Election Review - DL

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Robert B. Sklaroff, M.D., F.A.C.P.

Medical Oncology/Hematology  Telephone: (215) 333-4900

Smylie Times Building - Suite #500-C  Facsimile: (215) 333-2023
8001 Roosevelt Boulevard  rsklaroff@gmail.com
Philadelphia, PA 19152-3041 June 12, 2022 – Loving Day

To: Distribution [Politicians, Media, Potentially-Interested Persons]

Re: PA “Forensic Audit” of 2020 POTUS Election [PART DL] – Arizona is a Hotbed

These memos are composed with intent to aggregate lotsa info into maximal readability
and, thus, the backlog has been alleviated by allowing for key ideas to incubate [and to
be juggled] so that lucidity could emerge. In that regard, for example, anticipating receipt
of this week’s compilation by Chris Wright allowed for referral to his updated website
[Early Warnings on Liberato.US] absent the need to “annotate his annotation”; often,
monitoring what lefties are publishing enlightens the task-at-hand by dramatizing deceit.
In this regard, take note of the pieces he selected that illustrate/update prior themes:
Justice Department Looking at Trump Lawyers
The Guardian
[This effort to demonize these thinkers/doers is still diabolical]
Dems Warn of Lions, Tigers, and Bears in GOP Election Integrity Efforts
[When stressed, “neutral” sites show their biases]
Dems Take Aim at the Electoral College and Electoral Count Act, Urge More
Federal Funding of Elections
Washington Post
[Recall my analysis of the ECA showing it is unconstitutional because it
shudda been a Constitutional Amendment]
More on Cleta Mitchell’s ‘Partisan Interference with Elections’
Brennan Center
[Everything she advocates serves to empower electoral integrity]
Dems Object When GOP Candidate Starts Using Their Gas Card Trick
Daily Beast
[This ignores the Dems’ election-day promotions, for example]
Snapshot of Left-Wing ‘Free and Fair Elections’ Group
[This training mirrors what Patriots do; y’all can to ignore or to infiltrate]

I attended, along with ~200 others, a major speech by Mark Meckler regarding his efforts
to convene a Constitutional Convention of the States; as much as I agreed with his goals,
he was unable to reply to my doubly-revised query to avoid a runaway event by specifying
what was desired [deferring ill-defined balanced-budget] and inserting a proviso [seeking
what is desired [requiring 38 states] or, in the alternative, calling for the even [requiring
34 states]. Almost everyone stayed from 5:30 to 9:30. Thus, I’m “+/-“ as to this effort.
Arizona Governor Doug Ducey vetoed the House Bill 2617 [Election Integrity bill] that
would make Elections Transparent, Trackable & Public; this provoked a rebuke because
it dealt with the removal of voters from each county’s voter rolls, and it focused on non-
U.S. citizens and non-Arizona residents. It Would Require Counties To Cancel Illegal Voter
Registrations; it would have required jury and DMV officials to report the names of
persons who should not be registered. It also detailed what election recorders (election
clerks) were to do when they believe a person is illegally registered.

I watched the True the Vote Hearing live, during which True the Vote DESTROYED Hack
Journalists Like Sandra Smith Who Lied to Their Audience About Accuracy of Geospatial
Tracking; her FNC interviews have reflected bias against election integrity initiatives. Also,
the AP Referred to 'True the Vote' Election Integrity Experts As 'Conspiracy Theorists'
While Reporting on AZ Senate Hearing.

Meanwhile, Trump-Endorsed Mark Finchem And Kari Lake File Motion To Ban The Use Of
“Black Box Electronic Voting Machines” In Midterm Election & Future Elections. Their suit
also entails Ending Participation In the Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC).

Also, go-slow AZ Attorney General Mark Brnovich held a Press Conference In Yuma
County Before a well-known ballot harvester [Yuma County Woman Guillermina
Fuentes], pleaded guilty, for Illegally Collecting Ballots in 2020 via a Sophisticated Ballot
Harvesting/Trafficking Operation. It’s unclear whether she’ll be nudged to talk, noting
that Nonprofit Director Tony Reyes Has Reportedly Left The Country.

This is why Trump Endorsed Blake Masters for U.S. Senate [instead of Brnovich, who
keeps getting softball interviews on VNC], noting that BLAKE MASTERS claimed GOOGLE
RIGGED THE 2020 ELECTION. Ongoing efforts to unearth Truth in Maricopa County are
hampered when a RINO Judge shot down a GOP bid to curtail mail-in voting.

Finally, regarding electoral politics, Kari Lake Is the ONLY Gubernatorial Candidate Who
Agrees To Debate – “It Speaks Volumes For Just How Bad Their Records Are… What a
Shame”; here’s how AZ GOP Chair Dr. Kelli Ward summarizes the environment: “Some
Republicans Say Elections are Free and Fair – They Are Liars, They Are Cheaters and They
want to Steal Another Election.”

I attended, with ~200 others, a pro-Zionist CUFI event that was enlightening/enlivening
on many levels; it recalled prior celebrations that seemingly were more enthusiastic than
anything generated by Jews. The Keynote Speaker was a Pakistani born in Nottingham,
Kasim Hafez, CUFI’s Middle East Analyst; he traced his personal path from almost joining
Jihadists to recognizing the beauty of Israel. He emphasized that racism is more rampant
in the U.K. than it is on this side of the pond, perhaps due to chronic European influence.
Lotsa people lingered after the presentation ended, illustrating an enthusiastic reception.

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