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The curriculum is defined as inspirational social and ideological statement which reflect on
local requirements and circumstances. Curriculum in the education includes all the
experience which a learner should have which enables them to obtain required and intended
outcome with their education. Curriculum statement enables the teachers, managers, and
learners to fulfil and know their obligation in relation to courses and programs. It also
describes the intended achievement of the learner, content which is required to be covered,
supervision, learning, teaching, assessment processes, feedback, requirements of entry, and
how the program can be organised. Learning is very complex process and it helps in
converting experience and information in attitude, behaviour, skills, and knowledge. There
are multiple learning theories available which helps in explaining the method of learning and
method of teaching helps in displaying positive results. Type of the teaching styles can be
used including personal model, authority, formal, expert, delegated, and facilitator which can
rely on same test lead and tried techniques. But effective method of teaching includes
changing teaching style of one to suit individuals and situation requirement.

In this paper objective assessment, implementation, and planning of the creative instructors,
appraisal methods, and learning are provided. Main objective of this assessment is providing
detailed and critical understanding of learning concept, education, curriculum and theories.
Some ethical consideration taken while collecting the data for this study is taking care of
anonymity of participants, taking concerned before collection of data and protecting them
against any damage.
Unit Outline

Perception of learning theories is different for different people according to their view points.
It can be because of self-reflection personal experience and evaluation of other individuals.
Learning theories are useful in guiding the act of individuals to learn new attitude,
experience, and skills. This unit evaluates and outline strategies and approaches of different
educational theories which are required by the educators so that they can grasp principles for
applying in the case presented to them. It is common practice for focusing on the subject and
reason of selecting a particular theory. It provides method and structure for organisation of
thought and helps in understanding how different problems as solved (Schunk, 2012).

This assignment conducts reflection and self-assessment of teaching theories used by the
teachers for developing the teaching techniques and applying them to theories which are
outline in this assignment. Literature provided is available for different methods of teaching
which helps teachers for measuring themselves and achieving desired results for design of
successful curriculum.

In this assignment qualitative research methodology is taken into consideration. Literature

review is carried out on various learning theories, pedagogy of learning, constructivism,
theories of education, and learning outcomes which are used for reading various text data to
understand and explain specific research field. Practical evaluation for constructive theory
which can be implemented to formulate framework methodology and improving learning for
the students in the school is also provided. The qualitative research methodology which is
adopted in this assignment is dependent on the data which is collected by researcher from the
interviews and literature review in this study. Interpretation of data is based on combining
data collected and perspective of the researcher both.

Qualitative research is conducted to collect practical evidences and this research also utilises
student samples and interviews to provide learning based on evidence. Samples of 3 case
students are collected in analyse according to understanding of theory. Interview with
teachers is also conducted for analysing impact of utilising the constructivist theory for
teaching the students and observing of result (Pritchard, 2017). The qualitative analysis which
is conducted in this study helps in determining objective of research and how learning
theories can affect procedure of learning for the students in school. Qualitative research
which is utilised in this assignment helps in understanding concepts, experience, and reason
behind perception of individuals which are taken into consideration in this study such as
students, teachers, and managers in school organisation.
Case students

Story of learning constructivism includes learning process of a student with imaginative

guidance of teachers. Best method of preparing workbooks for the Teachers, and learning and
course capabilities for the student is developing curriculum which allows every student to
solve their problems while tracking and directing the students towards right response by
promoting the critical thinking.

In this study three students were taken into consideration from the element science which
were observed. One student was highest achiever, second student was average achiever, and
third student was under achiever (Taylor, 2018). These three students were then grouped
together in constructivist environment so that results can be observed for progress in different
activities of lesson. Objective of selecting the group was observing how the constructivist
theory can help students in progress their path of learning and creating ease of teaching.

In this activity, the students are required to work together so that they can help one another to
address problems and questions of each other. These three students are required to work in
group and pairs and they have to study the subjects which are required to be presented in
front of the class. In this activity the students are required to work on underground railway
museum project. They have to create museum documentations of subway used by the
passengers to travel from south to north. Various information sources and analysis sources
used by the students include literature, internet, expert interviews, textbooks, And personal
knowledge. The students are required for work on this project for three weeks (Njie &
Asimiran, 2014). This activity illustrate strategy of using constructivism in exercises of
classes for teachers. This paradigm includes the application of constructivism in main
principles of learning. These activities and constructivism implementation in classroom can
help the students in building trust and skills which are required by them for examination the
world and creating solution in encouraging the problem. It explains their behaviour and
words and encourages other people around them for making same contribution in the entire
work. It also teaches to respect differences in the opinions. Application of constructivism
promotes methodology of learning which create understanding between teachers and

Lessons of week one

Objectives of learning  Reading and reviewing educational content

 Conducting interview with teachers one by one and

participation in the groups

 Preparing report on the awareness and individual


Lesson summary Obtaining the basic historical information in knowledge of

underground railways

Main competency Completed basic report on important events in the project

Learning outcomes  Basic overview of the museums and reasons of

constructing these museums. Implement assignment to
underground museum of railway.

 Different types of displace which can be included in

museum and the learning centre of underground railway.

 Ideas for brainstorming with teachers

Evidence of learning Group and individual reports

Lessons of week two

Objectives of  Preparation of thesis and analysing ideas.

 Conducting interview with instructor about achievements
and how study is portrayed

 Students are required to conduct research taking notes in

collecting the knowledge following conference with

Lesson summary Obtaining the basic historical information in knowledge of

underground railways

Main competency Completed basic report on important events in the project

Learning outcomes  Basic overview of the museums and reasons of constructing

these museums. Implement assignment to underground
museum of railway.

 Different types of displace which can be included in

museum and the learning centre of underground railway
(Strauch & Al Omar, 2014).

Ideas for brainstorming with teachers

Evidence of Group and individual reports


Lessons of week three

Objectives of  Analysis of the research methods such as documenting

learning description of bibliography taking notes and deciding where
the information is found.
 Students are required to have expertise in tools to work in
study independently from their own next time.

Lesson summary Obtaining the basic historical information in knowledge of

underground railways

Main competency Completed basic report on important events in the project

Learning outcomes  Basic overview of the museums and reasons of constructing

these museums. Implement assignment to underground
museum of railway.

 Different types of displace which can be included in

museum and the learning centre of underground railway.

Ideas for brainstorming with teachers

Evidence of Group and individual reports


Strauch, C.C. and Al Omar, M.J., 2014. Critical Analysis of Learning Theories and
Ideologies and Their Impact on Learning:" Review Article". Online Journal of Counseling &
Education, 3(2).

Taylor, E.W., 2018. Transformative learning theory. Transformative learning theory, pp.301-


Schunk, D.H., 2012. Learning theories an educational perspective sixth edition. Pearson.

Pritchard, A., 2017. Ways of learning: Learning theories for the classroom. Routledge.

Njie, B. and Asimiran, S., 2014. Case study as a choice in qualitative methodology. Journal
of Research & Method in Education, 4(3), pp.35-40.

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