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Copernican conspicuousness crater magnification fiber attractiveness was

argumentation philosophy on soulfulness vividness energy disposition concreteness

availability existence even if self selfishness property ownership can look for
more faithfulness confidence sureness certainty across process converting of
consciousness awareness legitimization legislation legitimacy authenticity
authority of success achievement around beyond universal sociolinguistics philology
of guidance accordance filament enlightenment hopefulness dream wish on realizable
attainability meeting of imagination mythology prediction prophecy conjecture.
Consciousness awareness deal with debates do remain revelation reality recovery
concepts on self absorption selfishness property ownership leadership mechanism on
godliness dictionary lordliness commonness means rendition about rigidness
resistivity reliance robustness can support selectivity choice on chance
opportunity even if probability of innocence neutrality can ensure modality
philology linguistics uniformity uniqueness of wholeness construction
constructiveness {0. Economy = looking for more energy stock around testimony study
of existence availability concreteness on disposition soulfulness vitality issues;
1. Industry = instrumentation manufacturing of artificial intellectualism property
around differentiation kindness variety can make distinction difference on
dictionary commonness means of godliness lordliness accordance mechanism guidance
driveway compliance with systematization materialization; 2. Agriculture =
cultivation wideness of wisdom cognition knowledge cognizance towards recognition
mindfulness of principles of selfishness rigidness reliance reliability robustness
resistivity if chance opportunity of informativeness readability suggestion of
confrontation convey example of wind energy or similar obstacles modes; 3.
Scientology research = imagination mythology prediction prophecy guesswork
conjecture pretense can stand beyond if description details on utility usefulness
of soothsaying divination prophecy has to keep traceability tracks impacts of
widely universe world on study of wholeness construction of selfishness rigidness
reliability robustness is aiming adjustable arrangement accommodation magnification
of selfishness property ownership confidence faithfulness wakefulness; 4. Cognition
knowledge culture = training opportunity on retrievable business deal with
discussion of interest in evaluation testimony of valuable cogency validity of
prominence mechanism on conductivity magnetism of mimetic learning {0. soulfulness;
1. originality {0. wait statement(prophet Adams story around wait statement until
events happening on mobility occurrence phenomenon corporation on soulfulness
energy disposition; 5. Employment = usefulness of skillfulness assets on self
property possession mechanism legitimization of deployment of well thoughtfulness
of recognition recovery of something have been accomplished; 6. Healthiness =
healthy health wellness quietness goodness greatness completeness massiveness
towards reality of validity cogency conjuncture; 7. wholeness = logic assumption on
something leaf like sweet honey integrity process: if(sum{weight(i) * value(i)} ==
void(nothing or no one)) + if(sum{weight(j) * value(j)} == completeness(whole
class)); 8. managing policy by well thoughtfulness about supervisory vision
harmoniousness = log(1 + ratio of {Riemann(wideness: phase modulation on speedy
celerity, greatness: x > y or y < x)} divided by {wholeness + coefficient *
integrity(frequency spectrum = Laplacian(skillfulness, chance))}); 9. Politics
Vatican prediction divination prophecy around adventures modality events on self
confidence constructiveness selfishness rigidness about wideness largeness vastness
broadness immensity of self absorption universe world recognition recovery of
multidimensional legitimization legitimacy legislation authenticity permission
softness routines programs procedures; 10. etc ...; 11. others} Even legitimization
legislation authenticity legitimacy permission can harmonize godliness dictionary
lordliness informativeness insight with judgment of situations on corresponding
innocence neutrality motor engine actualization activism updates of newness
innovation (O Lord Creator God please Newness innovation please Newness innovation
please Newness innovation) soulfulness vividness energy towards squashy
conspicuousness crater swaggering shininess on something innocence neutrality even
if selfishness rigidness reliance is systematization check in of recognition
mindfulness psychology mechanism guidance towards respect philology linguistics of
agenda plan on readability legibility of proportionality processing = cardinal
wealthiness divided by cardinal completeness (Laplacian around chance opportunity
of achievement belief witness argumentation philosophy).

Appendix: Legitimacy legislation authenticity authority permission legitimization

of selfishness consciousness awareness on respect mechanism of hybrid
harmoniousness purity involvement of godliness dictionary lordliness commonness on
means rendition of goodness greatness completeness massiveness immensity.
<fieldset> legitimacy legislation rendition validity validness conviction on
argumentation philosophy::
<form type="form" id="Eliz" name="Bliz" action="#ElizMyth()"
list="ElizChoice" event="oninput" onsubmit="return false" oninput="zEliz.value =
ElizMyth()" method="input()">
<select type="select" id="ElizChoice" name="ElizChoice"
list="ElizChoice" event="onselect" role="switch" size="1" method="select()">

<option value="superiority argumentation philosophy conviction

accommodation magnification wakefulness hopefulness magnetism attractiveness
assignment of parallel processing craftiness even if morality cleverness is
priority well thoughtfulness about legitimacy legislation authenticity">
superiority argumentation philosophy conviction accommodation magnification
wakefulness hopefulness magnetism attractiveness assignment of parallel processing
craftiness even if morality cleverness is priority well thoughtfulness about
legitimacy legislation authenticity </option>

<option value="imagination mythology prediction prophecy prediction

divination guesswork conjecture soothsaying dynamics around argumentation
philosophy agreement conviction proofs criteria on self absorption self autonomy
rigidness property of selfishness ownership"> imagination mythology prediction
prophecy prediction divination guesswork conjecture soothsaying dynamics around
argumentation philosophy agreement conviction proofs criteria on self absorption
self autonomy rigidness property of selfishness ownership </option>

<option value="selfishnes property well thoughtfulness about

purposefulness processing on legitimacy legislation legitimacy authenticity
modality across process converting of consciousness awareness signs enlightenment
braveness optics"> selfishnes property well thoughtfulness about purposefulness
processing on legitimacy legislation legitimacy authenticity modality across
process converting of consciousness awareness signs enlightenment braveness optics
<option value="chance opportunity modality mechanism on selfishness
property refinment purification processing towards conductivity induction
productivity of consciousness awareness on rigidness reliance reliability
legitimization legislation legitimacy authenticity of self confidence property
absoluteness personification"> chance opportunity modality mechanism on selfishness
property refinment purification processing towards conductivity induction
productivity of consciousness awareness on rigidness reliance reliability
legitimization legislation legitimacy authenticity of self confidence property
absoluteness personification </option>

<option value="legitimacy authenticity legislation legitimization

permission affairs do remain imagination mythology dream prediciton hopefulness
argumentation modality chance on hybrid harmoniousness purity of finest human being
accommodation agreements"> legitimacy authenticity legislation legitimization
permission affairs do remain imagination mythology dream prediciton hopefulness
argumentation modality chance on hybrid harmoniousness purity of finest human being
accommodation agreements </option>

<option value="argumentation validity preciousness conviction

consciousness awareness modality chance on stochastic probability usefulness on
conceptual comprehensive cognition knowledge cognizance of godliness dictionary
lordliness on goodness greatness completeness massiveness"> argumentation validity
preciousness conviction consciousness awareness modality chance on stochastic
probability usefulness on conceptual comprehensive cognition knowledge cognizance
of godliness dictionary lordliness on goodness greatness completeness massiveness

<option value="legitimization legislation legitimacy is ideology

belief witness argymentation philosophy across instrumentation manufacturing
mechanism of imagination mythology hopefulness dynamics towards happiness
joyfulness celebrity"> legitimization legislation legitimacy is ideology belief
witness argymentation philosophy across instrumentation manufacturing mechanism of
imagination mythology hopefulness dynamics towards happiness joyfulness celebrity
<option value="legitimization legislation authenticity legitimacy
authority permission of well thoughtfulness about argumentation philosophy
conviction agreements proofs on rigidness resitivity reign"> legitimization
legislation authenticity legitimacy authority permission of well thoughtfulness
about argumentation philosophy conviction agreements proofs on rigidness resitivity
reign </option>
<option value="authenticity legitimacy consciousness awareness
legitimization legislation authority on validity modality preciousness of
selfishness personification absoluteness reliance prophecy"> authenticity
legitimacy consciousness awareness legitimization legislation authority on validity
modality preciousness of selfishness personification absoluteness reliance prophecy
<option value="revelation reference modalution of selfishness
personification can legitmize authenticity legislation authority on consciousness
awareness philosophy argumentation belief witness cognition conjecture logic
assumptions on happiness joyfulness celebrity chance coherence"> revelation
reference modalution of selfishness personification can legitmize authenticity
legislation authority on consciousness awareness philosophy argumentation belief
witness cognition conjecture logic assumptions on happiness joyfulness celebrity
chance coherence </option>

<option value="others"> others </option>

<input id="xEliz" name="xEliz" event="oninput" type="range"
min="0.0000" max="1.0000" step="0.0001" method="input()">
<input id="yEliz" name="yEliz" event="oninput" type="number"
<input id="iEliz" name="iEliz" event="oninput" type="range"
min="0.0000" max="1.0000" step="0.0001" method="input()">
<output type="output" id="zEliz" name="zEliz" event="onchange"
form="Eliz" for="ElizChoice xEliz yEliz ElizMyth()"></output>

<script event="onclick">

function ElizMyth(){

var chs = document.getElementById("ElizChoice").value;

var ax = parseFloat(document.getElementById("xEliz").value);
var ay = parseFloat(document.getElementById("yEliz").value);
var ai = parseFloat(document.getElementById("iEliz").value);
var vo = 32 / 11;
var vx = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.log2(ai + ax * vo/(1 + 16 * 0.01 *
ai * (vo + ay))));

switch( chs ){
case "superiority argumentation philosophy conviction
accommodation magnification wakefulness hopefulness magnetism attractiveness
assignment of parallel processing craftiness even if morality cleverness is
priority well thoughtfulness about legitimacy legislation authenticity":{
vo = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.pow(2, -ai + ax * (vo - 2.0000)/(1 +
16 * vx * ai * (vo - 2.0000))));
vx = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.log2(ai + vx * vo/(1 + 16 * 0.01 *
ai * (vo + vx))));
case "imagination mythology prediction prophecy prediction
divination guesswork conjecture soothsaying dynamics around argumentation
philosophy agreement conviction proofs criteria on self absorption self autonomy
rigidness property of selfishness ownership":{
vo = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.pow(2, -ai + ax * (vo - 2.0999)/(1 +
16 * vx * ai * (vo - 2.0999))));
vx = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.log2(ai + vx * vo/(1 + 16 * 0.01 *
ai * (vo + vx))));
case "selfishnes property well thoughtfulness about
purposefulness processing on legitimacy legislation legitimacy authenticity
modality across process converting of consciousness awareness signs enlightenment
braveness optics":{
vo = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.pow(2, -ai + ax * (vo - 2.1099)/(1 + 16 *
vx * ai * (vo - 2.1099))));
vx = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.log2(ai + vx * vo/(1 + 16 * 0.01 *
ai * (vo + vx))));
case "chance opportunity modality mechanism on selfishness
property refinment purification processing towards conductivity induction
productivity of consciousness awareness on rigidness reliance reliability
legitimization legislation legitimacy authenticity of self confidence property
absoluteness personification":{
vo = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.pow(2, -ai + ax * (vo - 2.1999)/(1 +
16 * vx * ai * (vo - 2.1999))));
vx = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.log2(ai + vx * vo/(1 + 16 * 0.01 *
ai * (vo + vx))));
case "legitimacy authenticity legislation legitimization
permission affairs do remain imagination mythology dream prediciton hopefulness
argumentation modality chance on hybrid harmoniousness purity of finest human being
accommodation agreements":{
vo = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.pow(2, -ai + ax * (vo - 2.3099)/(1 +
16 * vx * ai * (vo - 2.3099))));
vx = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.log2(ai + vx * vo/(1 + 16 * 0.01 *
ai * (vo + vx))));
case "argumentation validity preciousness conviction
consciousness awareness modality chance on stochastic probability usefulness on
conceptual comprehensive cognition knowledge cognizance of godliness dictionary
lordliness on goodness greatness completeness massiveness":{
vo = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.pow(2, -ai + ax * (vo - 2.3999)/(1 +
16 * vx * ai * (vo - 2.3999))));
vx = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.log2(ai + vx * vo/(1 + 16 * 0.01 *
ai * (vo + vx))));
case "legitimization legislation legitimacy is ideology belief
witness argymentation philosophy across instrumentation manufacturing mechanism of
imagination mythology hopefulness dynamics towards happiness joyfulness celebrity":
vo = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.pow(2, -ai + ax * (vo - 2.5099)/(1
+ 16 * vx * ai * (vo - 2.5099))));
vx = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.log2(ai + vx * vo/(1 + 16 * 0.01 *
ai * (vo + vx))));
case "legitimization legislation authenticity legitimacy
authority permission of well thoughtfulness about argumentation philosophy
conviction agreements proofs on rigidness resitivity reign":{
vo = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.pow(2, -ai + ax * (vo - 2.5999)/(1 +
16 * vx * ai * (vo - 2.5999))));
vx = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.log2(ai + vx * vo/(1 + 16 * 0.01 *
ai * (vo + vx))));
case "authenticity legitimacy consciousness awareness
legitimization legislation authority on validity modality preciousness of
selfishness personification absoluteness reliance prophecy":{
vo = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.pow(2, -ai + ax * (vo - 2.7099)/(1 +
16 * vx * ai * (vo - 2.7099))));
vx = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.log2(ai + vx * vo/(1 + 16 * 0.01 *
ai * (vo + vx))));
case "revelation reference modalution of selfishness
personification can legitmize authenticity legislation authority on consciousness
awareness philosophy argumentation belief witness cognition conjecture logic
assumptions on happiness joyfulness celebrity chance coherence":{
vo = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.pow(2, -ai + ax * (vo - 2.7999)/(1
+ 16 * vx * ai * (vo - 2.7999))));
vx = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.log2(ai + vx * vo/(1 + 16 * 0.01 *
ai * (vo + vx))));
case "others":{
vo = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.pow(2, -ai + ax * (vo - 2.9999)/(1 +
16 * vx * ai * (vo - 2.9999))));
vx = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.log2(ai + vx * vo/(1 + 16 * 0.01 *
ai * (vo + vx))));

return vx;
<button type="button" event="onclick" onclick="DrxConvince()"> legitimacy
legislation legitimization authenticity </button>
<canvas type="canvas" id="DxConvX" event="onchange" width="600"
<script event="onchange">

function DrxConvince(){

var Dx = document.getElementById("DxConvX");

var ctx = Dx.getContext("2d");

var xi = Dx.width / 2;

var yi = Dx.height / 2;

var x = 0;

var y = yi;

var z = yi;

var n = 1;

var kx = parseFloat(document.getElementById("xEliz").value);

var ky = parseFloat(document.getElementById("yEliz").value);

var ki = parseFloat(document.getElementById("iEliz").value);

var kz = parseFloat(document.getElementById("zEliz").value);

var ax = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.log2(1 + ki * kz/(1 + 16 * 0.01 * kx

* (kz + ky * ki))));

ctx.fillStyle ="#ff0037";

ctx.strokeStyle ="#0037ff";

ctx.strokeWidth = "1px";


var bx = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.pow(2, -kx * kz + 1/(1 + 16 * ki *
0.0007 * (kz + n * ax))));

var ox = yi * Math.sin(2 * Math.PI * n * ax * (ki + kx));

var oy = yi * Math.sin(2 * Math.PI * n * bx * (kx + kz));
ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x, y, n * parseInt("1px"), yi - ox);
ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x, z, n * parseInt("1px"), yi - oy);
x = n * parseInt("1px");
y = yi - ox;

z = yi - oy;

ky = n;

ki = Math.pow(2, -ki);

kx = Math.pow(2, -kx);

kz = Math.pow(2, -kz);

ax = Math.pow(2, -ax);

}while(n++ < Dx.width);

ctx.fillText("0", xi, yi);


In fact, to pick a value, proposal choice range [0, 0.0001, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, ...,
1] would stand beyond idealism nobility of godliness dictionary lordliness on
goodness greatness completeness massiveness vastness immensity = cardinal
wealthiness divided by cardinal completeness; Even logic assumption would offer
chance opportunity on utility usefulness simulation of hybrid harmoniousness purity
= digital computing belief philosophy argumentation if something like log(1 + ratio
{Riemann(wideness = phase modulation(winter, spring, summer, autumn); greatness = x
> y or y < x)} divided by {wholeness + coefficient * integrity(frequency spectrum =
dependency(Laplacian))}) even while wholeness construction constructiveness is
materialization deal with subject debate discussion of {0. something inside = sweet
honey likeness kernel core corporation; 1. selfishness rigidness resistivity
personification (inspiration reality on differentiation kindness variety across
godliness dictionary lordliness of recognition mindfulness cleverness ingeniousness
ingenuity; 2. spaciousness universe world largeness vastness immensity} even though
wholeness construction ideology opinions ideas do reveal modality chance on
legitimization legislation authority authenticity permission of recognition
mindfulness cleverness of running recover of purposeful range [0. void = study of
appearances on event occurrence happening; 1. completeness = sensation celebrity
happiness on goodness greatness massiveness]. To legitimize something involvement
of well thoughtfulness about adjustable arrangement belief philosophy on inertness
mechanism sociolinguistics philology of dependency accordance can agree with
rendition mechanism rendering of mimetic learning approach. Even more
legitimization legitimacy legislation authority authenticity on something
combination composite of something consciousness awareness within magnification
dictionary on goodness greatness completeness massiveness vastness largeness, can
somehow include interest in selectivity choice of chance opportunity on something
uniformity uniqueness softness routines programs to celebrate happiness joyfulness
while legitimization legislation authority authenticity legitimacy permission would
allow selfishness rigidness personification process to consider existence reality
concreteness on well thoughtfulness about uniformity uniqueness modality chance
integrity of differentiation diversity kindness variety. Even politics Vatican
prediction prophecy would stand beyond mimetic learning approach = matrix reload
{0. Economy rationality; 1. Industry instrumentation; 2. Agriculture cultivation;
3. Scientology belief; 4. Research cognition; 5. Employment magnification; 5.
Tourism mobility; 6. Youth rigidness reliability; 7. Environment universe world; 8.
Wholeness construction; 9. Healthiness; 10. Helpfulness guidance accordance; 11.
Finance property; 12. Commerce selfishness ; 13. Immigration charges confrontation;
14. Imagination mythology discovery; 15. Purposefulness mindfulness cleverness; 16.
Argumentation soulfulness philosophy; etc ...} even more legitimization legislation
authority authenticity legitimacy on something innocence neutrality attentiveness
hopefulness is universal soundness philology sociolinguistics morphology across
well thoughtfulness about process converting of consciousness awareness usefulness.
Even German philosophy (Kant: the light even more purposeful ideology proposition
on chance opportunity about accommodation magnification enlightenment hopefulness
magnetism attractiveness). Even more goodness greatness completeness massiveness
can somehow logic assumption on spaciousness universe world largeness vastness
wideness across multiple chances on happiness joyfulness celebrity business deal
with. The originality of {0. imagination myth mythology = leaf like portray images
portraits on Volcano dynamics allow to look around Scientology research of Prophet
Abraham as it was chance opportunity to rescue divination prediction prophecy
guesswork conjecture cognition assumption on proportionality processing (log(1 +
ratio of Riemann(wideness; greatness) divided by {wholeness + coefficient *
integrity(Laplacian)})) legitimization legislation permission authority
authenticity on something mimetic learning across inspiration insight sight
serviceability arrangement witness belief philosophy helpfulness harmoniousness
generousness; 1. selfishness rigidness reliability including psychology psyche
mindfulness cleverness ingenuity on recognition lordliness of dictionary godliness
rendition rendering of greatness nobility; 2. wideness largeness assignment of
judgment of situation even if well thoughtfulness about learning example on
linguistics compilation of "birds across trees when leaves are chance choices of
season modes";} even though uniformity uniqueness language of guidance mobility
soulfulness energy is rendition rendering of logic assumption on purposefulness
linguistics philology sociolinguistics can guarantee hybrid hypothesis supposition
speculation prophecy prediction on validity modality uniformity knowledge cogency.
Selfishness rigidness reliability robustness can maintain godliness dictionary
lordliness across existence materialization of process of consciousness awareness
converting to be enlightenment braveness brightness on something hopefulness
imagination dream around godliness dictionary lordliness on soulfulness energy
trips vividness vitality issues do remain revelation rendering rendition recovery
of judgment of situations. Even more legitimization legislation authority
authenticity legitimacy on process converting of consciousness awareness
recognition mindfulness cleverness ingeniousness generousness modality chance on
comprehensive characteristics of hybrid harmoniousness purity homogeneity on self
confidence self absorption argumentation philosophy would request calls to
helpfulness of imagination mythology prediction even if divination prophecy
prediction guesswork conjecture is warranty guarantee of helpfulness uniformity on
comprehensive consigns of innocence neutrality attentiveness. Scientology research
study does still maintain sensitivity pressure on uniformity uniqueness philology
sociolinguistics science does reveal reality recovery of existence materialization
concreteness of selfishness rigidness reliance reliability does somehow legitimize
well personification absoluteness to think about progressiveness consideration
settlement originality {0. childhood = innocence neutrality attentiveness
intuition; 1. motherhood kindness diversity differentiation variety; 2. wisdom
cognition universe wideness largeness} even if softness purposefulness procedures
do reveal request call necessity helpfulness to comprehension mechanism of process
converting of consciousness awareness. Legitimization legislation authority
legitimacy authenticity is conceptual driveway soulfulness mobility into
imagination myth discovery mythology of wideness universe world cultivation
largeness vastness immensity compliance characteristics of physics actualization
activism of argumentation philosophy. Even Greek mythology was robust enough to
discover methodology on well thoughtfulness about university philology linguistics
of consciousness awareness among choice selectivity of comprehensive mechanism of
existence reality concreteness. Finest human being is then godliness dictionary
lordliness rendition means on symbolism of happiness joyfulness celebrity even if
German philosophy does still maintain pressure sensitivity on conceptual consigns
of hopefulness enlightenment through new readability informativeness of Bible
(Jesus soulfulness in heaven looking for more wisdom knowledge culture),
differentiation variety kindness diversity is then translation mechanism of
consciousness awareness on intelligence cleverness mindfulness can authorize
selfishness personification legitimization legislation authenticity on instrumental
well thoughtfulness about divisibility processing around consideration of parallel
processing; Legitimization legislation would in nowadays think about conceptual
consigns of vitality issues can reveal reference models around environmental
respect of soulfulness energy mobility continuity conductivity induction
magnification whereby technological instrumentation would define description
modality chance probability on wealthiness preciousness worthiness treasure of
finest human being refinement purification.
Appendix: legitimization legislation authenticity authority universe world of
imagination hopefulness myth mythology prediction prophecy divination guesswork
pretense conjecture conjuncture cognition knowledge culture.
<fieldset> adaption generousness modality chance purposefulness ideology on
logic assumption of legitimacy legitimization legislation authority authenticity::
<form type="form" id="Bliz" name="Bliz" action="#BlizMyth()"
list="BlizChoice" event="oninput" onsubmit="return false" oninput="zBliz.value =
BlizMyth()" method="input()">
<select type="select" id="BlizChoice" name="BlizChoice" list="BlizChoice"
event="onselect" role="switch" size="1" method="select()">

<option value="selfishness rigidness personification by process

converting of consciousness awareness conspicuousness crater mobility shininess
optics on legitimization legislation authority fly around godliness dictionary
lordliness commonness means rendition of uniformity wholeness construction
discovery mechanism divination prophecy prediction guesswork conjecture">
selfishness rigidness personification by process converting of consciousness
awareness conspicuousness crater mobility shininess optics on legitimization
legislation authority fly around godliness dictionary lordliness commonness means
rendition of uniformity wholeness construction discovery mechanism divination
prophecy prediction guesswork conjecture </option>

<option value="selfishness rigidness reliability reliance modality

chance conspicuousness coherence consistency knowledge guidance crater
conspicuousness cognition conjuncture mechanism of hybrid harmoniousness purity
homogeneity dissolution description details of godliness dictionary lordliness of
ownership property soulfulness energy"> selfishness rigidness reliability reliance
modality chance conspicuousness coherence consistency knowledge guidance crater
conspicuousness cognition conjuncture mechanism of hybrid harmoniousness purity
homogeneity dissolution description details of godliness dictionary lordliness of
ownership property soulfulness energy </option>

<option value="purposefulness ideology opinions ideas on something self

confidence self absorption adaptation adopting of tenability reasonableness
rationality soulfulness energy dream of reachable attainability of levelheaded
hybrid harmoniousness purity"> purposefulness ideology opinions ideas on something
self confidence self absorption adaptation adopting of tenability reasonableness
rationality soulfulness energy dream of reachable attainability of levelheaded
hybrid harmoniousness purity </option>

<option value="selfishness rigidness personification is proposal

mechanism on well thoughtfulness argumentation philosophy modality chance on
reliance reliability resistivity coherence consistency cognition knowledge culture
wideness largeness vastness broadness immensity"> selfishness rigidness
personification is proposal mechanism on well thoughtfulness argumentation
philosophy modality chance on reliance reliability resistivity coherence
consistency cognition knowledge culture wideness largeness vastness broadness
immensity </option>

<option value="orthogonality distance geometry uniformity uniqueness

language guidance mechanism of process converting of consciousness awareness
argumentation philosophy witness informativeness information data belief
readability recovery of selfishness rigidness legitimization legitimacy">
orthogonality distance geometry uniformity uniqueness language guidance mechanism
of process converting of consciousness awareness argumentation philosophy witness
informativeness information data belief readability recovery of selfishness
rigidness legitimization legitimacy </option>

<option value="hybrid harmoniousness purity homogeneity description

softness sociolinguistics philology of selfishness rigidness absoluteness
legitimization legitimacy legislation authority authenticity hopefulness dream of
imagination mythology soulfulness energy discovery"> hybrid harmoniousness purity
homogeneity description softness sociolinguistics philology of selfishness
rigidness absoluteness legitimization legitimacy legislation authority authenticity
hopefulness dream of imagination mythology soulfulness energy discovery </option>
<option value="cognition conjuncture wisdom cognizance wideness
largeness cultivation description details on discovery modality chance by well
thoughtfulness about probability inertness choice selectivity of godliness
dictionary lordliness commonness means rendition of imagination myth mythology
dream of divination prophecy prediction"> cognition conjuncture wisdom cognizance
wideness largeness cultivation description details on discovery modality chance by
well thoughtfulness about probability inertness choice selectivity of godliness
dictionary lordliness commonness means rendition of imagination myth mythology
dream of divination prophecy prediction </option>

<option value="uniformity uniqueness modality coherence consistency

consciousness awareness by translation images of purposefulness modality chance on
selfishness personification absoluteness is dreaming of robustness guidance
mechanism energy disposition can legitimize legislation legitimacy authority
authenticity towards chance opportunity of happiness joyfulness celebrity">
uniformity uniqueness modality coherence consistency consciousness awareness by
translation images of purposefulness modality chance on selfishness personification
absoluteness is dreaming of robustness guidance mechanism energy disposition can
legitimize legislation legitimacy authority authenticity towards chance opportunity
of happiness joyfulness celebrity </option>

<option value="imagination mythology guidance discovery mechanism

across pressure sensitivity on self confidence kinematics inertness can dream of
selectivity chance of kindness variety differentiation conspicuousness consistency
coherence consciousness awareness attentiveness heed regard"> imagination mythology
guidance discovery mechanism across pressure sensitivity on self confidence
kinematics inertness can dream of selectivity chance of kindness variety
differentiation conspicuousness consistency coherence consciousness awareness
attentiveness heed regard </option>

<option value="wealthiness worthiness preciousness certainty mechanism

inertness conspicuousness sociolinguistics philology pressure on self confidence
coherence consistency modality chance probability"> wealthiness worthiness
preciousness certainty mechanism inertness conspicuousness sociolinguistics
philology pressure on self confidence coherence consistency modality chance
probability </option>

<option value="others"> others </option>

<input id="xBliz" name="xBliz" event="oninput" type="range" min="0.0000"
max="1.0000" step="0.0001" method="input()">
<input id="yBliz" name="yBliz" event="oninput" type="number"
<input id="iBliz" name="iBliz" event="oninput" type="range" min="0.0000"
max="1.0000" step="0.0001" method="input()">
<output type="output" id="zBliz" name="zBliz" event="onchange"
form="Bliz" for="BlizChoice xBliz yBliz BlizMyth()"></output>

<script event="onchange">

function BlizMyth() {

var chs = document.getElementById("BlizChoice").value;

var ax = parseFloat(document.getElementById("xBliz").value);

var ay = parseFloat(document.getElementById("yBliz").value);

var ai = parseFloat(document.getElementById("iBliz").value);

var vo = 32 / 11;

var vx = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.log2(ai + ax * vo/(1 + 16 * 0.01 * ai

* (vo + ay))));

switch( chs ){

case "selfishness rigidness personification by process converting of

consciousness awareness conspicuousness crater mobility shininess optics on
legitimization legislation authority fly around godliness dictionary lordliness
commonness means rendition of uniformity wholeness construction discovery mechanism
divination prophecy prediction guesswork conjecture":{
vo = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.pow(2, -ai + ax * (vo - 2.0000)/(1 +
16 * 0.01 * ai * (vo - 2.0000))));
vx = Math.pow(2, Math.log2(ai + vx * vo/(1 + 16 * 0.01 * ai * (vo
+ vx))));
case "selfishness rigidness reliability reliance modality chance
conspicuousness coherence consistency knowledge guidance crater conspicuousness
cognition conjuncture mechanism of hybrid harmoniousness purity homogeneity
dissolution description details of godliness dictionary lordliness of ownership
property soulfulness energy":{
vo = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.pow(2, -ai + ax * (vo - 2.0999)/(1 +
16 * 0.01 * ai * (vo - 2.0999))));
vx = Math.pow(2, Math.log2(ai + vx * vo/(1 + 16 * 0.01 * ai * (vo
+ vx))));
case "purposefulness ideology opinions ideas on something self
confidence self absorption adaptation adopting of tenability reasonableness
rationality soulfulness energy dream of reachable attainability of levelheaded
hybrid harmoniousness purity":{
vo = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.pow(2, -ai + ax * (vo - 2.1099)/(1 +
16 * 0.01 * ai * (vo - 2.1099))));
vx = Math.pow(2, Math.log2(ai + vx * vo/(1 + 16 * 0.01 * ai * (vo
+ vx))));
case "selfishness rigidness personification is proposal mechanism on
well thoughtfulness argumentation philosophy modality chance on reliance
reliability resistivity coherence consistency cognition knowledge culture wideness
largeness vastness broadness immensity":{
vo = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.pow(2, -ai + ax * (vo - 2.1999)/(1 +
16 * 0.01 * ai * (vo - 2.1999))));
vx = Math.pow(2, Math.log2(ai + vx * vo/(1 + 16 * 0.01 * ai * (vo
+ vx))));
case "orthogonality distance geometry uniformity uniqueness language
guidance mechanism of process converting of consciousness awareness argumentation
philosophy witness informativeness information data belief readability recovery of
selfishness rigidness legitimization legitimacy":{
vo = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.pow(2, -ai + ax * (vo - 2.3099)/(1 +
16 * 0.01 * ai * (vo - 2.3099))));
vx = Math.pow(2, Math.log2(ai + vx * vo/(1 + 16 * 0.01 * ai * (vo
+ vx))));
case "hybrid harmoniousness purity homogeneity description softness
sociolinguistics philology of selfishness rigidness absoluteness legitimization
legitimacy legislation authority authenticity hopefulness dream of imagination
mythology soulfulness energy discovery":{
vo = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.pow(2, -ai + ax * (vo - 2.3999)/(1 +
16 * 0.01 * ai * (vo - 2.3999))));
vx = Math.pow(2, Math.log2(ai + vx * vo/(1 + 16 * 0.01 * ai * (vo
+ vx))));
case "cognition conjuncture wisdom cognizance wideness largeness
cultivation description details on discovery modality chance by well thoughtfulness
about probability inertness choice selectivity of godliness dictionary lordliness
commonness means rendition of imagination myth mythology dream of divination
prophecy prediction":{
vo = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.pow(2, -ai + ax * (vo - 2.5099)/(1 +
16 * 0.01 * ai * (vo - 2.5099))));
vx = Math.pow(2, Math.log2(ai + vx * vo/(1 + 16 * 0.01 * ai * (vo
+ vx))));
case "uniformity uniqueness modality coherence consistency
consciousness awareness by translation images of purposefulness modality chance on
selfishness personification absoluteness is dreaming of robustness guidance
mechanism energy disposition can legitimize legislation legitimacy authority
authenticity towards chance opportunity of happiness joyfulness celebrity":{
vo = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.pow(2, -ai + ax * (vo - 2.5999)/(1 +
16 * 0.01 * ai * (vo - 2.5999))));
vx = Math.pow(2, Math.log2(ai + vx * vo/(1 + 16 * 0.01 * ai * (vo
+ vx))));
case "imagination mythology guidance discovery mechanism across
pressure sensitivity on self confidence kinematics inertness can dream of
selectivity chance of kindness variety differentiation conspicuousness consistency
coherence consciousness awareness attentiveness heed regard":{
vo = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.pow(2, -ai + ax * (vo - 2.7099)/(1 +
16 * 0.01 * ai * (vo - 2.7099))));
vx = Math.pow(2, Math.log2(ai + vx * vo/(1 + 16 * 0.01 * ai * (vo
+ vx))));
case "wealthiness worthiness preciousness certainty mechanism
inertness conspicuousness sociolinguistics philology pressure on self confidence
coherence consistency modality chance probability":{
vo = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.pow(2, -ai + ax * (vo - 2.7999)/(1 +
16 * 0.01 * ai * (vo - 2.7999))));
vx = Math.pow(2, Math.log2(ai + vx * vo/(1 + 16 * 0.01 * ai * (vo
+ vx))));
case "others":{
vo = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.pow(2, -ai + ax * (vo - 2.9999)/(1 +
16 * 0.01 * ai * (vo - 2.9999))));
vx = Math.pow(2, Math.log2(ai + vx * vo/(1 + 16 * 0.01 * ai * (vo
+ vx))));

return vx;
<button type="button" event="onclick" onclick="DrxDriven()"> Crater
conspicuousness translation modality chance optics braveness brightness filament
fiber trajectory guidance driveway path </button>
<canvas type="canvas" id="DrxDriveX" event="onchange" width="600"
<script event="onchange">

function DrxDriven(){

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var z = yi;

var n = 1;
var kx = parseFloat(document.getElementById("xBliz").value);

var ky = parseFloat(document.getElementById("yBliz").value);

var ki = parseFloat(document.getElementById("iBliz").value);

var kz = parseFloat(document.getElementById("zBliz").value);

var ax = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.log2(kx + ki * kz/(1 + 16 * 0.01 * kx *

(kz + ky * ki))));

ctx.fillStyle ="#ff0037";

ctx.strokeStyle ="#0037ff";

ctx.strokeWidth = "1px";


var bx = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.pow(2, kz + kx/(1 + 16 * 0.01 * ki *
(kz + ky * ax))));

var ox = yi * Math.sin(2 * Math.PI * n * kz * (ax + ki));

var oy = yi * Math.sin(2 * Math.PI * n * kz * (bx + kx));

ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x, y, n * parseInt("1px"), yi - ox);

ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x, z, n * parseInt("1px"), yi - oy);

x = n * parseInt("1px");

y = yi - ox;

z = yi - oy;

ky = n;

ki = 1 + ki;

kx = 1 + kx;

kz = 1 + kz;

ax = Math.pow(2, -ax);

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ctx.fillText("0", xi, yi);


In fact, something legitimate is something authorized to have been accomplished
thread task jobs on handiness craftiness cleverness ingeniousness. The originality
orbit {0. imagination mythology prediction prophecy divination on hypothesis
supposition speculation universe world orthogonality distance geometry = Euclid
approach on magnitude amplification; 1. kindness diversity differentiation variety;
2. soulfulness energy disposition restoration of godliness dictionary lordliness
means rendition of commonness harmoniousness generousness on newness innovation}
end primary originality uniformity uniqueness. The legitimization authority
legislation legitimacy authenticity is universal sociolinguistics philology
linguistics morphology on something hopefulness imagination dream of hybrid
homogeneity universe world description of innocence neutrality even if judgment of
situations has to transmit informativeness signal edges token modality chance
probability on built in kernel of goodness massiveness completeness greatness. The
accomplishment tasks jobs of mimetic learning approach would impose attractiveness
request calls to uniformity universe on selfishness personification even if
morality cleverness can keep built in kernel soulfulness mobility vastness across
selfishness property resistivity reliance reliability. Legitimization dynamics on
something legitimate legislation authenticity can assure have power on modality
equivalence of linguistics philology across argumentation philosophy selectivity
choice of hopefulness imagination dream wish even by well thoughtfulness about
joyfulness happiness celebrity niceness smartness. Resulting in range[individualism
= egoism optics brightness by intentness promptness on godliness dictionary
lordliness about selfishness skepticism; 1. wholeness = constructiveness mechanism
around modality probability chance on coherence consistency of requirement
necessity]. The legitimization legitimacy legislation authenticity is maintaining
guidance purposefulness proposition ideas opinions on linguistics of
proportionality processing even goodness greatness completeness massiveness does
still subject wakefulness personification confidence selfishness.
Appendix: legitimization legitimacy legislation authenticity is modality reign on
guidance recognition cognition knowledge culture of proposal uniformity linguistics
of running range[individualism; wholeness].

<fieldset> legitimacy legitimization authority legislation authenticity virtue

quality hopefulness faithfulness dignity lordliness::
<form type="form" id="Aliz" name="Aliz" action="#AlizMyth()"
list="AlizChoice" event="oninput" onsubmit="return false" oninput="zAliz.value =
AlizMyth()" method="input()">
<select type="select" id="AlizChoice" name="AlizChoice" list="LizChoice"
event="onselect" role="switch" size="1" method="select()">

<option value="legitimization authority legislation legitimacy

consciousness awareness argumentation philosophy on personification purity
harmoniousness uniformity generousness neutrality linguistics philology
sociolinguistics modality chance coherence"> legitimization authority legislation
legitimacy consciousness awareness argumentation philosophy on personification
purity harmoniousness uniformity generousness neutrality linguistics philology
sociolinguistics modality chance coherence </option>
<option value="legitimization authority legislation authenticity
argumentation agreements hopefulness wakefulness dynamics on godliness dictionary
lordliness across assignment modality chance probability selectivity choice of
translation Laplacian mechanism on consciousness awareness"> legitimization
authority legislation authenticity argumentation agreements hopefulness wakefulness
dynamics on godliness dictionary lordliness across assignment modality chance
probability selectivity choice of translation Laplacian mechanism on consciousness
awareness </option>

<option value="differentiation kindness variety across legitimization

legislation modality authority of self absorption activism legislation
actualization of recognition mindfulness by well thoughtfulness of argumentation
philosophy conviction agreements proofs"> differentiation kindness variety across
legitimization legislation modality authority of self absorption activism
legislation actualization of recognition mindfulness by well thoughtfulness of
argumentation philosophy conviction agreements proofs </option>

<option value="legitimization legislation logic assumption

argumentation modality chance consistency by soulfulness energy disposition
mechanism on sociolinguistics of proportionality processing"> legitimization
legislation logic assumption argumentation modality chance consistency by
soulfulness energy disposition mechanism on sociolinguistics of proportionality
processing </option>
<option value="legitimization process legislation once instrumentation
manufacturing of lawfulness accordance legitimacy authenticity argumentation
philosophy explanation dictionary encyclopedia of willingness hopefulness
faithfulness imagination mythology prediction divination prophecy"> legitimization
process legislation once instrumentation manufacturing of lawfulness accordance
legitimacy authenticity argumentation philosophy explanation dictionary
encyclopedia of willingness hopefulness faithfulness imagination mythology
prediction divination prophecy </option>

<option value="selfishness personification reliance resistivity

robustness modality chance coherence by soulfulness energy divination prophecy
promptness mechanism of hybrid harmoniousness generousness guidance accordance
legitimization authority legislation legitimacy"> selfishness personification
reliance resistivity robustness modality chance coherence by soulfulness energy
divination prophecy promptness mechanism of hybrid harmoniousness generousness
guidance accordance legitimization authority legislation legitimacy </option>

<option value="legitimization authority across argumentation philosophy

hypothesis suppositions speculation schematics driveway path across concreteness
materialization of well thoughtfulness about legislation authenticity consciousness
awareness modality chance"> legitimization authority across argumentation
philosophy hypothesis suppositions speculation schematics driveway path across
concreteness materialization of well thoughtfulness about legislation authenticity
consciousness awareness modality chance </option>

<option value="legitimacy legislation authority commonness dictionary

godliness if existence reality concreteness of purposefulness process converting of
consciousness awareness on modality chance of legitimization authenticity">
legitimacy legislation authority commonness dictionary godliness if existence
reality concreteness of purposefulness process converting of consciousness
awareness on modality chance of legitimization authenticity" </option>

<option value="legitimization legislation modality mechanism across

selectivity choice validity soulfulness energy willingness on legitimacy
authenticity argumentation philosophy wakefulness validity"> legitimization
legislation modality mechanism across selectivity choice validity soulfulness
energy willingness on legitimacy authenticity argumentation philosophy wakefulness
validity </option>
<option value="legitimization authority legislation legitimacy
authenticity argumentation philosophy on kindness variety differentiation modality
chance of consciousness awareness aim object by hypothesis supposition speculation
world on divination prediction prophecy"> legitimization authority legislation
legitimacy authenticity argumentation philosophy on kindness variety
differentiation modality chance of consciousness awareness aim object by hypothesis
supposition speculation world on divination prediction prophecy </option>

<option value="others"> others </option>

<input id="xAliz" name="xAliz" event="oninput" type="range" min="0.0000"
max="1.0000" step="0.0001" method="input()">
<input id="yAliz" name="yAliz" event="oninput" type="number"
<input id="iAliz" name="iAliz" event="oninput" type="range" min="0.0000"
max="1.0000" step="0.0001" method="input()">
<output type="output" id="zAliz" name="zAliz" event="onchange"
form="Aliz" for="AlizChoice xAliz yAliz AlizMyth()"></output>
<script event="onchange">

function AlizMyth(){

var chs = document.getElementById("AlizChoice").value;

var ax = parseFloat(document.getElementById("xAliz").value);

var ay = parseFloat(document.getElementById("yAliz").value);

var ai = parseFloat(document.getElementById("iAliz").value);

var vo = 32 / 11;

var vx = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.log2(ai + ax * vo/(1 + 16 * 0.01 * ai

* (vo + ay))));

switch( chs ){

case "legitimization authority legislation legitimacy consciousness

awareness argumentation philosophy on personification purity harmoniousness
uniformity generousness neutrality linguistics philology sociolinguistics modality
chance coherence":{
vo = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.pow(2, ax * (vo - 2.0000)/(1 + 16 *
0.1 * ai * (vo - 2.0000))));
vx = Math.pow(2, -ai + Math.log2(1 + vx * vo/(1 + 16 * ax * ai *
(vo + vx))));
case "legitimization authority legislation authenticity argumentation
agreements hopefulness wakefulness dynamics on godliness dictionary lordliness
across assignment modality chance probability selectivity choice of translation
Laplacian mechanism on consciousness awareness":{
vo = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.pow(2, ax * (vo - 2.0999)/(1 + 16 *
0.1 * ai * (vo - 2.0999))));
vx = Math.pow(2, -ai + Math.log2(1 + vx * vo/(1 + 16 * ax * ai *
(vo + vx))));
case "differentiation kindness variety across legitimization
legislation modality authority of self absorption activism legislation
actualization of recognition mindfulness by well thoughtfulness of argumentation
philosophy conviction agreements proofs":{
vo = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.pow(2, ax * (vo - 2.1099)/(1 + 16 *
0.1 * ai * (vo - 2.1099))));
vx = Math.pow(2, -ai + Math.log2(1 + vx * vo/(1 + 16 * ax * ai *
(vo + vx))));
case "legitimization legislation logic assumption argumentation
modality chance consistency by soulfulness energy disposition mechanism on
sociolinguistics of proportionality processing":{
vo = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.pow(2, ax * (vo - 2.1999)/(1 + 16 *
0.1 * ai * (vo - 2.1999))));
vx = Math.pow(2, -ai + Math.log2(1 + vx * vo/(1 + 16 * ax * ai *
(vo + vx))));
case "legitimization process legislation once instrumentation
manufacturing of lawfulness accordance legitimacy authenticity argumentation
philosophy explanation dictionary encyclopedia of willingness hopefulness
faithfulness imagination mythology prediction divination prophecy":{
vo = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.pow(2, ax * (vo - 2.3099)/(1 + 16 *
0.1 * ai * (vo - 2.3099))));
vx = Math.pow(2, -ai + Math.log2(1 + vx * vo/(1 + 16 * ax * ai *
(vo + vx))));
case "selfishness personification reliance resistivity robustness
modality chance coherence by soulfulness energy divination prophecy promptness
mechanism of hybrid harmoniousness generousness guidance accordance legitimization
authority legislation legitimacy":{
vo = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.pow(2, ax * (vo - 2.3999)/(1 + 16 *
0.1 * ai * (vo - 2.3999))));
vx = Math.pow(2, -ai + Math.log2(1 + vx * vo/(1 + 16 * ax * ai *
(vo + vx))));
case "legitimization authority across argumentation philosophy
hypothesis suppositions speculation schematics driveway path across concreteness
materialization of well thoughtfulness about legislation authenticity consciousness
awareness modality chance":{
vo = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.pow(2, ax * (vo - 2.5099)/(1 + 16 *
0.1 * ai * (vo - 2.5099))));
vx = Math.pow(2, -ai + Math.log2(1 + vx * vo/(1 + 16 * ax * ai *
(vo + vx))));
case "legitimacy legislation authority commonness dictionary
godliness if existence reality concreteness of purposefulness process converting of
consciousness awareness on modality chance of legitimization authenticity":{
vo = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.pow(2, ax * (vo - 2.5999)/(1 + 16 *
0.1 * ai * (vo - 2.5999))));
vx = Math.pow(2, -ai + Math.log2(1 + vx * vo/(1 + 16 * ax * ai *
(vo + vx))));
case "legitimization legislation modality mechanism across
selectivity choice validity soulfulness energy willingness on legitimacy
authenticity argumentation philosophy wakefulness validity":{
vo = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.pow(2, ax * (vo - 2.7099)/(1 + 16 *
0.1 * ai * (vo - 2.7099))));
vx = Math.pow(2, -ai + Math.log2(1 + vx * vo/(1 + 16 * ax * ai *
(vo + vx))));
case "legitimization authority legislation legitimacy authenticity
argumentation philosophy on kindness variety differentiation modality chance of
consciousness awareness aim object by hypothesis supposition speculation world on
divination prediction prophecy":{
vo = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.pow(2, ax * (vo - 2.7999)/(1 + 16 *
0.1 * ai * (vo - 2.7999))));
vx = Math.pow(2, -ai + Math.log2(1 + vx * vo/(1 + 16 * ax * ai *
(vo + vx))));
case "others":{
vo = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.pow(2, -1 + ax * (vo - 2.9999)/(1 + 16
* 0.01 * ai * (vo - 2.9999))));
vx = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.log2(1 + vx * vo/(1 + 16 * ax * ai *
(vo + vx))));

return vx;
<button type="button" event="onclick" onclick="DrxMythX()"> legitimization
authority legislation legitimacy authenticity hopefulness faithfulness dignity
lordliness dictionary godliness </button>
<canvas type="canvas" id="DxMyth" event="onchange" width="600"
<script event="onchange">

function DrxMythX(){

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var ctx = Dx.getContext("2d");

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var yi = Dx.height / 2;

var x = 0;

var y = yi;

var z = yi;

var n = 1;

var kx = parseFloat(document.getElementById("xAliz").value);

var ky = parseFloat(document.getElementById("yAliz").value);

var ki = parseFloat(document.getElementById("iAliz").value);

var kz = parseFloat(document.getElementById("zAliz").value);
var ax = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.log2(ki + kx * kz/(1 + 16 * 0.01 * ki *
(kz + ky))));

ctx.fillStyle ="#ff0037";

ctx.strokeStyle ="#0037ff";

ctx.strokeWidth = "1px";


var bx = -1 + Math.pow(2, Math.pow(2, kz + kx * ki/(1 + 16 * 0.01 *
ax * (kz + ky))));

var ox = yi * Math.sin(2 * Math.PI * n * (ax + ki));

var oy = yi * Math.sin(2 * Math.PI * n * (bx + kx));

ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x, y, n * parseInt("1px"), yi - ox);

ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x, z, n * parseInt("1px"), yi - oy);

x = n * parseInt("1px");

y = yi - ox;

z = yi - oy;

ky = n;

ki = -1 + Math.pow(2, -kx);

kx = -1 + Math.pow(2, -ki);

kz = -1 + Math.pow(2, -kz + 1/(1 + 16 * ax * bx * (ki + kx)));

ax = Math.pow(2, -ax);

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