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1. Which character/s of the Lord’s passion (Luke 22:14-23; 56) do you feel most drawn to?

about the scene makes you feel this way?
- I believe I can connect to Luke 22:23. I'd also wonder and wonder who would be that
individual who would die. I have that nagging uncertainty in my mind. If that's Jesus, I'm
going to be terrified. Because of this, I'll be really sad.

2. Have you ever been devastated by a good friend? Were you able to move forward through the
hurt? Has that relationship ended?
- No, I haven’t experienced these kinds of things.

3. If you were at the Last Supper, how do you think you would have reacted to the information that
one of your friends was going to betray Jesus?
- If I were present at Jesus' Last Supper, I would be devastated if one of His disciples betrayed
Him. Receiving that kind of information is, of course, discouraging. It's tough to comprehend
the concept that Jesus will be embarrassed of one individual. In addition, I would worry
whether I would be the one to betray Jesus. I'll be both perplexed and surprised.
4. Have you ever “emptied yourself” for another person? In what way/s?
- No, I have never.


1. Come up with three words that encapsulate your reflections on the events of the Holy Week and
list them down.
2. Compose a quote (in FILIPINO) for each word. Set EACH in an artistic and appropriate backdrop.

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