correctly identified “surveillance—
focused on the Omaha System Problem “communicable/ signs/symptoms physical: evidence of disease/infection” and

FIGURE 1. Content mastery of Omaha System Problem: (1) communicable/infectious condition and (2) medication regimen.

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FIGURE 2. Content mastery of Omaha System Interventions for directly observed therapy.

“monitor weight.” A greater proportion of the online group correctly identified the appropriate intervention of “teaching,
(94.1%) correctly identified appropriate interventions and guidance, and counseling—medication action/side effects.” A
targets than the classroom group (71.4%) (Fisher's P = greater proportion of the online group (100%) provided the
.015) (Figure 2). correct answer than the classroom group (66.7%) (Fisher's
The second question highlighted the role of the PHN, P < .05) (Figure 2).
who enrolled Hermina in directly observed therapy and pro-
vided education about monitoring potential side effects of Omaha System Outcomes
the drug therapy. The question asked participants to identify Three of the posttest questions pertained to the Problem
the Omaha System Interventions that reflected EBP in Rating Scale for Outcomes component. The first of the three
this context. Of the 72 participants, 79.2% (n = 57) cor- questions focused on the Omaha System Problem Rating
rectly identified the appropriate intervention and target of Scale for Outcomes “knowledge.” When asked to evaluate
“surveillance—medication administration.” In the online Hermina's initial level of knowledge regarding LTBI and
group, 78.4% (n = 40) answered correctly, as did 81% of treatment, only 38.9% of all participants (n = 28) selected
the classroom group (n = 17) (Fisher's P = 1.000). However, the most appropriate answer of “no knowledge of disease
this difference was not significant (P > .05). and treatment (Rx).” A greater proportion of the online
Seventy-five percent of the participants (n = 54) correctly group (54.9%) correctly evaluated the knowledge outcomes
identified the appropriate intervention of “surveillance— than the classroom group (0%) (P < .05) (Figure 3).
medication side effects.” A greater proportion of the online For the second question, participants were asked to use
group (82.4%) correctly identified the appropriate interven- the Omaha System Problem Rating Scale for Outcomes
tion and target than the classroom group (57.1%) (χ2 = 5.042, “behavior” to evaluate the behavior of Hermina related to
P = .025). In addition, 90.3% of the participants (n = 65) latent TB bacterial infection treatment and directly observed

FIGURE 3. Content mastery of Omaha System baseline evaluation.

280 CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing June 2018

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therapy; only 54.2% of all participants (n = 39) selected supported by quotes such as “perhaps refine the intervention
“usually appropriate behavior,” and 57% of the online section to make it more explicit” and “more information re-
group and 48% of the classroom group selected the correct garding Hermina's final lab results would have been helpful.”
evaluation. However, this difference was not significant
(χ2 = 0.512, P = .474) (Figure 3). DISCUSSION
The last question focused on the Omaha System Problem The purpose of this feasibility study was to investigate
Rating Scale for Outcomes “status.” When asked to describe whether the use of an NI case study assignment mapped to
Hermina's current status in terms of directly observed therapy the Omaha System would enhance student skills and compe-
adherence, only 48.6% of all participants (n = 35) selected the tency in EHR charting for the PHN process of assessment,
most appropriate answer of “minimal signs/symptoms—Rx EBP, and evaluation. Overall, the results demonstrated that
side effects are not present, or seldom occur/improving lab students met the learning objectives and skill development
results.” In addition, 51% of the online group and 43% of with EHR charting for the nursing process using a holistic
the classroom group correctly evaluated Hermina's status standardized terminology, the Omaha System. This innova-
in this context. However, this difference was not significant tive teaching strategy addressed the call from the literature to
(χ2 = 0.393, P = .531) (Figure 3). weave HIT across nursing curricula.4,10,13,14 For the pur-
pose of this feasibility study, the authors focused on PHN
Satisfaction Survey curricula. This innovative approach, designed for nursing
Overall, 100% of the participants (n = 72) completed the education, warrants further study as an exemplar for blend-
posttest, and 71% (n = 51) completed the satisfaction survey ing NI with PHN in nursing education and practice.
that included three open-ended questions about the case Although all posttest results were not statistically signifi-
study assignment. Of a maximum Likert score of 5, the mean cant, the differences between the online group and the class-
(SD) satisfaction (n = 51) with the latent TB bacterial infec- room group were identified with respect to the two Omaha
tion case study was 3.88 (0.68). Most participants (69.9%, System Problems and corresponding signs/symptoms; most
n = 38) reported that they were satisfied or were very satis- participants in the online group identified appropriate Omaha
fied with the case study. Themes evident in the narratives System Problems and the corresponding signs/symptoms as
about what participants liked most about the case study in- compared to the classroom group. Similarly, a greater pro-
cluded the following: (1) “easy to use, short and informative,” portion of students in the online group correctly identified
supported by quotes such as “description and clearance was the appropriate interventions, categories, and targets as
impressive, easy to identify epidemiological triad, and easy to compared to the classroom group.
comprehend terminology”; (2) “knowledge gained about the In this study, the students in the classroom setting gener-
Omaha System,” supported by quotes such as “case study is ally had lower scores in all Omaha System components than
a good example in helping understand the basics about the students in the online setting, although not all differences were
Omaha System in screening and follow-up”; and (3) “real- statistically significant. There may have been instructional
world global health problem,” supported by quotes such as variables (eg, teaching styles, technical skills, and varying levels
“the information was presented as a scenario similar to what of expertise with the EHR and the Omaha System) that may
we may find in practice.” have influenced posttest results among groups. It is crucial
While participants had many positive comments about that students learn how to collect and analyze outcomes data
the case study, they also provided comments about what they for quality improvement.4,6,19 The challenges both groups ex-
liked least about the case study. The following themes were perienced in terms of the Omaha System Problem Rating
evident: (1) “decision-making challenge,” supported by quotes Scale for Outcomes are consistent with challenges experi-
such as “it is difficult to make decisions and wanted additional enced by PHNs in practice.16 Since the Problem Rating Scale
information”; (2) “ambiguity,” supported by quotes such as for Outcomes was difficult for participants to master in the
“some details weren't clear and if they had been clearer the case case study assignment, future edits will include additional in-
would have felt more real and I would have created a better structional materials for how to effectively use the evaluation
case solution”; and “lack of finality with Hermina and directly scale for data collection and analysis of a client's level of knowl-
observed therapy,” supported by quotes such as “it didn't dis- edge, behavior, and status, at baseline, midterm, and post ser-
cuss what results were found at the follow-up appointment. It vice event.4 Thus, the Problem Rating Scale for Outcomes is
would have been nice to know if her labs were improving.” a robust tool for evaluation of outcomes.
Participants recommended ways to improve the case study.
Themes that were evident in the narratives included (1) “desire LIMITATIONS
an interactive module,” supported by quotes such as “making Limitations to this study included the lack of a control group,
the case scenario more interactive”; and (2) “decrease ambiguity,” small purposive sample size, and posttest-only design. Three

Volume 36 | Number 6 CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing 281

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institutions used online data collection methods, and one in- NI case study assignments. The library is under expansion
stitution used a paper-and-pen version. Satisfaction data for the provision of a variety of case study scenarios available
were collected in three of the four institutions. Among the to educators. To learn more, go to http://omahasystemmn.
four universities, educators possess varying levels of expertise org/data.php.
with NI and, in particular, the Omaha System. However,
the case study assignment was developed for educators with Acknowledgments
minimal knowledge of NI, specifically EHR charting using The authors thank Dr Karen Monsen for her content review of the
the Omaha System. Omaha System, Champ Software for providing screenshots, and the stu-
dents who consented to sharing their de-identified study results.
The NI case study assignment is a blended approach for NI References
1. Institute of Medicine. Crossing the quality chasm. A new health system for
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