Religious Involvement Week 3

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1. Complete the following statements:

I hear God’s calling me to be a living sacrifice before HIs throne.

Three excuses for not accepting God’s call are
- I am not good with words (I don’t know how to express my feelings through words)
- I don’t know enough (I am still young to lead and still not knowledgeable about the words of
- I am not qualified (I am sinful. Who would believe me?)

2. If an angel handed you an ember and told you to purge one sinful tendency from your life, what
would you choose? How important is it that you need to purge that sinful tendency from your life?

- If an angel came to me I would choose to purge my doubtfulness. I have always doubted

myself ever since, I get insecure and always compare myself to other people. There are times
I doubt God for the things He can do in my life. I pity and hide myself from everyone, I want to
have that confidence that comes from God that I can do all things through Christ who gives
me strength.

3. In what circumstances in your life do you respond to God’s call to discipleship the way Isaiah did,
“Here I am, send me.”? (Elaborate in not less than five sentences). What are you willing, like Peter to
leave to follow him (Jesus)? (Explain in not less than five sentences).
- There was a time that I really didn’t expect God’s calling, I feel like I am still not prepared. I
was once called to be the worship leader and it feels like a dream to me. It was so
unexpected. However, I prayed to God and whatever His will is, it will prevail and that was the
time that God anointed me to be one of the worship leaders in our church. God called me to
lead the congregation in worship and to encourage them by singing songs of praises and
worship. This is one way to evangelize and win souls, especially the youth. As a discipleship
leader and christian, I already left my old self and welcomed the new me. A life of a christian
is difficult but it is worth it because we serve the one true God in heaven. There are many
temptations but the Holy Spirit is there for us and to guide us in our decision making. Jesus
already paid the price for me and I have accepted Him as my true Savior and Christ. Today, I
am changed and I am using my talents to glorify the Name of Jesus. God will never abandon
me and will never forsake me.

1. Compose/create/write an acrostic poem about your commitment to discipleship (being sent like
Isaiah and following like Peter) using the phrase “Duc in altum!” Set it in an appropriate background.
Be creative.
2. Compose/create a contemporary “haiku” with the theme on conversion or change in attitude (like
those of Isaiah and Peter). Set it in an appropriate background. Be creative.

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