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Some people think that the best way to ensure road safety is to increase

the minimum legal age for driving a car or motorbike. To what extent do
you agree or disagree?
These days, while some people reckon that the most effective measure
to upgrade road safety is to increase the minimum driving age for
individual transports, I would argue that there are a huge number of
methods to address this issue. Therefore, the following essay takes a
look at more optimal approches of the problem.
On the one hand, I agree that surging the minimum legal age would
restrict deaths and injuries by accident. In that teenagers have little
knowledge and experience enough to deal with a variety of unexpected
also tremendously dangerous issues that they resort to when commuting.
In addition, if the government implements the policy of raising the
minimum driving age widely, as a result, the older driver, the more
safety for everyone. For instance, when a person or an animal passes the
road suddenly, the young driver cannot be calm and experienced enough
to control their transport evading impediment, however, the elderly
driver is able to tackle competently by turing the steering wheel or using
the brake pedal.
On the other hand, in my opinion, this solution is not optimal at all
since the youngster tends to break the legislation such as commuting
without a driving licence or going too rapidly. Consequently, there are
some better approaches that are suitable for the most figure of the age.
For example, governments should encourage inhabitants to use public
transportation such as buses, subways, taxis, ... rather than their private
ones. On top of that, the police would carry out more severe
punishments as well as forfeit their driving license if they break the
regulation, for instance, driving without a helmet or going over a red
In conclusion, despite the fact that increasing the minimum legal age
leads to ensure road safety, I believe that it is not the most effective
measure to mitigate this issue.
- Restrict(v): hạn chế, giảm thiểu
- Deal with=face up to : đối phó với
- Unexpected(adj)=Surprised(adj)=Unforeseen(adj)=Unpredicted :
bất ngờ, không lường trước được.
- Commute(v) : di chuyển ( tham gia giao thông)
(n): quãng đường di chuyển
Commuter(s)(n): người tham gia giao thông
- Implement(v)=carry out +something: thực hiện, thi hành
- Policy(cies)(+on)(n): chính sách
- Evade(v) + V-ing: tránh né, thoát khỏi (escape=avoid)
- Impediment(n)(formal)(+to s.t): sự cản trở, chướng ngại vật
- Competent(ly)(adj): thành thạo, chuyên nghiệp
- The steering wheel(n): vô lăng
- The brake pedal (n): bàn đạp phanh.
- Severe(adj): rất xấu, khốc liệt dữ dội
- Punishment(n): sự trừng phạt
- A driving licence(n): giấy phép lái xe
- Forfeit(v): bị tướt đoạt
- Ensure(v)(insure): đảm bảo.

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