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Unit 6: Exercise 10


You should spend 40 minutes on this task

Fewer students are studying science at school and university, favoring more computer based subjects instead.

Is this a positive or negative development? What are the reasons for this?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

Writing Steps:

1 Analyze the topic. (Underline keywords)

2 Write an outline.

● Intro (Introduce + Opinion)

● Body 1 (Positive or negative development?)
● Body 2 (Reasons for this phenomenon)
● Conclusion (Summarize + Opinion)

3 Write

4 Proofread


Theo em, việc học sinh, sinh viên đổ xô đi học khoa học máy tính, mà không học các ngành KHOA HỌC (ví
dụ: sinh học, hóa học, vật lý học …) khác thì TỐT hay XẤU?

Tốt, tại vì …

Xấu, tại vì …

- Computer Science developed => applied in other fields, develop as well => ex: physics,
supercomputers => make simulations, calculations faster
- Improve living standards & work => more powerful devices, software => ex: videoconferencing was
not popular as it is today => work, keep in touch with people


- Lack of talents in other fields => in the long run, not maintain the supposed growth => ex: biology =>
genetically modified foods => fruits that look better, taste better + food shortage (plants resilient to
weather changes, pests, higher yield)

Positive > Negative

As far as I am concerned (In my opinion), the increasingly common shift to (su chuyen dich) computer science is
beneficial rather than harmful, despite the problem of a possible imbalance in the workforce. (Topic Sentence)
Particularly, supposing that everyone is heading to computing, many other branches of science will lack the talents
to maintain a consistent growth. (General) As they make significant contributions to improving humans’ lives via
(through/by means of) new advancements and inventions, the lives of many will probably suffer as a result.
(Explain) For example, advances in cancer research, a domain of (a branch) biology, have been saving many
patients from deaths, considerably dropping the death toll caused by cancer over the years. (Example) Having said
that, thanks to the development of computing has allowed many other fields to advance much faster. (General) Take
physics as an example, supercomputers have made extremely complex simulations (phep gia lap phuc tap)
possible, helping physicists in forming new theories and hypotheses (Example). Moreover, in recent years, people
have benefited greatly from this exponential growth in (phat trien nhanh lam lun) computing; specifically, with
powerful devices and software, they can do much more than 10 years ago, whether it is for work or entertainment
(General => Explain).

For instance, the advent of (the development of) 4G mobile connection and social media platforms have made
videoconferencing significantly more stable and affordable for many, helping them enormously in working from home or
simply keeping in touch with a relative across the Earth. (dai qua goi, bo =)) )

Viet hay => Critical Thinking, Reading, Vocabulary

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