How Is It Functioned?: Massive/giant

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Topic 1:

Write a short paragraph to tell about ONE problem that your city is facing. Use the cue questions below:
What is that problem?
What causes that problem?
How does it affect people’s lives?
Are there solutions for that problem? If yes, what are they?

In this paragraph, I am going to write about a problem that my city is having, which is traffic jams on the
weekends. There are several reasons why that happens. First, a lot of tourists go to my city on the weekends,
so there is more traffic on the roads during this time of the week. Second, I think some of the roads in my city
are not wide enough to satisfy the increasing demand of the citizens. As a result/Consequently, it is very
difficult to move around in the city at peak hours and during the weekends. However, there are ways to solve
this problem. The first one is to have traffic wardens direct traffic during busy times of the week. Another
way is to improve our infrastructure so that we can have larger roads.

Topic 2:
Write about a facility that you like in your class.
What is that facility?
What does it look like?
How is it functioned?
Why do people like using it in class?
Do you think the facility is useful or not?
How do you feel about it being used in class?

In this paragraph, I am going to write about a piece of equipment that I really like in my class. It is an
interactive board. It is basically a very big/massive/giant touch screen that can be connected to a computer.
So, it functions like an Ipad. We can use it like a notebook, watch videos & present slides. It is very easy to
use/user-friendly (it is very intuitive), so my classmates love using it. To be honest, most of the time, my
classmates use the screen to watch dancing videos and dance along during break time. However, when it
comes to studying, teachers can use it like a board to write formulas. Students can use it to make presenting
the slides easier. In conclusion, I think it is a very helpful/useful tool to assist learning and relaxing during
break time.

Topic 3:
Write a paragraph about a wonder of Vietnam that you are most interested in.
What is the wonder like?
Where is it?
What are the features of that wonder?
What impresses you most?
Why do you find it interesting?
How do you feel when you visit it?

In this paragraph, I am going to write about a wonder of Vietnam that attracts me, which is Halong Bay. When
you visit Halong, it is basically a part of the sea, but there are numerous/many floating islands and
mountains surrounding you. One particular thing that visitors will love about Halong Bay is its crystal clear
water. However, what impresses me the most is the vastness of the scenery. (what impresses me the most is
how massive/large/gigantic the mountains are). When I visit Halong Bay, I feel that I love my country more,
and I am so proud that we have Halong Bay as one of the seven natural wonders of the world.

Topic 4:
Write about three benefits that people gain when using public transport.
Topic 5:
Write a paragraph about your eating habit.
What do you have for breakfast/lunch/dinner?
Do you think you have good/bad eating habits?
If you have bad eating habits, what should you do to be healthier?

In this paragraph, I am going to write about my eating habits. In the morning, I usually eat traditional
Vietnamese dishes, like broken rice with grilled pork or Pho. They are generally nutritious and balanced as
far as diet is concerned. For lunch and dinner, I eat whatever my mom cooks. Usually, I will have some pork,
beef, chicken or fish for the main dish. The side dishes include rice and some vegetable soup. However, I do
have several cups of milk tea every week, which is not very healthy as they contain quite a lot of (refined)
sugar. I am trying to cut back on the number of milk tea cups I have every week (I am trying to refrain myself
from/abstain from drinking milk tea/I am trying to drink/consume less sugary drinks every week). In
conclusion, I am aware that my diet is not perfect, but I am trying to improve it.

Topic 6:
Write a paragraph about three qualities you possess that are needed for your dream job.
What is your dream job?
Why do you like that job?
What are the three qualities that you need to be able to do the job?

In this paragraph, I am going to write about three qualities that I need for my dream job, which is becoming a
doctor. I would love to be a doctor because I can help a lot of people and make their lives better. In order to
become a doctor, I think I will need to be hardworking because medical students often have to study for
many years and doctors have to work long hours. Second, I need to learn to be very careful because one
wrong decision can kill a person. Lastly, I think doctors are very loving people because they can put up with
the stress & pressure that the job creates. In conclusion, I think I still need to learn and improve myself to
pursue my dream of becoming a doctor.

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