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Water crisis in Pakistan about:reader?

Water crisis in Pakistan | The Express

Beenish Mahmood June 08, 2022

4-5 minutes

The need of the hour is to switch to sustainable ways of living and

introduce transformative actions and techniques

the writer holds a master s in english literature and doing m phil in

the same discipline she can be contacted at beenishmhmd gmail

The writer holds a Master’s in English Literature and doing M Phil

in the same discipline. She can be contacted at

Pakistan is experiencing devastating environmental issues such as

air pollution, deforestation, climate change, water scarcity, and loss
of biodiversity.

In an era of advancement, everyone knows of the problems being

faced. But I question how many of us are actually working toward
it! Are we all playing our part in protecting Mother Earth? Are we
making any efforts to conserve the depleting resources?

Are we not guilty? Yes, we are! The need of the hour is to switch to
sustainable ways of living and introduce transformative actions

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Water crisis in Pakistan about:reader?

and techniques. A collective effort is required on behalf of the

governmental organisations, NGOS, civil societies and local
communities to curb the deteriorating impact on environment.

Water scarcity is a gargantuan problem. The Indus River is the

‘lifeline’ of Pakistan. It provides for almost 300 million people and
the water required for agriculture, industrial use, energy production
and human consumption. However, the river is being negatively
impacted by rising temperatures, changes in weather patterns,
reduced flows, habitual destruction and pollution.

In Lahore, almost 600 tubewells have been installed and 40 billion

cubics are used every day which means a lot of water is wasted.

Karachi, a cosmopolitan city, is the ideal example of a polluted city.

From sewage and drainage to the dirty public beaches and the
infinite number of cars emitting smoke is resulting in air pollution.
The massive infrastructure developed over the last 15 years or so
has wiped out green spaces, hence leaving a desert-like condition
where there is only a mirage of water but no water.

Climate change is perhaps the cause of all environmental issues.

But something is also causing climate change. The answer is
simple. It is human interference that is resulting in destroying the
planet. The reckless exploitation of resources on behalf of
humankind is causing unrest on Gaia.

The masses are literally tearing at each other. There is no water

even to drink, let alone shower.

Life has become a hellfire for the masses. They drink from the
coolers installed in the park, rest under the shade of the few trees
left and shower in canals to get relief from the surging waves of

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Water crisis in Pakistan about:reader?

Does this not imply how necessary it is to save water! Water is the
essential ingredient to flourish in nature. Be it mankind, animals,
plants, and insects all need water to survive. Without water, there
will be no life on earth.

Water is the key to sustenance. All life will thrive only if there is
water. It has a healing property.

Air pollution is the next biggest threat to the planet. The primary
causes are transport and tobacco. Tobacco companies have a
massive business. The sale of cigarettes is reaching alarming
heights. Trees are being cut down to produce cigarettes.
Moreover, they are hazardous to human health and are resulting in
allergies and diseases such as asthma, lung cancer.

The smoke emitting vehicles have similar effects. However, where

it is a necessity to have more than two cars in a family, it can only
be addressed to use them economically so as to conserve petrol
and simultaneously not sacrificing your needs.

Deforestation is also a cause for concern. Recently a wildfire broke

out in Swat town of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa destroying the forest
completely. The cause of the fire is of course human intervention.
A lit cigarette was thrown here and there or an unextinguished

Trees are vital to keeping the ecosystem running. The ecosystem

works in a domino effect. Hence, there is nothing useless.
Everything is there for a purpose.

To conclude, it is essential to invest in nature-friendly techniques.

Introducing ways to sync nature with the urban is the answer to
our problems.

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Water crisis in Pakistan about:reader?

Heal the world, so that the planet is inhabitable by all species, for
the earth will take its revenge if tampered with. So don’t mess with

Published in The Express Tribune, June 8th, 2022.

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