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PG Finding

1. Do personnel who perform operational duties complete initial training prior being
assigned to perform operational duties?
Root Cause: Before the period of two staffs were not completed initial training, L-
Jats did not have class for training yet and we do not have Training Tracking System
just tracking by manually in normal excel program.
Corrective Action: we already made a letter of purpose to Lao Airlines for taking
Course of the subject that we missed since 15 March 2018 before PG Auditors came
and we also attached document involve for evidence. Thus we waited for Lao
Airlines’s instructors free from external Training as each station which Lao Airlines
Preventive Action: we have plan to get reminder program of training with Lao
Airlines, they will support us to set up but on the processing of discussion. In addition
we always check in each month who will expiration of training whom need to initial or
recurrent training, then we will propose to our top management for consideration
before 3 months from the month will expire.
Correction: we should have our own instructors for each subject which are main
subjects of operational department. It would be easy when training cerficate of L-Jats
staffs will nearly expire of training, thus the main subject as we mentioned have 4
subjects as: DGR Instructor, Aviation Security Instructor, Airside Ramp Safety
Instructor and Safety Management system Instructor. Now a day L-Jats company start
from sending 3 staffs for training DGR Instructor but they are not complete the course
yet. At the same time we also attached our purpose to you for our evidence.

2. Do personnel who perform operational duties complete recurrent training prior being
assigned to perform operational duties, on a frequency in accordance with PG
Root Cause: Due to QA Manager was on political and management training
according to Lao’s government during 2 months, so that he could not join the training
while L-Jats staff were trained with Lao Airlines
Corrective Action: we already made a letter of purpose to Lao Airlines for taking
Course of the subject that we missed since 15 March 2018 before PG Auditors came
and we also attached document involve for evidence. Thus we waited for Lao
Airlines’s instructors free from external Training as each station which Lao Airlines
Preventive Action: we often check in each month who will expiration of training
whom need to recurrent training, then we will purpose to our top management for
consideration before 3 months from the month will expire.
Correction: Ifwe have our own instructors especially the main subjects of operational
department as: Dangerous Goods Regulation, Safety Management System, Aviation
Security and Airside Ramp Safety. It would be easy for us because we can arrange
training course directly and on time including of all the subject involved of their own
job such as: Check in system instructors, Ground Support Equipment instructors and
Baggage service instructors and etc ... thus now a day L-Jats company start from
sending 3 staffs for training DGR Instructor with IATA and IATA Accredited school
and waiting certificate from them after the last training on 21-25 May 2018. At the
same time we also attached our purpose to you for our evidence.

3. Are there processes for testing/evaluation in training courses for personnel with
operational ground handling duties?
Root Cause: According to L-Jats never have our own instructor which set up as
official instructor because they do not have any certificate or any certify from
instructional organization, so there are not processes for testing/evaluation in training
courses for personnel with operational ground handling duties. Corrective Action:
we have to set up training to our own staff for trained with Lao Airlines
because they have their own instructors which certify by IATA to trained L-Jats staffs
and they can evaluate us as documents attached here with.
Preventive Action: we will set the all lesson involved our ground handling duties,
then we set up test questions about that lesson, finally we evaluate by give a score or
percentage of passing test for the new staffs or old staffs need promoted position.
Correction: when we recruit every new staffs, we have to train them with every
subjects especially 4 main subjects as: DGR,SMS,AVSEC and Airside Ramp Safety
and also the subjects that limit time as 2 or 3 months, then the subjects involved their
department requirement just train only before actually practice and set test and
evaluation until they pass. And for the old staff or staffs which need to be promoted
we have to set up test too for quality of working.

4. Does the organization have an operational reporting system? (SMS)

Root Cause: Because of our organization never have any boxes of showing staff’s
opinion or does not have any system for report and one more thing L-jats does not
have SAFETY Department officially.

Corrective Action: Firstly we have to distribute of safety awareness to all staffs in

the company by taking a course for all staffs even they do not work on operational
duties department. Because in the past we did not take a class for office staffs
anymore, so we have to alert them how to report about incident or accident by paper
or inform their boss and let’s them know how is important of the report and it is not
take a mistake of someone but just aware them to be careful of safety.
Preventive Action: we have to report any incidents and accidents to our top
management even that case is not happened suddenly.
Correction: we have to buy IQSMS system or any system relevant with report how
to set up or how to report easily for our all staffs which they can get in. and the other
thing is important that our top management have to understand and awareness of
safety all time everywhere in L-Jats Operation Services area.
Detail of PG’s finding and closing answer for 2019
Finding No.1870.8
1. During the audit found some of PG manual have not been distributed to fuction
needed and also found the non-update manual in the asset at KP office.
1. Root Cause: because of first agreement between Quality Audit Department (L-Jats),
Marketing Manager(L-Jats), KKPG(old Person) and also Pre audit team agreed for
keeping all original Manual of PG at QA department office since 23 Jan 2019, in the
same time while QA accepted any document from MK Department as flow chart with
(attach as evidence) and QA did not know the document information of PG giving to
which function needed, so we just distributed the copy one to function needed with
QA’s understanding. In additional while QA’s staff input the format of PG Procedure
& IRROP-GHA00/2019 Baggage & Proration-GHA00/2019 program as QA was
assigned or agreed to KP’s room, we did not know KP’s room have the old file of PG
Procedure & IRROP-GHA/2018 in there, so we did not delete that file, we just upload
the new one only.
2. Corrective Action: QA staff was delete the old file of PG’s GOM or document
relevant from2018 and up-loaded all new manual file of PG in 2019 to computer
number1 and collect in the same folder for searching easily. (we have some evidence
to attach here with.
3. Preventive Action: while we up-load all document of PG’s manual to KP’s room
computer, we have to check that we ever loaded before or not, if we ever loaded we
have to delete the old one and load the new one instead and we will recheck or asking
PG staff or KKPG first before distribute all document which function needed that
4. Correction: every time after we get new document of any update new version of
PG’GOM, DGM, FHP or bulletins while we distribute to relevant department involve
we have to check that we ever up-loaded that file before or not, if we ever up-loaded
we have to delete the old file and update the new one instead. For surely we have to
asking KKPG first before distribution document which function needed.

Finding No.1870.20

5. The lack of the process to analyze root cause and corrective action plan from
management function concern or responsible person assigned to analyze the case. No
dissemination of safety information to operational personnel in order to avoid
repetitive events.
1. Root Cause: When we had some human error case or working procedure error with
airlines, Report of function concern just writing or retail details or writing the real
situation of that case happened only without analysis of root cause and preventive
action to stop an error case happen again.
2. Corrective Action: If we have an error case in working procedure which relevant
with airlines or damaging to company which happen by human error, management
function concern has to writing report by analysis root cause, why it is happen? And
give an action plan to corrective that problem recurrent happen again.
3. Preventive Action: our organization has to set up form which mention in detail about
root cause analysis and action plan for corrective problem then announce or distribute
to all function in organization especially operational function which directly relevant
with airlines safety using this form when they have an incident/accident or any error
cases for unity in our organization.
4. Correction: L-Jats organization has to assign to safety department or top management
in each function to responsible any cases happen especially safety cases to
investigation or sharing the idea while writing report and analyze the situation how
does the case happen and find out corrective action plan to avoid repetitive event
Finding No.1870.21
5. During the audit discovered that when found any incident occurred, the case has never
been shared to operational staff as a case study. The letter report, as their safety report,
was not defined the root cause and corrective action which this may lead to the
recurrent event.
1. Root Cause: while the auditor audited some function and asking about the incident
report or error case of other function involve but they did not know what happened
with that function, what case happened with that function?
2. Corrective Action: To any function which have any cases happened, that function
concern has to analysis root cause and corrective action plan together in report letter
because it is easily to operational staff understanding in that cases while sharing that
cases as a study case.
3. Preventive Action: after functional concern was writing report letter to the top
management of organization, in the same time they have to mention in the report as
copy or distribute that report letter to all department concern especially operational
department to administrative department acknowledge because of all report letter have
to pass administrative department first, then it will hand in to our top management as
4. Correction: The organization has to assign one function responsibility specifically in
this field about safety, when we have any case about safety topic, this function has to
arrange the meeting with all departments involve for sharing or discussion that cases
to avoid recurrent event.
Finding No.1870.39
5. During the viewing the training record at QA office found that the record was not
complete. Some of the staff did not pass the test but the evaluation process for
rejoining or retest were not clearly identified and recorded.
1. Root Cause: Because of in the pass the department involve Baggage claim
department had never trained before, Baggage claim function just trained the staff by
verbal and on job training but instructor had never set a testing or any evaluation staff.
And for ramp part they had some staff were not pass a test for some GSE driving but
the function involve could not set a new course for them yet
2. Corrective Action: For Baggage claim function has to set up course for working
procedure of baggage claim, then set testing and give evaluation to baggage claim
staff ( we have some evidence to attch herewith)
3. And ramp function has to set a new course to whom did not pass at soon(as we attach
ramp proposal for rejoining the class for staff who failed at first time and recurrent for
old staff which nearly expire)
4. Preventive Action: when we have a training course for all staff either new or old staff
of function concern after completely train by any theory, practical or on job training
we have to set a testing and evaluation their knowledge how much they got it.
5. Correction: every time that we set a training course for new staff recruitment of
function concern after completely trained by any theory, practical or on job training
we have to give them a testing and evaluation their knowledge how much they got it.

Finding No.1870.40
6. During the audit found that GSE operator’s training record has not been identified for
authorization to operate each type of GSE. The GSE operated license was not
provided for GSE operator.
1. Root Cause: because of GSE operators did not have any certify from international
organization or internal approve as DCA, AOL or our organization which mentioned
that they allow for driving GSE in airside
2. Corrective Action: QA will make a propose to top management for Requesting
approval from Airport of Laos (AOL) to certify our Ramp Handling staff because L-
Jats is under controlled of AOL.(we also attach the proposal for evidence).
3. Preventive Action: our top management has to send ramp operators for training AOL
in airside driving course which they will be help the training course at soon or at least
on November
4. Correction: Ramp operators have to certify by organization concern before driving in
air side.

Finding No.1870.41
5. Found some training record was not properly updated.
1. Root cause: QA has kept training record of all department in the organization and will
summarize every end of the year, so during the audit date the training record was not
updated yet, it still be in 2018 record, even we already recorded of some staff who was
trained at the beginning of this year but we still keeping until the end of year.
2. Corrective Action: QA will update the training record form in full details suddenly
after we have trained staff completely finish and passing all process of training in their
function such as: training theory, test and evaluation. Then hand in to top management
for approve and acknowledge as evidence that we attach here with.
3. Preventive Action: change plan about recording of all training in each function
concern even it is not the end of year yet and QA has to record immediately when we
get the information of training course from function concern was sent to us.
4. Correction: Now the training record of functions concern have been done for update
and QA has to update every time after training record was completed.
Detail of TG’s finding and closing answer for 2019
1. The ramp instructors lack of qualification such as: Supervision of Training or Train
the Trainer course.
1. Root Cause:
2. Immediate Action Plan:
3. Corrective Action Plan:
4. The training record of DGR training material is not complete shown in details refer
IATA DGR table 1.5.5
1. Root Cause:
2. Immediate Action Plan:
3. Corrective Action Plan:

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