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Document Title: WRITTEN WORK School Year: S.Y.

Document Number: ACAD.WS.080800-WW01 Quarter: Fourth Quarter
Name of Student: Date Answered: (mm/dd/yr)
Grade and Section: Time started/finished:

LESSON TITLE: Commercial Cooking (Tools, Materials and Utensils)

LEARNING TARGET: I can prepare an illustration on how to properly stack kitchen tools and utensils.

Direction: Analyze the given set of tools and utensils per item. Draw an illustration on how to properly stack it
following the guidelines in arranging utensils.
(Note: Illustration is either digitally made or drawn. For drawings just take a picture of your drawing then attach
to the given item.)

Complete the table below by showing an illustration on how to properly stack or arrange kitchen tools, materials
and or utensils. Use the given example as your reference in performing the activity.

Answer the question: Why is it important to store and stack the kitchen tools and equipment properly?

Given tools, materials and utensils Illustration on how to properly stack or arrange it

Example: Sample illustration:

Properly stack 3 plates, 2 pairs of spoon and fork and

3 glasses in an open rack.

It is just an example, if you know the guidelines, you

will notice that there are utensils that are stacked
incorrectly. Your task is to show an illustration of the
proper way of stacking or arranging tools, materials,
utensils or other items in the kitchen.

1. Stack 6 pairs of cutlery in a drawer 1.

2. Stack 4 spoons, 3 forks, 2 knives and a 2.

teaspoon if you only have 2 different cups.

3. Stack 6 plates, 6 saucers, 6 cups and 6 bowls 3.

in an open cabinet.

4. Proper stacking and storing of spices. 4.

2spices in a small container, 2 medium sized
containers and 2 large containers.

5. Proper stacking of glassware. 5.

Rubric to complete
the table above: 3 2 1
Was able to show all Failed to include 1-2 given Failed to include 3 or more
Number of tools, given tools, materials tools, materials and or given tools, materials and or
materials and utensils and or utensils in the utensils in the illustration utensils in the illustration
Was able to illustrate the There is/are 1-2 tools, There are 3 or more tools,
Following guidelines correct arrangement of materials and or utensils materials and or utensils that
(3pts. per item) given tools, materials that is/are not arranged are not arranged properly.
(1-5) and or utensils. properly.

Was able to answer the Was able to answer the Attempted to answer the
Question given question given question but there is question, but the answer is
supported with an no given example to irrelevant.
example. support the statement,

Checked & Approved:

Mylen A. Pal-iwin Shelly Ann U. Cosino
Subject Teacher Coordinator, High School Department

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