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Section C: Literature Textbook

and Supplementary Reading

Lesson 1  A Letter to God

Q.  1. What were Lencho‘s feelings when the said, God: Of the money that I asked for,
hail stopped? [CBSE OD, Set 1, 2020] only seventy pesos reached me. Send
Ans. After the hail stopped, Lencho’s soul was me the rest. Since I need it very much.
filled with sadness. He could see a bleak But don’t send it to me through the mail,
future for him and his family. He was dis- because the post office employees are a
appointed and worried about starvation bunch of crooks. Lencho.
and the lack of food for the coming year. (a) Why did Lencho write this letter?
(b) Why was Lencho angry with the post
Q.  2. Why did Lencho write a letter to God? office employees?
 [CBSE OD, Set 1, 2019 (c) Find out a word from the passage
and CBSE Term 1, 2016] which means, Dishonest people’.
Ans. Lencho’s crops were destroyed by a  [CBSE, Delhi, Term 1, 2016]
hailstorm. He had put all his money in Ans. (a) Lencho wrote his letter because he
farming and therefore, he was left with thought that out of the hundred pesos
no money then. But he had strong faith which God had sent him to help,
in God that God would definitely solve thirty were stolen by the post office
his problem. So, he wrote a letter to God employees.
asking for 100 pesos so that he and his (b) Lencho was angry because he thought
family wouldn’t starve. that they had stolen thirty pesos.
Q.  3. The moment the letter fell into the mail- (c) The word which means ‘dishonest
box the postmaster went to open it. It people’ is crooks.

Lesson 2  Nelson Mandela : Long Walk to Freedom

Q. 1. Why was Nelson Mandela overwhelmed the last decade of the twentieth century,
with a sense of history? How did he suc- and his own eighth decade as a man,
ceed in ending the apartheid regime in that system had been overturned forever
South Africa? [CBSE Delhi, Set 2, 2020] and replaced by the one that recognised
Ans. Mandela was overwhelmed with a sense the rights and freedoms of all people,
of history because in the first decade of regardless of the colour of their skin. This
the twentieth century a, few years after marked the victory of democracy.
the bitter Anglo-Bear War which was even Nelson Mandela set the ideals of liberating
before his own birth, the white- skinned people from the bondage of poverty,
people of South Africa patched up their deprivation and suffering. He had also set
differences and erected a system of racial the ideal for a society where there would
domination against the dark-skinned be no discrimination based on the gender
people of their own land. But now in or racial origin of the person.

Lesson 3  Two Stories about Flying

Q. 1. “The sight of the food maddened him.‘‘ Ans. The young seagull was very hungry. His
What does this suggest? (His First Flight) mother had a piece of fish in her beak
[CBSE Delhi, Set 1, 2020] and she was teasing the young seagull
with it. Because the sight of the food his parents flying about with his bro-
“maddened” him, he wanted to snatch it thers and sister, perfecting them in the
from his mother. art of flight, teaching them how to skim
the waves and how to dive for fish.
Q. 2. Why and when did the narrator say that
(a) For how long had the seagull been
‘everything’ was going well, it was an alone?
easy flight.’? (Black Aeroplane) (b) What did the young seagull see his
[CBSE OD, Set 2, 2020] parents doing the day before?
Ans. This excerpt is from the short story (c) Why did the parents make a loud
“Black Aeroplane”. Frederick Forsyth noise? [CBSE, Term 1, 2015]
was the pilot who describes his strange Ans. (a) The seagull had been alone for twenty-
flight experience he had in this story. four hours.
The story is about a pilot who got lost in (b) The day before, his parents were
a dark cloud during his flight from Paris teaching the other children how to fly.
to London and was guided by a strange (c) The parents made a loud noise as they
airplane that had appeared in the middle were happy and were cheering the el-
of that cloud. der brother of the young segaull catch
The flight of old Dakota started in Paris his first herring.
and headed towards England. It was
Q. 4. How did the young seagull’s parents
an easy flight, the sky was clear and the
teach him the art of flying?
weather was fine. When it reached 150 km
 [CBSE, Term 1, 2015]
away from Paris, it suddenly confronted
huge black storm clouds. It only had Ans. The parents of the young seagull were
limited fuel to take him to England. He very wise. On seeing that their child was
could go back to Paris but he decided to quite weak and scared and is afraid to
take the risk and go through the storm fly, they, at once, decided to be strict with
clouds because he wanted to spend the him. They warned him that they would
holiday with his family. not feed him anymore as he was a grown
up seagull. He would starve to death if he
Q.  3. Read the extract given below and ans- did not fly. They tempted him by showing
wer the questions that follow: flesh and eating it in front of him but they
That was twenty-four hours ago. Since did not offer it to him. Hunger provoked
then nobody had come near him. The the young seagull to fly and ultimately, he
day before, all day long, he had watched made efforts and was successful.

Lesson 4  From the Diary of Anne Frank

Q. 2. What do you think about Anne‘s talent posed, she took her friend, Sanne’s help
for writing essays which she wrote to script the third one. She suggested
convincingly, when punished by the Anne to write her essay in the form of a
teacher? [CBSE Delhi, Set 1, 2020] verse. Anne did the same. She wrote her
third essay in a verse-form which her
Ans. Anne was a young and talented girl. She
teacher, Mr. Keesing, appreciated a lot.
was inquisitive and thirsty for knowledge.
This shows that she was a determined
She had a flair for writing and tried to put
and strong spirited girl.
her best foot forward. She used to talk a
Q.  2. Why did Anne maintain a diary?
lot, so she wanted to convince her teacher
 [CBSE, Term 1, 2015]
that talking was her birthright, nothing
Ans. After the death of her grandmother, Anne
bad inherited from her mother and she
became lonely. She did not have any
had no control over herself. When unable
friend to confide in so she felt the need of
to receive appreciation from her teacher
maintaining diary in order to express her
for the first two essays that she had com-
Lesson 5  The Hundred Dresses–I
Q. 1. Describe the scene in which Wanda‘s Ans. Wanda sits in the seat next to the last seat
dress drawings are displaced. Who won in the last row in Room 13. She belongs
the drawing contest for the girls? to a poor family of Boggins Heights. Her
[CBSE Delhi, Set 3, 2020] feet are usually caked with dry mud and
Ans. On the next day of the drawing contest, it the corner of the classroom in which she
was drizzling. Peggy and Maddie hurried sits is also very dirty. In order to avoid
to their school as Miss Mason would an- the embarrassment and being laughed
nounce the results of the drawing contest. at by her classmates, Wanda sits there to
They did not wait for Wanda. When the hide herself.
girls reached their school, they were sur- Q.  4. Why did Maddie write a note to Peggy
prised. There were hundreds of designs of and then tore it?
dresses displayed in the room. Then Miss  [CBSE Delhi, Set 1, 2019]
Mason announced the names of the win-
Ans. Maddie wrote a note to Peggy to make
ners. Jack Beggles had won for the boys.
her stop making fun of Wanda. But she
She said that all the hundred designs of
tore it because she thought that it could
dresses had been made by just one girl in
annoy Peggy and Peggy could make fun
the class and she had won the medal. Her
of her instead.
name was Wanda Petronski. But Wanda
was absent. The children clapped their Q.  5. How were Peggy and Maddie different
hands in joy. Maddie asked Peggy to look from Wanda? [CBSE, Term 1, 2016]
at the blue dress about which Wanda had Ans. Peggy and Maddie were rich and had lots
told them earlier. They appreciated the of dresses. On the other hand, Wanda was
drawings made by Wanda. very poor and she used to wear shabby
Q. 2. Why did Peggy and Maddie not wait for clothes to the school duet to which, Peggy
Wanda? [CBSE OD, Set 1, 2020] and Maddie made fun of her.
Ans. Maddie and Peggy didn’t wait for Wanda Q.  6. Who was Peggy? Why and how did she
on that day because Mrs Mason, their make fun of Wanda?
teacher, was to announce the winners of  [CBSE, Term 1, 2015]
the drawing and colouring competition.
So, it was an important day which they Ans. Peggy was the most popular girl in the
didn’t want to be late for and Wanda had school. She was proud of her beauty and
not been coming to school for the past money. She made fun of Wanda because
few days. she always wore a faded blue dress. She
Q.  3. Where in the classroom does Wanda sit would also tease her about her hundred
and why? [CBSE OD, Set 1, 2019] dresses.

Lesson 7  Glimpses of India

Q. 1. Why is Coorg called the land of rolling cause it has a lot of hills and is itself a hill
hills? [CBSE Delhi, Set 1, 2020] station. The hills seem to roll down in a
Ans. Coorg is called the land of rolling hills be- panoramic view.

Topper’s Answers
Q. 2. Why were the children fascinated by the (d) A baker can be identified in Goa if he has
baker? How did they show their eager- a jackfruit- like physical appearance.
ness to see him? [CBSE OD, Set 3, 2020]
Q. 4. What excited Rajvir? Why did Pranjol
Ans. The baker or the pader used to be an not share his excitement?
essential part of the Goan’s life. He sold  [CBSE, 2018]
bread in different shapes and tastes
which was a popular part of the Goan Ans. The beautiful secenery and wide range ot
cuisine. The children were not fascinated green tea gardens excited Rajvir. Pranjol
by the baker’s jingle or by the loaves of did not share his excitement since he was
bread he sold but were attracted by the born and brought up in Assam, a place
bread bangles or the special sweet bread familiar to him.
that he sold.The children would know
about his arrival from the ‘jhang, jhang’ Q.  5. What do the elders in Goa still love to
sound of his bamboo stick. They would remember?
run to meet and greet him. They tried  [CBSE Delhi, Term 2, Set 1, 2017]
to surround the basket but were pushed Ans. The elders in Goa still love to remember the
aside until the bread was delivered to the good old Portuguese days. They remember
maid. Then they were allowed to choose the loaves of bread as well as the makers of
their bread-bangles. bread; the people who mixed the flour to
The bread-bangles fascinated the chil- make bread, the molders who molded the
dren and made them eager for the arrival flour. They still remember the furnaces and
of the baker. the sounds of the baker’s bamboo.
Q.  3. Read the extract given below and answer Q.  6. What legends are associated with the
the questions that follow: origin of tea?
The baker usually collected his bills at  [CBSE Delhi, Term 2, Set 1, 2016]
the end of the month. Monthly accounts Ans. There are a few legends associated with
used to be recorded on some wall in tea. The Chinese legend describes how a
pencil. Baking was indeed a profitable few leaves of the twigs burning under the
profession in the old days. The baker pot fell into the boiling water and lend
and his family never starved. He, his it some flavor. While the Indian legend
family and his servant always looked describes how Bodhidharma cut off his
happy and prosperous. Their plump eyelids during meditation because he
physique was an open testimony to this. felt sleepy. He threw these eyelids on the
Even today any person with a jackfruit- earth. Out of those eyelids grew ten tea
like physical appearance is easily plants, which when tolled with water and
compared to a baker. drunk to banksh sleep.
(a)  Where did the baker record his
Q. 7. What do we learn about the financial
condition of the bakers of Goa?
(b) Why did the baker and his family
 [CBSE OD, Term 2, Set 1, 2016]
never starve?
(c) Which word in the extract is a syno- Ans. The bakers of Goa led a prosperous life.
nym of ‘rich’? Baking was a profitable profession in the
(d)  How can a baker be identified in old days as bakers never starved. The
Goa? [CBSE OD, Set 1, 2019] families and servants of these bakers
Ans. (a) The baker recorded his accounts on always looked happy and prosperous.
some wall in pencil. Their plum physique is an open testimony
(b) The baker and his family never starved of their prosperity.
because baking was a profitable Q.  8. The people of Coorg have a tradition of
profession in the old days. courage and bravery. How has it been
(c) The synonym of the word ‘rich’ is recognised in modern India?
prosperous.  [CBSE Delhi, Term 2, Set 2, 2015]
Ans. The people of Coorg have a tradition of from the dress worn by the Kadagus.
courage and bravery. The Coorg regi- They wear a long, black coat with an em-
ment is one of the most decorated in the broidered waist — belt. Known as kup-
Indian army. The first chief of the Indian pia, it resembles the Kuffia, worn by the
Army was a Coorgi — General Cariappa. Arabs and the Kurds.
Kodavus are the only people in India to
Q.  10. Which season is the best to visit Coorg?
be allowed to carry fire arms without
licence.  [CBSE Delhi, Term 2, Set 3, 2015]
Ans. The best season to visit Coorg is from
Q.  9. What proves Kodavu people’s Arab
September to March. The weather is
perfect with a few shower and the smell
 [CBSE OD, Term 2, Set 3, 2015]
of invigorating coffee.
Ans. The theory of Arab origin draws support

Lesson 9  Madam Rides the Bus

Q. 1. How did Valli fulfil her desire to ride a her village and the nearest town filled with
bus to the town and back? new sets of passengers each time.
[CBSE OD, Set 2, 2020] Q.  3. Answer the following question in
Ans. Valli was an eight-year-old girl who had a 80–100 words:
strong desire to take a bus ride. She heard Once we decide to achieve something,
the people around talking about bus rides so many difficulties come in our way.
and silently gathered all the information With focused attention we can make that
required before she took her first ride. achievement. How did Valli succeed in
She saved every single penny possible fulfilling her desire of riding a bus?
so that she could take a return journey in  [CBSE OD, Term 2, Set 1, 2017]
the bus. Eventually, one afternoon when Ans. Eight-year-old Valli’s desire was to take
Valli’s mother was taking an afternoon a ride on the bus that travelled between
nap post lunch, Valli sneaked out of the her village and the nearest town. Her
house for her first bus ride. 
desire was so strong that it made herd-
She boarded the bus on her own and
overcome her fears prompting her to plan
shunned the conductor when he offered
her trip meticulously. She collected all
help and called her ‘madam’. She stood
the details of the journey and saved every
up on the seat to enjoy the views around
coin that came her way. She maintained
the bus when she could not see them
her self-respect so much that she does
clearly while sitting. 
not even get tempted to go for shopping.
On her return journey, she enjoyed the
same natural sights around but her face After taking all the precautions to ensure
fell when she saw a dead cow hit by a fast that she has a safe journey, she fulfilled
moving vehicle. The memory of the dead her dream of riding in a bus. Despite
cow haunted Valli. She no longer wanted her young age, she returned back home
to see out of the window and kept sitting safely. Valli taught us that once we decide
on her seat until her village came. She got to achieve something, many difficulties
down and wished the conductor to see may come our way but with courage and
him again. The conductor smiled. He told confidence, we can accomplish the task.
Valli that whenever she felt like riding the Q.  4. Answer the following question in 80–
bus she could come and join them. 100 words
Q.  2. What was the most fascinating thing Whenever we want to achieve some-
that Valli saw on the street? thing difficulties always come in our
 [CBSE Delhi, Set 1, 2019] way. What did Valli have to do to go and
Ans. The most fascinating thing that Valli saw on ride in a bus?
the street was the bus that travelled between  [CBSE Delhi, Term 2, Set 1, 2017]
Ans. Ambition is the key to the fulfillment of “All by myself? Oh, I ‘d be much too
one’s needs. One must always be ambi- afraid.“
tious in life. Valli was a simple girl who Greatly amused by the girl’s way of
had ambitions. Her greatest ambition speaking, the conductor said, “But you
or her growing desire was to ride a bus. weren’t afraid to come in the bus."
This desire stemmed from watching the
“Nothing to be afraid of about that, “she
bus pass through her village everyday.
All this intrigued her. To undertake her answered.
first bus journey, she did her bit of re- (a) Who is the ‘girl’ mentioned in the
search. She watched the bus, took a note passage?
of its schedule and listened to people’s (b) Why didn’t she get off the bus when
conversations about their journey by she reached her destination?
bus. She even found out the fare of the (c) Write the meaning of the word,
bus, which was 30 paise for a trip. Grad- “amused.“
ually, she used all of this information to  [CBSE Delhi, Term 2, Set 1, 2015]
collect money for the bus fare as well as
Ans. (a) The girl mentioned is Valli, a eight-
to undertake her first bus journey.
year-old girl.
Q.  5. How did Valli react when she saw the (b) Valli only wanted the experience of
dead cow by the roadside? travelling in a bus. She boarded it and
 [CBSE Delhi, Term 2, Set 1, 2016] stayed in it for the return journey.
Ans. Valli was extremely excited about her (c) caused to laugh at/delighted/pleased
bus journey. She had carefully planned charmed.
and saved for this journey. On her return
journey, when she saw the dead cow on Q.  9. Answer the following question in
the roadside she became sad. She lost 80–100 words:
her enthusiasm to see the dead cow. She “Never mind,“ she said, “I can get on
became pensive and had negative views by myself.“ “You don’t have to help me,
towards life. “said Valli to the conductor. She shows
Q.  6. Why didn’t Valli want to go to the stall extraordinary courage in making the bus
and have a drink? What does it tell you journey all alone. Taking inspiration
about her? from Valli’s character, write how ability
 [CBSE OD, Term 2, Set 1, 2015] and courage to take risk are essential to
Ans. Valli had accumulated only sixty paise, fulfill one’s dream.
which was the cost of her bus ride be-  [CBSE Delhi, Term 2, Set 1, 2015]
tween her village and the nearest town Ans. Valli was an eight year old girl and was
and did not have enough money to spend very curious about the world around
at the stall. This shows that Valli was a her. She sat at the front door of her house
firm and decisive little girl. watching all the different activities. She
Q. 7. Why does the conductor call Valli, did not have friends of her own age.
‘Madam’?  One of the things that fascinated her the
 [CBSE OD, Term 2, Set 3, 2015] most was the bus that travelled between
Ans. The conductor called Valli ‘Madam’ as her village and the nearest town. She saw
he was impressed by her self-confidence. new passengers in it every day. She was
Even though she was just eight, she was so obsessed by it that she wanted to get
travelling all alone in the bus, Moreover, an opportunity to travel in it. The town
Valli claimed that she had paid the full was six miles away from the village and
fare i.e. thirty paise. the fare was thirty rupees. She stopped the
Q.  8. Read the extract given below and answer bus and had the joy ride. The conductor
the questions that follow. was really sweet to her and called her
“Don’t you want to have a look at the ‘madam’. She travelled back in the same
sights, now that you’re here? bus.
 Valli’s experience illustrates that if we be successful. It only requires courage to
have a dream and work towards it we will face all risks and odds just like Valli did.
Lesson 10  The Sermon at Benares
Q. 1. What lesson did Kisa Gotami learn the the final solution of all these sorrows and
second time that she had failed to learn sufferings. He wandered for seven years
the first time? [CBSE OD, Set 1, 2020] in search of enlightenment. Finally, he sat
Ans. Kisa Gotami understood that death is down under a fig tree. He meditated there
common to all and that she was being until he was enlightened after seven days.
selfish in her grief. She understood this He renamed the tree as the Bodhi Tree
only the second time because it was then or the Tree of Wisdom. He then finally
that she found there was not single house came to be known as the ‘Buddha’, the
where somebody’s beloved had not died. ‘Awakened’ or the Enlightened one. The
At the first time, she was only thinking Buddha gave his first sermon at Benares
about her grief and was therefore, asked on the River Ganges.
for a medicine that could bring back Q.  3. Why did Gotami go to the Buddha?
her son. At second time, when she met What lesson did he teach her? 
Buddha, he asked her to get a handful  [CBSE OD, Set 1, 2019]
of mustard seeds from a house where no Ans. Kisa Gotami was a young woman who
one had ever died. He did this purposely belonged to a wealthy family. She was
to make her realise that there was not a married to a merchant. When her one-
single house where no beloved had ever year old child fell ill and died, she was
grief-stricken and couldn’t bear his death.
died, and that death is natural. When she
She took her dead child in her arms and
went to all the houses for the second time,
went door to door begging everyone to
she felt dejected that she could not gather tell the way to get her child back to life.
the mustard seeds. Then, when she sat Nobody helped her and instead thought
and thought about it, she realised that the her to be crazy but she didn’t give up.
fate of men is such that they live and die. Then she came across a Buddhist who
Death is common to all. This was what suggested her to meet Buddha as only he
Buddha has intended her to understand. could help him. That’s why Gotami went
to Buddha.
Q. 2. Describe the journey of Sidhartha
 Buddha taught her the lesson of
Gautama becoming the Buddha.
life and truth. When she told Buddha
[CBSE Delhi, Set 2, 2020] the whole story, he listened to it with
Ans. Gautama Buddha began his life as a patience and asked her to collect
royal prince. He was named Siddhartha mustard seeds from a house where
Gautama. At twelve, Gautama was sent no one had ever died. She went from
away for schooling in the Hindu sacred house to house but she couldn’t find
scriptures. At the age of sixteen, he a single house where no one had ever
returned home to marry a princess. The died. Ultimately, she understood what
prince was deliberately shielded from all Buddha had been trying to explain
her that suffering is inevitable and in
sufferings of the world by his family. But
this way, she realised that death is the
this attempt was failed when the prince
ultimate truth and one has to meet his
chanced upon a sick man while he was destined end one day, no one can avoid it.
out hunting. Then, he saw a weak aged So, she took her child away and became
man and a funeral procession. Finally, Buddha’s follower.
he saw a monk, begging for alms. These Q. 4. How did Kisa Gotami realise that life
sights of suffering, sickness and decay, and death is a normal process?
shocked the prince. He wanted to seek  [CBSE Delhi, Set 1, 2019]
Ans. Kisa Gotami was devastated by the death is brief, troubled and combined with
of her only son. When, Buddha asked pain. Death is common for all, it cannot
her to bring a handful of mustard seeds be avoided. He compared human life
from a house where people had not lost to ripe fruits that eventually decay
a loved one to death, her futile search for or as earthen vessels that will break
such a house made her realise the bitter someday. Neither a father nor his
truth that everything in this world is kinsmen can save anyone. Weeping or
subject to death. She eventually realised grieving cannot bring back the dead to
that life and death is a normal process life nor bring peace of mind but only
and is common for all. cause pain and suffering to the grieving
Q.  5. What lesson on death and suffering did body. One should accept death without
the Buddha teach Gotami in the chapter, lamentation, complaint and overcome
‘The Sermon at Benares’ [CBSE, 2018] sorrow and grief thus, bringing peace
Ans. In his sermon at Benares, Buddha of mind, which is a blessing.
taught Gotami that the life of mortals

Topper’s Answers

Q.  6. Read the extract given below and ans- (c) Give the meaning of the word, ‘shiel-
wer the questions that follow: ded’. [CBSE OD, Term 2, Set 1, 2016]
At about the age of twenty-five, the Ans. (a) Gautam Buddha was born as a prince
Prince, heretofore shielded from named ‘Siddhartha Gautama’.
sufferings of the world, while out (b) Prince Siddhartha Gautama was out
hunting chanced upon a sick man, then
on hunting and he got a chance to
an aged man, then a funeral procession
and finally a monk begging for alms. notice different sights of sufferings.
(a) Name the Prince. First a sick man, then an aged man, a
(b) What are the sights of sufferings that funeral procession and lastly a monk
the Prince saw? (Any 2) begging for alms.
(c) ‘Shielded’ in this context means safe Q.  11. Answer the following question in
guarded. 80–100 words:
Q.  7. Answer the following question in Through ‘The Sermon at Benares‘,
80–100 words: the Buddha preached that death is
inevitable and we need to overcome the
“The life of mortals in this world is suffering and pain that follows. Based
troubled and brief and combined with on your reading of the lesson, write
pain..... .’’ With this statement of the how one should cope with the death of a
Buddha, find out the moral value that loved one.
Kisa Gotami learnt after the death of her  [CBSE OD, Term 2, Set 1, 2015]
child. [CBSE Delhi, Term 2, Set 1, 2016] Ans. Everything we need to achieve has to
Ans. Kisa Gotami learnt that death and undergo pain and suffering. We must
suffering are the part and parcel of life. let go of grief and sorrow and even the
Nothing is everlasting and one has to fear of death to step out into the world
accept this truth in the hour of grief. to achieve something. World is afflicted
Detaching themselves from worldly life with death and decay nothing is spared
and the farsightedness to gain peace and no one can avoid it. If we fear or
of mind one must remain clam and grieve over the death of our loved one
composed. Weeping and grieving does it will not lessen our sorrow nor will the
not bring peace but pain, which will person come back to life in fact we will
affect the body. People who are wise, end up spoiling our own health instead
never complain or lament over their loss. peace of mind.
They accept the truth and are blessed  Surrendering selfishness and leading a
with it. So, the wisdom lies in the fact virtuous life is the safest option.
that people should not get distressed Q.  12. Read the extract given below and ans-
with pain, suffering and death. wer the questions that follow.
Q. 8. Why was Kisa Gotami sad? What did Mark! while relatives are looking on and
she do in her hour of grief? lamenting deeply, one by one mortals
 [CBSE Delhi, Term 2, Set 1, 2016] are carried off, like an ox that is led to
the slaughter. So the world is afflicted
Ans. Kisa Gotami was sad because she had lost with death and decay, therefore the wise
her only son. She carried the dead child do not grieve, knowing the terms of the
to all the neighbours asking them for world.
medicine to cure her child. (a) What is the fate of mortals?
Q.  9. Why did Kisa Gotami go from house to (b) Why do the wise not grieve?
house? [CBSE OD, Term 2, Set 1, 2015] (c) Write the meaning of the word,
Ans. Kisa Gotami had only son, and he died  [CBSE Delhi, Term 2, Set 2, 2015]
so in her grief, she carried the dead child
Ans. (a) The fate of mortals of that all of us
to all her neighbours, asking them for
have to bow down to death some day.
medicine. (b) The wise do not grieve because they
Q.  10. Why did the Buddha choose Benares to know death is certain, death is univer-
preach his first sermon? sal.
 [CBSE OD, Term 2, Set 1, 2015] (c) Mourning.
Ans. Benares is a most holy dipping places Q.  13. What did the Buddha want Kisa Gotami
on the River Ganges, which is usually to understand? 
crowded with pilgrims who come to get  [CBSE Delhi, Term 2, Set 3, 2015]
a dip thus getting rid of their sorrows and Ans. Buddha wanted Kisa Gotami to
sufferings. Buddha‘s aim was to lessen understand that death is inevitable. There
the suffering of human. is no use of lamenting over it but be wise
to accept it as a fact of life.
Lesson 11  The Proposal
Q.  1. How did Chubukov react when Lomov (b) Why is the person spoken to about
asked for the hand of his daughter in an evening dress?
marriage? [CBSE OD, Set 1, 2019] (c) What does the word, ‘ball’ mean
Ans. Chubukov was extremely cheerful and here?
 [CBSE OD, Term 2, Set 1, 2017]
excited when Lomov asked for the hand
of his daughter in marriage. He embraced Ans. (a) Natalya is speaking to Lomov.
and kissed Lomov on his forehead and (b) Lomov, dressed in an evening dress
shed tears of joy. He exclaimed with had come there to propose to Natalya.
happiness that it was his heartfelt desire. (c) The word ‘ball’ here refers to a formal
He was of the opinion that Lomov would dance party.
turn out to be the perfect match for his Q.  4. Read the extract given below and ans-
daughter, so he showered his blessings wer the questions that follow:
upon Lomov after hearing this. ‘‘Please don’t shout ! You can shout
Q.  2. Read the extract given below and answer yourself hoarse in your own house but
the questions that follow: here I must ask you to restrain yourself !’‘
(a) Who is speaking and to whom?
‘‘But, please, Stephen Stepanovitch, he
(b) What is the dispute over?
can they be yours? Do be a reasonable
man ! My anunt’s grandmother gave the (c) What does the word, ‘restrain’ mean?
Meadows for the temporary and free use  [CBSE Delhi, Term 2, Set 1 2017]
of your grandfather’s peasants. The pea- Ans. (a) Natalya is speaking to Lomov.
sants used the land for forty years and (b) The dispute is between Lomov and
got accustomed to it as if it was their Natalya over the ownership of Oxen
own, when it happened that ............. Meadows.
(a) Who is the speaker of the above lines? (c) The word ‘restrain’ means check or
(b) Why did his aunt’s grandmother control.
give the meadows? Q.  5. Answer the following question in
(c) Why did the peasant treat the land as 80–100 words:
their own? Neighbours must have a cordial relati-
(d) What light do these lines throw on onship which Lomov and Natalya do
the speaker’s character? not have. Describe the first fight bet-
 [CBSE, 2018] ween them.
Ans. (a) Lomov is the speaker of the above  [CBSE OD, Term 2, Set 1, 2016]
lines. Ans. Lomov and Chubukov were next door
(b) Lomov’s aunt’s grandmother gave the neighbours and Lomov had come with
meadows to his grandfather’s peasants a marriage proposal for Chubukov’s
in return for making bricks for her. The daughter Natalya. Lomov on introducing
land was for free and temporary use. himself to Natalya, spoke of his
(c) The peasants used the land given to ownership of ‘Oxen Meadows’ which led
them for forty years. As a result, they got to the first quarrel between Lomov and
accustomed to the land as their own. Natalya who also claimed the ownership
of the said land. Lomov explained to
(d) The speaker comes across as a logical
Natalya how the land was given to Natalya’s
and courteous person. The speaker’s
great grandfather’s peasants in return for
character can be depicted as that of a
making bricks and since it was in their
rational yet polite man.
custody for forty years, they considered it
Q.  3. “Why, you’re in evening dress ! Well, I to be Natalya’s meadow. This argument
never ! Are you going to a ball or what? continued till Natalya agreed to present
Though I must say you look better ......“ the Meadows to Lomov who rejected
(a) Who is speaking and to whom? the offer and the quarrel continued.
This couple, unlike other, were very  Another interesting aspect of this
materialistic and they lacked the basic storytelling is how the story progresses
qualities like tolerance, or consideration from cordiality to the hurling of insults
that would make their marriage as seen when Lomov called Chubukov
successful. ‘a swindle‘ and Chubukov promptly
Q. 6. Why does Chubukov suspect Lomov calling Lomov an ‘intriguer‘. The
when he comes to his house? elements of exaggeration and absurdity
 [CBSE OD, Term 2, Set 1, 2016] set the tone of ridicule, which mars the
Ans. Lomov was dressed formally. So Chubukov elements of love and romance that is
thought that he was going somewhere. intended in the play. The playwright
Also Lomov said that he had come to seek through this pay ironically emphasizes
help. This made Chubukov suspect that the courtesy, sincerity, love and mutual
Lomov had come for borrowing money. understanding are the keys to a healthy
Q.  7. Answer the following question in relationship.
80–100 words: Q.  8. Read the extract given below and answer
Chekov has used humour and the questions that follow:
exaggeration in the play to comment These meadows aren’t worth much to
on courtship, in his times. Illustrate me. They only come to five dessiatins,
with examples from the lesson, ‘The and are worth perhaps 300 roubles, but
Proposal.‘ Also mention the values, you I can’t stand unfairness. Say what you
think, any healthy relationship requires. will, I can’t stand unfairness.
 [CBSE OD, Term 2, Set 1, 2016]
(a) Who speaks the above lines and to
Ans. The Proposal is one of Anton Chekov‘s whom?
famous plays where he uses humor and (b) How much are the meadows worth?
exaggeration in the play to provide a
(c) Find a word in the extract that means
commentary on courtship in his times.
‘not based on what is just.’
Chekov, has used several stereotypes
 [CBSE Delhi, Term 2, Set 1, 2016]
that help play their part beautifully in
the play. Lomov, Natalya “the shrew‘, Ans. (a) Natalya speaks the above lines to
Chubukov “the hypocrite father“ all help Lomov.
in adding humor to the play. Lomov (b) The meadows measure approximately
uses exaggerated actions that, sometimes five dessiantins and possibly worth
exceeds the limits of common sense like, 300 roubles.
Lomov gulping down water, putting his (c) The word in the extract for ‘not based
hand to the heart or running to the door on what is just’ is “unfairness”.
and staggering out.

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