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Vamation of Maçs ëlh velouth

Contider tuo ystems of Co-ordlinetes S and 5', he later mornq

th velocy relaive to S along +ve direction of thezr Common X~aris

Let us
assume that
s' io approaching to S oilk velouhy
Le thare be tio elashe parkdes P and a sue tat P an sjs*
Ssmovtha oeh velouty My aong tve Y-axis and Q in s94tpm S 5 mDvr
t h veloohy uy=-4y along ve Yaxis i e pachcles h a 244a c d
opposite velecihes. Lt tha veloüty be non- relativestie hile wloaty
A relativishc h e masses of toD parhcles a r e e a u a @hen measureG

o m the same system

Let m be the mass of each parkele at rest
Let the partdes collide due to elacih of sqstem S in such a ay
h a co)lision has no
that *e ine of their centras is alonq Y-axise
tha com ponants of vel ocih along X o r Z axis tn ils oon ysa
ehye e n

Sincecoision is elastie the diraeion of

moHon of the parfeles is revarsed ass
saen fram i s oon ystem.
Let afler impaet the veloahy ofP
be t y , Since
be-uy and hat of dzreetion ef mo tron Aa reverse
ayter eo|lisfon
eo lision
Noa, the velouy componets beora
a s m e a s u r a d by the
obsewar m S atandir
t the ad ot transtormaion ef

y 4 V-
1+ 4 1

Oe have fur parkclee P p0 y O and -
We hava f r particle P, 4p0, yp0 and u p o

parhde a, ueq = 4y-y Vi- , za0

Since a=0,us-uy& go
Thus, the resultant momantm of mysem along Y-axis as vieoed
from shem S m,y-m uy yi- - - 0)

hane mA5 the mass of the pariele moing och vebuh

the hen the valoihas of tue ParHele s p'ard Ga

Nou, ahter impact
ara qivan b
a r h c e P, p
NR 0 , Ayp-4y an = 0
r parHcle a, xg= 4, ya yV- ° 7 , 4za 0
Thus, resul tant mtpaes momMnkam ahter impact as viaoed frem
aleng Y-axis = - m , y t muy V1- v
But aecordiny the PMnaple of consewation of momentum
Memantum e ampat = Mamentem atter impact

y y V- = - my t my V1-
e thus have
moy t m, ky m y t mky) V1-
or, 2m,y= 2 *muy V I-N


Thus, thead
o eonsewetion of mementum lecds ti a vey
impotant conekusion, " Mass of a body incnLasa with ~ncrease of

velouy ". Noa e Rr press the omenttan a3

wi be tonsenvad un der Lorantz transformatons. In his
bave maqlecked the Change in mass due o change i
Problem ne
Rsihy Aetwally it a hushfed inc we have asswne4 uy

t o be non- re)atinsHC,

Eqvalente of Mass and Enargy:

Lherease of any pacle by applitation of foree
in energ
may be defined as te aoK bRich produet of fene ard dighan
ue to aPpkcation of force F.
aeted pen by a force F and atains
Thus, if a parkcle at rest is
velocihy '', the in crease An Kinake eneray ven

kET ? .
But foree defined as th rate of Change af
lko moman-tum
hee pemw s
F ( O t h Parkle of
and yelou u

TT mo). ddt At ("d(ou).

9 dt

v. d(m»)
atvanuatian of mass dik velorih, we haue
Aecor ding t t h e veleh )
retakor of vamatton omass wk
eeordinq to tk MO Mo beia rest mass al

do + -20dv

(V d

mmoc m-m)c

Amc mass
in crease 1n
is equal
Ths, t h K-E of a morenq body w e desarve
gkt. Ths,
muliplied by bquane of pud of m a s . 3o, moe"may
increase n
An K-E A de i
A CnLane the panticle. "his regt enerry may
taxen as rast energy of the pankcle.Jhen,tolal
Corsidered as intennel
&t2ne of nary of
n d eneray t
is um oj K-E Of ofon
eneray of apoMHcle
rast. Thus,
m o ) c t m , c = me
t+ m.e
E= T
Total energy
ds unversal
t h e above
hus, aLcordin
betwecn mass and energy.
ralativic K.E:
Non- relativsHe
imet of
Trelaivishe K-E is, T (m-ma) c - a have
mass wIh velouta,
vannaten ot
ALord o tka law of


= moc m
t ) -1 K-E dn clasical
e*prassion Of
all knsT) K-E ¬yprasons
ic non-reafishe
Cases e may ns

Physics. Hece, fr elatr*stic Cases n e oust use fhe exprasnm

a mW, but for
T (m-n)c.
momantum and enerqy
Relaho behdeen

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